1 respects
2 respects to
3 respects
уважать; приветСинонимический ряд:1. accounts (noun) accounts; admirations; considerations; esteem; esteems; estimations; favors; favours; honours; regards2. hands (noun) aspects; facets; hands; phases; respects; sides3. respect (noun) admiration; appreciation; best wishes; civility; compliments; flattery; respect; veneration4. values (verb) admires; appreciates; cherishes; considers; enjoys; esteems; honours; prizes; regards; relishes; respects; savours; treasures; values -
4 respects
уважает; отношенияin all respects, in every respect — во всех отношениях
5 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) hilsen* * *noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) hilsen -
6 respects
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] person who respects others[Swahili Word] mstahifu[Swahili Plural] wastahifu[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] stahi, stahivu V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] person who respects others[Swahili Word] mstahivu[Swahili Plural] wastahivu[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] stahi, stahivu V------------------------------------------------------------ -
7 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) respects, hommages -
8 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) saludos, recuerdos -
9 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) kveðja -
10 respects
11 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) respeitos -
12 respects
n. hürmetler, saygılar, selamlar* * *noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) saygılar, hürmetler -
13 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) pozdravi -
14 respects
15 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) hilsen -
16 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) omaggi -
17 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) die Grüße -
18 respects
19 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) sveicieni -
20 respects
noun plural (greetings: He sends his respects to you.) linkėjimai, sveikinimai
См. также в других словарях:
respects — ● respects nom masculin pluriel Témoignages, marques de respect, de civilité : Présenter ses respects à quelqu un … Encyclopédie Universelle
respects — [n] good wishes best wishes, compliments, courtesies, deference, devoirs, greetings, kind wishes, regards, salaam*, salutations; concept 278 … New thesaurus
respects — n. to pay; send one s respects * * * send one s respects to pay … Combinatory dictionary
respects — noun (often with last or final ): regards or respect expressed for a deceased person, usually at the same time as offering condolences to other mourners. Please come to the funeral service and pay your last respects for her grandmother … Wiktionary
respects — noun (often used with pay ) a formal expression of esteem (Freq. 3) he paid his respects to the mayor • Hypernyms: ↑message, ↑content, ↑subject matter, ↑substance * * * plural of respect … Useful english dictionary
respects — (Roget s IV) pl.n. Syn. deference, courtesies, kind wishes, best wishes, greetings, cordial regards, salaam, kowtow; see also greeting 1 , regards … English dictionary for students
respects — re·spect || rɪ spekt n. honor, esteem, high regard; consideration, attention v. honor, admire, esteem, hold in high regard … English contemporary dictionary
respects — scepters … Anagrams dictionary
respects — polite greetings. → respect … English new terms dictionary
respects — n. pl. Compliments, regards, commendations … New dictionary of synonyms
pay your respects — pay (your) respects to express your admiration or friendly feeling for someone. First I paid my respects to her parents and then went into to town to see some other people. Fans waited in the cold to pay their final respects to this fine athlete … New idioms dictionary