1 retrograde movement
Военный термин: отступление, отход -
2 retrograde movement
отступление; отход -
3 forced retrograde movement
Военный термин: вынужденный отходУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > forced retrograde movement
4 voluntary retrograde movement
Военный термин: отход по собственной инициативе, преднамеренный отходУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > voluntary retrograde movement
5 forced retrograde movement
English-Russian military dictionary > forced retrograde movement
6 voluntary retrograde movement
отход по собственной инициативе, преднамеренный отходEnglish-Russian military dictionary > voluntary retrograde movement
7 movement
движение; передвижение; перевозки ( воинские) ; переброска; марш; маневр; ( строевой) прием; см. тж. marchair passenger movement (service-sponsored personnel) — воздушные перевозки военнослужащих и их семей
change of ga(u)ge rail movement — железнодорожные перевозки с перестановкой вагонов на колею другой ширины
rest movement (while marching) — свободное движение в строю [нестроевым шагом]
— logistical movement— tactical movements -
8 operation
операция; кампания; боевые [военные] действия; бой; сражение; эксплуатация; обслуживание; работа; pl. оперативное управление [отдел, отделение]; см. тж. action, battle, combatcounter C3 operation — операция [действия] против систем руководства, управления и связи [оперативного управления и связи]
counternaval forces naval operation (in closed or open offshore areas) — морская операция по разгрому ВМС противника (в закрытых или прилегающих к побережью открытых морских районах)
— breaching operation— exploitation-type operation— guarding security operations— missile operations— tactical operations— urban ized operations* * *
См. также в других словарях:
retrograde movement — Any movement of a command to the rear, or away from the enemy. It may be forced by the enemy or may be made voluntarily. Such movements may be classified as withdrawal, retirement, or delaying action … Military dictionary
Retrograde and direct motion — Direct motion is the motion of a planetary body in a direction similar to that of other bodies within its system, and is sometimes called prograde motion. Retrograde motion is motion in the opposite direction. In the case of celestial bodies,… … Wikipedia
retrograde operation — See retrograde movement … Military dictionary
Retrograde — may refer to: * Retrograde signaling, in neuroscience * Retrograde, a type of musical permutation * Retrograde and direct motion, the movement of an astronomical object * Retrograde ejaculation, in medicine * Retrograde menstruation occurs… … Wikipedia
Retrograde motion — This article is about retrograde motions of celestial bodies relative to a gravitationally central object. For the apparent motion as seen from a particular vantage point, see Apparent retrograde motion. Retrograde orbit: the satellite (red)… … Wikipedia
retrograde — 1. adjective a) Directed backwards, retreating; reverting especially inferior state, declining; inverse, reverse; movement opposite to normal or intended motion, often circular motion. b) Counterproductive to a desired outcome. 2. noun A… … Wiktionary
retrograde transport — fast axonal transport from the axon terminal to the nerve cell body, occurring at a rate of about 250 mm/day; it provides for the movement of endogenous and extracellular elements from the synaptic cleft to the cell body for sampling … Medical dictionary
Astrological progression — Astrological progressions are one of the main means used in Horoscopic astrology to forecast future trends and developments (the other means is transits, which are simply the ongoing movements of the planets across the sky). As its name implies,… … Wikipedia
Astrological transit — Astrological transits are one of the main means used in horoscopic astrology to forecast future trends and developments (the other means used is astrological progression , which progresses the horoscope forward in time according to set methods).… … Wikipedia
Maitres du Temps — Type Watch Maker Industry Watch Making Founded 2007 Headquarters Geneva, Switzerlad … Wikipedia
Pietism — was a movement within Lutheranism, lasting from the late 17th century to the mid 18th century and later. It proved to be very influential throughout Protestantism and Anabaptism, inspiring not only Anglican priest John Wesley to begin the… … Wikipedia