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  • 1 umstürzen

    (trennb., -ge-)
    I v/t (hat)
    1. knock over
    2. POL. overthrow, topple
    II v/i (ist) Gegenstand: fall down ( oder over); Baum bei einem Sturm: be blown over; umgestürzt
    * * *
    to overthrow; to knock over; to upset; to overturn; to topple
    * * *
    ụm|stür|zen sep
    1. vt
    to overturn; Puddingform etc to turn upside down; (fig) Regierung, Staat, Verfassung to overthrow; Demokratie to destroy
    2. vi aux sein
    to fall; (Möbelstück, Wagen etc) to overturn
    * * *
    (to defeat and force out of power: The government has been overthrown.) overthrow
    * * *
    I. vi Hilfsverb: sein to fall
    II. vt Hilfsverb: haben
    etw \umstürzen to knock sth over, to overturn sth; (politisches Regime etc.) to overthrow, to topple
    * * *
    transitives Verb overturn; knock over; (fig.) topple, overthrow <political system, government>
    intransitives Verb overturn; <wall, building, chimney> fall down
    * * *
    umstürzen (trennb, -ge-)
    A. v/t (hat)
    1. knock over
    2. POL overthrow, topple
    B. v/i (ist) Gegenstand: fall down ( oder over); Baum bei einem Sturm: be blown over; umgestürzt
    * * *
    transitives Verb overturn; knock over; (fig.) topple, overthrow <political system, government>
    intransitives Verb overturn; <wall, building, chimney> fall down
    * * *
    (Politik) v.
    to overthrow v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: overthrew, overthrown)
    to topple v. adj.
    upset adj. v.
    to be blown over expr.
    to be knocked down expr.
    to fall down v.
    to fall over v.
    to knock over v.
    to overturn v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > umstürzen

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