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  • Residual — Re*sid u*al, n. (Math.) (a) The difference of the results obtained by observation, and by computation from a formula. (b) The difference between the mean of several observations and any one of them. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Residual chemical shift anisotropy — (RCSA) is the difference between the chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) of aligned and non aligned molecules. It is normally three orders of magnitide smaller than static CSA. RCSA is useful for structural determination and it is among the new… …   Wikipedia

  • residual — [ri zij′o͞o əl] adj. [see RESIDUE & AL] of, or having the nature of, a residue or residuum; left over after part or most is taken away; remaining n. 1. what is left at the end of a process; something remaining ☆ 2. the fee paid to a performer for …   English World dictionary

  • Residual-current device — A two pole residual current device A Residual Current Device is a generic term covering both RCCBs and RCBOs. A Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) is an electrical wiring device that disconnects a circuit whenever it detects that the… …   Wikipedia

  • Residual (numerical analysis) — Loosely speaking, a residual is the error in a result. To be precise, suppose we want to find x such that : f(x)=b.,Given an approximation of x 0 of x , the residual is : b f(x 0),whereas the error is: x 0 x.,If we do not know x , we cannot… …   Wikipedia

  • Residual dipolar coupling — The residual dipolar coupling between two spins in a molecule occurs if the molecules in solution exhibit a partial alignment leading to an incomplete averaging of spatially anisotropic dipolar couplings.Partial molecular alignment leads to an… …   Wikipedia

  • residual error — Error Er ror, n. [OF. error, errur, F. erreur, L. error, fr. errare to err. See {Err}.] 1. A wandering; a roving or irregular course. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The rest of his journey, his error by sea. B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] 2. A wandering or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Residual frame — In video compression algorithms a residual frame is formed by subtracting the reference frame from the desired frame. This difference is known as the error or residual frame. The residual frame normally has less information entropy, due to nearby …   Wikipedia

  • residual — I. noun Etymology: Latin residuum residue Date: 1557 1. remainder, residuum: as a. the difference between results obtained by observation and by computation from a formula or between the mean of several observations and any one of them b. a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • residual discount — If the end of lease purchase price (stated residual value) is greater than the expected end of lease value (expected residual value), the dollar difference represents the value of the vehicle that you will not pay for during the lease …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • residual penalty — If the end of lease purchase price (stated residual value) is less than the expected end of lease value (expected residual value), the dollar difference represents the additional value of the vehicle you ll pay for during the lease …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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