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  • 1 dyra

    dyra; dyr'a Grammatical information: f. ā; f. jā Proto-Slavic meaning: `hole'
    Page in Trubačev: V 205
    dyrá `hole, gap' [f ā]
    Old Russian:
    dyrja `hole' [f ā]
    dară `hole, prison' [f ā]
    Indo-European reconstruction: dr(H)-
    Comments: In the ESSJa, it is argued that Ru. dyrá, which occurs alongside dirá (-> * dira), results from secondary ablaut (starting from * dъr- instead of of * dьr- `tear'. The same is suggested for -> * dura. It seems to me that such a scenario requires that there existed a formally and semantically similar root. In this particular case the root of Lith. dùrti `stab, push' has often been mentioned, but more often than not (e.g. Vasmer s.v. dyrá, Fraenkel LEW: 113, Sɫawski SEJP I: 208) the latter root is considered etymologically identical. This implies that already in Balto-Slavic both * dir- and * dur- functioned as the zero grade of * der- `tear'. Here I would like to adopt a more agnostic attitude, i.e. I prefer to separate forms belonging to the "u" ablaut series provisionally from * der- `tear'. Note that Baltic * duris firmly acute, while in the case of the verb `to tear' there are many indications for an old circumflex.

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > dyra

  • 2 dyr'a

    dyra; dyr'a Grammatical information: f. ā; f. jā Proto-Slavic meaning: `hole'
    Page in Trubačev: V 205
    dyrá `hole, gap' [f ā]
    Old Russian:
    dyrja `hole' [f ā]
    dară `hole, prison' [f ā]
    Indo-European reconstruction: dr(H)-
    Comments: In the ESSJa, it is argued that Ru. dyrá, which occurs alongside dirá (-> * dira), results from secondary ablaut (starting from * dъr- instead of of * dьr- `tear'. The same is suggested for -> * dura. It seems to me that such a scenario requires that there existed a formally and semantically similar root. In this particular case the root of Lith. dùrti `stab, push' has often been mentioned, but more often than not (e.g. Vasmer s.v. dyrá, Fraenkel LEW: 113, Sɫawski SEJP I: 208) the latter root is considered etymologically identical. This implies that already in Balto-Slavic both * dir- and * dur- functioned as the zero grade of * der- `tear'. Here I would like to adopt a more agnostic attitude, i.e. I prefer to separate forms belonging to the "u" ablaut series provisionally from * der- `tear'. Note that Baltic * duris firmly acute, while in the case of the verb `to tear' there are many indications for an old circumflex.

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > dyr'a

См. также в других словарях:

  • Verb argument — In linguistics, a verb argument is a phrase that appears in a syntactic relationship with the verb in a clause. In English, for example, the two most important arguments are the subject and the direct object.[1] Nearly all languages identify… …   Wikipedia

  • Georgian verb paradigm — This article is about the conjugation of verbs in the Georgian language (focused on examples). The reader is advised to see Georgian grammar, especially if not familiar with the language, before attempting to read this article. Georgian verb… …   Wikipedia

  • Table (verb) — Table as a verb has two contradictory meanings, one in use in the United States and the other in the remainder of the English speaking world. In the United States, the motion to table (or lay on the table ) is a proposal to suspend consideration… …   Wikipedia

  • English modal verb — English grammar series English grammar Contraction Disputes in English grammar English compound English honorifics English personal pronouns English plural English relative clauses English verbs English irregular verbs English moda …   Wikipedia

  • Ergative verb — In linguistics, an ergative verb is a verb that can be either transitive or intransitive, and whose subject when intransitive corresponds to its direct object when transitive.In EnglishIn English, most verbs can be used intransitively, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Ditransitive verb — In grammar, a ditransitive verb is a verb which takes a subject and two objects which refer to a recipient and a theme. According to certain linguistics considerations, these objects may be called direct and indirect, or primary and secondary.… …   Wikipedia

  • Ambitransitive verb — An ambitransitive verb is a verb that can be used both as intransitive or as transitive without requiring a morphological change. That is, the same verb form may or may not require a direct object. English has a large number of ambitransitive… …   Wikipedia

  • ECM verb — ECM, or Exceptional Case Marking is a concept of the Government and Binding (GB) theory of syntax in linguistics. Introduction Exception case marking is a concept used in GB theory to analyze certain atypical verbs. Verbs in English which have… …   Wikipedia

  • Transitive verb — In syntax, a transitive verb is a verb that requires both a subject and one or more objects. Some examples of sentences with transitive verbs:* Harry sees Adam. (Adam is the direct object of sees ) * You lifted the bag. (bag is the direct object… …   Wikipedia

  • ditransitive verb — noun A verb that requires (in the unmarked form) both a direct object and an indirect object so as to be grammatical. Example: give requires both a gift and a receiver, as in give the dog a bone. Neither give the dog nor give a bone are… …   Wiktionary

  • transitive verb — noun a verb (or verb construction) that requires an object in order to be grammatical • Syn: ↑transitive verb form, ↑transitive • Hypernyms: ↑verb • Hyponyms: ↑doubly transitive verb, ↑doubly transitive verb form …   Useful english dictionary

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