1 resultant lift
Макаров: результирующая подъёмная сила -
2 resultant lift
3 resultant lift
результирующая [суммарная] подъёмная силаEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > resultant lift
4 lift
перевозка; подъём; подъёмник, лифт; высота подъёма; аэрд. подъёмная сила; вертикальная тяга ( подъёмных двигателей) ; вертикальный полет; перевозить ( по воздуху) ; поднимать; создавать или использовать подъёмную силу; взлетать, отрываться ( от земли) ; рассеиваться ( об облаках)give lift to a wing — повышать [увеличивать] подъёмную силу крыла; поднимать крыло
— do lift— fan lift— jet lift— lift off— net lift— tip lift -
5 component
1. компонент; составная часть, элемент; агрегат; узел; блок; деталь2. составляющая, компонентаcomponent about the axiscomponent along the axiscomponent of the load factorcomponent of the momentcomponent of the thrustacceleration componentangular velocity componentaxial componentCartesian componentscirculatory componentcool engine componentcrosswind componentdisplacement componentdrag componentforce componentheadwind componenthigh-use componentshot-end componentinertial componentin-plane componentinput componentintegrally machined componentlift componentlift-dependent componentlong-lead-time componentslongitudinal componentmotivator componentnoncirculatory componentoscillatory componentoutput componentradar-reflective componentrearward componentresultant force componentresultant moment componentrotating componentssideforce componentstrain componentstress componentstructure componentsystematic componenttailwind componenttensorial componentthrust componenttorque componentupward componentvelocity componentwind componentwind velocity component -
6 thrust
тяга; сила тяги; осевое давление; импульс; создавать тягу или импульсstart in reverse thrust — запускать (двигатель) в режиме реверса тяги [при включенном реверсе]
7 angle
угол; уголковый профиль, уголокangle for neutral stability — угол атаки, соответствующий нейтральной устойчивости
angle of chordwise incidence — Бр. проекция угла атаки на плоскость симметрии самолёта (при боковом скольжении)
angle of resultant momentum — ркт. угол отклонения вектора результирующего количества движения (пересекающихся струй)
angle of streamwise incidence — Бр. действительный угол атаки (измеренный в направлении невозмущённого потока)
best lift/drag ratio angle of attack — наивыгоднейший угол атаки, угол атаки при максимальном качестве
dead angle of fire — мертвый [непростреливаемый] сектор [пространства]
downwash angle at the tail — угол скоса потока у оперения [стабилизатора]
fin angle of incidence — Бр. угол атаки киля
net angle of attack — эффективный [результирующий] угол атаки
seeker angle of view — угол зрения головки самонаведения [координатора цели]
terminal (flight path) angle — ркт. угол наклона траектории полёта на конечном участке
vane angle of attack — угол атаки флюгарки; угол атаки, измеренный флюгерным датчиком
wing stall angle (of attack) — критический [срывной] угол атаки крыла
8 motion
1) движение; перемещение (см. тж movement)2) устройство; механизм•- absolute motion of bodymotion per command — длина перемещения по команде, длина перемещения по одной команде (УП)
- absolute motion of particle
- accelerated motion
- angular motion
- approaching motion
- ascensional motion
- axis motion
- B axis motion
- back motion
- back-and-forth motion
- backward motion
- bar-link motion
- bending motion
- bipedal motion
- box link motion
- bulk motion
- Cartesian motion
- closed link motion
- compliant motion
- compound motion of particle
- conflicting motions
- constrained motion
- continuous motion
- controlled motion
- controlling motion
- coordinated axis motion
- coordinated motion
- copying motion
- counter motion
- crank motion
- creep motion
- creeping motion
- cross motion
- curvilinear motion
- cushioned motion
- cutting motion
- damped harmonic motion
- decelerated motion
- differential motion
- discontinuous motion
- disturbed motion
- down-up motion
- driving motion
- drop motion
- eccentric feed motion
- eccentric motion
- eddy motion
- eddying motion
- end-to-end motion
- error motion
- fast motion
- feed motion
- fine motion
- four-bar motion
- free motion
- friction feed motion
- galloping motion
- generating motion
- generation motion
- Geneva motion
- harmonic motion
- helical motion
- hobbling motion
- impulse motion
- in motion
- in-and-out motion
- increasing motion
- independent axis motion
- in-line motion
- in-out motion
- intended motion
- interlocked motion with the rotation of the main spindle
- interlocked motion
- intermittent motion
- interrelated motions
- interrupted rectilinear motion
- irregular motion
- jerking motion
- jigging motion
- joint motion
- lever motion
- lift motion
- lift-and-carry motions
- lifting motion
- limited motion
- limited reciprocating rectilinear motion
- limited rectilinear motion and return
- limited rectilinear motion with delay
- link motion
- lost motion
- machine axis motion
- main motion
- micrometer motion
- motion of rigid body about fixed axis
- motion of rigid body about fixed point
- negative motion
- nonprobing axis motion
- nonsteady motion
- nonuniform motion
- nosing motion
- orbital motion
- oscillating motion
- oscillatory motion
- out-and-in motion
- out-in motion
- out-of-straightness motion
- parallel motion
- pendulum motion
- perturbed motion
- pitch motion
- pivoting motion
- planet motion
- planetary motion
- plunge motion
- plural axis motion
- positive motion
- power traverse motion
- powered motion
- primary motion
- programmed cutting motion
- progressive motion
- proper motion
- quick motion
- rack motion
- radial error motion
- rapid motion
- rapid traverse motion
- rapid-tool motion
- reciprocating motion
- rectilinear motion
- reducing motion
- relative motion of axes
- relative motion
- relieving motion
- restricted motion
- resultant cutting motion
- retarded motion
- reverse motion
- rocking motion
- rolling motion
- rotary motion
- rotational motion
- rotatory motion
- screw motion
- screw-cutting motion
- see-saw motion
- separating motion
- setting motion
- sideward motion
- single motion
- sliding motion
- slipping motion
- smooth motion
- spin motion
- spindle radial error motion
- spiral motion
- stable motion
- steady motion
- stick-slip motion
- stop and go motion
- stop motion
- straight line motion
- stroke motion
- surfacing motion
- sway motion
- sweeping motion
- switching motion
- switching-in motion
- tilting motion
- to-and-fro motion
- tracer motion
- translational motion
- translatory motion
- transverse motion
- two-dimensional motion
- uncovenanted motion
- uncushioned motion
- undulatory motion
- unequal motion
- uniform linear motion
- uniform motion
- uniformly accelerated motion
- uniformly retarded motion
- unperturbed motion
- unsteady motion
- unwanted motion
- up motion
- up-down motion
- upslide motion
- upward motion
- valve motion
- variable motion
- vortex motion
- W axis motion
- wasted motion
- wave motion
- wheel infeed motion
- whirling motion
- withdrawal motion
- wobbling motion
- wristbend motion
- X axis motion
- Y axis motion
- yaw motion
- Z axis motionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > motion
9 force
сила; усилие; см. тж. effort; pl. ( войсковые) соединения или части; ( вооружённые) силы; вынуждатьAir Fleet Marine forces, Atlantic — авиация морской пехоты Атлантического флота ВМС США
Air Material force, Pacific area — армия материально-технического обеспечения ВВС США в тихоокеанской зоне
air-combat forces, naval aviation — боевые силы авиации ВМС
Allied Air forces, Central Europe — объединённые ВВС НАТО на центрально-европейском театре
Allied Air forces, Eastern Atlantic area — объединённые ВВС НАТО в восточной части Атлантики
Allied Air forces, Northern Europe — объединённые ВВС НАТО на североевропейском театре
Allied Air forces, Southern Europe — объединённые ВВС НАТО на южноевропейском театре
composite air strike force — смешанная оперативная ударная группа [соединение] ВВС
control force per unit of normal acceleration — расход усилий (на органах управления) на единицу нормальной перегрузки [нормального ускорения]
control system breakout force — сила [усилие] страгивания системы управления, усилие для преодоления трения покоя в проводке управления
force due to Q — усилие, создаваемое скоростным напором
Middle East Air force — Бр. ВВС на Среднем Востоке
Royal Auxiliary Air force — Бр. вспомогательные ВВС
stick force per «g» — градиент усилий на ручке по перегрузке
wheel brake decelerating force — сила торможения, развиваемая колёсами
— G force— Q force— q force— - trim force -
10 force
force nсилаacceleration forceсила ускоренияaerodynamic forceаэродинамическая силаapply forceприкладывать усилиеattraction forceсила притяженияbraking forceтормозное усилиеcenter of forceцентр приложения силыcentrifugal forceцентробежная силаcentripetal forceцентростремительная силаcomponent forceсоставляющая силаcontrol forceусилие в системе управленияcontrol wheel forceусилие на штурвалеcreate forceсоздавать усилиеcrosswind forceсила бокового ветраdamping forceдемпфирующая силаdeviation forceисточник девиацииdrag forceсила лобового сопротивленияelectromotive forceэлектродвижущая силаenter the tariff into forceутверждать тарифную ставкуforce major circumstancesчрезвычайные обстоятельстваforce triangleсиловой треугольникgravity forceгравитационная силаlateral forceбоковая силаlever actuating forceусилие перекладки рычагаlift forceподъемная сила(lift, ascensional force, buoyancy, lifting power) out-of-balance forceнеуравновешенная силаovercome the spring forceпреодолевать усилие пружиныpedal forceусилие на педалиpilot-applied forceусилие пилота на органах управленияpressure forceсила давленияproduce forceвызывать усилиеreactive forceреактивная силаresultant forceравнодействующая силаroll control force sensorдатчик усилий по кренуseparation forceусилие расстыковкиskin-friction forceсила трения обшивкиstick forceусилие на ручку управленияtowing forceтяговое усилие -
11 force
2) воздействие3) вмешательство || вмешиваться ( в работу устройства); принуждать, заставлять; форсировать4) вставлять с усилием, вдавливать; вгонять, загонять5) пуансон6) усиливать; ускорять; увеличивать•force A is equal and opposite to force B — сила А равна по величине и противоположна по направлению силе В;force between track links — натяг между звеньями траковой цепи;force in the joint — рбт усилие в сочленении;to apply force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие;to balance force — уравновешивать силу;to combine forces — складывать силы;to distribute force — распределять силу;to force down — прижимать книзу, отжимать;to exert force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие;to force home — вгонять (загонять) до отказа;to impress force upon structure — прикладывать силу к конструкции или к сооружению;to force out — 1. вытеснять, выгонять 2. выкачивать;to place forces in equilibrium — уравновешивать силы;to take ( up) force — воспринимать усилие;to force through — продавливать; проталкиватьforce of current interaction — сила взаимодействия токов, экстрадинамическая сила-
accelerating force
actual cutting force
actuation force
adhesion force
adsorption forces
aerodynamic force
aggregation force
alternating electromotive force
alternating force
applied force
ascensional force
attracting force
axial force
back electromotive force
balance force
bending force
Bernoulli force
biasing magnetizing force
body force
bolt strap force
bonding force
braking force
breakdown force
breakout force
buckling force
buffing force
buoyancy force
calculated force
calibration force
centrifugal force
centripetal force
clamping force
climb force
coercitive force
coercive force
cohesive force
collapsing force
collision force
compression force
concentrated force
constraining force
contact electromotive force
contact extraction force
contact force
contact retention force
contractive force
Coriolis force
cornering force
correct track assembly force
Coulomb force
counter-electromotive force
crack-driving force
crowding force
crowd force
crushing force
cutting force
damping force
deflecting force
deforming force
demagnetization force
differential force
digging force
direct force
directive force
draft force
drag force
drawbar pulling force
drawing force
driving force
dynamic force
effective force
effective tractive force
elastic force
electric force
electrodynamic force
electrokinetic force
electromotive force
electrostatic force
engaging force
equivalent force
exchange forces
expulsive force
external force
feed force
field force
flow force
flux force
fracture-driving force
fracture force
frictional force
friction force
gravitational force
gravity force
gripping force
hydraulic tractive force
ice force
image force
impact force
imposed force
impulsive force
induced electromotive force
inertial force
insertion force
instantaneous force
interacting forces
interionic forces
intermolecular forces
internal force
ionic force
jacking force
labor force
landing force
lateral force
levitating force
lifting force
lift force
lip force
longitudinal impact force
magnetic force
magnetizing force
magnetomotive force
magnifying force
mechanical force
member force
momentary force
motive force
mutual electrodynamic force
net drag force
net force
normal force
nuclear forces
oil stiction force
opposite forces
photoelectromotive force
pinch force
plane-strain crack resistance force
ploughing force
plug thrust force
ponderomotive force
press force
pressing force
pressure-gradient force
prestressing force
proper force
propulsive force
pryout force
psophometric electromotive force
pullout force
pull force
pulling force
pulsating electromotive force
raising force
rated force
reacting force
reaction force
reactive electromotive force
reactive force
release force
repair force
repulsive force
reset force
resistance force
restraining force
resultant force
retarding force
retention force
rotating electromotive force
saturating forces
secondary force
seepage force
self-inductance electromotive force
separating force
shearing force
shear force
side force
single force
skating force
sliding resistance force
space force
specific cutting force
specific friction force
spring force
starting force
steady cutting force
stretching force
suction force
sump force
superposed force
supporting force
surface tension force
tangential cutting force
tangential force
task force
tearing force
tensile force
thermal electromotive force
thermoelectromotive force
Thomson electromotive force
tide-generating force
tighting force
torque force
total electromotive force
total force
towing force
tracking force
tractive force
transient cutting force
transverse force
turret clamping force
twisting force
unit force
uplift force
upward force
Van der Waals forces
vectorial force
vector force
viscous force
water force
wave force
wind force
withdrawal force -
12 system
1) система
2) комплекс
3) совокупность
4) множество
5) область
6) схемный
7) устройство
8) системный
– adaptive system
– addressing system
– airdrop system
– antenna system
– arithmetic system
– blok system
– bus system
– c.m. system
– center-of-mass system
– classification system
– commutation system
– controlled system
– cooling system
– crossbar system
– cryoelectronic system
– deferlant system
– deflection system
– dial system
– distributed system
– double-current system
– doudecimal system
– draft system
– drainage system
– earth system
– ecological system
– encoder system
– energy system
– error-controlled system
– evaporator system
– exhaust system
– file system
– finder system
– floating-carrier system
– floating-point system
– focusing system
– fuel system
– gas-cleaning system
– gas-pressurized system
– ground system
– guidance system
– history of a system
– hot-water system
– hydraulic system
– identifiable system
– inertial system
– inteblock system
– Korsch system
– laboratory system
– Lesniewski system
– life-support system
– lightguiding system
– linear system
– monitoring system
– multimicroprocessor system
– multiple-data-set system
– non-autonomous system
– nondirector system
– number system
– parallel-feed system
– piece-rate system
– planetary system
– pneumatic system
– propulsion system
– prototype system
– public-address system
– quadrophonic system
– queuing system
– response of system
– right-handed system
– robot system
– safety-trip system
– sampled-data system
– scanning system
– sewage system
– shift system
– spraying system
– sprinkling system
– staff system
– stand-by system
– start-stop system
– start-up system
– storage system
– system behavior
– system check
– system debugging
– system design
– system failure
– system of equations
– system of imprimitivity
– system of wheels
– system reliability
– system topology
– tally system
– telephone system
– television system
– ten-step system
– timing system
– transmission system
– triangulation system
– triclinic system
– twelve-channel system
– two-particle system
– unattended system
– unstable system
– ventilation system
– video system
– warning system
– water-sludge system
– wellpoint system
aircraft electrical system — <aeron.> сеть бортовая электрическая
ample linear system — <math.> система линейная обильная
approach and docking system — <cosm.> система сближения и стыковки
automated/automatic landing system — <aeron.> система захода на посадку автоматизированная
automatic block system — < railways> автоблокировка
automatic deicing system — <aeron.> автомат противообледенительной системы
bang-bang control system — <comput.> система управления релейная
carrier frequency system — система передачи с частотным разделением каналов
Cartesian coordinate system — прямоугольная система координат
closed-circuit television system — <commun.> система телевидения невещательная
cycle matching system — <aeron.> навигация воздушная импульсная, система навигационная импульсная
differential selsyn system — дифсельсин, сельсин дифференциальный
digital counting system — <comput.> система отслеживающая цифровая
digital transmission system — <commun.> система передачи цифровая
disk operating system — <comput.> система операционная дисковая
dispatch telephone system — диспетчерская телефонная система
fiber-optics communication system — <commun.> система связи волоконно-оптическая
hereditarily generating system — наследственная система образующих
hexadecimal number system — шестнадцатиричная система счисления
information retrieval system — <comput.> система информационно-поисковая
integrated switching system — интегральная коммутационная система
itnegrated manufacturing system — комплексная автоматическая линия
jet engine starter system — <engin.> турбостартер
meteor-burst communication system — <commun.> система связи метеорная
microprocessor control system — микропроцессорная система управления
modular pneumatic-device system — система унифицированная агрегатная
modular programming system — <comput.> система модульного программирования
multipoint distribution system — многоадресная система распределения ТВ-программ
packet transmission system — система передачи с коммутацией пакетов сообщений
Pitot static system — <engin.> система ПВД
pulsed navigation system — <aeron.> навигация воздушная импульсная, система навигационная импульсная
quantum-mechanical readout system — <tech.> система считывающая квантовая
quasi-electronic switching system — квазиэлектронная система коммутации
reactor control system — <engin.> система управления и защиты
reactor protection system — <phys.> защита аварийная
receiver-amplifier crioelectric system — приемно-усилительная криоэлектронная система
remote-cylinder hydraulic system — раздельно—агрегатная гидросистема
resultant of system of forces — равнодействующая системы сил
satellite navigation system — <naut.> система навигационная космическая, система навигационная спутниковая
State System of Instruments — <engin.> система приборов Государственная
supervisory control system — <comput.> автодиспетчер
system of residual classes — <math.> система остаточных классов
telegraph block system — < railways> движение поездов по телеграфному соглашению
time interval system — < railways> разграничение поездов временем
time-division multiplex system — система передачи с временным разделением
unified radiotelemetry system — унифицированный радиотелеметрический комплекс
13 force
14 force
1. сила; усилие || прикладывать усилие2. форсировать— to apply force— to create force— to produce force -
15 force
сила; усилие; пробойник; бородок; пуансон; II усиливать; надевать с усилием; вставлять с усилием; форсировать; принуждать; заставлять; нагнетать; загонять; перегружать (машину); ускорять (ход, движение); напрягать; рез. шприцевать- combine the forces - force-and-tone adjusting screw - force back - force circulation - force conditions - force down - force fan - force feed - force-feed lubrication - force in - force intensity - force lift - force-limiting device - force of cohesion - force of compression - force of cut - force of friction - force of gravity - force of inertia - force of man - force of periphery - force off - force on - force out - force-pump - force through - force together - force triangle - force vector - attractive force - bearing force - coercitive force - cross-wind force - deflecting force - directing force - equilibrant force - friction force - injection force - internal force - lifting force - magnetizing force - mechanical force - motive force - moving force - peripheral force - propelling force - rated force - repair force - resistance force - resultant force - seepage force - side force - starting force - supporting force - tensile force - towing force - tractive force -
16 seepage force
17 force
1. сила; усилие/ прикладывать усилие/ силовой2. вынуждать3. форсировать4. персонал < предприятия>5. (войсковое) соединение; части и соединения; подразделенияforce at the hubforce due to pitchingforce due to rollingforce on the pitch controlforce per unit lengthforces due to aerodynamic hinge moments1/rev forceacceleration forceaccelerative forceactuating forceactuator forceaerobatic forcesaerodynamic forceaft stick forceair forceairborne early warning forceairframe forceairframe aerodynamic forceantiautorotational forceapplied forceaxial forcebackward rotated forcebalancing forceballoon's supporting forcebending forcebody axis aerodynamic forcesbraking forcebreak-out forcebuffet onset normal forcebuffeting forcebuoyant forcecancellation forcecarrier forcecarrier forcescentrifugal forcecentripetal forcechordwise forcescirculatory forcecombined test forcecompressive forceconcentrated forceconstraint forcecontact forcecontrol forcecontrol feel forcecontroller forcecontrolling forceCoriolis forcecornering forcecrack driving forcecross-stream forcecrush forcedamper forcedamper spring forcedamping forcedeceleration forcedecelerative forcedestabilizing forcedissipative forcesdisturbance forcedownward forcedrag forceEBO forceejection forceejection forceselastic forceembarked forceexciting forceexhaust forceseye balls out forcefield forcefinite forcefracture forcefriction forcefrictional forceG forcegeneralized forceground contact forcegyroscopic forcehub shear forceimpact forceimpulsive forcein-flight tanker forcein-phase forceinertia forceinertial forceinlet forcesin-plane forceinput forceinteraction forceinterface forcelateral forcelateral stick forcelateral-directional forcesleading-edge suction forcelift forcelongitudinal forcelongitudinal stick forcemaneuver forcemass forcemembrane forcemodal forcesnet forcenormal forcenormal-to-path forcesonce-per-revolution forceoscillatory forceout-of-phase forceoverall forcepedal forceperturbation forcespitch forcepitch stick forcepoint forcepower plant forcespressure forcespropelling forcepropulsion forcepropulsive forcepushing forceradial drag forceredundant forcesrepulsive forcerestoring forceresultant forceretarding forceretroactive forceroot mean square forcerotational forcerotor forcerotor forcesrotor head forcesrudder pedal forceseagoing air forcessection forceshear forceside forcespring forcestability axis aerodynamic forcesstick forcestick force per gstick force per inchstick force to trimstretching forcesuckdown forcesuction forcesurface forcetail forcetask forcetension forcethrust forcetorque forcetransverse forcetransverse shearing forcetrim forceV/STOL air forcevibration forcesvibratory forcesvirtual forcevortex forcevortex-induced forcevortical forcewind forcesyaw forceyawing force -
18 vector
1. вектор; направление/ векторный2. наведение/ наводитьadjoint vectoradmissible vectoraiming vectorangular momentum vectorangular-velocity vectoraugmented state vectorcolumn vectorcomplex vectorcontrol vectordeflection vectordiplacement vectordisturbance vectorelectric field vectorerror vectorfeedback vectorflight vectorflight vectorsflight path vectorforce vectorforcing vectorgravity vectorinfluence vectorinput vectorintercept vectorslift vectorload factor vectormagnetic field vectormeasurement vectornoise vectorobservation vectoroutput vectorperturbation vectorperturbation velocity vectorpitch vectorposition vectorradar vectorsresponse vectorresultant vectorrow vectorstate vectorsteering vectorstreamwise vectorthrust vectortrial vectorunit vectorvelocity vectorvorticity vectorwave number vectorweight vectorwind vectoryaw vector -
19 jet
струя; форсунка; сопло; см. тж. nozzle; жиклёр; струйный руль, струйник; реактивный двигатель; см. тж. engine; реактивный самолёт; реактивныйpitch (control, puffer, reaction) jet — струйник тангажа, струйный руль системы продольного управления
roll (control, puffer, reaction) jet — струйник крена, струйный руль системы поперечного управления
yaw (control, puffer, reaction) jet — струйник рыскания, струйный руль системы путевого управления
— big jet— cold jet— fan jet— gas jet— hot jet— ion jet— jato jet— jump jet— lift jet— main jet— pure jet— ram jet— slot jet— tail jet— VTOL jet -
20 vector
вектор; наводить ( на цель) ; направлять; указывать направление полёта; векторныйvector into a tail position — наводить (самолёт) в хвост [в заднюю полусферу] (цели)
См. также в других словарях:
Lift (force) — For other uses, see Lift. Boeing 747 8F landing A fluid flowing past the surface of a body exerts a surface force on it. Lift is the component of this force that is perpendicular to the … Wikipedia
torsion flexural flutter — The tendency toward aileron control reversal in flexible wings. The deflection of control surfaces produces a large amount of camber at the rear of the section. This causes the resultant lift force to move rearward, thus tending to twist the… … Aviation dictionary
aileron reversal — An adverse effect when an aircraft rolls in the reverse direction of the aileron input. This can be caused by the following: i. Aerodynamic twisting of the wing caused by ailerons as speed is increased, which may reduce, neutralize, or reverse… … Aviation dictionary
fluid mechanics — an applied science dealing with the basic principles of gaseous and liquid matter. Cf. fluid dynamics. [1940 45] * * * Study of the effects of forces and energy on liquids and gases. One branch of the field, hydrostatics, deals with fluids at… … Universalium
Mastopexy — Intervention Breast lift: the pre operative aspects of mild breast ptosis (left), and the post operative aspects of the correction, the lifted bust (right) … Wikipedia
Vertical axis wind turbine — Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) are a type of wind turbine where the main rotor shaft runs vertically. Among the advantages of this arrangement are that generators and gearboxes can be placed close to the ground, and that VAWT do not need to… … Wikipedia
Deflected slipstream — is an approach to creating an aircraft that can take off and land vertically (VTOL), or at least with a very short runway (STOL). The basic principle is to deflect the slipstream from one or more propellers approximately 90 degrees, to create an… … Wikipedia
rocket and missile system — ▪ weapons system Introduction any of a variety of weapons systems that deliver explosive warheads to their targets by means of rocket propulsion. Rocket is a general term used broadly to describe a variety of jet propelled missiles… … Universalium
ship — shipless, adj. shiplessly, adv. /ship/, n., v., shipped, shipping. n. 1. a vessel, esp. a large oceangoing one propelled by sails or engines. 2. Naut. a. a sailing vessel square rigged on all of three or more masts, having jibs, staysails, and a… … Universalium
Disasters — ▪ 2009 Introduction Aviation January 23, Poland. A Spanish built CASA transport plane carrying members of the Polish air force home from a conference on flight safety in Warsaw crashes near the town of Miroslawiec; all 20 aboard are killed … Universalium
Northwich — Not to be confused with Norwich, county town of Norfolk. Coordinates: 53°15′32″N 2°31′05″W / 53.259°N 2.518°W / … Wikipedia