1 resistance noise
шумы сопротивлений
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > resistance noise
2 resistance noise
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > resistance noise
3 resistance noise
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > resistance noise
4 resistance noise
тепловой шум, шум ДжонсонаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > resistance noise
5 resistance noise
тепловой шум, шум ДжонсонаАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > resistance noise
6 resistance noise
1) Техника: тепловой шум, шум Джонсона2) Телекоммуникации: шум сопротивления3) Космонавтика: шумы сопротивления4) Микроэлектроника: шум резистора5) Электротехника: шумы сопротивлений -
7 resistance noise
8 resistance noise
тепловой шум, шум ДжонсонаАнгло-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > resistance noise
9 resistance noise
10 resistance noise
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > resistance noise
11 resistance noise
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > resistance noise
12 resistance noise
English-Russian dictionary of microelectronics > resistance noise
13 contact-resistance noise
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > contact-resistance noise
14 contact-resistance noise
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > contact-resistance noise
15 contact-resistance noise
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > contact-resistance noise
16 noise
acoustic noise
added noise
additive noise
aerodynamic noise
aircraft noise
aliasing noise
alias noise
ambient noise
amplifier noise
amplitude noise
angle noise
antenna noise
atmosphere noise
atmospheric noise
audible noise
audio-frequency noise
auroral noise
avalanche noise
aviation noise
avoidable noise
background noise
band-limited noise
Barkhausen noise
basic noise
beam noise
beat noise
bias noise
broadband noise
burst noise
carrier noise
carrier residual modulation noise
chaff noise
chaotic noise
circuit noise
click noise
C-message weighted noise
collector noise
combustion noise
community noise
contact noise
contact-resistance noise
control motion noise
corona-induced acoustic noise
cosmic noise
crackling noise
crosstalk noise
current noise
dark-current noise
delta noise
dial noise
diffuse noise
diffusion noise
discharge-caused audible noise
discharge audible noise
distribution noise
dither noise
electrical discharge-caused noise
electrical discharge noise
electrical noise
electromagnetic noise
environmental aircraft noise
environmental noise
excess noise
external noise
extraneous noise
extraterrestrial noise
feed-line noise
film-grain noise
filtered noise
fixed-pattern noise
flat noise
flicker noise
flow noise
fluctuation noise
flutter noise
flying noise
forward noise
friction-induced noise
front-end noise
frying noise
full shot noise
galactic noise
gated noise
Gaussian noise
generation-recombination noise
generator noise
granularity noise
granular noise
ground noise
high-frequency noise
high-intensity noise
hissing noise
hum noise
idle-channel noise
ignition noise
impulse noise
impulsive noise
in-band noise
induced noise
industrial noise
inherent noise
in-phase noise
in-plant noise
intermodulation noise
internal noise
intrinsic noise
jitter noise
Johnson noise
junction noise
lightning storm noise
lightning noise
line noise
local oscillator noise
low-frequency noise
man-made noise
Markovian noise
microphone noise
microphonic noise
modal noise
mode-partition noise
modulation noise
multiplicative noise
narrow-band noise
natural noise
neighborhood noise
neutron noise
nongaussian noise
nonwhite noise
normal noise
occupational noise
optical noise
oscillator noise
out-of-band noise
overload noise
partition noise
peak-to-peak noise
perturbation noise
phase noise
phosphor noise
photocurrent noise
photographic noise
photon noise
pinging noise
pink noise
power-line noise
power-supply noise
precipitation noise
pseudorandom noise
psophometric noise
pumping noise
pump noise
pure noise
quantization noise
quantum noise
quasi-Gaussian noise
quiescent noise
quiet-sun noise
radio-frequency noise
radio noise
random noise
reactor noise
receiver noise
recording noise
reference noise
reflection noise
repeater noise
repeat noise
resistance noise
retransmission noise
ripple noise
rotational noise
rubbing noise
sampling noise
Schottky noise
seismic noise
separation noise
set noise
shot noise
signal-independent noise
site noise
sky noise
solar noise
solar-flare noise
sonar noise
spark noise
speckle noise
speech-off noise
speech-on noise
spontaneous emission noise
spontaneous noise
stationary noise
statistical noise
switching noise
target noise
terrestrial noise
thermal noise
thrust reverse noise
traffic noise
transient noise
transmitter noise
tropospheric noise
true random noise
tube noise
ungated noise
urban noise
virgin noise
visible noise
white noise
wide-band noise
windage noise
wind-dependent noise
zero noise -
17 noise
шум; шумы- additive noise
- additive white Gaussian noise
- AM noise
- ambient noise
- amplitude noise
- angle noise
- angle-modulation noise
- antenna noise
- artificial noise
- atmospheric noise
- atmospheric modulation noise
- audible noise
- audio-frequency noise
- auroral noise
- avalanche noise
- avalanche-multiplication noise
- background noise
- band-limited white noise
- Barkhausen noise
- base noise
- basic noise
- beam noise
- beat noise
- bias noise
- broad-band noise
- brown noise
- bulk erased noise
- bulk-trapping noise
- burst noise
- carrier residual modulation noise
- cavitation noise
- circuit noise
- clipped noise
- C-message weighted noise
- coast noise
- collector noise
- common-mode noise
- contact noise
- continuous noise
- cosmic antenna noise
- current noise
- dark-current noise
- delta noise
- diffusion noise
- diode noise
- direct-current noise
- disk surface noise
- distribution noise
- edge noise
- electrical noise
- electromagnetic noise
- equivalent input noise
- equivalent output noise
- excess noise
- external noise
- extraneous noise
- extraterrestrial noise
- film-grain noise
- flat noise
- flicker noise
- flow noise
- fluctuation noise
- flutter noise
- front-end noise
- frying noise
- full shot noise
- galactic noise
- gas noise
- gated noise
- Gaussian noise
- generation-recombination noise
- glint noise
- grain noise
- granular noise
- grid noise
- ground noise
- high-frequency noise
- hissing noise
- hum noise
- hydrodynamic noise
- idle channel noise
- idling noise
- ignition noise
- impact noise
- impulse noise
- impulsive noise
- in-band noise
- induced noise
- induced grid noise
- inherent noise
- input noise
- instrument noise
- instrumentation noise
- interception noise
- intermodulation noise
- internal noise
- intrinsic noise
- intrusive noise
- jitter noise
- Johnson noise
- junction noise
- lightning storm noise
- line noise
- low-frequency noise
- man-made noise
- Markovian noise
- microphonic noise
- microplasma noise
- microwave noise
- modal noise
- modulation noise
- multiplicative noise
- narrow-band noise
- natural noise
- needle noise
- out-of-band noise
- output noise
- overload noise
- partition noise
- pattern-noise
- phase noise
- phonon noise
- photocurrent noise
- photon noise
- physical noise
- pink noise
- plasma noise
- pop noise
- popcorn noise
- precipitation noise
- primer noise
- pseudo-random noise
- pump noise
- pumping noise
- quantization noise
- quantizing noise
- quantum noise
- quasi-impulsive noise
- quiescent noise
- radio noise
- random noise
- recording noise
- reference noise
- resistance noise
- rubbing noise
- saturation noise
- Schottky noise
- seismic noise
- self-noise
- servo noise
- set noise
- shot noise
- sky noise
- slope overload noise
- solar noise
- solar radio noise
- spatial noise
- spatially correlated noise
- speckle noise
- speech-off noise
- speech-on noise
- spin-system noise
- spontaneous emission noise
- statistical noise
- structure-borne noise
- subaudio noise
- surface noise
- system noise
- target noise
- telegraph noise
- telephone noise
- terrestrial noise
- thermal noise
- transistor noise
- transmitter noise
- true random noise
- tube noise
- ungated noise
- vacuum-tube noise
- velocity fluctuation noise
- video noise
- virgin noise
- visible noise
- white noise
- wow noise
- zero noise
- 1/f noise -
18 noise
шум; шумы- added noise
- additive noise
- additive white Gaussian noise
- AM noise
- ambient noise
- amplitude noise
- angle noise
- angle-modulation noise
- antenna noise
- artificial noise
- atmospheric modulation noise
- atmospheric noise
- audible noise
- audio-frequency noise
- auroral noise
- avalanche noise
- avalanche-multiplication noise
- background noise
- band-limited white noise
- Barkhausen noise
- base noise
- basic noise
- beam noise
- beat noise
- bias noise
- broad-band noise
- brown noise
- bulk erased noise
- bulk-trapping noise
- burst noise
- carrier residual modulation noise
- cavitation noise
- circuit noise
- clipped noise
- C-message weighted noise
- coast noise
- collector noise
- common-mode noise
- contact noise
- continuous noise
- cosmic antenna noise
- current noise
- dark-current noise
- delta noise
- diffusion noise
- diode noise
- direct-current noise
- disk surface noise
- distribution noise
- edge noise
- electrical noise
- electromagnetic noise
- equivalent input noise
- equivalent output noise
- excess noise
- external noise
- extraneous noise
- extraterrestrial noise
- film-grain noise
- flat noise
- flicker noise
- flow noise
- fluctuation noise
- flutter noise
- front-end noise
- frying noise
- full shot noise
- galactic noise
- gas noise
- gated noise
- Gaussian noise
- generation-recombination noise
- glint noise
- grain noise
- granular noise
- grid noise
- ground noise
- high-frequency noise
- hissing noise
- hum noise
- hydrodynamic noise
- idle channel noise
- idling noise
- ignition noise
- impact noise
- impulse noise
- impulsive noise
- in-band noise
- induced grid noise
- induced noise
- inherent noise
- input noise
- instrument noise
- instrumentation noise
- interception noise
- intermodulation noise
- internal noise
- intrinsic noise
- intrusive noise
- jitter noise
- Johnson noise
- junction noise
- lightning storm noise
- line noise
- low-frequency noise
- man-made noise
- Markovian noise
- microphonic noise
- microplasma noise
- microwave noise
- modal noise
- modulation noise
- multiplicative noise
- narrow-band noise
- natural noise
- needle noise
- out-of-band noise
- output noise
- overload noise
- partition noise
- pattern-noise
- phase noise
- phonon noise
- photocurrent noise
- photon noise
- physical noise
- pink noise
- plasma noise
- pop noise
- popcorn noise
- precipitation noise
- primer noise
- pseudo-random noise
- pump noise
- pumping noise
- quantization noise
- quantizing noise
- quantum noise
- quasi-impulsive noise
- quiescent noise
- radio noise
- random noise
- recording noise
- reference noise
- resistance noise
- rubbing noise
- saturation noise
- Schottky noise
- seismic noise
- self-noise
- servo noise
- set noise
- shot noise
- sky noise
- slope overload noise
- solar noise
- solar radio noise
- spatial noise
- spatially correlated noise
- speckle noise
- speech-off noise
- speech-on noise
- spin-system noise
- spontaneous emission noise
- statistical noise
- structure-borne noise
- subaudio noise
- surface noise
- system noise
- target noise
- telegraph noise
- telephone noise
- terrestrial noise
- thermal noise
- transistor noise
- transmitter noise
- true random noise
- tube noise
- ungated noise
- vacuum-tube noise
- velocity fluctuation noise
- video noise
- virgin noise
- visible noise
- white noise
- wow noise
- zero noiseThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > noise
19 noise
1. n шум, гам; крик, галдёжnoise meter — шумомер, измеритель уровня шума
2. n толки, разговоры3. n звук; шум, грохот4. n ист. молва; слух, сплетня5. n спец. шум, шумы; помехиbackground noise — фон ; шумы фона
noise immunity — помехоустойчивость, помехозащищённость
6. n фон. шумный звукthe noise of life — шум жизни; звуки деятельности человека
7. n геогр. неритмичные случайные колебания уровня водыedge-wave noise — «метеорологические» морские волны малых периодов
8. v редк. разглашать; распространять; обнародовать, провозгласитьit was noised abroad that … — распространился слух, что …
noise abroad — разглашать; разгласить
9. v редк. шуметь, кричать, галдетьСинонимический ряд:1. sound (noun) ado; babel; blare; cacophony; clamor; clamour; din; discord; disquiet; fanfare; hubbub; hullabaloo; pandemonium; racket; row; rumpus; sonance; sound; tumult; uproar2. broadcast (verb) advertise; blaze; blazon; broadcast; bruit; disseminate; promulgate; report3. spread (verb) bruit about; rumor; rumour; spread4. talk (verb) blab; gossip; talk; tattleАнтонимический ряд:hush; peace; quiet; silence -
20 resistance
1) сопротивление; сопротивляемость; прочность (см. тж
strength.)2) стойкость, устойчивость3) эл. (активное) сопротивление4) резистор•resistance in waves — сопротивление ( судна) при ходе на волнении;resistance to case — сопротивление относительно корпуса, сопротивление относительно земли;resistance to corrosion fatigue — коррозионно-усталостная прочность;resistance to pit corrosion — сопротивление питтинговой коррозии;resistance to poisoning — стойкость ( катализатора) к отравлению;-
abrasion resistance
abrasive wear resistance
abrasive resistance
ac resistance
acid resistance
acoustic resistance
active resistance
aerodynamic resistance
aging resistance
air resistance
alkali resistance
antenna resistance
antiinterference resistance
apparent resistance
appendages resistance
arc resistance
armature resistance
ascent resistance
asynchronous resistance
back resistance
bacterial resistance
balancing resistance
ballast resistance
bare-hull resistance
barrier-layer resistance
bearing resistance
bending resistance
bleeder resistance
block resistance
blocking resistance
body resistance
bond resistance
booster resistance
bossing resistance
brake resistance
branch resistance
brittle fracture resistance
brush resistance
buckling resistance
bulk resistance
burden resistance
calibrating resistance
calm-water resistance
cathode-interface layer resistance
cathode-interface resistance
channel resistance
charging resistance
chemical resistance
climbing resistance
cohesive resistance
coil resistance
cold resistance
collapse resistance
commutation wear resistance
compressive resistance
concussion resistance
contact pressure resistance
contact resistance
corona resistance
corrosion resistance
coupling resistance
crack growth resistance
crack initiation resistance
crack resistance
creep resistance
criticalbuild-up resistance
crushing resistance
cubic resistance
curving resistance
cutting resistance
dark resistance
dc copper resistance
dc resistance
dead resistance
decoupling resistance
deep-water resistance
devitrification resistance
dielectric resistance
differential resistance
diffusion resistance
dirtiness resistance
discharge resistance
displacement resistance
distributed resistance
drag resistance
dynamic resistance
earth-connection resistance
eddy-making resistance
eddy resistance
edge tearing resistance
effective resistance
elastic resistance
electrical resistance
electrode resistance
electrolytic resistance
end resistance
environmental resistance
equivalent resistance
erosion resistance
erosive wear resistance
etch resistance
fatigue resistance
fault resistance
field resistance
field-coil resistance
filament resistance
fire resistance
flange resistance
flat crush resistance
flexing resistance
flexural resistance
flow resistance
folding resistance
footing resistance
forward resistance
fracture extension resistance
frame resistance
free rolling resistance
freeze resistance
freeze-thaw resistance
freezing resistance
friction heat resistance
frost resistance
fungus resistance
glass attack resistance
go-and-return resistance
grease hardening resistance
head resistance
heat resistance
heat-transfer resistance
hf resistance
hot-corrosion resistance
hot-tear resistance
humidity resistance
hydraulic resistance
hydrodynamic resistance
ice resistance
impact resistance
impulse resistance
incremental resistance
indentation resistance
induced resistance
input resistance
insertion resistance
insulation resistance
interface-layer resistance
interface resistance
intergranular corrosion resistance
internal resistance
intrinsic corrosion resistance
ionic resistance
joint resistance
junction resistance
lateral resistance
leakage resistance
light resistance
linear resistance
load resistance
locomotive resistance
loop resistance
loss resistance
low-frequency resistance
lumped resistance
magnetic resistance
mass-transfer resistance
mechanical resistance
mildew fungus resistance
mildew resistance
moisture resistance
momentum resistance
motional resistance
naked-hull resistance
negative phase-sequence resistance
negative sequence resistance
negative resistance
net train resistance
neutral resistance
noise resistance
nonlinear resistance
normal resistance of superconductor
off resistance
ohmic resistance
oil resistance
on resistance
optimum linearizing load resistance
outflow resistance
output resistance
overall resistance
oxidation resistance
parallel resistance
parasitie resistance
peeling resistance
picking resistance
plug resistance
positive phase-sequence resistance
positive sequence resistance
pressure resistance
preventive resistance
puncture resistance
pure resistance
radiation resistance
radio-frequency resistance
rail resistance
rated resistance
rated zero-power resistance
real resistance
reduced resistance
relative wear resistance
replica resistance
residual resistance
resonant resistance
reverse resistance
rf resistance
rolling resistance
roughness resistance
rough-water resistance
rub resistance
running resistance
sag resistance
salt resistance
scale resistance
score resistance
seismic resistance
separation resistance
series resistance
setup resistance
shearing resistance
sheet resistance
shock resistance
shrink resistance
shunt resistance
shunt-breaking resistance
skid resistance
skirt contact resistance
slag resistance
sliding resistance
slip resistance
small-signal resistance
snag resistance
source resistance
spalling resistance
specific magnetic resistance
specific resistance
spray resistance
spring resistance
stain resistance
standard resistance
starting resistance
static resistance
streamline-flow resistance
stress crack resistance
structure-footing resistance
support resistance
surface resistance
surge resistance
switching wear resistance
switch-off resistance
switch-on resistance
takeoff resistance
tear resistance
temperature resistance
terminal resistance
thermal contact resistance
thermal resistance
thermal shock resistance
tire rolling resistance
tool wear resistance
torsional resistance
total resistance
towing resistance
tracking resistance
traction resistance
train resistance
train shunt resistance
transient resistance
true resistance
turning resistance
twisting resistance
ultimate resistance
vapor resistance
variable resistance
viscous resistance
voltage-dependent resistance
volume resistance
vortex resistance
wake traverse resistance
water resistance
water-contact resistance
wave resistance
wave-breaking resistance
wave-forming resistance
wear resistance
weather resistance
wet skid resistance
wetting resistance
white-rust resistance
wind resistance
wrinkle resistance
yield resistance
zero phase-sequence resistance
zero-power resistance
См. также в других словарях:
noise equivalent resistance — ekvivalentinė triukšmo varža statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. noise equivalent resistance; noise resistance vok. äquivalenter Rauschwiderstand, m; Rauschersatzwiderstand, m rus. эквивалентное сопротивление шума, n; эквивалентное… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
noise resistance — ekvivalentinė triukšmo varža statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. noise equivalent resistance; noise resistance vok. äquivalenter Rauschwiderstand, m; Rauschersatzwiderstand, m rus. эквивалентное сопротивление шума, n; эквивалентное… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
résistance équivalente de bruit — ekvivalentinė triukšmo varža statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. noise equivalent resistance; noise resistance vok. äquivalenter Rauschwiderstand, m; Rauschersatzwiderstand, m rus. эквивалентное сопротивление шума, n; эквивалентное… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Noise and Resistance — Directed by Julia Ostertag Francesca Araiza Andrade Produced by Julia Ostertag Francesca Araiza Andrade … Wikipedia
Noise figure — (NF) is a measure of degradation of the signal to noise ratio (SNR), caused by components in a radio frequency (RF) signal chain. The noise figure is defined as the ratio of the output noise power of a device to the portion thereof attributable… … Wikipedia
Noise shaping — is a technique typically used in digital audio, image, and video processing, usually in combination with dithering, as part of the process of quantization or bit depth reduction of a digital signal. Its purpose is to increase the apparent signal… … Wikipedia
Noise (audio) — Noise in audio, recording, and broadcast systems refers to the residual low level sound (usually hiss and hum) that is heard in quiet periods of a programme. In audio engineering, it can refer either to the acoustic noise from loudspeakers, or to … Wikipedia
Noise measurement — is carried out in various fields. In acoustics, it can be for the purpose of measuring environmental noise, or part of a test procedure using white noise, or some other specialised form of test signal. In electronics it relates to the sensitivity … Wikipedia
Noise — This article is about noise as an unwanted phenomenon. For other uses, see Noise (disambiguation). NASA researchers at Glenn Research Center conducting tests on aircraft engine noise in 1967 In common use, the word noise means any unwanted … Wikipedia
Noise temperature — In electronics, noise temperature is one way of expressing the level of available noise power introduced by a component or source. The power spectral density of the noise is expressed in terms of the temperature (in kelvins) that would produce… … Wikipedia
Noise (electronics) — Electronic noise [1] is a random fluctuation in an electrical signal, a characteristic of all electronic circuits. Noise generated by electronic devices varies greatly, as it can be produced by several different effects. Thermal noise is… … Wikipedia