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  • 1 resolve

    1. transitive verb
    1) (dispel) beseitigen, ausräumen [Schwierigkeit, Zweifel, Unklarheit]
    2) (explain) lösen [Problem, Rätsel]
    3) (decide) beschließen
    4) (settle) beilegen [Streit]; klären [Streitpunkt]; regeln [Angelegenheit]
    2. intransitive verb

    resolve [up]on something/doing something — sich zu etwas entschließen/sich [dazu] entschließen, etwas zu tun

    3. noun
    Vorsatz, der

    make a resolve to do somethingden Vorsatz fassen, etwas zu tun

    * * *
    1) (to make a firm decision (to do something): I've resolved to stop smoking.) beschließen
    2) (to pass (a resolution): It was resolved that women should be allowed to join the society.) beschließen
    3) (to take away (a doubt, fear etc) or produce an answer to (a problem, difficulty etc).) lösen
    * * *
    [rɪˈzɒlv, AM -ˈzɑ:lv]
    I. vt
    1. (solve)
    to \resolve sth etw lösen [o klären]
    to \resolve a problem ein Problem lösen
    to \resolve one's differences seine Differenzen beilegen
    the crisis \resolved itself die Krise legte sich von selbst
    to \resolve sth into sth etw in etw akk zerlegen
    4. ( form: decide)
    to \resolve that... beschließen, dass...
    II. vi
    1. (decide) beschließen
    to \resolve to do sth beschließen, etw zu tun
    to \resolve on doing sth beschließen [o sich akk entschließen], etw zu tun
    2. (separate into) sich akk auflösen
    III. n ( form) Entschlossenheit f
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) problem, conflict, crisis lösen; doubt zerstreuen; dispute beilegen; differences, issue klären

    (= decide) to resolve that... — beschließen, dass...

    to resolve to do sth — beschließen, etw zu tun

    3) (= break up into elements) zerlegen (into in +acc); (= convert) auflösen (ALSO PHYS) (into in +acc)
    4) (MUS) chord, harmony auflösen (into in +acc)
    2. vi

    (= decide) to resolve (up)on sth — etw beschließen

    2) (into in +acc) (= break up) zerfallen; (= be converted) sich auflösen
    3. vr
    (into in +acc) sich zerlegen lassen; (= be converted) sich auflösen
    4. n
    1) (= decision) Beschluss m

    to make a resolve to do sthden Beschluss fassen, etw zu tun

    2) no pl (= resoluteness) Entschlossenheit f

    to do sth with resolveetw fest entschlossen tun

    * * *
    resolve [rıˈzɒlv; US auch rıˈzɑlv]
    A v/t
    1. auch CHEM, MATH, MUS, OPT auflösen ( into in akk):
    be resolved into sich auflösen in (akk);
    resolved into dust in Staub verwandelt;
    be resolved into tears in Tränen aufgelöst sein;
    resolving power OPT, FOTO Auflösungsvermögen n; academic.ru/14599/committee">committee 1
    2. ein Problem etc lösen
    3. Zweifel zerstreuen
    4. a) sich entschließen, beschließen ( beide:
    to do sth etwas zu tun)
    b) entscheiden:
    be it resolved (Formel) wir haben die folgende Entschließung angenommen
    5. analysieren
    6. MED
    a) einen Tumor zerteilen oder erweichen
    7. jemanden dazu bestimmen oder bewegen (on oder upon doing sth, to do sth etwas zu tun)
    B v/i
    1. a) sich auflösen ( into in akk; to zu)
    b) wieder werden (into, to zu):
    the tumo(u)r resolves MED die Geschwulst zerteilt sich
    2. (on, upon) (etwas) beschließen, sich (zu etwas) entschließen
    C s
    1. Vorsatz m, Entschluss m
    2. US resolution 1
    3. besonders poet Entschlossenheit f
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (dispel) beseitigen, ausräumen [Schwierigkeit, Zweifel, Unklarheit]
    2) (explain) lösen [Problem, Rätsel]
    3) (decide) beschließen
    4) (settle) beilegen [Streit]; klären [Streitpunkt]; regeln [Angelegenheit]
    2. intransitive verb

    resolve [up]on something/doing something — sich zu etwas entschließen/sich [dazu] entschließen, etwas zu tun

    3. noun
    Vorsatz, der

    make a resolve to do something — den Vorsatz fassen, etwas zu tun

    * * *
    auflösen v.

    English-german dictionary > resolve

См. также в других словарях:

  • Assumption of Mary — Assunta redirects here. For the hospital in Malaysia, see Assunta Hospital. Santa Maria Assunta redirects here. For churches with this dedication, see Santa Maria Assunta (churches). This article is about the theological concept. For works of art …   Wikipedia

  • galaxy — /gal euhk see/, n., pl. galaxies. 1. Astron. a. a large system of stars held together by mutual gravitation and isolated from similar systems by vast regions of space. b. (usually cap.) See Milky Way. 2. any large and brilliant or impressive… …   Universalium

  • Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics       Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity.       Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… …   Universalium

  • nebula — nebular, adj. /neb yeuh leuh/, n., pl. nebulae / lee , luy /, nebulas. 1. Astron. a. Also called diffuse nebula. a cloud of interstellar gas and dust. Cf. dark nebula, emission nebula, reflection nebula …   Universalium

  • The Idler (1758–1760) — This article is about the 18th century series of essays. For other publications called The Idler, see The Idler (disambiguation). The Idler was a series of 103 essays, all but twelve of them by Samuel Johnson, published in the London weekly the… …   Wikipedia

  • rare-earth element — /rair errth /, Chem. any of a group of closely related metallic elements, comprising the lanthanides, scandium, and yttrium, that are chemically similar by virtue of having the same number of valence electrons. Also called rare earth metal. [1955 …   Universalium

  • climate — /kluy mit/, n. 1. the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years. 2. a region or… …   Universalium

  • Kuiper belt — Known objects in the Kuiper belt, derived from data from the Minor Planet Center. Obje …   Wikipedia

  • General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources …   Wikipedia

  • Open cluster — Galactic cluster redirects here. See also galaxy groups and clusters NGC 265, an open star cluster in the Small Magellanic Cloud An open cluster is a group of up to a few thousand stars that were formed from the same giant molecular cloud and… …   Wikipedia

  • celestial mechanics — the branch of astronomy that deals with the application of the laws of dynamics and Newton s law of gravitation to the motions of heavenly bodies. [1815 25] * * * Branch of astronomy that deals with the mathematical theory of the motions of… …   Universalium

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