1 resistant
A adj1 [virus, strain] rebelle (to à) ;3 [rock, wall] résistant (to à).B - resistant (dans composés) heat-/rust-resistant résistant à la chaleur/à la rouille ; water-resistant imperméable ; fire-resistant qui résiste au feu. -
2 resistant
3 resistant
resistant [rɪ'zɪstənt]résistant;∎ she is very resistant to change elle est très hostile au changement;∎ resistant to antibiotics résistant aux antibiotiques2 nounrésistant(e) m,f -
4 -resistant
- resistant [rɪ'zɪstənt]∎ heat-resistant qui résiste à la chaleur;∎ water-resistant résistant à l'eau;∎ flame-resistant ignifugé -
5 resistant
- resistant
- nобладающий сопротивлением, сопротивляющийся, обладающий прочностью
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
6 resistant
resistant резистентный; устойчивый; невосприимчивыйdisease resistant иммунныйEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > resistant
7 resistant
resistant [rɪˊzɪstǝnt] aсопротивля́ющийся; сто́йкий, про́чный -
8 resistant
9 resistant
resistant widerstandsfähig, beständigEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > resistant
10 resistant
resistant widerstandsfähig, beständig, fest, stabilEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > resistant
11 resistant
[rɪ'zɪstənt]1) [ virus] resistente2) (opposed)resistant to — refrattario a, che si oppone a [change, demands]
3) - resistant in composti* * *adjective This breed of cattle is resistant to disease; heat-resistant table-mats.) resistente* * *resistant /rɪˈzɪstənt/a.resistente: (med.) resistant to antibiotics, resistente agli antibiotici; resistant to change, refrattario ai cambiamenti; (med.) disease-resistant, resistente alle malattie; (fis.) heat-resistant, resistente al calore.* * *[rɪ'zɪstənt]1) [ virus] resistente2) (opposed)resistant to — refrattario a, che si oppone a [change, demands]
3) - resistant in composti -
12 resistant
сопротивляющийся; стойкий, упорный; прочный
* * *
* * *
- corrosion resistantresistant to corrosion — устойчивый, нержавеющий, некорродирующий
- high sulfate resistant* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > resistant
13 resistant
1) прочный2) резистентный; устойчивый•resistant to acids — кислотостойкий, кислотоупорный
resistant to antibiotics — мед. устойчивый к антибиотикам
resistant to chemicals — стойкий к химическому воздействию, химически инертный
14 resistant
adjective This breed of cattle is resistant to disease; heat-resistant table-mats.) resistentetr[rɪ'zɪstənt]1 resistenteresistant [ri'zɪstənt] adj: resistenteadj.• resistente adj.rɪ'zɪstənt1) ( opposed) (pred)to be resistant TO something/-ING — resistirse or oponer* resistencia a algo/+ inf
2) ( Biol)[rɪ'zɪstǝnt]ADJ resistente (to a)* * *[rɪ'zɪstənt]1) ( opposed) (pred)to be resistant TO something/-ING — resistirse or oponer* resistencia a algo/+ inf
2) ( Biol) -
15 resistant
adjectiveheat-/water-/rust-resistant — hitze-/wasser-/rostbeständig
2) (Med., Biol.) resistent (to gegen)* * *adjective This breed of cattle is resistant to disease; heat-resistant table-mats.) widerstandsfähig* * *re·sis·tant[rɪˈzɪstənt]1. (refusing to accept) ablehnend2. (hardened against damage) resistent\resistant to corrosion korrosionsbeständig* * *[rI'zIstənt]adjmaterial, surface strapazierfähig; (MED) immun (to gegen)* * *A adj (adv resistantly)1. Widerstand leistend, widerstehend, -strebend2. TECH widerstandsfähig (to gegen):resistant to light lichtecht* * *adjective1) (having power to resist) widerstandsfähig (to gegen)heat-/water-/rust-resistant — hitze-/wasser-/rostbeständig
2) (Med., Biol.) resistent (to gegen)* * *adj.widerstandsfähig adj. -
16 resistant
устойчивый; упорный; стойкийresistant to acids — кислотостойкий, кислотоупорный
- - resistant- corrosion-resistant - fire-resistant - skid-resistant* * *обладающий сопротивлением, сопротивляющийся, обладающий прочностью -
17 resistant
a сопротивляющийся, стойкий; прочныйСинонимический ряд:1. fast (adj.) fast; impregnable; strong2. hard (adj.) firm; hard; solid3. immune (adj.) immune; impervious4. proof (adj.) proof; repellent; tight5. resisting (adj.) renitent; resisting; resistive6. unyielding (adj.) antagonistic; contrary; defiant; dissident; immovable; opposing; proof against; rebellious; reluctant; unyieldingАнтонимический ряд:absorbent; loyal; pliant -
18 resistant
стойкий, прочный, сопротивляющийся, устойчивый•
- alkali-resistant
- fire-resistant
- heat-resistant
- water-resistant
- wear-resistant -
19 -resistant
-re·sis·tant[rɪˈzɪstənt]in compounds + n -beständigcorrosion/heat/rust\-resistant korrosions-/hitze-/rostbeständigdisease\-resistant krankheitsresistentflame\-resistant feuerfeststain\-resistant Schmutz abweisendwater/dirt\-resistant Wasser/Schmutz abweisend -
20 resistant
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > resistant
См. также в других словарях:
résistant — résistant, ante [ rezistɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. • 1355 resistens n.; de résister 1 ♦ Qui résiste, oppose une force annulant ou diminuant la force subie. La matière « je la crois étendue, solide, résistante » ( Voltaire). L air, milieu résistant. Par … Encyclopédie Universelle
résistant — résistant, ante (ré zi stan, stan t ) adj. 1° Qui ne cède pas à l impression d un autre corps. • La capacité de me faire éprouver les diverses sensations constituera les différentes qualités de ce corps ; mais sa qualité essentielle sera… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
resistant — c.1600, from Fr. résistant, prp. of résister (see RESIST (Cf. resist)) … Etymology dictionary
Resistant — Re*sist ant ( ant), a. [F. r[ e]sistant: cf. L. resistens. See {Resist}.] Making resistance; resisting. n. One who, or that which, resists. Bp. Pearson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
resistant — index antipathetic (oppositional), contumacious, disobedient, dissident, durable, inexorable, infrangible … Law dictionary
resistant — [ri zis′tənt] adj. [L resistens, prp.] offering resistance; resisting n. a person or thing that resists … English World dictionary
resistant — re|sis|tant [rıˈzıstənt] adj 1.) not damaged or affected by something →↑proof resistant to ▪ an infection that s resistant to antibiotics heat resistant/stain resistant/fire resistant etc ▪ shock resistant rubber 2.) opposed to something and… … Dictionary of contemporary English
resistant — adj. resistant to (resistant to change) * * * [rɪ zɪstənt] resistant to (resistant to change) resistant to (resistant to change) … Combinatory dictionary
resistant — [[t]rɪzɪ̱stənt[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: oft ADJ to n Someone who is resistant to something is opposed to it and wants to prevent it. Some people are very resistant to the idea of exercise. 2) ADJ GRADED: oft ADJ to n If something is resistant to a… … English dictionary
resistant — adjective 1 not damaged or affected by something (+ to): This type of flu is resistant to antibiotics. 2 opposed to something and wanting to prevent it happening (+ to): The Club is resistant to any form of change. 3 heat resistant/fire resistant … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
resistant — re|sis|tant [ rı zıstənt ] adjective 1. ) not harmed or affected by something: resistant to: a disease that is resistant to antibiotics 2. ) opposed to something: resistant to: people who are stubbornly resistant to change … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English