1 reverse dumping
межд. эк. обратный демпинг (продажа товаров на внутреннем рынке по ценам ниже себестоимости либо ниже средней цены, устанавливаемой при экспорте того же товара; т. е. ситуация, когда товар экспортируется по более высокой цене, чем та, по которой он продается на внутреннем рынке)See:dumping 1) -
Обратный демпинг
Продажа товаров на рынках других стран по более высоким ценам, чем цены на эти товары на внутреннем рынке. Обратный демпинг возможен в том случае, если компания занимает монопольное положение на рынке. Ср.: Dumping.Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. > REVERSE DUMPING
3 dumping
сущ.1) межд. эк. демпинг (продажа товара на внешнем рынке по ценам ниже себестоимости или ниже средней цены данного товара на внутреннем рынке)COMBS:
See:cyclical dumping, devaluation dumping, diversionary dumping, downstream dumping, eco-dumping, environmental dumping, exchange dumping, hidden dumping, input dumping, persistent dumping, predatory dumping, reciprocal dumping, reverse dumping, seasonal dumping, secondary dumping, service dumping, social dumping, sporadic dumping, tax dumping, third-country dumping, wage dumping, dumping margin, dumping price, Antidumping Code, Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act, antidumping investigation, antidumping duty, dumped goods, dump 2. 2) antidumping2) фин. сброс (массовая продажа ценных бумаг, напр., после неблагоприятных известий)See:dump 2. 5)3)а) общ. сваливание, сбрасывание, вываливание; выгрузка, разгрузка наваломCOMBS:
б) эк. прир. дампинг, сброс, слив ( отходов)See:illegal dumping, dump 2. 1)
* * *
демпинг: 1) продажа товаров по бросовым ценам, в т. ч. ниже себестоимости, для сокращения запасов или борьбы с иностранными конкурентами; продажа товаров за границей по ценам ниже, чем внутри страны; в США для борьбы с ввозом товаров по демпинговым ценам в 1974 г. был принят специальный антидемпинговый закон; 2) предложение крупной партии ценных бумаг без необходимого учета фактора цены, спроса или последствий для ситуации на рынке.* * ** * *. осуществляемый для вытеснения конкурентов и захвата внешних рынков сбыта вывозтоваров из страны по более низким ценам, чем цены внутри страны или на мировом рынке (возможно искусственное понижение цены даже ниже себестоимости); может осуществляться за счет средств фирмы-экспортера или с помощью государства путем субсидирования экспортных поставок из средств государственного бюджета. . Словарь экономических терминов 1 .* * *продажа товаров на внешнем рынке по ценам более низким, чем на внутреннем рынке; зачастую цены устанавливаются ниже издержек производства (бросовые цены); используется монополиями как тактическое средство в борьбе за внешний рынок -
4 reverse
1. гл.1)а) общ. перевертывать, переворачивать; опрокидывать; ставить с ног на головуб) общ. поворачивать(ся) (в противоположном направлении), разворачивать(ся)See:2) общ. изменять, менять; изменять на прямо противоположное; исправлятьSee:3) юр. аннулировать, отменять, ликвидировать (особенно о решениях, юридических документах)See:2. прил.1) общ. противоположныйbut in 1997 we had the reverse situation — но в 1997 г. мы оказались в противоположной ситуации
2) общ. перевернутый; обратный; инвертированныйSee:3) воен. тыловой3. сущ.1) общ. противоположное, обратноеa life annuity is essentially the reverse of an insurance policy — по существу, пожизненный аннуитет является противоположностью страхового полиса
US law on this matter is virtually the reverse of British law — подход американского права к этому вопросу, по существу, противоположен подходу британского права
2)а) общ. оборотная сторона (чего-л., напр., листа)б) общ. решка, реверс (оборотная сторона монеты и т. п.)3) общ. неудача; перемена к худшему; провалlosing the Senate vote was a serious reverse for the President — проигрыш сенатского голосования стал серьезным провалом для президента
4) воен. тыл
* * *
повернуть обратно, изменить, отменить, ликвидировать.* * *. письменное обязательство одного лица (стороны) другому лицу (стороне), в котором удостоверяется что-либо или даются гарантии чего-либо, например обязательство выкупить данный в залог вексель. . Словарь экономических терминов 1 .* * *Банки/Банковские операцииобязательство выкупить вексель к сроку платежа, даваемое при учете векселей банком на продолжительные сроки-----Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность -
5 gear
1) = idle reverse pinion2) шестерня; зубчатая передача; зубчатое колесо; большое зубчатое колесо пары; привод (напр. тяги, рычага); передаточный механизм; приспособление; устройство; механизм (с зубчатыми передачами или без них); инструмент; II приводить в движение механизм; сцепляться- gear box- gear change hand lever - gear change shift fork - gear changing - gear changing by foot - gear clearance - gear guard - gear into - gear lift - gear nobbing machine - gear hub - gear lapping machine - gear lever - gear lever interlock - gear lever lock - gear lock - gear measuring machine - gear milling machine - gear noise - gear oil pump - gear operating shaft - gear parts - gear pinion - gear puller - gear pump - gear quadrant - gear rack - gear range - gear ratio - gear reduction - gear reduction rate - gear reduction unit - gear rim - gear ring - gear scoring - gear set - gear set case - gear shaft - gear shaping - gear shaping machine - gear shaving machine - gear shift - gear shift bar - gear shift bar selector - gear shift gate - gear shift lever - gear shift mechanism - gear shift tower - gear shifter - gear shifter shaft lock - gear shifter shaft lock ball - gear shifter shaft lock plunger - gear shifter shaft lock spring - gear shifting - gear shifting diagram - gear shifting fork - gear shifting gate - gear shifting lever - gear shifting quadrant - gear side movement - gear teeth - gear teeth lapping machine - gear tester - gear testing machine - gear tooth contact - gear tooth depth gauge - gear tooth vernier caliper - gear train - gear up - gear wheel - gear with tooth correction - gear withdrawer - in gear - lock in gear - out of gear - put into gear - throw into gear - throw out of gear- cam gear- cone friction gear - coupling gear - crane travelling gear - cut gear - cycloidal gear - discriminating gear - double wheel gear - draw-off gear - elliptical gear - elliptical gear-wheel - encased gear - encased back gear - face gear - feed gear - friction draft gear - friction draught gear - globoidal worm gear - grip gear - ground gear - hand gear - hand steering gear - helical gear - herring-bone gear - high gear - high-ratio gear - Hindley worm gear - hoisting gear - hour-glass worm gear - hydraulic gear - hyperbolical gear - hyperboloidal gear - hypoid gear - idle gear - idler gear - idler reverse gear - index gear - indicator gear - increase gear - interchangeable gears - interlocking gear - intermediate gear - intermittent gear - internal gear - internal spur gear - involute gear - irreversible gear - knocking gear - knuckle gear - lantern gear - lever barring gear - lifting gear - link gear - lock gear - locking gear - longitudinal feed gear - low gear - lubricating gear - lufting gear - magnetic gear - main gear - mangle gear - master gear - metric gear - mid gear - middle gear - module gear - mitre gear - multiplying gear - mutual interlocking gear - non-circular spur gear - octoid bevel gear - oil gear - oil splash gear - oleo gear - operating gear - oscillating cam gear - parallelogram valve gear - pedal gear - pick-off gear - pin gear - pinion gear - pin-wheel gear - piston valve gear - planet gear - planetary gear - point gear - poppet valve gear - positive valve gear - power gear - propeller gear - pulley gear - quick-change gear - quiet gear - quill gear - rack-and-pinion gear - rack feed gear - ratchet gear - readjusting gear - recording gear - reducing gear - reduction gear - reference gear - reference gear-wheel - release gear - remote-control gear - reverse gear - reversing gear - ring gear - rod gear - rotation gear - running gear - saddle gear - safety gear - safety gripping gear - sanding gear - satellite gear - screw gear - scroll gear - segment gear - segmental gear - selective gear - selector gear - self-changing gear - self-locking gear - self-stopping gear - single-curve gear - skew gear - skew bevel gear - slew gear - slewing gear - sliding gear - slip gear - speed-change gear - speed-increasing gear - spiral gear - spiral bevel gear - split gear - spool gear - sprocket gear - spur gear - starting gear - stop gear - straight bevel gear - striking gear - sun gear - sun-and-planet gear - supplementary gear box - swivel gear - synchronizing gear - tappet gear - three-axle gear - throw-over gear - thrust gear - timing gear - tipping gear - tooth gear - towing gear - trailer gear - transmission gear - traverse gear - traversing gear - trigger gear - trip gear - triple-change gear - triple helical gear - tripping gear - tumbler gear - tumbling gear - turning gear - twisted gear - two-speed gear - uncoupling gear - V-gear - valve gear - variable-speed gear - wedge friction gear - wheel gear - whipping gear - winding gear - worm gear - worm barring gear -
6 machine
станок; машина || обрабатывать на станкеto machine all over — обрабатывать ( изделие) кругом
to CNC machine — обрабатывать на станке с ЧПУ, обрабатывать на станке с ЧПУ типа CNC, обрабатывать изделие на станке с ЧПУ, обрабатывать изделие на станке с ЧПУ типа CNC
to fix a machine — налаживать станок; ремонтировать станок
to machine off — срезать; отрезать
to machine the feature — обрабатывать элемент, обрабатывать элемент изделия
to program the machine — программировать ( обработку) на станке
machine with sliding frame — станок с подвижной рамой, станок с перемещающейся рамой
- 2 m3 machinemachine with traveling table for shaping — станок с подвижным столом для раскроя по формату, станок с перемещающимся столом для раскроя по формату
- 3-axis NC machine
- 50-taper machine
- 630-mm-class machine
- 90º plate shearing machine
- 90º sheet shearing machine
- above resonance-balancing machine
- abrasion testing machine
- abrasive belt head machine
- abrasive belt-grinding machine
- abrasive cold-sawing machine
- abrasive cutting-off machine
- abrasive disk machine
- abrasive electrochemical machine
- abrasive metal-cutting machine
- abrasive wear-testing machine
- AC machine
- accounting machine
- acyclic machine
- adapting machine
- adaptive control machine
- adaptive controlled machine
- adding machine
- adjustable multiple-spindle drilling machine
- adjustable rail machine
- adjustable rail milling machine
- advanced technology machine
- air-drying machine
- airspace profiling machine
- align boring machine
- all-electric machine
- all-geared machine
- all-hydraulic machine
- all-purpose machine
- all-steel machine
- alterating impact testing machine
- alterating stress testing machine
- aluminum machine
- analog machine
- ancillary inspection machine
- angle straightening machine
- angle-bending machine
- angle-iron bending machine
- angle-iron shearing machine
- anthropomorphic machine
- arm tapping machine
- armoring machine
- articulating arm tapping machine
- artificial intelligence-driven machine
- AS/R machine
- aspheric diamond turning machine
- assembling machine
- assembly machine
- ATC machine
- ATC-equipped machine
- atomic X-ray machine
- attrition testing machine
- autochucking machine
- automatic arc welding machine
- automatic assembly machine
- automatic bar machine
- automatic buffing machine
- automatic chucking machine
- automatic chucking-and-turning machine
- automatic continuous drum milling machine
- automatic data processing machine
- automatic drill fluting machine
- automatic forging machine
- automatic gas-cutting machine
- automatic gas-welding machine
- automatic machine
- automatic metal forming machine
- automatic polishing machine
- automatic punching machine
- automatic screw machine
- automatic straightening and cutting machine
- automatic strip-straightening machine
- automatic tapping machine
- automatic toolchanger machine
- automatic toolchanging machine
- automatic turret machine
- axial fatigue machine
- axis-controlled machine
- axle turning machine
- balancing machine
- baling machine
- ball race grinding machine
- ball screw machine
- ball-grinding machine
- ball-hardness testing machine
- balling machine
- band cutoff machine
- band machine
- band metal shearing machine
- band-filing machine
- band-grinding machine
- banding machine
- band-polishing machine
- bandsaw blade grinding machine
- bandsaw machine
- bandsaw welding machine
- bandsaw-brazing machine
- bandsawing machine
- bandsaw-sharpening machine
- bar automatic turning machine
- bar feed machine
- bar feed turning machine
- bar machine
- bar-and-chucking machine
- bar-and-chucking turning machine
- bar-and-tube straightening machine
- bar-bending machine
- bar-chamfering machine
- bar-cutting machine
- bar-pointing machine
- bar-polishing machine
- barreling machine
- bar-shearing machine
- bar-skimming machine
- bar-straightening machine
- bar-tagging machine
- bar-type boring machine
- base-type milling machine
- basic machine
- batch-produced machine
- battery spot-welding machine
- beading machine
- bearing roller lapping machine
- bed-type configuration machine
- bed-type drilling machine
- bed-type machine
- bed-type milling machine
- below resonance balancing machine
- belt-driven machine
- belt-grinding machine
- belt-polishing machine
- bench-grinding machine
- bench-mounted machine
- bench-top machine
- bench-type machine
- bending and forming machine
- bending machine
- between-centers turning machine
- bevel gear hobbing machine for spiral bevel gears
- bevel gear hobbing machine for straight gears
- bevel gear lapping machine
- bevel gear making machine
- bevel gear testing machine
- bevel grinding machine
- beveling machine
- bidirectional broaching machine
- binding machine
- bipedal walking machine
- bitting machine
- blade-edging machine
- blade-grinding machine
- blanking machine
- blending machine
- blind spline broach machine
- blind spline broaching machine
- block-and-head broaching machine
- blocked machine
- blower machine
- blowing machine
- blow-ramming molding machine
- blue-print machine
- blue-printing machine
- bobbin machine
- bolt head forging machine
- bolting machine
- bolt-maker machine
- bolt-making machine
- bolt-pointing machine
- bolt-screwing machine
- bolt-threading machine
- bolt-upsetting machine
- bonded machine
- bore centerless grinding machine
- bore-sizing machine
- bore-slotting machine
- boring and milling machine
- boring machine
- boring/facing machine
- boring, drilling and milling machine
- boring, milling and drilling machine
- bottleneck machine
- box-column drilling machine
- bracket-drilling machine
- bracket-milling machine
- braiding machine
- brazing machine
- breaking machine
- bridge machine
- Bridgeport milling machine
- bridge-type milling machine
- Brinell's machine
- broach pulldown machine
- broach-and-center machine
- broach-grinding machine
- broaching tool sharpening machine
- broach-sharpening machine
- brushing machine
- buffing machine
- built-from-scratch machine
- bunching machine
- burn machine
- burning machine
- burnishing machine
- burr-cutting machine
- burring machine
- busy machine
- butt-seam welding machine
- butt-welding machine
- by-level broaching machine
- cabinet-based machine
- cable tension testing machine
- cable-making machine
- cable-stranding machine
- cam automatic screw machine
- cam machine
- cam-controlled machine
- cam-controlled screw machine
- cam-cutting machine
- cam-driven machine
- cam-driven screw machine
- cam-grinding machine
- cam-measuring machine
- cammed screw machine
- cam-milling machine
- cam-operated screw machine
- camshaft-grinding machine
- capable machine
- capacitor discharge spot-welding machine
- capacitor spot-welding machine
- capstan drive machine
- car wheel grinding machine
- carbide tool grinding machine
- carbide tool lapping machine
- carousel machine
- cast iron machine
- cast machine
- casting cleaning machine
- casting machine
- casting washing machine
- cavity sinking EDM machine
- cell machine
- center column rotary index machine
- center column rotary indexing machine
- center hole grinding machine
- center hole lapping machine
- center-drilling machine
- centerdrive machine
- centering and end facing machine
- centering and facing machine
- centering machine
- centerless bar turning machine
- centerless cylindrical grinding machine
- centerless grinding machine
- centerless lapping machine
- centerless polishing machine
- centerless turning machine
- center-type machine
- center-type turning machine
- centrifugal babbiting machine
- centrifugal casting machine
- centrifugal machine
- centrifugal sand-throwing machine
- ceramic-cutting machine
- chain broaching machine
- chain making machine
- chain shotblasting machine
- chain tension testing machine
- chain testing machine
- chain-operated broaching machine
- chamfering machine
- charge-discharge machine
- Charpy impact machine
- Charpy machine
- charting machine
- check balancing machine
- checking machine
- chip-making machine
- chip-producing machine
- chucker machine
- chucker-and-bar machine
- chucking machine
- circle cutting machine
- circuit board drilling machine
- circular cold sawing machine
- circular continuous milling machine
- circular cutoff machine
- circular dividing machine
- circular graduating machine
- circular grinding machine
- circular hot sawing machine
- circular saw blade grinding machine
- circular saw sharpening machine
- circular sawing machine
- circular seam-welding machine
- circumferential seam-welding machine
- cleaning machine
- closing machine
- CNC high-speed routing machine
- CNC machine
- CNC screw machine
- CNC Swiss-type screw machine
- CNC/CMM machine
- CNC-manual machine
- CNC-operated machine
- CNC-retrofitted machine
- CO2 laser cutting machine
- coil banding machine
- coil downending machine
- coiling machine
- coil-processing machine
- coil-strapping machine
- coil-stripping machine
- coil-winding machine
- coil-wrapping machine
- cold saw-cutting-off machine
- cold thread rolling machine
- cold upsetting machine
- cold-chamber die-casting machine
- cold-forging machine
- cold-forming machine
- cold-heading machine
- cold-sawing machine
- collecting machine
- column drilling machine
- column-and-knee-type machine
- column-and-knee-type milling machine
- combination jarring squeezing molding machine
- combined boring-and-honing machine
- combined curve-cutting and nibbling machine
- combined gear hobbing and gear shaping machine
- combined machine
- combined milling-turning machine
- combined planing-and-milling machine
- combined shearing machine
- combined surface planing and thicknessing machine
- combined vertical and horizontal broaching machine
- commercial machine
- commutator machine
- complementary machines
- component cleaning machine
- component insertion machine
- composite boring-and-honing machine
- compound machine
- compound table machine
- compound universal milling machine
- compressed air driven machine
- compressed gas machine
- compression-testing machine
- compression-type machine
- computer-controlled industrial machine
- computer-controlled machine
- computerized machine
- computing machine
- condenser spot-welding machine
- cone pulley machine
- conical rotor machine
- constant cycling machine
- container erecting-and-forming machine
- container-cleaning machine
- container-washing machine
- continuous chain broaching machine
- continuous drum milling machine
- continuous motion machine
- continuous motion orienting-and-tapping machine
- continuous path NC machine
- continuous path tape controlled machine
- continuous roll-forming machine
- continuous rotary milling machine
- continuous tapping machine
- continuous wire EDM machine
- continuous wire machine
- continuous-casting machine with bending discharge
- continuous-casting machine
- continuously running machine
- contour band machine
- contour production machine
- contour squeeze molding machine
- contouring band machine
- contouring machine
- contour-milling machine
- contour-shaping machine
- controlling machine
- conventional machine
- conventional manually-operated machine
- conventionally operated machine
- converted lathe-and-milling machine
- converted machine
- convertible planing machine
- conveying machine
- cooling machine
- coordinate boring machine
- coordinate boring-and-milling machine
- coordinate drilling machine
- coordinate drilling-boring-and-milling machine
- coordinate inspection machine
- coordinate measuring machine
- coping machine
- copy control machine
- copy grinding machine
- copying machine
- copy-milling machine
- copy-piercing machine
- copy-planing machine
- core blowing machine
- core jarring machine
- core shooting machine
- core wire straightening machine
- core-making machine
- corrosion-fatigue testing machine
- corrugating machine
- countersink machine
- countersinking machine
- coupling machine
- crack detection machine
- crankpin-turning machine
- crankshaft-balancing machine
- crankshaft-grinding machine
- crankshaft-lapping machine
- crankshaft-milling machine
- crankshaft-regrinding machine
- crank-shaping machine
- crank-slotting machine
- creasing machine
- creep feed grinding machine
- creep testing machine
- crimping machine
- crocodile shearing machine
- cropping machine
- cross roll-forging machine
- cross-wire welding machine
- crosswise veneer splicing machine
- crushing machine
- cupping machine
- curling machine
- curtain coating machine
- curve-cutting machine
- curved tooth bevel gear cutting machine
- curve-milling machine
- curvilinear slotting machine
- curving machine
- custom metalcutting machine
- custom-assembled machine
- custom-build machine
- customized machine
- cutoff band machine
- cutoff machine
- cutter inspection machine
- cutter-checking machine
- cutter-grinding machine
- cutter-relieving machine
- cutting machine with coordinate drive
- cutting machine
- cutting-off machine
- cylinder-boring machine
- cylinder-grinding machine
- cylinder-honing machine
- cylindrical coordinate-measuring machine
- cylindrical external grinding machine
- cylindrical gear hobbing machine
- cylindrical gear shaping machine
- cylindrical rotor machine
- cylindrical turning machine
- cylindrical-die thread-rolling machine
- data processing machine
- database machine
- DCC coordinate measuring machine
- De Levaud casting machine
- deburring machine
- decoiling machine
- dedicated proving machine
- dedicated special machine
- deencapsulation machine
- deep drawing machine
- deep hole boring machine
- deep hole drilling machine
- deep hole drilling/boring machine
- deep rolling machine
- defective machine
- degreasing machine
- descaling machine
- deseaming machine
- desktop machine
- destination machine
- detangling machine
- detwisting machine
- development machine
- dial machine
- dial-index machine
- dial-indexing machine
- dial-type machine
- dial-type transfer machine
- diamond die polishing machine
- diamond machine
- diamond pyramid hardness machine
- diamond-boring machine
- diamond-contouring machine
- diamond-honing machine
- diamond-impregnated wire cutting machine
- diamond-turning machine
- die head chaser grinding machine
- die-and-mold grinding machine
- die-casting machine
- die-filing machine
- die-grinding machine
- die-milling machine
- die-polishing machine
- die-ripping machine
- die-shaping machine
- die-sinking and hole-contouring machine
- die-sinking machine
- die-sinking milling machine
- die-sinking spark erosion machine
- die-stamping machine
- digging machine
- digitizing and scanning machine
- digitizing machine
- digitizing/cutting machine
- digitizing-metalcutting machine
- dimensional gaging machine
- direct computer controlled machine
- direct current commutator machine
- direct stress machine
- direct stress testing machine
- direct-drive machine
- discharge machine
- disk machine
- disk sanding machine
- disk-cutting machine
- disk-grinding machine
- disk-resurfacing machine
- dividing machine
- DMM machine
- DNC-controlled machine
- DNC-like machine
- DNC-supported machine
- double duplex milling machine
- double portal cutting machine
- double wheel lapping machine
- double-cantilever cutting machine
- double-column milling machine
- double-column planing machine
- double-column slideway grinding machine
- double-disk grinding machine
- double-end facing-and-centering machine
- double-end fine boring machine
- double-end grinding machine
- double-end machine
- double-end mill-and-centering machine
- double-end milling machine
- double-ended centering and end-facing machine
- double-ended centering machine
- double-ended drilling machine
- double-ended machine
- double-ended milling machine
- double-faced mill-and-centering machine
- double-fed asynchronous machine
- double-gantry milling machine
- double-head machine
- double-housing machine
- double-housing milling machine
- double-lap lapping and polishing machine
- double-punching machine
- double-ram vertical broaching machine
- double-roll forming machine
- double-shaping machine
- double-slide vertical broaching machine
- double-strand pig machine
- dovetailing machine
- dowel-insert machine
- down machine
- downstroking machine
- drafting machine
- draw machine
- drawing machine
- dream machine
- dressing machine
- drill and tap machine
- drill fluting machine
- drill machine
- drill press machine
- drill/tap machine
- drill-grinding machine
- drillhead-changing machine
- drilling machine
- drilling, milling and boring machine
- drilling-and-boring machine
- drilling-and-counterboring machine
- drilling-and-milling machine
- drilling-and-routing machine
- drilling-and-tapping machine
- drilling-and-threading machine
- drilling-tapping machine
- drill-layout machine
- drooping-characteristic machine
- drop-testing machine
- drum-type continuous milling machine
- drum-type milling machine
- dry cutting machine
- dry-floor machine
- drying machine
- dual co-axial spindle and subspindle turning machine
- dual controlled manual/CNC machine
- dual machine
- dual planing-and-milling machine
- dual-gantry machine
- dual-head machine
- dual-pallet machine
- dual-purpose machine
- dual-ram surface-broaching machine
- dual-station machine
- ductility testing machine
- dummy machine
- dumping molding machine
- duplex machine for rail ends
- duplex machine
- duplex multiple spindle machine
- duplex vertical broaching machine
- duplex-head milling machine
- duplex-manufacturing bed-type milling machine
- duplex-type of surface broaching machine
- duplicating machine
- duplicating milling machine
- dynamic balancing machine
- eager-beaver pulldown broaching machine
- earth-moving machine
- EB welding machine
- ECM machine
- economically priced machine
- ED grinding machine
- ED wire cutting machine
- ED-copying machine
- ED-cutting-off machine
- eddy current machine
- eddy current test machine
- edge-beveling machine
- edge-chamfering machine
- edge-cutting machine
- edge-knurling machine
- edge-milling machine
- edge-planing machine
- edge-trimming machine
- edging machine
- EDM diesinking machine
- EDM machine
- EDM texturing machine
- EDM wire machine
- EDM wire-cut machine
- ED-sinking machine
- educational machine
- efficiency testing machine
- eight-axis NC machine
- electric drive machine
- electric machine
- electric molding machine
- electrical discharge die-sinking and hole-contouring machine
- electrical discharge machine
- electrical discharge outcutting machine
- electrical discharge profiling machine
- electrically-operated machine
- electric-spark cutting machine
- electrochemical grinding machine
- electrode feeding machine
- electro-discharge drilling machine
- electro-discharge grinding machine
- electrolytic grinding machine
- electrolytic machine
- electrolytic tinning machine
- electrolytically assisted cutting-off machine
- electrolytically assisted machine
- electromagnetic molding machine
- electron beam drilling machine
- electron beam machine
- electron beam welding machine
- electronic data processing machine
- electroplating machine
- electrostatic stored-energy machine
- elevating beam boring machine
- elevating head milling machine
- elevating machine
- elevating rail machine
- elevator machine
- embossing machine
- encapsulating machine
- end preparation machine
- end-finishing machine
- end-finishing-centering machine
- end-grinding machine
- ending-and-centering machine
- end-turning machine
- endurance testing machine for repeated torsion
- endurance testing machine
- end-working machine
- energy machine
- energy transforming machine
- energy-intensive machine
- engraving form duplicating machine
- engraving machine
- engraving-type form duplicating machine
- Erichsen cupping machine
- Erichsen ductility machine
- eroding machine
- erosion machine
- etch machine
- etching machine
- exhibited machine
- expanding machine
- explosive force molding machine
- extended-travel machine
- extension machine
- external angular plunge grinding machine
- external broaching machine
- external cylindrical centerless grinding machine
- external grinding machine
- external honing machine
- extracting machine
- extruding machine
- extrusion machine
- face-grinding machine
- face-milling machine
- facing machine
- facing-and-centering machine
- facsimile machine
- failed machine
- falling weight testing machine
- fastener tapping-and-orienting machine
- fatigue bending machine
- fatigue testing machine for alternating torsion
- fatigue testing machine
- fault detection machine
- fax machine
- feedback machine
- field-tested machine
- file-cutting machine
- file-testing machine
- filing machine
- filing-and-sawing machine
- filling machine
- fine boring machine
- fine countersinking machine
- fine-blanking machine
- finish boring machine
- finishing machine
- finite memory machine
- finite state machine
- first-off machine
- fir-tree broachinng machine
- fir-tree milling machine
- five-side machine
- five-sided machine
- fixed beam machine
- fixed bed milling machine
- fixed bed-type milling machine
- fixed cycle machine
- fixed machine
- fixed post machine
- fixed sequence machine
- fixed weighing machine
- fixed-column machine
- fixed-table machine
- flame-cutting machine
- flame-profiling machine
- flanging machine
- flash butt-welding machine
- flat die thread-rolling machine
- flattening machine
- flexible assembly machine
- flexible machine
- flexible shaft filing machine
- flexible transfer machine
- flexing machine
- floor charging machine
- floor horizontal boring machine
- floor machine
- floor-type horizontal boring machine
- floor-type machine
- floor-type stripper machine
- flotation machine
- Floturn machine
- flowturning machine
- FLS machine
- fluid-actuated machine
- fluid-feed machine
- flute-grinding machine
- flute-milling machine
- fluting machine
- flying cutoff machine
- FM machine
- FMS machine
- FMS-capable machine
- foil butt-seam welding machine
- folding machine
- foot-operated welding machine
- forge rolling machine
- forging machine
- form cutter milling machine
- form-duplicating machine
- form-grinding machine
- forming machine
- form-milling machine
- form-testing machine
- foundry machine
- four-ball machine
- four-pallet machine
- four-roll bending machine
- four-roll forming machine
- four-roll sheet bending machine
- four-strand continuous casting machine
- friction disk sawing machine
- front-loading turning machine
- front-operated turning machine
- full-automatic turret screw machine
- furnace hoisting machine
- furnace-threading machine
- fusion cutting-off machine
- gaging machine
- gag-straightening machine
- galvanizing machine
- gang drilling machine
- gang slitting machine
- ganghead replaceable-type machine
- gangspindle drilling machine
- gang-tooled machine
- gang-type drilling machine
- gantry cutting machine
- gantry-loaded machine
- gantry-type machine
- gantry-type milling machine
- gantry-type plano-milling machine
- gas-cutting machine
- gear cutter grinding machine
- gear fine processing machine
- gear grinding and polishing machine
- gear lapping and polishing machine
- gear machine
- gear profile grinding machine
- gear tooth chamfering machine
- gear tooth grinding machine
- gear tooth inspection machine
- gear tooth rounding machine
- gear-burnishing machine
- gear-chamfering machine
- gear-checking machine
- gear-cutting machine
- gear-deburring machine
- geared head machine
- gear-finishing machine
- gear-grinding machine
- gear-hardening machine
- gear-hobbing machine for spur gears
- gear-hobbing machine
- gear-honing machine
- gear-lapping machine
- gear-making machine
- gear-manufacturing machine
- gear-measuring machine
- gear-milling machine
- gear-polishing machine
- gear-producing machine
- gear-rolling machine
- gear-shaping machine
- gear-shaving machine
- gear-sizing machine
- gear-testing machine
- general-purpose flat surface broaching machine
- general-purpose machine
- generating machine
- gilding machine
- gimbals head rolling machine
- gold rolling machine
- grading machine
- grinder-milling machine
- grinding machine for drill bits
- grinding machine with rotating column
- grinding machine
- grinding-and-lapping machine
- grinding-and-polishing machine
- grooving machine
- G-Tech machine
- Guillotine knife grinding machine for long knives
- Guillotine knife grinding machine
- gun-boring machine
- gun-drill machine
- gun-drilling machine
- gun-rifling machine
- gun-welding machine
- hacksawing machine
- half-NC machine
- hammer impact machine
- hammering machine
- hand-driven cutting machine
- hand-fed machine
- hand-held machine
- hand-load machine
- hand-milling machine
- hand-operated molding machine
- hand-operated press-molding machine
- hand-operated squeezing machine
- hard bearing balancing machine
- hard X-ray machine
- hardening machine
- hardness-testing machine
- hardwired NC machine
- Hazellet continuous strip casting machine
- head-changer machine
- head-changing machine
- heading machine
- headstock moving-type automatic screw machine
- head-to-head machines
- heating machine
- heavy machine
- heavy-duty machine
- heavy-hogging machine
- hexapod machine
- high-accuracy machine
- high-energy-rate forging machine
- high-energy-rate machine
- high-frequency ac welding machine
- high-frequency hardening machine
- highly accurate machine
- highly productive machine
- high-performance machine
- high-precision machine
- high-production machine
- high-productivity machine
- high-specification machine
- high-speed drafting machine
- high-speed machine
- high-speed spindle machine
- high-technology machine
- high-temperature fatigue testing machine
- high-velocity ram machine
- high-volume machine
- hinged roll-over machine
- hitch-feed cut-off machine
- HNC machine
- hob back-off machine
- hob tooth profile grinding machine
- hobbing machine
- hob-grinding machine
- hob-sharpening machine
- hoisting machine
- hole milling-and-reaming machine
- hole-making machine
- hole-punching machine
- hone machine
- honing machine
- honing-and-lapping machine
- horizontal arm measuring machine
- horizontal band machine
- horizontal bar machine
- horizontal boring machine
- horizontal broaching machine
- horizontal casting machine
- horizontal continuous broaching machine
- horizontal continuous drilling machine
- horizontal forging machine
- horizontal indexing machine
- horizontal internal broaching machine
- horizontal machine
- horizontal milling machine
- horizontal plate-bending machine
- horizontal punching machine
- horizontal ram machine
- horizontal shaping machine
- horizontal slotting machine
- horizontal spindle surface grinding machine
- horizontal square T-planer type milling machine
- horizontal-type machine
- horizontal-vertical milling machine
- hose-type sandblast tank machine
- host machine
- hot plate straightening machine
- hot-box core-making machine
- hot-chamber die-casting machine
- hot-heading machine
- hot-metal sawing machine
- hsc machine
- hybrid machine
- hydraulic axis machine
- hydraulic balancing machine
- hydraulic bloom shearing machine
- hydraulic core knockout machine
- hydraulic machine
- hydraulic molding machine
- hydraulic pipe testing machine
- hydraulic riveting machine
- hydraulic shearing machine
- hydraulic squeeze machine
- hydraulically-assisted machine
- hydraulically-driven machine
- hydraulically-powered machine
- hydraulic-assisted machine
- hydraulic-driven machine
- hydraulic-electric machine
- hydraulic-powered machine
- hydro-copying machine
- hydrostatic machine
- hydrostatic-extrusion machine
- imitation machine
- impact machine
- impact pendulum-type testing machine
- impact tension machine
- impact-test machine
- impact-testing machine
- impulse-cutting machine
- impulse-forming machine
- impulsive machine
- inclined tapping machine
- indentation machine
- index machine
- index milling machine
- indexer machine
- indexing chuck machine
- indexing drum milling machine
- indexing head machine
- indexing machine
- indexing turret machine
- induction hardening machine
- induction softening machine
- industrial machine
- informational machine
- ingot stripper machine
- ingot-planing machine
- ingot-scalping machine
- ingot-slicing machine
- injection-molding machine
- in-line machine
- in-line synchronous machine
- in-line transfer machine
- innovative machine
- inspection and measuring machine
- inspection machine
- integrated turning/milling machine
- intelligent machine
- intermittently manned machine
- internal broaching machine
- internal grinding machine
- internal grooving machine
- internal keyseating machine
- internal lapping machine
- internal planetary-type grinding machine
- internal thread grinding machine
- internal-and-external broaching machine
- internal-external inspection machine
- internal-part-transfer vertical broaching machine
- inverted vertical turning machine
- involute profile measuring machine
- ion beam machine
- iron shearing machine
- jar molding machine
- jar ramming machine
- jar ramming roll-over molding machine
- jarring machine
- jig milling machine
- jig-borer-class machine
- jig-boring machine
- jig-drilling machine
- jig-grinding machine
- jigless machine
- job-dedicated machine
- joggling machine
- jointed arm drilling machine
- jolt core-making machine
- jolt molding machine
- jolt pattern-draw molding machine
- jolt roll-over pattern-draw molding machine
- jolt squeeze molding machine
- journal-milling machine
- journal-turning machine
- Kenyon machine
- key machine
- key-and-slot milling machine
- key-bitting machine
- key-cutting machine
- key-duplicating machine
- keyseating and slot milling machine
- keyseating machine
- keyseating milling machine
- keyway-cutting machine
- keyway-milling machine
- keyway-seating machine
- keyway-slotting machine
- kneading machine
- knee-and-column machine
- knee-and-column milling machine
- knee-and-column-type milling machine
- kneeless-type milling machine
- knee-type machine
- knee-type milling machine
- knife-grinding machine
- knitting machine
- knurling machine
- labeling machine
- lamination segments blanking machine
- lapping and polishing machine
- lapping machine
- large-dimensioned machine
- large-scale machine
- large-size machine
- laser beam cutting machine
- laser beam machine
- laser die-sinking machine
- laser etch machine
- laser etching machine
- laser-assisted machine
- laser-controlled machine
- laser-cutting machine
- laser-hardening machine
- laser-scribing machine
- lathe machine
- laying-out machine
- lay-out machine
- lead screw tapping machine
- lead screw testing machine
- leakage-testing machine
- lens-grinding machine
- letter and paper cup machine
- leveling machine
- lever punching machine
- lever testing machine
- leverage proportioned tracing milling machine
- lever-type Brinell machine
- lifting machine
- light machine
- light production machine
- light-duty machine
- lightly manned machine
- light-weight machine
- limited-interference machine
- linear path-controlled machine
- linear station machine
- line-boring machine
- line-controlled machine
- live spindle machine
- lock-seaming machine
- long travel machine
- long-feed cut-off machine
- longitudinal circular cold sawing machine
- longitudinal dividing machine
- longitudinal grinding machine
- longitudinal seam-welding machine
- long-lasting machine
- long-running machine
- long-stroke broaching machine
- long-stroke machine
- long-term strength testing machine
- low-pressure die-casting machine
- machine of compact construction
- machine of dieing design
- machine of the state of the art
- machining machine
- magazine bar feed machine
- magnetic cobbing machine
- magnetic force welding machine
- magnetic forming machine
- maintenance-free machine
- manual machine
- manual-CNC machine
- manual-CNC turning machine
- manually controlled machine
- manually jogged machine
- manually tended machine
- manual-toolchange machine
- manufacturing bed-type milling machine
- manufacturing machine
- manufacturing milling machine
- manufacturing-oriented machine
- manufacturing-type machine
- marking machine
- marking-off machine
- marking-out machine
- mass centering machine
- mass-production machine
- master machine
- match-plate molding machine
- material testing machine
- material-cutting machine
- MDI-controlled machine
- measurement machine
- measuring machine
- mechanical drive machine
- mechanically driven machine
- medium duty machine
- medium travel machine
- mesh-welding machine
- metal slitting machine
- metal testing machine
- metal-cutting machine
- metal-folding machine
- metal-forming machine
- metal-planing machine
- metal-removing machine
- metal-sawing machine
- metal-working machine
- metamorphic machine
- metrology machine
- microcomputer-based NC machine
- microdrilling machine
- microfinishing machine
- micromilling machine
- microscopic drilling machine
- mill/turn machine
- mill-drill-bore machine
- milling cutter grinding machine
- milling machine with table of fixed height and with vertical spindle
- milling machine with table of variable height and with horizontal spindle
- milling machine with table of variable height
- milling machine
- milling/drilling machine
- milling/turning machine
- milling-and-boring machine
- milling-and-centering machine
- minicomputer-controlled machine
- minicoordinate boring machine
- minicoordinate drilling machine
- miter saw machine
- miter-cutting machine
- mitering saw machine
- mixing machine
- mobile gantry-type machine
- mobile weighing machine
- mock-up machine
- model engineers milling machine
- modular industrial machine
- modular machine
- modular-type machine
- molding machine
- mortising machine
- motor-driven welding machine
- movable bridge machine
- movable column machine
- movable saddle machine
- moving bridge machine
- moving column/fixed table machine
- moving machine
- moving table machine
- multiaxis machine
- multidie machine
- multidisciplinary machine
- multidrilling machine
- multifunction machine
- multihead automatic arc-welding machine
- multihead changer machine
- multihead machine
- multihead milling machine
- multiloaded machine
- multioperation machine
- multioperational machine
- multipallet machine
- multiple machines
- multiple secondary-operation machine
- multiple second-operation machine
- multiple-beam flame planing machine
- multiple-blowpipe machine
- multiple-broach broaching machine
- multiple-burner machine
- multiple-diameter grinding machine
- multiple-diameter turning machine
- multiple-head broaching machine
- multiple-head drilling machine
- multiple-operation machine
- multiple-purpose machine
- multiple-roll machine
- multiple-spindle automatic machine
- multiple-spindle bar machine
- multiple-spindle machine
- multiple-spot welding machine
- multiple-station machine
- multiple-station transfer machine
- multiple-table milling machine
- multiple-torch machine
- multiple-transformer machine
- multiple-transformer spot-welding machine
- multiproduct machine
- multipurpose broaching machine
- multipurpose shearing machine
- multireduction wire-drawing machine
- multiroll bar straightening machine
- multiroller machine
- multisensor coordinate machine
- multispecimen testing machine
- multispindle automatic screw machine
- multispindle bar machine
- multispindle head machine
- multispindle head-changing machine
- multispindle screw machine
- multispot machine
- multistation indexing transfer machine
- multistation machine
- multisurface machine
- multitool turning machine
- multiunit drilling machine
- multiuniversal machine
- multiway drilling machine
- nail-making machine
- narrow belt sanding machine
- NC machine
- needle die grinding machine
- needle die polishing machine
- nibbling machine
- nibbling, milling and punching machine
- nipple-threading machine
- No.40-taper-tool machine
- No.50-taper machine
- noncantilevered machine
- nonferrous sawing machine
- non-NC machine
- nonstock machine
- nonsystem machine
- normal accuracy machine
- normal manned NC machine
- notching machine
- numbering machine
- nut-castellating machine
- nut-chamfering machine
- nut-deburring machine
- nut-facing machine
- nut-making machine
- nut-running machine
- nut-setting machine
- nut-shaping machine
- nut-tapping machine
- nut-threading machine
- OD grinding machine
- OD machine
- off-line machine
- offset milling machine
- off-site machine
- oil hydraulic machine
- oil roll machine
- oil-grooving machine
- oiling machine
- omnimil versatile machine
- one-axis machine
- one-head automatic arc-welding machine
- one-hit machine
- one-meter machine
- one-off machine
- one-operator machine
- on-line machine
- open-side milling machine
- open-side planing machine
- open-side plano-milling machine
- open-sided milling machine
- operator-independent machine
- operator-initiated machine
- operator-positionable machine
- operator-programmed machine
- opposed spindle machine
- optical jig boring machine
- optical pattern tracing machine
- optical profile grinding machine
- optical reading machine
- original equipment CNC machine
- orthodox machine
- orthogonally movable machine
- oscillating bandsaw machine
- other machines
- outfacing machine
- outmoded machine
- out-of-alignment machine
- overdesigned machine
- overhead gantry machine
- overhead grinding machine
- overhead recessing machine
- overhead traveling drilling machine
- overwrapping machine
- own-use machine
- oxyacetylene-cutting machine
- oxyfuel burn machine
- packaging machine
- pack-checking machine
- packing machine
- paddle blade-type mixing machine
- paint machine
- pallet pool machine
- pallet shuttle machine
- pallet transfer machine
- pallet-change machine
- palletized machine
- pallet-loading machine
- pallet-type transfer machine
- pantograph-engraving machine
- pantographic engraving machine
- pantograph-type milling machine
- paper-cutting machine
- parting machine
- part-transfer vertical broaching machine
- pattern draw machine
- pattern milling machine
- pattern-controlled machine
- pattern-tracing machine
- PCB machine
- PCB-drilling machine
- PC-equipped machine
- PC-governed machine
- pedal-operated welding machine
- pedal-triggered machine
- pedestal spot-welding machine
- pedestal-drilling machine
- pedestal-grinding machine
- peeling machine
- peening machine
- pendant controlled machine
- pendulum impact testing machine
- percussion-welding machine
- perforating machine
- periodic machine
- physico-chemical machine
- pick-and-place machine
- pickling machine
- piercing machine
- pig casting machine
- pillar-drilling machine
- pilot machine
- pincer spot-welding machine
- pinion-generating machine
- pin-lift molding machine
- pin-making machine
- pin-on-disk wear test machine
- pipe cut-off machine
- pipe-bending machine
- pipe-beveling machine
- pipe-beveling/cutting machine
- pipe-chamfering machine
- pipe-cropping machine
- pipe-crushing machine
- pipe-cutting machine
- pipe-expanding machine
- pipe-facing machine
- pipe-flanging machine
- pipe-flaring machine
- pipe-swabbing machine
- pipe-testing machine
- pipe-threading machine
- pipe-welding machine
- piston contouring machine
- piston ring grinding machine
- piston-turning machine
- pit planing machine
- pit-based broaching machine
- pit-type planing machine
- pivot-head machine
- placing machine
- plain grinding machine
- plain horizontal knee-type milling machine
- plain-way machine
- planer-type boring machine
- planer-type machine
- planer-type milling machine
- planer-type surface grinding machine
- planetary grinding machine
- planetary milling machine
- planetary-type thread milling machine
- planing machine
- planing-and-milling machine
- planomilling machine
- plano-type boring-and-milling machine
- plano-type surface grinding machine
- plasma arc machine
- plasma-cutting machine
- plastics extrusion machine
- plate-bending machine
- plate-cutting machine
- plate-edge beveling machine
- plate-edge planing machine
- plate-fabricating machine
- plate-flanging machine
- plate-flattening machine
- plate-leveling machine
- platen TL machine
- platen-tooled machine
- plate-punching machine
- plate-shearing machine
- plate-straightening machine
- plate-working machine
- platform weighing machine
- plating machine
- plier spot-welding machine
- plugboard/capstan machine
- plugboard-control machine
- plugboard-controlled machine
- plug-ramming machine
- plunge-grinding machine
- plunger core machine
- plunger-type pickling machine
- pneumatic hand machine
- pneumatic machine
- pneumatic molding machine
- pointing machine
- pointing rolling machine
- point-to-point NC machine
- polishing machine
- polygonal turning machine
- polyvalent machine
- portable facing machine
- portable machine
- portable milling machine
- portable valve grinding machine
- portal cutting machine
- portal machine
- portal-frame machine
- portal-type machine
- portal-type plano-milling machine with variable height cross rail
- position control machine
- positive-displacement hydraulic machine
- positive-displacement pneumatic machine
- pot-broach vertical broaching machine
- pot-broaching machine
- powder metal compacting machine
- power machine
- power-driven machine
- power-operated molding machine
- precision boring machine
- precision-controlled machine
- precision-drawing machine
- preparatory NC machine
- preset machine
- presetting machine
- press-molding machine
- press-type machine
- pressure die-casting machine
- press-welding machine
- primary turning machine
- printing machine
- prior art machine
- prior art-type machine
- prismatic coordinate inspection machine
- prismatic machine
- prismatic-type indexing machine
- process machines
- processing machine
- process-specialized machine
- production machine
- product-oriented machine
- profile measurement machine
- profile-cutting machine
- profile-grinding machine
- profile-iron bending machine
- profile-milling machine
- profiler machine
- profiling machine
- profiling milling machine
- program sequence controlled machine
- programmable machine
- programmable-controlled machine
- progressive broach machine
- projection form grinding machine
- projection welding machine
- prototype machine
- proving machine
- pull test machine
- pull-broaching machine
- pull-down broaching machine
- pulling-in machine
- pull-type broaching machine
- pull-type machine
- pull-up broaching machine
- punch machine
- punching and shearing machine
- punching machine
- purpose-built machine
- purpose-designed machine
- push-broaching machine
- push-cut shaping machine
- push-down broaching machine
- push-pull fatigue-testing machine
- push-up broaching machine
- qualifying machine
- quenching machine
- rack milling machine
- rack-and-pinion machine
- rack-and-pinion-operated machine
- radial arm-drilling machine
- radial arm-sawing machine
- radial articulated-arm cutting machine
- radial drilling machine
- radial-and-pillar drilling machine
- radiusing machine
- rail end milling machine
- rail-bending machine
- rail-cambering machine
- rail-drilling machine
- rail-straightening machine
- railway axle grinding machine
- ram impact machine
- ram milling machine
- ram-boring machine
- ram-head milling machine
- ramming molding machine
- ram-type boring and horizontal milling machine
- ram-type EDM machine
- ram-type milling machine
- ram-type tooling machine
- ratio cutting machine
- raw component measuring machine
- reading machine
- reaming machine
- reaming-and-facing machine
- recessing machine
- reciprocating cutoff machine
- reciprocating grinding machine
- reciprocating machine
- reciprocating-die machine
- reciprocating-table surface grinding machine
- recognizing machine
- recoiling machine
- rectifier-type welding machine
- redesigned machine
- reference machine
- refrigerating machine
- regrinding machine
- reinforcing bar bending machine
- reinforcing rod cropping machine
- relieving machine
- remote-control machine
- remote-controlled machine
- renewed machine
- repetitive milling machine
- replaceable gang head machine
- replacement machine
- reproducing pattern milling machine
- research-oriented machine
- resistance welding machine
- resonance-balancing machine
- resonant vibration machine
- resurfacing machine
- retapping machine
- reverse torsion fatigue testing machine
- reverse torsion machine
- rewinding machine
- rifling machine
- rigid production machine
- rigid-bed milling machine
- rigid-capable machine
- rise and fall tank machine
- rising blade machine
- rising table broaching machine
- rivet machine
- riveting machine
- robot machine
- robot-assisted machine
- robot-controlled machine
- robot-fed machine
- robotic machine
- robotically-fed machine
- robot-loaded machine
- robot-operated machine
- rock-crushing machine
- rocker-arm spot-welding machine
- rocker-type pickling machine
- Rockwell hardness machine
- Rockwell hardness-testing machine
- roll machine
- roll sheet bending machine
- roll-bending machine
- roll-end milling machine
- roller finishing machine
- roller profiling machine
- roller section-machinestraightening machine
- roller shape-machinestraightening machine
- roller spot-and-seam welding machine
- roller straightening machine
- roller-stretcher machine
- roll-fluting machine
- roll-forging machine
- roll-forming machine
- roll-grinding machine
- rolling dividing machine
- rolling machine
- rolling-and-bending machine
- rolling-on machine
- rolling-quench machine
- roll-over molding machine
- roll-over pattern-draw machine
- roll-seam welding machine
- roll-straightening machine
- roll-threading machine
- roll-turning machine
- rotary assembly machine
- rotary broaching machine
- rotary compression-type machine
- rotary continuous drum-type milling machine
- rotary continuous milling machine
- rotary dial machine
- rotary dial-index machine
- rotary disk filing machine
- rotary drum broaching machine
- rotary drum fixture milling machine
- rotary flame planing machine
- rotary head machine
- rotary indexing drum machine
- rotary indexing machine
- rotary indexing pallet machine
- rotary indexing table machine
- rotary knife cutting machine
- rotary machine
- rotary milling machine with horizontal workholder
- rotary pallet machine
- rotary planetary machine
- rotary planetary-die machine
- rotary stamping machine
- rotary surface grinding machine
- rotary table machine
- rotary tooled machine
- rotary transfer machine
- rotary welding machine
- rotary-drive machine
- rotary-driven machine
- rotary-table broaching machine
- rotary-table index machine
- rotary-table indexing machine
- rotary-table milling machine
- rotary-table surface grinding machine
- rotary-table transfer machine
- rotary-type milling machine
- rotating machine
- rotating-beam fatigue machine
- rotating-beam fatigue testing machine
- rotation machine
- rotor milling machine
- rotor slot milling machine
- rough boring machine
- rough facing machine
- rough grinding machine
- rough milling machine
- rough turning machine
- roughing machine
- round column drilling machine
- rounding machine
- roundness measuring machine
- routing milling machine
- RP machine
- rundown machine
- running balance indicating machine
- S/R machine
- saddle-type machine
- sample preparation machine
- sampling machine
- sandblast cleaning machine
- sandblast machine with stationary nozzle
- sandblast machine
- sandblast sprocket-table machine
- sand-throwing machine
- saw machine
- saw-brazing machine
- saw-cutting machine
- saw-grinding machine
- sawing machine
- saw-setting machine
- saw-sharpening machine
- saw-toothing machine
- scalping machine
- scissors-type horizontal band machine
- scissors-type horizontal machine
- scrap shearing machine
- scraping machine
- scratchbrush machine
- screening machine
- screw machine
- screw thread grinding machine
- screw thread milling machine
- screw thread rolling machine
- screw thread whirling machine
- screw-cutting machine
- screw-driving machine
- screw-head slotting machine
- screwing machine
- screw-nicking machine
- screw-shaving machine
- scribing machine
- scrubbing machine
- scrubbing-and-drying machine
- sculpturing machine
- seam-welding machine
- secondary machine
- second-operation machine
- section bending machine
- section shearing machine
- section-iron bending machine
- section-iron shearing machine
- section-straightening machine
- section-stretching machine
- segmented transfer machine
- self-controlling machine
- self-correcting machine
- semiautomatic arc welding machine
- semiautomatic gas-cutting machine
- semiautomatic grinding machine
- semiautomatic machine
- semiautomatic welding machine
- semiproduction machine
- sensitive drilling machine
- sensitive tapping machine
- separately excited machine
- sequence-controlled machine
- sequential transfer machines
- series-produced machines
- servo indexer machine
- servo slide machine
- sets-of-parts operated machine
- shaft machine
- shape-cutting machine
- shaper machine
- shape-straightening machine
- shaping machine
- sharpening machine
- shaving cutter grinding machine
- shear machine
- shearing machine
- shear-speed machine
- sheet and plate bending machine
- sheet bending machine
- sheet metal bending machine
- sheet metal cutting machine
- sheet metal folding machine
- sheet metal leveling machine
- sheet metal shearing machine
- sheet metal stamping machine
- sheet metal working machine
- sheet straightening and polishing machine
- sheet working machine
- sheet-leveling machine
- sheet-straightening machine
- shell core blowing machine
- shell molding machine
- ship propeller milling machine
- shock-and-vibration machine
- shockless jolting machine
- shopfloor machine
- shopworn machine
- show machine
- shredding machine for wood wool production
- shredding machine
- side hole drilling machine
- side-milling machine
- side-planing machine
- sieving machine
- simple-to-operate automatic machine
- simple-to-operate machine
- simplex milling machine
- simplex multiple-spindle machine
- simulation machine
- simultaneous 5-axis machine
- single wheel lapping machine
- single-address machine
- single-axis machine
- single-blade sawing machine
- single-end boring machine
- single-end centering and end-facing machine
- single-end machine
- single-end tenoning machine
- single-ended boring machine
- single-ended machine
- single-function machine
- single-gantry machine
- single-head machine
- single-hitb machine
- single-operation transfer machine
- single-piece machine
- single-point cutting-off machine
- single-position metal forming machine
- single-purpose machine
- single-shift machine
- single-shifted machine
- single-slide bed-type machine
- single-spindle machine
- single-station machine
- single-task machine
- single-upright machine
- singlex machine
- sinking machine
- six-axis NC machine
- sizing machine
- skin-milling machine
- skiving machine
- slabbing machine
- slab-milling machine
- slant-carriage machine
- slant-slide machine
- slave machine
- slicing machine
- slideway-grinding machine
- sliding bush machine
- sliding head machine
- sliding head milling machine
- sliding head/fixed spindle machine
- sliding headstock bar machine
- sliding headstock machine
- slinger molding machine
- slitting machine
- slot and keyway milling machine
- slot-drilling machine
- slot-milling machine
- slotting machine
- small capacity machine
- small-chuck machine
- small-envelope machine
- small-footprint machine
- small-parts machine
- smooth planing machine
- snagging grinding machine
- soft bearing balancing machine
- software-controlled machine
- software-oriented machine
- soldering machine
- solid bed-type milling machine
- sorting machine
- spar milling machine
- spark erosion machine
- spark machine
- special design machine
- special unit machine
- special way-type machine
- specialist machine
- specialized machine
- special-purpose machine
- specialty machine
- speed reduction machine
- spherical grinding machine
- spindle turning machine
- spinning machine
- spiral drive planing machine
- spline cold rolling machine
- spline shaft grinding machine
- spline shaft hobbing machine
- spline-broaching machine
- spline-grinding machine
- spline-hobbing machine
- spline-milling machine
- splining machine
- spring end grinding machine
- spring forming machine
- spring manufacturing machine
- spring testing machine
- spring-coiling machine
- spring-making machine
- spring-winding machine
- spur-and-helical grinding machine
- square milling machine
- squeeze core-making machine
- squeeze molding machine
- squeezing machine
- squirrel cage balancing machine
- SR machine
- stack-routing machine
- stamping machine
- standalone machine
- standard configuration machine
- standard design machine
- standard machine
- standard-unit-type machine
- static balancing machine
- station-type machine
- storage retrieval machine
- straight line milling machine
- straightening machine
- strength testing machine
- stress-relieving machine
- stress-rupture testing machine
- stretch straightening machine
- strip leveling machine
- stud thread rolling machine
- studding machine
- subspindle turning machine
- subspindle-equipped turning machine
- subspindle-type machine
- super-accurate machine
- supercharged laser cutting machine
- superfinishing machine for centerless plunge-cut
- superfinishing machine for centerless throughfeed
- superfinishing machine
- surface and profile grinding machine
- surface-broaching machine
- surface-grinding machine with long table
- surface-grinding machine with two columns
- surface-grinding machine
- surface-milling machine
- surface-treatment machine
- swage machine
- swaging machine
- swing frame grinding machine
- Swiss bar machine
- Swiss screw machine
- Swiss sliding headstock machine
- Swiss-style sliding-headstock machine
- Swiss-style sliding-headstock-type machine
- Swiss-type cam automatic screw machine
- Swiss-type machine
- Swiss-type movable headstock automatic screw machine
- Swiss-type stationary headstock automatic screw machine
- swivel head milling machine
- swivel head slotting machine
- synchronous transfer machine
- synchronous-feed machine
- system machine
- system-ready machine
- systems-compatible machine
- tabletop machine
- table-type machine
- table-uo broaching machine
- tabulating machine
- tailored machine
- tandem table machine
- tap flute milling machine
- tap fluting machine
- tap-drill machine
- tape finishing machine
- tape machine
- tape preparation machine
- tape-controlled machine
- tape-handling machine
- taper strip milling machine
- tap-grinding machine
- tapping machine
- tap-sharpening machine
- targeted machine
- teaching machine
- TEM machine
- template-controlled machine
- tenoning machine
- tensile strength testing machine
- tensile testing machine
- tension testing machine
- test machine
- test sieving machine
- testing machine
- texturing machine
- thermal cutting machine
- thermal deburrting machine
- thermally symmetric machine
- thermally symmetrical machine
- thermoelectric machine
- thread chaser grinding machine
- thread-cutting machine
- threaded wheel grinding machine
- thread-generating machine
- thread-grinding machine
- threading machine
- thread-milling machine
- thread-producing machine
- thread-rolling machine with roller and segmented die
- thread-rolling machine
- thread-tapping machine
- thread-turning machine
- thread-whirling machine
- three-axis checking machine
- three-axis digital read-out inspection machine
- three-axis NC machine
- three-axis-controlled machine
- three-dimensional forming machine
- three-dimensional NC machine
- three-dimensional profiling machine
- three-roll bending machine
- three-roll forming machine
- three-roll sheet bending machine
- three-shift machine
- three-shifted machine
- three-way machine
- tiering machine
- tilt frame machine
- tilting body slotting machine
- tilting column machine
- tilting spindle grinding machine
- tilting spindle machine
- time-tested machine
- TL machine
- TNC-milling machine
- tool and diemaker's milling machine
- tool changer machine
- tool presetting and inspection machine
- tool presetting machine
- tool-and-cutter grinding machine
- tool-grinding machine
- toolroom machine
- toolroom-milling machine
- tool-setting machine
- tooth generating machine
- tooth rounding-and-chamfering machine
- top-of-the-line machine
- torsion testing machine
- totally automated machine
- totally enclosed machine
- touch-trigger machine
- T-planer type machine
- tracer controlled machine
- tracer milling machine
- tracer-controlled electrical discharge profiling machine
- tracer-controlled milling machine
- tracer-guided machine
- tracer-guided milling machine
- tracing machine
- transfer-line-ready machine
- transfer-segmented machine
- transfer-type machine
- transport machine
- transverse planing machine
- traveling bar-type boring machine
- traveling bridge-type plano-milling machine
- traveling column machine
- traveling column-type machine
- traveling gantry machine
- traveling head shaping machine
- traveling portal milling machine
- traveling table machine
- traveling table-type machine
- traveling wire electrical discharge machine
- traveling-head boring machine
- traveling-head surface grinding machine
- traverse grinding machine
- traversing head shaping machine
- trimming machine
- trip dog-controlled machine
- triplex milling machine
- trunnion machine
- trunnion-style machine
- trunnion-type machine
- T-slot milling machine
- tube cutoff machine
- tube grinding-and-polishing machine
- tube-bending machine
- tube-boring machine
- tube-chamfering machine
- tube-drawing machine
- tube-enlarging machine
- tube-forming machine
- tube-sawing machine
- tube-straightening machine
- tube-welding machine
- tumbling machine
- turbine shot-blasting machine
- turbine slot milling machine
- turn/mill machine
- turn, bore and cut-off machine
- turn-broaching machine
- turning machine
- turning, milling and boring machine
- turning-and-boring machine
- turn-mill machine
- turn-peeling machine
- turret hole punching machine
- turret machine
- turret press machine
- turret ram milling machine
- turret screw machine
- turret-chucking machine
- turret-drilling machine
- turret-milling machine
- turret-punching machine
- turret-type drilling machine
- twin pallet machine
- twin screw knee-type machine
- twin six-station turret machine
- twin-head machine
- twin-head shaping machine
- twin-opposed spindle turning machine
- twin-overarm milling machine
- twin-spindle machine
- twin-turret machine
- twist drill flute grinding machine
- twist drill fluting machine
- twist drill grinding machine
- twist drill milling machine
- twist drill point grinding machine
- twist test machine
- two-address machine
- two-axis NC machine
- two-axis-controlled machine
- two-dimensional engraving machine
- two-plane balancing machine
- two-roll sheet bending machine
- two-shift machine
- two-shifted machine
- two-tool machine
- two-way broaching machine
- two-way drilling machine
- two-way machine
- tybe-reducing machine
- typical machine
- ultra precision machine
- ultra-high precision machine
- ultra-high speed machine
- ultrasonic cleaning and degreasing machine
- ultrasonic cleaning machine
- ultrasonic copy-piercing machine
- ultrasonic drilling machine
- ultrasonic hole-contouring machine
- undedicated machine
- underdesigned machine
- underutilized machine
- unit construction machine
- unit-built machine
- unit-changeable machine
- unit-type machine
- universal boring machine
- universal cutter and tool grinding machine
- universal head milling machine
- universal horizontal milling machine
- universal knee-type milling machine
- universal milling machine
- universal rotaty table grinding machine
- universal table grinding machine
- universal testing machine
- universal tool and die milling machine
- universal tool milling and boring machine
- universal toolroom milling machine
- universal-spindle machine
- unmanned machine
- unmanned measuring machine
- unmanned turning machine
- upgradable machine
- uprated machine
- upright boring machine
- upright drilling machine
- upright drilling-and-boring machine
- upsetting machine
- used machine
- user-friendly machine
- utrasonic lapping machine
- valve seat lapping machine
- valve seat milling machine
- vehicle-mounted machine
- vending machine
- veneer slicing machine
- versatile machine
- vertical arm measuring machine
- vertical band machine
- vertical band-saw machine
- vertical band-sawing machine
- vertical bed machine
- vertical boring machine
- vertical broaching machine
- vertical chucking machine
- vertical double-ram broaching machine
- vertical double-slide broaching machine
- vertical drilling machine
- vertical machine
- vertical milling machine
- vertical planing machine
- vertical plano-milling machine
- vertical pull-up broaching machine
- vertical push-broaching machine
- vertical ram machine
- vertical slotting machine
- vertical spindle surface-grinding machine
- vertical turning machine
- vertical turning-and-boring machine
- vertical/horizontal machine
- vertically oriented drilling machine
- vertical-type machine
- vibration fatigue testing machine
- vibration machine
- vibratory finishing machine
- vibrofinishing machine
- Vickers hardness machine
- Vickers pyramid hardness machine
- vision-controlled machine
- volume production machine
- walking machine
- wall machine
- washing drying machine
- washing machine
- watch-case making machine
- watch-gear hobbing machine
- watch-gear making machine
- water jet cutting machine
- water-jet machine
- way-type machine
- way-type unit head machine
- weathering machine
- weighing machine
- welding machine
- well-developed machine
- wet-cutting machine
- wet-grinding machine
- wheel turning machine
- whirling machine
- wide belt sending machine
- wire bonding machine
- wire brush deburring machine
- wire coiling and winding machine
- wire cutting-off machine
- wire drawing machine
- wire EDM machine
- wire erosion machine
- wire netting and weaving machine
- wire-cut EDM machine
- wire-cut electrical discharge machine
- wire-cut machine
- wire-cutting machine
- wire-cutting spark erosion machine
- wire-eroding machine
- wire-forming machine
- wire-making machine
- wire-polishing machine
- wire-straightening machine
- woodsawing machine
- woodworking machine
- workpiece moving-type machine
- worm grinding machine
- worm milling machine
- wrist-pin boring machine
- xerox machine
- X-ray machineEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > machine
7 side
1. сущ.
1) а) сторона;
край on the other side ≈ с другой стороны the wrong side of cloth ≈ изнанка, левая сторона материи on the north side of the town square ≈ с северной стороны городской площади side by side ≈ рядом;
бок о бок far side near side reverse side б) склон( горы)
2) позиция, точка зрения, подход to study all sides of a problem ≈ изучить проблему со всех сторон humorous side ≈ юмористический подход practical side (of things) ≈ практический подход (к вещам) the seamy side of life ≈ изнанка жизни There are two sides to every question. ≈ У каждой проблемы есть две стороны.
3) а) стена, стенка б) мор. борт( судна)
4) сторона (в процессе, споре и т. п.) on smb's side ≈ на чьей-л. стороне to take smb.'s side ≈ примкнуть к кому-л. (в споре), встать на чью-л. сторону the losing side ≈ проигравшая сторона the winning side ≈ выигравшая сторона the wrong side ≈ та сторона, которая не права
5) линия родства relatives on the paternal side ≈ родственники по линии отца
6) половина тела, мясной туши и т. п. ∙ put on side put on one side
2. прил.
1) боковой She slipped out of the theatre by a side door. ≈ Она выскользнула из театра через боковую дверь. Ant: main
2) побочный, неглавный a side effect ≈ побочное действие( лекарства, лечения и т. п.)
3. гл. примкнуть к кому-л., быть на чьей-л. стороне (with) ;
выступать против (against) Why do you always side with your mother? ≈ Почему ты всегда берешь сторону своей матери? стенка, стена - the *s of a box стенки ящика - the *s of a house (боковые) стены дома (математика) сторона (фигуры) - a * opposite an angle сторона, противолежащая углу поверхность, сторона, одна из поверхностей (чего-либо) - the two *s of a coin обе стороны монеты - the outer * наружная сторона - to write on both *s of a sheet of paper писать на обеих сторонах листа (бумаги) - the right * of the cloth правая сторона ткани - the wrong * out наизнанку - your socks are on wrong * out вы надели носки наизнанку борт (корабля, лодки) - port * левый борт - lee * подветренная сторона склон - the *s of a mountain склоны горы берег - by the * of a river у берега реки поле, край ( страницы) (геология) сторона, крыло( сброса) (горное) грудь( забоя) ;
стенка (выработки) часть, половина;
сторона - one * of the room одна половина комнаты - the left * of the road левая сторона дороги - the shady * of the road теневая сторона дороги - he crossed to the other * of the room он пошел в другой конец комнаты часть, область, район - the fashionable * of the town фешенебельный район города - the east * of the city восточная часть города край, бок - to sit at the *s сидеть по бокам - to sit on the * of the bed сидеть на краю кровати - to sit at the opposite * of the table сидеть у противоположной стороны стола - a stone at the * of the road камень у края дороги бок (туловища) - he put his hands to his *s он подбоченился - the panting *s of the horse раздувающиеся бока лошади - to shake one's *s with laughing лопаться от смеха, смеяться до упаду место рядом - at smb.'s * рядом с кем-либо - by the * of smth., smb. рядом с чем-либо, кем-либо, около чего-либо, кого-либо;
в сравнении с чем-либо, кем-либо - he never left her * он от нее не отходил - she looked small by the * of him она казалась маленькой рядом с ним - to stand by smb.'s * стоять рядом с кем-либо;
поддерживать кого-либо (морально) - * by * бок о бок;
на одной линии( с кем-либо) ;
в полном согласии, в единении (с кем-либо) половина (туши) - to cut the carcass into two *s разрубить тушу на две части бок, грудинка - a * of beef говяжья грудинка - a * of mutton бараний бок, баранья грудинка место, пункт - the blank * слабое место - every man has his weak * у каждого свои слабости - to appeal to the better * of smb.'s nature взывать к лучшей стороне чьей-либо души аспект, сторона;
черта - to study a question from all *s изучить вопрос всесторонне - a * of his character not generally known черта его характера, мало кому известная - to look on the dark * of things смотреть на вещи мрачно - on the one * с одной стороны - on the other * с другой стороны - on neither * ни с какой стороны - on every *, on all *s со всех сторон - he knows both *s of the question он знает оба аспекта этого вопроса сторона (в споре, рассуждении) - he was on his * very anxious to see Mrs. O. он, со своей стороны, очень хотел увидеть г-жу О. - explain your * of the argument а какова ваша мотивировка? - on all *s war is believed to be the curse of mankind все считают войну бичом человечества - it takes both *s to tell the truth чтобы узнать правду, надо выслушать обе стороны группа, сторона;
партия - the *s a battle сражающиеся стороны - the winning * сторона, одерживающая победу - to change *s перейти из одной партии в другую, перейти на другую сторону - to take a * with smb. принимать чью-либо сторону, становиться на чью-либо сторону - don't take *s in lovers' quarrels не ввязывайтесь в ссоры влюбленных (спортивное) сторона;
команда - no *s! ничья! - our * won the baseball game наша команда выиграла встречу по бейсболу линия (родства) - a cousin on the maternal * родственник по материнской линии отделение( учебного заведения) - the Classical * классическое отделение группа студентов, находящихся на попечении какого-либо преподавателя (в Кембриджском университете) склонность, уклон ( в ту или иную сторону) - on the long * длинноватый - on the heavy * слишком тяжеловесный - to be on the sickly * быть хилым - this * of smth. почти, не доходя до чего-либо - I loved her this * of idolatry моя любовь к ней доходила почти до преклонения - to err on the * of charity быть слишком снисходительным (театроведение) переписанная роль (для одного актера) > to be on the right * of forty быть моложе сорока лет > to be on the wrong * of forty быть старше сорока лет > to get on the right * of smb. заслужить чью-либо благосклонность > to get out of the bed on the wrong * встать с левой ноги > on the * на гарнир, в виде гарнира > a steak with french fries on the * бифштекс с гарниром из жареной картошки > on the * попутно, дополнительно > to make a little money on the * подработать на стороне > she tried to sell cosmetics on the * она пыталась подзаработать продажей косметики > on the * на стороне > he dates another girl on the * на стороне он встречается еще с одной девушкой > to put a question on one * оставить вопрос в стороне, не обращать внимания на данный вопрос боковой - * entrance боковой вход - * lane боковая дорожка - * thrust удар сбоку - * aisles in a theatre боковые места в театре - * chain( химическое) боковая цепь - * ladder( морское) боковой трап - * clearance( техническое) боковой зазор;
торцевой зазор - * dumping( техническое) разгрузка в сторону - * elevation( техническое) вид сбоку;
продольный разрез побочный, неглавный - * remark случайно брошенное замечание - * reaction( химическое) побочная реакция - * effect побочное действие, побочный эффект - * payment побочный заработок заказанный на гарнир - * order of french fries заказанная на гарнир жареная картошка( with) вставать на( чью-либо) сторону;
объединяться, группироваться, блокироваться( с кем-либо) - he *d with the natives он встал на сторону местного населения - they *d with our enemies against us они объединились с нашими врагами против нас (американизм) приводить в порядок, убирать - to * the table убрать со стола (редкое) отложить, отодвинуть в сторону (разговорное) чванство, зазнайство - he has too much * он слишком задается - to put on * about one's birth чваниться своим происхождением - much too much * about the man он слишком много о себе воображает to make a little money on the ~ подработать немного денег на стороне;
to be on the heavy side быть перегруженным to be on the ~ of the angels придерживаться традиционных (ненаучных) взглядов debit ~ дебет счета debit ~ левая сторона баланса debit ~ левая сторона счета equity ~ графа акционерного капитала free over ~ франко-строп судна в порту разгрузки from all sides, from every ~ со всех сторон, отовсюду;
side of the page поле страницы from all sides, from every ~ со всех сторон, отовсюду;
side of the page поле страницы to get on the right ~ (of smb.) расположить( кого-л.) к себе;
to take sides стать на (чью-л.) сторону;
примкнуть к той или другой партии to make a little money on the ~ подработать немного денег на стороне;
to be on the heavy side быть перегруженным noncomponent ~ вчт. монтажная сторона the weather is on the cool ~ погода довольно прохладная;
on the side попутно, между прочим;
дополнительно, в придачу opposite ~ противная сторона ~ attr. побочный;
a side effect побочное действие (лекарства, лечения и т. п.) ;
to put on one side игнорировать ~ разг. чванство, высокомерие;
to put on side важничать ~ линия родства;
relatives on the maternal side родственники по материнской линии the right (wrong) ~ of cloth правая (левая) сторона материи, лицо( изнанка) материи side половина тела, мясной туши ~ мор. борт ~ линия родства;
relatives on the maternal side родственники по материнской линии ~ позиция, точка зрения, подход ~ склон (горы) ~ стенка ~ сторона (в процессе, споре и т. п.) ~ сторона;
side by side рядом;
бок о бок ~ сторона;
сторона по делу ~ сторона ~ примкнуть (к кому-л.), быть на (чьей-л.) стороне (with) ~ разг. чванство, высокомерие;
to put on side важничать ~ attr. боковой ~ attr. побочный;
a side effect побочное действие (лекарства, лечения и т. п.) ;
to put on one side игнорировать ~ сторона;
side by side рядом;
бок о бок from all sides, from every ~ со всех сторон, отовсюду;
side of the page поле страницы silver ~ лучшая часть ссека говядины supply ~ аспект предложения( в экономике) to get on the right ~ (of smb.) расположить (кого-л.) к себе;
to take sides стать на (чью-л.) сторону;
примкнуть к той или другой партии the weather is on the cool ~ погода довольно прохладная;
on the side попутно, между прочим;
дополнительно, в придачу -
8 device
1) устройство2) установка; агрегат3) аппарат4) механизм5) прибор; измерительное устройство7) компонент; элемент8) схема•devices identical in design — конструктивные аналоги;-
alphanumeric display device-
automatic exposure control device-
bubble memory device-
bucket brigade charge-coupled device-
decision-making device-
drilling bit feed device-
electrical device-
exposure control device-
Gunn-effect device-
Hall-effect device-
hard-copy output device-
household electrical device-
humidity detecting device-
hybrid-type device-
Josephson-effect device-
maneuvering propulsion device-
materials-handling device-
multiport device-
night observation device-
noise dampening device-
photoconducting device-
propulsion device-
protection device-
raster-display device-
registering pin device-
reversible film feeding device-
seed-feeding device-
supply reel braking device-
three-axis device -
9 gear
2) аппаратура; оборудование4) привод7) зубчатое колесо, ЗК, авто шестерня8) редуктор•in gear — в зацеплении;landing gear is down and locked — шасси выпущено и установлено на замки выпущенного положения;out of gear — вне зацепления, расцепленный;to gear down — 1. понижать скорость вращения ( вала) с помощью зубчатой передачи 2. выпускать шасси;to extend the landing gear — выпускать шасси;to lock in ( to put into) gear — вводить в зацепление, включать передачу;to raise (to retract) the landing gear — убирать шасси;to run out the landing gear — выпускать шасси;to throw into gear — вводить в зацепление, включать передачу;to throw out of gear — выводить из зацепления, выключать передачу;to gear up — повышать скорость вращения ( вала) с помощью зубчатой передачи;gear with concave tooth profile — передача с вогнутым профилем зубьев, передача с вогнутыми зубьями;gear with convex tooth profile — передача с выпуклым профилем зубьев, передача с выпуклыми зубьями-
accessory gear
Ackerman steering gear
additional change gear
admission gear
aft landing gear
airscrew reduction gear
airscrew reversing gear
alighting gear
amphibious landing gear
anchor handling gear
anchor gear
antislide gear
antiwheelspin gear
arresting landing gear
audio gear
auxiliary gear
axle drive gear
back gear
badly meshing gears
bar throw-off gear
barring gear
beaching gear
bell-operating gear
bell-type distributing gear
bevel gear
bevel spur gear
blade stop gear
blasting gear
boat-handling gear
bottom gear
bow anchor gear
box-lifting gear
brake gear
brush gear
brush rocker gear
brush-lifting gear
buffer gear
bull gear
cable gear
cam gear
cam-and-lever steering gear
cantilever landing gear
carburized gear
cardan gear
cargo gear
castor landing gear
center coupler draft gear
chain gear
change gear
chargehole-opening gear
cluster gear
clutch gear
coiler gear
collapsed landing gear
composite gear
composite tooth profile gear
cone friction gear
cone gear
connecting rod gear
constant-mesh gear
control gear
crank gear
creeper gear
crossed-axis helical gear
crowding gear
crown gear
damper gear
degaussing gear
differential change gear
differential gear
discharging gear
disconnecting gear
distributing gear
door-extracting gear
door-lifting gear
door-operating gear
double gear
double-reduction gear
double-wheel gear
draft gear
draw-buffing gear
drive gear
driven gear
driver gear
driving gear
dummy landing gear
dumping gear
eccentric gear
echo sounding gear
electric steering gear
electrohydraulic steering gear
electromagnetic gear
electromechanical steering gear
elliptical gear
emergency gear
emergency landing gear
engine gear
equalizing gear
equivalent helical gear
experimental gear
external gear
face gear
feed gear
first gear
fishing gear
fixed gear
fixed landing gear
floating gear
flotation landing gear
flywheel ring gear
follower gear
friction all-steel draft gear
friction draft gear
friction gear
friction-rubber drait gear
gate-operating gear
globoidal gear
governor gear
ground gear
hand-propelling gear
hardened gear
helical gear
herring-bone gear
high gear
high-capacity draft gear
high-load carrying tooth gear
high-ratio gear
high-voltage gear
hill-climbing gear
hoisting gear
holding-down gear
hull-equipped landing gear
hydraulic draft gear
hydraulic drive gear
hydraulic gear
hydraulic steering gear
hydraulic-friction draft gear
hypoid gear
hypoid-spiral bevel gear
idle gear
inadvertently retracted landing gear
increase gear
index gear
interlocking gear
internal gear
involute gear
irreversible gear
jacking gear
landing gear
lantern gear
launching gear
layshaft gears
leveling gear
lifting gear
locking gear
lock gear
low gear
lubricating gear
magnetic gear
main drive gear
main gear
main landing gear
mating gear
mechanical steering gear
metric gear
miter gear
module gear
mooring gear
multiengine gear
multiplying gear
netting gear
nose landing gear
nylon gear
oiling gear
on-load tap-changing gear
pedal gear
pick-off gear
pin gear
pinion gear
piston valve gear
planetary gear
planet gear
point operating gear
pontoon equipped landing gear
poorly meshing gears
positive valve gear
power gear
power return gear
prematurely retracted landing gear
profile-modified spur gear
profile-shifted gear
propeller gear
propeller planetary gear
propulsion reduction gear
protective gear
pulley gear
pusher-control gear
rack-and-pinion gear
rack gear
racking gear
ram-type steering gear
ratched-and-pawl gear
ratchet gear
recirculating ball gear
reducing gear
reference gear
release gear
remote control gear
retractable landing gear
reverse gear
right-angle gear
ring gear
rotation gear
rotor intermediate gear
rubber-hydraulic draft gear
running gear
saddle gear
safety gear
sanding gear
satellite gear
screw gear
screw-down gear
selective gear
selector gear
self-changing gear
self-locking gear
single-lever with rolling stud steering gear
single-lever with sliding stud steering gear
skew bevel gear
skew gear
skid-equipped landing gear
ski-equipped landing gear
slewing gear
slew gear
sliding gear
solid gear
spiral bevel gear
spiral gear
spool gear
spooling gear
spur gear
spur rack gear
star gear
starting gear
stationary ring gear
steering gear
stepped gear
stern anchor gear
stop gear
straight bevel gear
sun gear
sun-and-planet gear
switch gear
switch release gear
swivel gear
synchronizing gear
tailwheel landing gear
tappet gear
telemetering gear
throw-over gear
thrust gear
tilting gear
tipping gear
tooth gear
top gear
top-charging gear
towing gear
tow gear
trailer gear
transmission gear
traveling gear
traverse gear
traversing gear
tricycle-equipped landing gear
trip gear
triple helical gear
triple-change gear
tripping gear
turbocharger drive gear
turning gear
twin-lever with rolling studs steering gear
twin-lever with sliding studs steering gear
uncoupling gear
underload tap-changing gear
valve-actuating gear
vane-type steering gear
variable-speed gear
wave gear
welded structure gear
winding gear
worm gear
worm-and-roller steering gear
worm-and-sector steering gear -
10 price
1. n(for / of) цена (на что-л.), цена (чего-л.)to charge a price — запрашивать / назначать цену
to deregulate prices — вводить свободные цены; отпускать цены
to eliminate the wide fluctuations in commodity prices — устранять значительные колебания цен на сырьевые товары
to fix a price — назначать / устанавливать цену
to free prices — либерализировать / отпускать цены
to maintain prices — поддерживать / сохранять цены на одном уровне
to pay a price for smth — расплачиваться / поплатиться за что-л.
to pay a high price — тж перен. дорого заплатить
to pay a human price — заплатить за что-л. человеческими жизнями
to place a price on smb's head — назначать награду за поимку или уничтожение кого-л.
to put a price on smth — назначать цену на что-л.
to quote a price — бирж. назначать, котировать цену
to regulate prices — регулировать / упорядочивать цены
to roll back / to scale down a price — снижать цену
to secure remunerative, equitable and stable prices — обеспечивать выгодные, справедливые и устойчивые цены
to send prices skyrocketing / soaring — приводить к резкому росту цен
- actual priceto set a price — назначать / устанавливать цену
- advanced price
- agricultural prices
- asking price
- at a certain price
- at cost price
- at current prices
- at reduced prices
- at the price of the day
- attractive price
- bargain price
- basic price
- below cost price
- blue-chip prices
- bottom price
- buying price
- ceiling price
- closing price
- collapse in prices
- collapse of prices
- commodity prices
- common price
- comparable prices
- competitive price - cost price
- current price
- cut in prices
- decline in prices
- decontrolled prices
- difference in prices
- discount price
- discriminatory prices
- drop in prices
- dumping price
- effective price
- equitable price
- escalating prices
- exorbitant price
- export price
- fair price
- fall in prices
- fall of prices
- farm produce prices
- firm price
- fixed price
- fluctuating price - freeze of prices
- going price
- grain price
- guaranteed price
- heavy price
- high price
- highest price
- import price
- in comparable prices
- increase in prices
- inflated price
- inflationary soaring of prices
- international prices
- jump in prices
- knock-down price
- level of prices
- list price
- long price
- low price
- lowest price
- maintenance of prices
- market price
- market-determined price
- maximum price
- minimum price
- moderate price
- monopoly prices
- net price
- offer price
- oil price
- oil prices touched $... a barrel
- peak price
- pegged price
- plunge in prices
- popular price
- pre-determined price
- preferential price
- prices are on the downward slide
- prices collapse
- prices decline
- prices drop
- prices fall
- prices fluctuate
- prices go down
- prices go up
- prices increase
- prices plummet
- prices plunged to their lowest
- prices push up
- prices rally
- prices react
- prices rebound
- prices remain unstable
- prices rise
- prices rocket
- prices shoot up
- prices showed their second major gain
- prices skyrocket
- prices slip back
- prices slump
- prices spiral downwards
- prices surge ahead - purchase price
- reasonable price
- reduced price
- reduction of prices
- regular price
- remunerative price
- resale price
- reserve price
- retail price
- rise in prices
- rising prices
- rock-bottom price
- sale price
- selling price
- settlement price
- shaky prices
- share prices are showing big losses
- share prices were slightly weaker
- share prices
- slide in share prices
- slump in prices
- soaring of the price
- speculative price
- stabilization of prices
- stable prices
- state-set price
- state-subsidized price
- steep price
- stiff price
- stock prices
- support price
- surge in prices
- target price
- trade price
- uniform prices
- unit price
- unstable prices
- uplift in prices
- upset price
- variable price
- volatility in share prices
- volume price
- wholesale price
- world market price
- world price
- worldwide fall in share prices 2. vназначать цену, оценивать -
11 gear
1) зубчатая передача; шестерня || входить в зацепление2) механизм; привод; устройство•- axle drive gear
- axle driven gear
- axle shaft gear
- belt gear
- bevel gear
- bottom gear
- brake gear
- cam gear
- cam-and-double-roller steering gear
- cam-and-lever steering gear
- cam-and-roller steering gear
- camshaft gear
- cardan gear
- center gear
- central gear
- chain gear
- chevron gear
- clutch gear
- conical gear
- connecting gear
- constant-mesh gear
- control gear
- coolant pump drive gear
- crank gear
- crawler gear
- crown gear
- cruising gear
- cylindrical gear
- differential gear
- direct gear
- disconnecting gear
- distributor gear
- draw gear
- drive gear
- driven gear
- drive-through gear
- driving gear
- dumping gear
- epicyclic gear
- external gear
- first gear
- follower gear
- fourth gear
- friction gear
- helical gear
- high gear
- hoisting gear
- hollow gear
- hydraulic gear
- hypoid gear
- idler gear
- indirect gear
- injection pump drive gear
- intermediate gear
- internal gear
- involute gear
- landing gear
- leveling gear
- lifting gear
- low gear
- mating gears
- meshing gears
- nut-and-lever steering gear
- nut-and-sector steering gear
- oil gear
- oil-pump gear
- outer gear
- overdrive gear
- parking lock gear
- peg-and-worm steering gear
- pinion gear
- planet gear
- planetary gear
- rack gear
- rack-and-pinion steering gear
- ratchet gear
- recirculating ball steering gear
- recirculating ball-and-nut steering gear
- reduction gear
- reverse gear
- reversing gear
- ring gear
- running gear
- satellite gear
- screw, nut and sector steering gear
- screw-and-nut steering gear
- second gear
- segment gear
- servo-assisted steering gear
- side gear
- speedometer gear
- spiral bevel gear
- spiral gear
- spur gear
- starter gear
- steering gear
- stem gear
- sun gear
- third gear
- three-way tipping gear
- timing gear
- tipping gear
- top gear
- valve gear
- variable-ratio steering gear
- worm gear
- worm-and-sector steering gear* * *• передача• передача; конкретная шестерня в коробке* * *1) передача; 2) механизм; 3) шестерня -
12 policy
n1) политика2) политика, линия поведения
- accounting policy
- additional policy
- adjustable policy
- adjustment policy
- aggressive working capital policy
- agricultural policy
- all loss or damage policy
- all risks policy
- anti-inflationary policy
- antirecession policy
- austere monetary policy
- balance-of-payments policy
- bank policy
- bearer policy
- blanket policy
- block policy
- borrowing policy
- budgetary policy
- business policy
- cargo policy
- clean policy
- commercial policy
- compensatory policy
- compensatory fiscal policy
- competition policy
- comprehensive policy
- comprehensive insurance policy
- consistent policy
- corporate policy
- credit policy
- currency policy
- customs policy
- declaration policy
- deflationary policy
- demand-side policy
- discount policy
- discretionary fiscal policy
- discriminatory policy
- disinflationary policy
- distributive policy
- dividend policy
- domestic policy
- dumping policy
- easy credit policy
- easy monetary policy
- easy money policy
- economic policy
- embargo policy
- endowment insurance policy
- equity-linked policies
- excess policy
- expansionary fiscal policy
- expectant policy
- expired insurance policy
- export policy
- export cargo insurance policy
- farm policy
- financial policy
- fire insurance policy
- first-loss policy
- fiscal policy
- fixed order policy
- fleet policy
- flexible policy
- floating policy
- foreign policy
- foreign economic policy
- foreign exchange policy
- foreign trade policy
- franchise policy
- free of particular average policy
- freight policy
- general policy
- general insurance policy
- goods policy
- government policy
- green policy
- group policy
- hands-off policy
- hands-on policy
- home policy
- immigration policy
- incomes policy
- increased value policy
- individual policy
- ineffective policy
- inflationary policy
- insurance policy
- interest policy
- interest rate policy
- internal policy
- international policy
- investment policy
- issuing policy
- judicial policy
- lapsed policy
- lending policy
- licence policy
- life policy
- life assurance policy
- life insurance policy
- loan policy
- long-standing policy
- loose monetary policy
- loss-of-profit policy
- management policy
- marine insurance policy
- market policy
- marketing policy
- master policy
- merchandising policy
- mixed policy
- monetary policy
- money supply policy
- named policy
- one-price policy
- open policy
- open market policy
- overall policy
- paid-up policy
- participating policy
- patent policy
- patent law policy
- personal accident policy
- population policy
- price policy
- price control policy
- price support policy
- pricing policy
- public policy
- real policy
- reinsurance policy
- replacement policy
- responsibility insurance policy
- restrictive policy
- restrictive credit policy
- retirement policy
- running policy
- safe policy
- sales policy
- service policy
- short-sighted policy
- short-term policy
- social policy
- sound financial policy
- stabilization policy
- speculation policy
- standard policy
- state policy
- state intervention policy
- stiff monetary policy
- supply-side policy
- tariff policy
- taxation policy
- ticket policy
- tight credit policy
- tight fiscal policy
- tight money policy
- time policy
- tough policy
- trade policy
- trading policy
- transport policy
- underwriting policy
- unvalued policy
- valued policy
- vessel policy
- void policy
- voidable policy
- voyage policy
- wage policy
- wait-and-see policy
- warranty policy
- whole life policy
- with-profits policy
- policy of boycott
- policy of containment
- policy of controlling prices
- policy of economy
- policy of free trade
- policy of insurance
- policy of marine insurance
- policy of regulating prices
- policy of reinsurance
- policy of sea insurance
- policy of standardization
- policy of temporization
- policy of trade expansion
- policy to bearer
- adopt a laissez-faire policy
- amend a policy
- borrow on a policy
- cancel a policy
- carry out a policy
- contest a policy
- dictate a policy
- effect a policy of insurance
- follow a policy
- formulate policies
- implement a policy
- issue a policy
- loosen monetary policy
- make out a policy
- pursue a policy
- reinstate a policy
- renew a policy
- rescind a policy
- reverse a policy
- revise a policy
- subscribe to a policy
- support a policy
- surrender a life insurance policy
- take out a policy
- tighten a fiscal policy
- underwrite a policyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > policy
13 rope
1) канат; трос; верёвка; кабель; шнур2) привязывать; закреплять•- auxiliary load rope - bailing rope - band rope - black rope - boom suspension rope - cable-laid rope - carriage rope - carrying rope - chafing rope - closing rope - combination-laid rope - combined rope - conveying rope - crane rope - derricking rope - digging rope - double-lay rope - driving rope - dumping rope - elevator speed-limit device rope - flat rope - fouled rope - frayed rope - galvanized steel wire rope - grubber rope - guide rope - guy rope - hauling rope - hay rope - helical rope - hemp rope - hide rope - hoisting rope - jammed rope - jute rope - lift-balancing wire rope - locked-coil rope - long-lay rope - main load rope - manila rope - non-rotating rope - non-twisted rope - nylon rope - one-strand rope - open coil rope - oval stranded rope - pull rope - regular-lay rope - reverse-laid rope - round steel wire rope - round-strand rope - sagging rope - scraper drag rope - shaped wire rope - single-lay rope - sisal hemp rope - slack rope - slipping rope - spinning rope - spiral rope - stay rope - steel rope - steel wire rope - strand rope - tail rope - tarred rope - tarred hemp rope - tight rope - tightening rope - tow rope - travelling rope - triangular-stranded wire rope - trip rope - twisted rope - wire rope* * *канат, трос; верёвка- asbestos rope
- auxiliary hoist rope
- boom suspension ropes
- braided nylon rope
- braided wire rope
- bucket rope
- bucket tipping rope
- cable-laid rope
- closing rope
- compensating rope
- derricking rope
- drag rope
- drum counterweight rope
- equal lay rope
- fiber rope
- filament nylon rope
- flat rope
- fly-jib fixed ropes
- guy rope
- haulage rope
- hoisting rope
- hoist rope
- insulating rope
- jib derricking rope
- jib safety rope
- jute rope
- load hoisting rope
- locked-coil rope
- main hoist rope
- Manila rope
- mast suspension rope
- multipart derricking rope
- nonrotating rope
- nylon rope
- parallel lay rope
- pendant rope
- principal load lifting rope
- standard wire rope
- standing guy rope
- standing rope
- steel wire rope
- stranded wire rope
- wire rope
- wire rope for every service -
14 rope
= cable, lineканат, трос•
- balance rope
- boom suspension rope
- bull rope
- conveying rope
- descending rope
- digging rope
- drag rope
- dump rope
- dumping rope
- endless rope
- flat rope
- flat-strand rope
- four-rope
- guide rope
- haulage rope
- head rope
- hemp rope
- hoisting rope
- kibble rope
- locked rope
- locked-coil rope
- main rope
- multistrand rope
- non-rotating rope
- non-spin rope
- non-spinning rope
- preformed rope
- regular-lay rope
- return rope
- reverse-laid rope
- round rope
- round-strand rope
- rubbing rope
- sealed rope
- slack rope
- stage rope
- standing rope
- suspension rope
- tail rope
- taper rope
- tapered rope
- tight rope
- tipping rope
- traction rope
- trailer-rope
- universal-lay rope
- vee-rope
- winding rope
См. также в других словарях:
Reverse discrimination — Part of a series on Discrimination General forms … Wikipedia
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter — London Convention signatories The Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972, commonly called the London Convention or LC 72555 and also barbie abbreviated as Marine Dumping, is an agreement to… … Wikipedia
Обратный демпинг — REVERSE DUMPING Продажа товаров на рынках других стран по более высоким ценам, чем цены на эти товары на внутреннем рынке. Обратный демпинг возможен в том случае, если компания занимает монопольное положение на рынке. Ср.: Dumping … Словарь-справочник по экономике
environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… … Universalium
DJMax Technika — Promotion poster for DJMax Technika (China) Developer(s) Pentavision … Wikipedia
environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium
Iron fertilization — For information on ocean fertilization schemes not involving iron, see ocean nourishment. An oceanic phytoplankton bloom in the South Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Argentina covering an area about 300 miles (480 km) by 50 miles Iron… … Wikipedia
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium
ECONOMIC AFFAIRS — THE PRE MANDATE (LATE OTTOMAN) PERIOD Geography and Borders In September 1923 a new political entity was formally recognized by the international community. Palestine, or Ereẓ Israel as Jews have continued to refer to it for 2,000 years,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Discrimination — This article focuses on discrimination in sociology, not statistical discrimination. For other uses of the term, see the entry for discrimination at Wiktionary. Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Portable Executable File Format — Portable Executable Extension .cpl, .exe, .dll, .ocx, .sys, .scr, .drv Type de format Binaire, Exécutable, Code Objet, DLL Extension du MZ DOS Executable COF … Wikipédia en Français