Перевод: с английского на язык хинди

с языка хинди на английский


  • 1 ad lib

    1. बिना\ad libतैयारी\ad libके
    He is famous for singing ad lib.
    1. बिना\ad libतैयारी\ad libके\ad libबोलना[अभिनय\ad libकरना]
    She had no time to prepare but she beautifully ad libbed her lines.

    English-Hindi dictionary > ad lib

  • 2 contoured

    1. निर्धारित\contouredकी\contouredहुई\contouredरूपरेखा
    The neatly contoured lines of her new house shows its clear structure.

    English-Hindi dictionary > contoured

  • 3 converge

    1. एक\convergeबिंदु\convergeकी\convergeओर\convergeजाना
    The lines converge at this point.
    The crowd converged on the movie star.
    Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power.

    English-Hindi dictionary > converge

  • 4 correlate

    1. परस्पर\correlateसम्बन्ध\correlateहोना
    This line is correlating with other two parallel lines.

    English-Hindi dictionary > correlate

  • 5 corresponding

    1. जो\correspondingसमतुल्य\correspondingहो
    Draw two corresponding lines.

    English-Hindi dictionary > corresponding

  • 6 cross

    1. आड़ा/तिरछा
    2. चिड़चिड़ा/हठी
    3. प्रतिकूल
    He gave her a cross look.
    What are you so cross about?
    Strong cross winds make it impossible for boats to leave harbour.
    1. गुणा\crossया\crossधन\crossका\crossनिशान
    The crop regions are marked on the map with a cross\{+,x\}.
    2. कष्ट/संकट
    We all have our crosses to bear and to live with it.
    3. संकर
    A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.
    4. ईसाई\crossधर्म\crossका\crossचिह्न/क्रूश
    She wears a small golden cross on a chain round her neck.
    The cross on which Christ died.
    1. पार\crossउतारना/पार\crossकरना
    Look before you cross the road.
    The river is too deep,we can not cross over.
    2. कोई\crossबात\crossध्यान\crossमे\crossआना
    A new idea crossed her mind.
    3. किसी\crossगलत\crossबात\crossको\crossकाटना
    Two sentences have been crossed out from the paragraph.
    4. मार्ग\crossमें\crossमिलना
    We crossed each other on the way.
    The trains crossed
    5. रोकना/विरोध\crossकरना
    She was angry when her plans were crossed.
    6. एक\crossदूसरे\crossको\crossकाटना
    Let straight lines,AB and CD cross each other at O.
    7. क्रास\crossका\crossचिह्न\crossबनाना
    She crossed herself as she passed the church.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cross

  • 7 delete

    1. मिटा देना
    Please don't delete that document.
    2. हटा\deleteदेना
    The editor suggested to me to delete last two lines of my article.
    संपादक ने मुझे अपने लेख की अंतिम दो पंक्तियाँ हटा देने का सुझाव दिया.

    English-Hindi dictionary > delete

  • 8 disarray

    1. उलट\disarrayपलट
    With cyclonic storm hitting Orissa,the telephone lines went into disarray.

    English-Hindi dictionary > disarray

  • 9 diverge

    1. अलग\divergeअलग\divergeहोना[करना]
    The two paths diverge here
    The lines start to diverge here

    English-Hindi dictionary > diverge

  • 10 divergence

    1. विचलन/छितराव
    An angle is formed by the divergence of straight lines
    2. भेद/विरोध
    A growing divergence of opinion

    English-Hindi dictionary > divergence

  • 11 firing line

    1. लड़ाई\firing lineमें आगे\firing lineकी\firing lineपंत्ति
    The top brass of the army is never at the firing line, they control the war from behind the front lines.

    English-Hindi dictionary > firing line

  • 12 flux

    1. बदलाव
    The economy of this country is in a constant state of flux due to political instability.
    2. प्रवाह
    Lines of flux change their properties while pass through a magnetic field.

    English-Hindi dictionary > flux

  • 13 line

    1. लाइन/रेखा
    A horizontal line.
    2. सीमा-रेखा
    The crossed the line and so he was declared out.
    3. सुरक्षा-पंक्तियाँ
    In battle fields there are different lines of defence.
    4. पंक्ति
    Stand in a line. There are ten words in this line.
    5. वंशावली
    He comes from a family with a line of sportsmen.
    6. डोरी/तार
    Fishing line; telephone line.
    7. पटरी
    Line of train.
    8. प्रणाली
    We are not sure which line of action he is going to adopt in this matter.
    9. परिवहन कम्पनी
    A shipping line.
    10. व्यवसाय
    He has chosen business as his line.
    11. क्षेत्र
    He is joining a technical line.
    12. विशेष दूरसंचार सेवा
    He talked on the hotline.
    1. रेखा खींचना
    Draw a line joining A and B.
    2. अस्तर लगाना
    A woollen blanket gives more warmth when lined up with a cotton sheet.

    English-Hindi dictionary > line

  • 14 noticeably

    1. साफ\noticeablyसाफ
    Dark lines are noticeable seen under her eyes.

    English-Hindi dictionary > noticeably

  • 15 parallel

    1. समानांतर
    Draw parallel lines,.

    English-Hindi dictionary > parallel

  • 16 power line

    1. बिजली\power lineलाइन
    More and more power lines are laid to supply electricity to rural areas.

    English-Hindi dictionary > power line

  • 17 punch line

    1. फलश्रुति
    Shakespearean stories have very attractive punchl lines.

    English-Hindi dictionary > punch line

  • 18 stocky

    1. तगड़ा
    There is a stocky little man who lines in my neighborhood.

    English-Hindi dictionary > stocky

  • 19 unpalatable

    1. अस्वादिष्ट
    The food in the mess is unpalatable.
    2. अप्रिय
    I had to work on unpalatable lines drawn by the company.

    English-Hindi dictionary > unpalatable

См. также в других словарях:

  • Lines, Vines and Trying Times — Studio album by The Jonas Brothers Released …   Wikipedia

  • Lines Of Action — jeu de société La version Abacus {{{licence}}} …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lines of action — jeu de société La version Abacus {{{licence}}} …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lines of Action — jeu de société La version Abacus {{{licence}}} Autre nom LOA Auteur Claude Souci …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lines Bros — Ltd was a British toy manufacturer of the 20th Century, operating under the Tri ang brand name.Lines Bros Ltd, at its peak, was claimed to be the largest toy maker in the world.HistoryThe brothers George and Joseph Lines made wooden toys in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Lines of resolution — is a measure of horizontal resolution in a video system, as measured by the number of vertical black lines that can be resolved on a white background. The term was invented in the early days of television. Since analog transmission of video is… …   Wikipedia

  • Lines of Action — (LOA) ist ein Brettspiel in der Rubrik abstraktes Strategiespiel für zwei Spieler vom Spieleautor Claude Soucie. Die Veröffentlichung der Spielregeln stammt aus dem Jahr 1969, als Schachtelspiel wurde es erstmals 1988 herausgegeben. In der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lines of Code — (abgekürzt LOC oder auch LoC, im Englischen auch „SLOC Source Lines of Code“) ist ein Begriff aus der Informationstechnik beziehungsweise der Programmier Fachsprache. Er kommt aus dem Englischen und heißt übersetzt so viel wie „Anzahl an… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lines — Lines, Vines and Trying Times Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Lines, Vines and Trying Times Álbum de estudio de Jonas Brothers Publicación …   Wikipedia Español

  • lines — lines; lines·man; ma·lines; lar·bow·lines; star·bow·lines; …   English syllables

  • Lines, Vines, and Trying Times — Lines, Vines and Trying Times Lines, Vines and Trying Times Album par Jonas Brothers Sortie 12 juin 2009 (France) 15 juin 2009 (Europe) 16 juin 2009 (EU,Canada,Brésil …   Wikipédia en Français

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