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  • 1 project

    1. ['pro‹ekt] noun
    1) (a plan or scheme: a building project.) projekt; -projekt
    2) (a piece of study or research: I am doing a project on Italian art.) projekt; opgave
    2. [prə'‹ekt] verb
    1) (to throw outwards, forwards or upwards: The missile was projected into space.) skyde ud
    2) (to stick out: A sharp rock projected from the sea.) rage frem
    3) (to plan or propose.) planlægge; foreslå
    4) (to make a picture or a film appear on a screen.) projicere; fremvise
    - projection
    - projector
    * * *
    1. ['pro‹ekt] noun
    1) (a plan or scheme: a building project.) projekt; -projekt
    2) (a piece of study or research: I am doing a project on Italian art.) projekt; opgave
    2. [prə'‹ekt] verb
    1) (to throw outwards, forwards or upwards: The missile was projected into space.) skyde ud
    2) (to stick out: A sharp rock projected from the sea.) rage frem
    3) (to plan or propose.) planlægge; foreslå
    4) (to make a picture or a film appear on a screen.) projicere; fremvise
    - projection
    - projector

    English-Danish dictionary > project

См. также в других словарях:

  • research project — noun research into questions posed by scientific theories and hypotheses • Syn: ↑scientific research • Hypernyms: ↑research • Hyponyms: ↑big science, ↑biological research, ↑experiment, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rembrandt Research Project — ▪ 2007 by Ernst van de Wetering     The year 2006 marked the 400th year since the birth of the renowned Dutch painter and printmaker Rembrandt van Rijn. The yearlong celebration of “Rembrandt 400” featured exhibitions and events in The… …   Universalium

  • National Hurricane Research Project — NHRP opening day The National Hurricane Research Project (NHRP) was initiated in 1955 by the United States Weather Bureau in response to the devastating 1954 hurricane season, which saw Hurricane Carol, Hurricane Edna, and Hurricane Hazel bring… …   Wikipedia

  • Rembrandt Research Project — Der Mann mit dem Goldhelm, zugeschrieben dem Rembrandt Umkreis, Gemäldegalerie in Berlin Das Rembrandt Research Project in Amsterdam besteht aus einer Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern, die seit 1968 die Werke Rembrandt van Rijns auf ihre Echtheit und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 5ive’s Continuum Research Project — 5ive 2000 2002 5ive s Continuum Research Project с 2002 года Жанр сладж психоделия Годы с 2000 Страна …   Википедия

  • Antikythera Mechanism Research Project — Mechanismus von Antikythera Der Mechanismus von Antikythera, oft auch Computer von Antikythera genannt, ist ein antikes Artefakt aus Zahnrädern, das einem Uhrwerk ähnelt. Es wurde in einem Schiffswrack vor der griechischen Insel Antikythera,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 5ive's Continuum Research Project — 5ive 2000 2002 5ive s Continuum Research Project с 2002 года Жанр Сладж Психоделия Годы с 2000 …   Википедия

  • 5ive\'s Continuum Research Project — 5ive 2000 2002 5ive s Continuum Research Project с 2002 года Годы с 2000 Страна …   Википедия

  • Amboseli Baboon Research Project — The Amboseli Baboon Project is a long term, coordinated series of studies of yellow baboons in the Amboseli region. It is based in the Amboseli National Park and southwestern parts of the Amboseli ecosystem, with its primary research camp based… …   Wikipedia

  • Penny Black (research project) — The Penny Black Project is a Microsoft Research project that tries to find effective and practical ways of fighting spam. Because deleting spams consumes a recipient s time, the idea is to make the sender of emails pay a certain amount for… …   Wikipedia

  • Minnesota Texas Adoption Research Project — The Minnesota / Texas Adoption Research Project (MTARP) is a longitudinal research study that focuses on the consequences of variations in openness in adoption arrangements for all members of the adoptive kinship network: birthmothers, adoptive… …   Wikipedia

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