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См. также в других словарях:

  • retrospondylolisthesis — Slipping posteriorly of the body of a vertebra, bringing it out of line with the adjacent vertebrae. [retro + G. spondylos, vertebra, + olisthesis, a slipping] * * * ret·ro·spon·dy·lo·lis·the·sis (ret″ro spon″də lo lis theґsis)… …   Medical dictionary

  • Retrolisthesis — Wikify|date=February 2008}A retrolisthesis is a posterior (1) displacement of one vertebral body with respect to the adjacent vertebrae to a degree less than a luxation. Clinically speaking, retrolisthesis is the opposite of spondylolisthesis… …   Wikipedia

  • anterolisthesis — an·tero·lis·the·sis (an″tər o lisґthə sis) [antero + Gr. olisthanein to slip] spondylolisthesis; cf. retrospondylolisthesis …   Medical dictionary

  • retrolisthesis — ret·ro·lis·the·sis (ret″ro lisґthə sis) retrospondylolisthesis …   Medical dictionary

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