1 residual load
- residual load
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 residual load
остаточная нагрузка
Осевое усилие растяжения, действующее в заклепке после установки.
[ ГОСТ Р ИСО 14588-2005]Тематики
Обобщающие термины
2.5.7 остаточная нагрузка (residual load): Осевое усилие растяжения, действующее в заклепке после установки.
Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 14588-2005: Заклепки "слепые". Термины и определения оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > residual load
3 residual load
1) Строительство: остаточная загрязнённость сточных вод2) Физика: остаточная загрузка3) Космонавтика: полезная нагрузка с относящимися к ней элементами, разность между стартовым весом ракеты и суммой4) Холодильная техника: остаточная нагрузка -
4 residual load
5 residual load
полезная нагрузка с относящимися к ней элементами конструкции, разность между стартовым весом ракеты и суммой весов топлива, баков, конструкции и силовой установкиEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > residual load
6 residual load method
Техника: метод остаточной загрузки -
7 load
- load
- n1. груз; нагрузка || нагружать, загружать
2. наносы ( транспортируемые потоком)
load applied in increments — нагрузка, прилагаемая отдельными ступенями [приращениями]
loads applied to the formwork — нагрузки, действующие на опалубку
loads equidistant from midspan — сосредоточенные нагрузки, равноотстоящие от середины пролёта ( балки)
loads in excess of the concrete capacity — нагрузки, превышающие несущую способность бетона
load normal to the surface — нагрузка, нормальная к поверхности
load on the member — нагрузка, действующая на элемент конструкции
under load — под нагрузкой; в нагруженном состоянии
- load of stream
- load of uncertain magnitude
- abnormal load
- accepted load
- accidental load
- adjustable load
- air conditioning load
- allowable load
- allowable axial load
- allowable pile-bearing load
- alternating load
- antisymmetric load
- applied load
- arbitrary load
- area load
- assumed load
- asymmetrically-placed loads
- avalanche load
- average load
- axial load
- axial compression load
- axially symmetric load
- axial tension load
- axisymmetrical load
- axle load
- balanced load
- basic load
- bearing load
- bed load
- bending load
- biaxial load
- blast load
- breaking load
- bucket load
- buckling load
- central point load
- changing load
- characteristic load
- characteristic dead load
- characteristic live load
- climatic load
- collapse load
- collision load
- combined load
- combined axial and bending loads
- combined torsion-shear-flexure loads
- compression load
- concentrated load
- connected load
- construction loads
- continuous load
- cooling load
- crippling load
- critical load
- critical buckling load
- dead load
- derailment load
- design load
- design snow load
- design ultimate load
- distributed load
- dummy load
- dummy unit load
- dust load
- dynamic load
- earthquake load
- eccentric load
- eccentric and inclined load
- equivalent load
- erection load
- Euler load
- excess load
- explosion load
- factored load
- failure load
- fictitious design load
- fictitious load
- fire load
- fluctuating load
- fracture load
- frictional load
- front axle load
- gravity load
- gross cooling load
- ground snow load
- gust load
- heat load
- heating load
- highway loads
- highway bridge loads
- horizontal load
- humidification load
- hydrostatic load
- ice load
- imaginary load
- immission load
- impact load
- imposed load
- impulsive load
- inertial loads
- intended load
- joint load
- latent heat load
- lateral load
- lateral soil load
- limit load
- linear load
- linearly distributed load
- live load
- local load
- long duration load
- longitudinal load
- maximum load of pollution
- maximum rated load
- maximum safe load
- maximum safe working load
- maximum safe working load at the various radii
- minimum design dead loads
- minimum design live loads
- mobile load
- moving load
- moving uniform load
- near-ultimate load
- nominal uniformly distributed load
- nominal vertical wind load
- nonaxial load
- nonuniform load
- nonuniformly distributed loads
- nuisance load
- occupancy load
- off-center load
- off-peak load
- one-sided load
- on-peak load
- operating load
- panel load
- part load
- pattern load
- peak load
- permanent load
- permissible load
- point load
- pollution load
- ponding load
- primary live load
- proof load
- pulsating load
- radial load
- railway load
- rain load
- rarely occurring load
- rated load
- real load
- recommended load
- refrigerating load
- repeated load
- required design load
- residual load
- roof loads
- rupture load
- safe leg load
- safe working load
- seismic load
- sensible heat load
- service load
- service dead load
- service live load
- sewage load on treatment plant
- sewage load on water body
- shearing load
- shock load
- short duration load
- single load
- sinusoidal loads
- snow load
- snow load on a horizontal surface
- space load
- specified characteristic load
- static load
- static imposed load
- structural design load
- sudden load
- superimposed load
- superimposed dead load
- suspended load
- sustained load
- symmetrical load
- tensile load
- test load
- tipping load
- torsional load
- traffic load
- transmission heat load
- transverse load
- treating load
- trial load
- triaxial load
- twisting load
- ultimate load
- unbalanced load
- uniaxial loads
- uniform load
- uniform load on a beam overhang
- uniform load over a part of the span
- uniform load over part of the span
- uniform load over the full length of a beam with overhangs
- uniform load over the full length of a cantilever
- uniform load over the full span
- uniformly distributed load
- unit load
- unit generalized load
- unsymmetrical load
- useful cooling load
- variable load
- vehicle load
- vehicular live loads
- ventilation heat load
- vertical load
- wash load
- wave load
- wheel load
- wind load
- wind load on a truss
- working load
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
8 load
1) груз; нагрузка2) транспортируемые наносы, расход наносов3) мн. ч. нагрузки4) грузить; нагружать•load on axle — давление на ось; нагрузка оси
load per unit length — погонная равномерная нагрузка; погонная нагрузка
load testing of structures — испытание сооружений нагрузкой, нагружением
load uniformly distributed over span — нагрузка, равномерно распределённая по пролёту
- additional load - allowable load - alternate load - alternating load - antisymmetrical loads - apex load - application of load - applied load - assumed load - asymmetric load - axial load - axle load - basic load - bearable load - bed load - bending load - bracket load - brake load - breaking load - buckling load - ceiling load - centre-point load - centric load - centrifugal load - changing load - collapse load - column load - combination of load - combined load - compressive load - concentrated load - concentrated moving load - continuous load - cooling load - cracking load - crane load - crippling load - critical load - crushing load - dangerous load - dead load - debris bed load - design load - distributed load - distribution of load - dynamic load - dynamical load - eccentric load - edge load - elastic-limit load - emergency load - equalization of load at conveyer pulleys - equalization of load at hoisting drums - Euler's crippling load - even load - evenly distributed load - excess load - excessive load - failure load - fictitious load - filter load - fixed load - fluctuating load - follower load - fractional load - full load - gradually applied load - gravity load - gust load - heaped load - heating load - hydrodynamic load - hydrostatic load - ice load - imaginary load - impact load - impulsive load - instantaneous load - intermittent load - irregularly distributed load - lateral load - limit load - linear load - linearly varying load - line-distributed load - live load - maximum load - midspan load - minimum load - miscellaneous load - mobile load - moisture load - momentary load - movable load - moving load - near-ultimate load - net load - nominal load - non-central load - off-design load - organic load - out-of-balance load - panel load - parabolic load - pay load - payable load - peak load - periodically applied load - permanent load - permanently acting load - permissible load - pick-up load - point load - pollutant load - pollutional load - pressure load - proof load - pulsating load - punch load - quiescent load - racking load - rated load - repeated load - reversal load - reversed load - rolling load - safe load - salt load - seismic load - service load - severe load - sewage load - shear lock load - shock load - specified load - static load - statical load - steady load - stiffness test load - sudden load - suddenly applied load - super-load - superimposed load - suspended load - sustained load - symmetrical loads - terminal load - test load - third point load - tilting load - torsional load - total load - transferred load - transient load - transverse load - travelling load - trial load - ultimate load - unbalanced load - uniform load - unit load - unsafe load - useful load - varying load - vibratory load - waste load - water load - weight load - wheel load - wind loadto load in bulk — грузить насыпью, навалом
* * *1. груз; нагрузка || нагружать, загружать2. наносы ( транспортируемые потоком)load applied in increments — нагрузка, прилагаемая отдельными ступенями [приращениями]
loads applied to the formwork — нагрузки, действующие на опалубку
loads equidistant from midspan — сосредоточенные нагрузки, равноотстоящие от середины пролёта ( балки)
loads in excess of the concrete capacity — нагрузки, превышающие несущую способность бетона
load normal to the surface — нагрузка, нормальная к поверхности
load on the member — нагрузка, действующая на элемент конструкции
- load of streamunder load — под нагрузкой; в нагруженном состоянии
- load of uncertain magnitude
- abnormal load
- accepted load
- accidental load
- adjustable load
- air conditioning load
- allowable load
- allowable axial load
- allowable pile-bearing load
- alternating load
- antisymmetric load
- applied load
- arbitrary load
- area load
- assumed load
- asymmetrically-placed loads
- avalanche load
- average load
- axial load
- axial compression load
- axially symmetric load
- axial tension load
- axisymmetrical load
- axle load
- balanced load
- basic load
- bearing load
- bed load
- bending load
- biaxial load
- blast load
- breaking load
- bucket load
- buckling load
- central point load
- changing load
- characteristic load
- characteristic dead load
- characteristic live load
- climatic load
- collapse load
- collision load
- combined load
- combined axial and bending loads
- combined torsion-shear-flexure loads
- compression load
- concentrated load
- connected load
- construction loads
- continuous load
- cooling load
- crippling load
- critical load
- critical buckling load
- dead load
- derailment load
- design load
- design snow load
- design ultimate load
- distributed load
- dummy load
- dummy unit load
- dust load
- dynamic load
- earthquake load
- eccentric load
- eccentric and inclined load
- equivalent load
- erection load
- Euler load
- excess load
- explosion load
- factored load
- failure load
- fictitious design load
- fictitious load
- fire load
- fluctuating load
- fracture load
- frictional load
- front axle load
- gravity load
- gross cooling load
- ground snow load
- gust load
- heat load
- heating load
- highway loads
- highway bridge loads
- horizontal load
- humidification load
- hydrostatic load
- ice load
- imaginary load
- immission load
- impact load
- imposed load
- impulsive load
- inertial loads
- intended load
- joint load
- latent heat load
- lateral load
- lateral soil load
- limit load
- linear load
- linearly distributed load
- live load
- local load
- long duration load
- longitudinal load
- maximum load of pollution
- maximum rated load
- maximum safe load
- maximum safe working load
- maximum safe working load at the various radii
- minimum design dead loads
- minimum design live loads
- mobile load
- moving load
- moving uniform load
- near-ultimate load
- nominal uniformly distributed load
- nominal vertical wind load
- nonaxial load
- nonuniform load
- nonuniformly distributed loads
- nuisance load
- occupancy load
- off-center load
- off-peak load
- one-sided load
- on-peak load
- operating load
- panel load
- part load
- pattern load
- peak load
- permanent load
- permissible load
- point load
- pollution load
- ponding load
- primary live load
- proof load
- pulsating load
- radial load
- railway load
- rain load
- rarely occurring load
- rated load
- real load
- recommended load
- refrigerating load
- repeated load
- required design load
- residual load
- roof loads
- rupture load
- safe leg load
- safe working load
- seismic load
- sensible heat load
- service load
- service dead load
- service live load
- sewage load on treatment plant
- sewage load on water body
- shearing load
- shock load
- short duration load
- single load
- sinusoidal loads
- snow load
- snow load on a horizontal surface
- space load
- specified characteristic load
- static load
- static imposed load
- structural design load
- sudden load
- superimposed load
- superimposed dead load
- suspended load
- sustained load
- symmetrical load
- tensile load
- test load
- tipping load
- torsional load
- traffic load
- transmission heat load
- transverse load
- treating load
- trial load
- triaxial load
- twisting load
- ultimate load
- unbalanced load
- uniaxial loads
- uniform load
- uniform load on a beam overhang
- uniform load over a part of the span
- uniform load over part of the span
- uniform load over the full length of a beam with overhangs
- uniform load over the full length of a cantilever
- uniform load over the full span
- uniformly distributed load
- unit load
- unit generalized load
- unsymmetrical load
- useful cooling load
- variable load
- vehicle load
- vehicular live loads
- ventilation heat load
- vertical load
- wash load
- wave load
- wheel load
- wind load
- wind load on a truss
- working load -
9 load
заряд ( твёрдого ракетного топлива) ; нагрузка; загружать, заряжать ( твёрдым ракетным топливом) ; заправлять ( компонентами жидкого ракетного топлива)take the load off — снимать нагрузку, разгружать
— dry load— fan load— fin load— g load— load up -
10 residual stress
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > residual stress
11 residual current
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > residual current
12 limiting value of the non-operating current in case of balanced load
предельное значение тока несрабатывания при равномерной нагрузке
[IEV number 442-05-64]EN
limiting value of the non-operating current in case of balanced load
Maximum value of current which, in the absence of any fault to frame or to earth, and of an earth leakage current, can flow in a circuit without any load unbalance, without causing operation of the part of the residual current device performing the evaluation.
[IEV number 442-05-64]FR
valeur limite du courant de non-fonctionnement en service équilibré
Valeur maximale du courant pouvant circuler dans un circuit, en l'absence de tout défaut à la masse ou à la terre et de tout courant de fuite à la terre en l'absence de tout déséquilibre de charge, sans provoquer le fonctionnement de la partie du dispositif de coupure différentiel assurant la fonction mesure.
[IEV number 442-05-64]EN
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > limiting value of the non-operating current in case of balanced load
13 dead-load stress
1. статическое напряжение2. статическая нагрузкаEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > dead-load stress
14 limiting value of the non-operating current in case of unbalanced load in a multiphase circuit
- предельное значение тока несрабатывания при неравномерной нагрузке в многофазной цепи
предельное значение тока несрабатывания при неравномерной нагрузке в многофазной цепи
[IEV number 442-05-63]EN
limiting value of the non-operating current in case of unbalanced load in a multiphase circuit
Maximum value of current which, in the absence of any fault to frame or to earth, and of an earth leakage current, can flow in a circuit containing only two active conductors of the installation, without causing operation of the part of the residual current device performing the evaluation.
[IEV number 442-05-63]FR
valeur limite du courant de non-fonctionnement en service déséquilibré dans un circuit polyphasé
Valeur maximale du courant pouvant circuler, en l'absence de tout défaut à la masse ou à la terre et de tout courant de fuite à la terre, dans un circuit intéressant seulement deux conducteurs actifs de l'installation sans provoquer le fonctionnement de la partie du dispositif de coupure différentiel assurant la fonction mesure.
[IEV number 442-05-63]EN
- limiting value of the non-operating current in case of unbalanced load in a multiphase circuit
- Grenzwert der Nichtbetätigungs-Überstromstärke bei unsymmetrischen Lasten in einem Mehrphasen-Stromkreis
- valeur limite du courant de non-fonctionnement en service déséquilibré dans un circuit polyphasé
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > limiting value of the non-operating current in case of unbalanced load in a multiphase circuit
15 RLM
1) Военный термин: rearward launched missile3) Автомобильный термин: ride levelling module5) Деловая лексика: Remote Line Monitor6) Сетевые технологии: Redundant Link Manager7) Общественная организация: Right to Life of Michigan8) NYSE. Reynolds Metals Company -
16 RLM
1. residual load method - метод остаточной загрузки;2. обозначение для береговых радиомаяков (МСЭ) -
17 oil
1. нефть || нефтяной2. масло ( растительное или минеральное) || масляный3. жидкая смазка, смазочное масло || смазыватьoil struck at... — нефть встречена на глубине...
— hot oil— base oil— cut oil— dead oil— form oil— fuel oil— lean oil— live oil— load oil— lock oil— net oil— oil in— raw oil— rich oil— rock oil— seep oil— sour oil— tank oil— tar oil— wet oil
* * *
нефть (все жидкие углеводороды, получаемые из скважин, и конденсаты, извлекаемые из природного газа)pipeline quality crude oil — нефть, соответствующая требованиям транспортирования по трубопроводу (упругость паров по Рейду в подвижном состоянии -100)
tanker specification crude oil — нефть, соответствующая требованиям транспортирования танкерами (упругость паров по Рейду в подвешенном состоянии -10)
to hold back oil in the reservoir — удерживать нефть в коллекторе;
— bad oil— base oil— cut oil— dead oil— dry oil— dump oil— fuel oil— hot oil— live oil— load oil— raw oil— rock oil— sour oil— tank oil— wet oil— wild oil
* * *
1. нефть
* * *
нефть (<<жидкие углеводороды, извлекаемые из природного газа) || нефтянойoil in bulk — 1) нефть наливом; нефтепродукты наливом 2) нефть в резервуаре;
oil in hole — нефть в стволе скважины;
oil in place — нефть в пласте; пластовая нефть; нефть, предположительно находящаяся в коллекторе;
oil in reserve — 1) нефть, заполняющая трубопроводы и резервуары 2) нефтепродукт, заполняющий систему заводских резервуаров и трубопроводов;
oil in sight — видимые запасы нефти;
oil in situ — нефть в пласте;
oil in storage — 1) нефть в трубопроводах 2) избыточная ( не отправленная потребителям) нефть на нефтебазах;
oil initially in place — первоначальные запасы нефти в коллекторе;
oil originally in reservoir — начальное содержание нефти в пласте;
to carry oil — содержать нефть;
to flood oil toward production well — вытеснять нефть ( водой) к добывающей скважине;
to hold back oil in the reservoir — удерживать нефть в коллекторе;
to make oil — добывать нефть;
to run the oil — 1) измерять количество нефти в промысловых резервуарах 2) перекачивать нефть из промысловых резервуаров по трубопроводу;
to skim off oil — собирать нефть, разлившуюся на поверхности воды;
to strike oil — обнаруживать месторождение нефти;
- oil of paraffinoil to surface — нефть, поступающая на поверхность;
- abandoned oil
- absorbent oil
- adsorbed oil
- absorption oil
- acid oil
- acid-refined oil
- acid-stage oil
- additive blended oil
- additive motor oil
- additive treated oil
- additive-type oil
- admiralty fuel oil
- aeroengine oil
- air filter oil
- aircraft oil
- airplane oil
- all-purpose engine oil
- alpha oil
- American paraffin oil
- Appalachian oil
- aqueous-soluble oil
- Arctic oil
- aromatic-base crude oil
- asphalt-base oil
- asphalt-free oil
- asphaltic road oil
- asphaltum oil
- automobile oil
- average-quality oil
- axle oil
- bad oil
- base oil
- batch oil
- Beaumont oil
- bentonite diesel oil
- benzolized oil
- benzyl mustard oil
- black oil
- blasting oil
- blended fuel oil
- blue oil
- bobbin oil
- bodied oil
- boiler oil
- branded oil
- break-in oil
- bright oil
- bubble point oil
- burner oil
- burning oil
- by-passed oil
- capacitor oil
- car oil
- carbon oil
- cargo oil
- catalytic gas oil
- circuit-breaker oil
- clay-filtered oil
- clean oil
- cleaning oil
- cleansing oil
- coal oil
- coastal oil
- coker gas oil
- cold-settled oil
- cold-test oil
- commercial oil
- compressor oil
- concrete form oil
- condensed oil
- condenser oil
- conventional oil
- cordage oil
- corrected oil
- crankcase oil
- crevice oil
- crude oil
- crude mineral oil
- crude petroleum fuel oil
- crude shale oil
- crystal oil
- cut oil
- cutter oil
- cutting oil
- cycle oil
- cycle gas oil
- cylinder oil
- dangerous oil
- dead oil
- debenzolized oil
- degassed oil
- denuded oil
- desalinized oil
- development oil
- dielectrical oil
- diesel oil
- diesel-fuel oil
- dispersed oil
- dissolved oil
- distillate oil
- distillate fuel oil
- domestic oil
- doped oil
- dry oil
- dual-purpose oil
- dump oil
- earth oil
- economically recoverable oil
- electrical switch oil
- emulsified crude oil
- emulsion oil
- engine oil
- enriched oil
- entrained oil
- equilibrium oil
- estimated original oil in place
- explosive oil
- extra-heavy crude oil
- first-quality oil
- fluid oil
- flush oil
- fluxing oil
- foam oil
- foot's oil
- foreign oil
- form oil
- fossil oil
- free oil
- fuel oil
- furnace oil
- gaged oil
- gas oil
- gas absorber oil
- gas and mud-cut oil
- gas-cut oil
- gas-cut load oil
- gear oil
- gearbox oil
- gearcase oil
- gelled oil
- graphite lubrication oil
- grease oil
- grease-spoiled oil
- green bloom oil
- green cast oil
- hard oil
- heating oil
- heavy oil
- heavy-cycle gas oil
- heavy-duty supplement oil
- heavy gas oil
- heavy lubricating oil
- heavy neutral oil
- high-gravity oil
- high-pour-point oil
- high-pour-test oil
- high-pressure oil
- high-temperature shale oil
- highly detergent oil
- highly refined oil
- highly resinous oil
- hot oil
- hybrid-base oil
- hydraulic oil
- hydraulic system oil
- hydrocarbon oils
- hydrofined oil
- hydrogen-deficient gas oil
- illuminating oil
- imported oil
- inactive oil
- incremental oil
- industrial white oil
- initial oil in place
- initial oil in reservoir
- in-place oil
- inspissated oil
- instrument oil
- insulating oil
- intermediate oil
- irreducible oil
- kerosene oil
- lake oil
- lamp oil
- lean oil
- lease oil
- light oil
- light crude oil
- light cycle gas oil
- light engine oil
- light fuel oil
- light gas oil
- light viscosity oil
- lightwood oil
- limestone oil
- live oil
- livered oil
- load oil
- lock oil
- long-time burning oil
- loom oil
- low-gravity oil
- low-viscosity oil
- lubricating oil
- machinery oil
- make-up oil
- marine oil
- marine engine oil
- merchantable oil
- middle oil
- Middle East oil
- migratory oil
- mineral oil
- mineral earth oil
- mineral seal oil
- miner's oil
- mixed asphaltic base oil
- mixed-base oil
- mother oil
- motor oil
- moveable oil
- mud oil
- mud-cut oil
- multigrade oil
- noncongealable oil
- nondrying oil
- opal oil
- naphthalene oil
- naphthene oil
- natural oil
- net oil
- net residual oil
- nonabsorbent oil
- nonfoaming oil
- nonrecoverable oil
- nonresinous oil
- nonsulfurous oil
- occluded oil
- offshore oil
- original oil in place
- original stock tank oil in place
- oxydized oil
- oxygenated oil
- pale oil
- paraffin-base oil
- paraffin-base crude oil
- paraffinic oil
- pattern oil
- penetrating oil
- petrolatum oil
- petroleum fuel oil
- petroleum gas oil
- pilot oil
- piped oil
- pipeline oil
- pipeline quality crude oil
- polybase oil
- power oil
- primary oil
- produced oil
- prospective oil
- pumping load oil
- pure oil
- range oil
- raw oil
- recirculating oil
- reclaimed lubricating oil
- recoverable oil
- recovered oil
- red oil
- reduced oil
- reduced fuel oil
- refined oil
- residual oil
- retained oil
- returning circulation oil
- rich oil
- road oil
- rock oil
- roily oil
- rustproof oil
- saturated oil
- scavenge oil
- scrubbing oil
- secondary oil
- seep oil
- selective solvent-extracted oil
- selective solvent-refined oil
- separator oil
- service DG oil
- service DM oil
- service DS oil
- service ML oil
- service MM oil
- service MS oil
- shafting oil
- shale oil
- Sherwood oil
- short oil
- shrinked oil
- skunk oil
- slightly gas-cut oil
- sludge oil
- slurry oil
- slush oil
- slushing oil
- solar oil
- solid oil
- solidified oil
- soluble oil
- sorbed oil
- sour oil
- spindle oil
- steam-distillable oil
- steam-refined oil
- stock-tank oil
- stock-tank oil in place
- stoker's oil
- stone oil
- stove oil
- straight mineral oil
- straw oil
- stripped oil
- stripping oil
- subzero oil
- sulfonated oil
- sulfur-bearing oil
- sulfurous oil
- summer oil
- surplus oil
- sweat oil
- sweet oil
- switch oil
- tank oil
- tanker specification crude oil
- tar oil
- tarry oil
- tertiary oil
- thin oil
- thinned oil
- topped oil
- torch oil
- tractor oil
- transformer oil
- trapped oil
- trimming oil
- trolly oil
- turkey-red oil
- undiluted engine oil
- univis oil
- unrecovered oil
- unrefinable oil
- unrefinable crude oil
- unstripped oil
- untreated oil
- vaporizing oil
- vulcan oil
- washed blue oil
- waste oil
- water-cut oil
- watered oil
- watery oil
- wax oil
- wet oil
- white oil
- wild oil
- winter oil
- wirerope oil* * *• нефть• нефтяной -
18 factor
фактор; коэффициент; множитель; показатель
* * *
1. фактор2. показатель; коэффициент; множитель
* * *
фактор, коэффициент, множитель
* * *
фактор, множитель
* * *
1) фактор; составной элемент2) показатель; коэффициент; множитель•- factor of porosity
- factor of saturation
- ability factor
- absorption factor
- acceleration factor
- activity factor
- anisotropic factor
- anisotropy factor
- apparent formation factor
- apparent metal factor
- array factor
- atmospheric gas factor
- availability factor
- availability degradation factor
- balance factor
- borehole geometric factor
- bubble-point gas-in-oil solubility factor
- buffer factor
- calculated gas factor
- capacity factor
- catalyst carbon factor
- catalyst gas factor
- cement shrinkage factor
- cementation factor
- change rate factor
- characteristic factors
- characterization factors
- coagulation factor
- coke-permeability factor
- compacting factor
- compressibility factor
- condensate recovery factor
- corrosion factor
- coverage factor
- criticality factor
- degradation factor
- demand factor
- dependability factor
- derating factor
- derrick efficiency factor
- design factor
- design load factor
- detectability factor
- deterioration factor
- deviation factor
- drainage-recovery factor
- duty factor
- effective porosity factor
- engineering factors
- exposure factor
- failure factor
- failure rate acceleration factor
- fatigue factor
- fault factor
- fault coverage factor
- field-geological factor
- field-usage factor
- filtration factor
- flow resistance factor
- flowing gas factor
- formation factor
- formation cementation factor
- formation compressibility factor
- formation drillability factor
- formation porosity factor
- formation pressure conductivity factor
- formation resistivity factor
- formation volume factor
- freeze-proof factor
- gas factor
- gas-compressibility factor
- gas-deviation factor
- gas-formation volume factor
- gas-in-oil solubility factor
- gas-input factor
- gas-in-water solubility factor
- gas-producing factor
- gas-recovery factor
- gas-saturation factor
- geological factor
- geometrical divergence factor
- geometrical formation factor
- geometrical factor
- geotectonical factor
- gradient correction factor
- hydrogeological factor
- inherent reliability factor
- initial gas-in-oil solubility factor
- input gas factor
- instantaneous gas factor
- integrated pseudogeometrical factor
- invariable gas factor
- invasion factor
- life factor
- limit load factor
- limiting formation factor
- lithological factor
- lithological-and-temperature factor
- load factor
- maintainability factor
- maintenance factor
- maintenance priority factor
- maintenance replacement factor
- modal attenuation factor
- Murphree efficiency factor
- oil recovery factor
- oil saturation factor
- oil shrinkage factor
- oil formation volume factor
- operating gas factor
- operational factor
- output factor
- output gas factor
- packing factor
- permeability stratification factor
- plate efficiency factor
- porosity stratification factor
- pressure conductivity factor
- pressure loss factor
- productivity factor
- pseudogeometrical factor
- radial geometrical factor
- radial pseudogeometrical factor
- readiness factor
- real gas factor
- recovery factor
- redundancy improvement factor
- reflection factor
- reflectivity factor
- reliability factor
- reliability improvement factor
- repair efficiency factor
- repairability factor
- replacement factor
- reserve factor
- reservoir factor
- reservoir volume factor
- residual gas saturation factor
- residual oil saturation factor
- residual water saturation factor
- restorability factor
- retardation factor
- rope safety factor
- safe-load factor
- safety factor
- service factor
- severity factor
- single-phase oil formation volume factor
- sliding factor
- solubility factor
- sonic compaction correction factor
- stabilization factor
- static safety factor
- steam-zone shape factor
- stratigraphical factor
- strength factor
- structure factor
- technical replacement factor
- temperature factor
- testability factor
- total gas factor
- total oil formation volume factor
- toughness factor
- two-phase oil formation volume factor
- ultimate gas recovery factor
- ultimate oil recovery factor
- unification factor
- unit geometrical factor
- use degradation factor
- utilization factor
- viscosity factor
- void factor
- warning factor
- water encroachment factor
- water formation volume factor
- water saturation factor
- wear-out factor
- well flow factor
- well productivity factor
- zero viscosity factor* * *• фактор -
19 stress
1) (механическое) напряжение; напряжённое состояние; условное напряжение2) нагрузка, усилие3) гидроудар4) воздействие5) нагрузка на единицу площади, интенсивность нагрузки, удельная нагрузка•- actual stress - admissible stress - advancing load stress - allowable stress - alternate stress - applied stress - arch stress - axial stress - bar stress - basic stress - bearing stress - belt stresses - bending stress - blow stress - bond stress - braking stress - breaking stress - calculated stress - chord stress - circular symmetrical stress - combined stress - completely reversed stresses - complex stress - compressive stress - compressive stress in bending - concrete stress - constant stress - cooling stress - couple stress - crack stress - crackforming stress - crippling stress - critical stress - critical compressive stress - cross-bending stress - cyclical stresses - dead stress - dead-load stress - design stress - direct stress - discontinuity stress - downward stress - dynamic stress - ecological stress - edge stress - effective stress - elastic stress - engineering stress - erection stress - external stress - fabrication stress - failing stress - fatigue stress - fatigue limit stress - fibre stress - final stress - flexural stress - floor stress - fluctuating stresses - friction-induced stress - functional stress - gravity stress - ground stress - handling stress - heat stress - hoist stresses - hoop stress - horizontal stress - impact stress - indirect stress - induced stress - inherent stresses - initial stress - intermediate stress - internal stress - jacking stress - lateral stress - limiting maximum stress - linear stress - live load stress - load stress - local stresses - locked-up stresses - longitudinal stress - mechanical stress - net stress - neutral stress - normal stress - operating stress - operational stress - permissible stress - plane stress - point-load stress - primary stress - principal stresses - proof stress - radial stress - reinforcement stresses - relaxation of stresses - repeated stresses - residual stress - reverse stress - rupture stress - safe stress - secondary stress - shearing stress - shock stress - simple stress - snow load stress - specific stress - static stress - subsidiary stress - surface stress - sustained stress - sway stress - tangential stress - temperature stress - tensile stress - thermal stress - thermal stress on structure - three-dimensional stress - time-dependant stress - torsional stress - total stress - transverse stress - true stress - twisting stress - ultimate stress - uniaxial stress - unit stress - unsafe stress - varying stress - vibratory stress - volumetric stress - water stress - wave stress - welding stress - wheel-load stress - wind stress - working stress - yield stress - yield point stressstress due to prestress — усилие ( в бетоне), вызванное предварительным напряжением
* * *1. (внутреннее) усилие, внутренняя сила2. (механическое) напряжение3. нагрузка на единицу площади, интенсивность нагрузки, удельная нагрузкаstress acting away from the joint — усилие ( в элементе фермы), действующее от узла
stresses arising from bending and axial loading — напряжения, возникающие от поперечного изгиба и действия продольных сил
stress constant across the section — напряжение, постоянное по всему сечению
stress due to prestress — усилие обжатия бетона; напряжение в бетоне, вызванное обжатием
stresses due to wind forces — напряжения от сил ветра, напряжения от ветровой нагрузки
stresses induced by loads — напряжения, вызванные нагрузкой [нагружением] ( в отличие от температурных напряжений)
stress in reinforcement — напряжение [усилие] в арматуре
stresses in truss components [in truss members] — усилия в стержнях [элементах фермы]
stress resolved into two components — напряжение, разложенное на две составляющие
stress varying from point to point — напряжение, меняющееся от точки к точке ( сечения элемента)
- actual stressstresses with the elastic limit — напряжения, не превышающие предела упругости; напряжения в упругой области
- additional stress
- allowable stress
- allowable unit stress
- alternate stress
- anchorage bond stress
- average stress
- axial stress
- bar stress
- bearing unit stress
- bearing stress
- belt stress
- bending stress
- bending failure stress
- biaxial stress
- blow stress
- bond stress
- bottom-chord stress
- boundary stress
- breaking stress
- buckling stress
- calculated stress
- circumferential unit stress
- circumferential stress
- combined stresses
- combined bearing, bending, and shear stresses
- combined shear and bending stress
- compression stress
- compressive stress in bending
- concentrated-load stress
- constant stress
- crack-inducing stress
- crippling stress
- critical stress
- crushing stress
- cycle stress
- dead load stress
- design stress
- development bond stress
- deviation stress
- deviator stress
- direct stress
- drying shrinkage stresses
- dynamic stress
- edge stress
- effective stress
- equivalent stress
- erection stress
- extreme fiber stress
- extreme stress
- failure stress
- fatigue stress
- fiber stress
- final stress
- flexible stress
- floor stress during operation
- floor stress when climbing
- flow stress
- fluctuating stresses
- fracture stress
- freezing stresses
- gravity stress
- handling stresses
- high localized stresses
- hoop stress
- hydrostatic stress
- ideal main stress
- impact stresses
- initial stresses
- intergranular stress
- intermediate principal stress
- jacking stress
- larger principal stress
- limiting stresses permitted in the standard
- linearly varying stresses
- live-load stress
- local stresses
- local bond stress
- longitudinal stress
- main stress
- maximum stress
- maximum allowable stress
- maximum shearing stress
- mean stress
- mean cycle stress
- mean fatigue stress
- membrane stresses
- meridian stress
- negative normal stress
- neutral stress
- normal stress
- octahedral normal stress
- octahedral shear stress
- peak stress
- permissible stress
- plate stresses
- point-load stress
- positive normal stress
- primary stress
- principal stresses
- principal tensile stress
- proof stress
- proof stress at 0.2 percent set
- pulsating stress
- radial stress
- radial shearing stress
- reduced main stress
- reinforcement stress
- repeated stress
- residual stress
- reversed stress
- rupture stress
- safe stress
- secondary stresses
- service stress
- settlement stresses
- shear stress
- shear stresses on oblique planes
- shear buckling stress
- shearing stress
- shrinkage-related stress
- shrinkage stress
- smaller principal stress
- spherical stress
- splitting tensile stress
- static stress
- surface stress
- tangential stress
- temperature stress
- temporary stress
- tensile stress
- tensile stress due to bending
- thermal stress
- timber stresses
- time-dependent stress
- top-chord stress
- torsional stress
- total stress
- transverse bending stress in flange
- true stress
- truss stresses
- truss stresses determined by method of sections
- twisting stress
- ultimate stress
- ultimate shear stress
- ultimate tensile stress
- unit stress
- unit stress produced by design loads
- unrelieved stress
- working stress
- yield stress -
20 life
1. срок службы, долговечность2. стойкость— bit life
* * *
долговечность; наработка; ресурс; срок службы; продолжительность работы
* * *
жизнь, срок службы, долговечность
* * *
долговечность; наработка; ресурс; срок службы; продолжительность работы- life of welllife between overhauls — наработка между капитальными ремонтами, межремонтный период
- active life
- available life
- average life
- average life of well
- balanced life
- bearing life
- bit life
- calculated life
- calculated average life
- certifiable life
- cone teeth life
- cumulative shelf life
- drilling bit life
- drilling equipment life
- early life of field
- economic life
- economic life remaining in casing
- entire life
- estimated service life
- expected life
- extrapolated life
- fatigue life
- field life
- finite life
- flowing life
- full-load life
- gross life
- guarantee life
- increasing mean residual life
- initial life
- in-service life
- limited life
- long life
- maximum service life
- mean life
- mean residual life
- mean running life
- minimum life
- no-failure life
- nominal life
- observed life
- operational life
- optimal life
- original life
- overhaul life
- past producing life
- prefailure life
- producing life of well
- production life of well
- productive life of well
- rated life
- reconditioned life
- reliable life
- remaining life
- replacement life
- required life
- reservoir life
- reservoir producing life
- residual life
- restored life
- rupture life
- safe life
- screw joint life
- service life
- specified life
- stress-corrosion life
- target life
- total life
- trouble-free life
- true mean life
- ultimate life
- useful life
- useful bit life
- useful operating life
- warrantable life
- warranty life
- well life
- well flowing life
- well producing life
- working life* * *
См. также в других словарях:
Residual strength — is the load or force (usually mechanical) that a damaged object or material can still carry without failing … Wikipedia
Residual-current device — A two pole residual current device A Residual Current Device is a generic term covering both RCCBs and RCBOs. A Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) is an electrical wiring device that disconnects a circuit whenever it detects that the… … Wikipedia
residual stress — noun Physics the stress present in an object in the absence of any external load or force … English new terms dictionary
Dummy load — Cantenna dummy load suitable up to 30 MHz and up to 1 kW A dummy load is a device used to simulate an electrical load, usually for testing purposes. Contents 1 Radio … Wikipedia
ГОСТ Р ИСО 14588-2005: Заклепки "слепые". Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ Р ИСО 14588 2005: Заклепки "слепые". Термины и определения оригинал документа: 2.1.3 «слепая» головка (blind head): Часть стержня «слепой» заклепки, удаленная от головки, формируемая сердечником при установке «слепой»… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Leather — For other uses, see Leather (disambiguation). Modern leather working tools Leather is a durable and flexible material created via the tanning of putrescible animal rawhide and skin, primarily cattlehide. It can be produced through different… … Wikipedia
остаточная нагрузка — Осевое усилие растяжения, действующее в заклепке после установки. [ГОСТ Р ИСО 14588 2005] Тематики крепежные изделия Обобщающие термины рабочие характеристики EN residual load … Справочник технического переводчика
остаточная нагрузка — 2.5.7 остаточная нагрузка (residual load): Осевое усилие растяжения, действующее в заклепке после установки. Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 14588 2005: Заклепки "слепые". Термины и определения оригинал документа … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Diesel engine — Diesel engines in a museum Diesel generator on an oil tanker … Wikipedia
Superconducting Radio Frequency — (SRF) science and technology involves the application of electrical superconductors to radio frequency devices. The ultra low electrical loss of the superconductor yields RF resonators with extremely high quality factors, or Q . For example, it… … Wikipedia
Sewage treatment — The objective of sewage treatment is to produce a disposable effluent without causing harm to the surrounding environment, and also prevent pollution.[1] Sewage treatment, or domestic wastewater treatment, is the process of removing contaminants… … Wikipedia