1 reproduction graph
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > reproduction graph
2 reproduction graph
Математика: граф воспроизведения -
3 reproduction graph
4 reproduction graph
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > reproduction graph
5 reproduction graph
мат. -
6 reproduction graph
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > reproduction graph
7 graph
1) граф2) график || строить график3) диаграмма || чертить диаграмму•- alternating composition graph - arbitrarily transversable graph - derived graph - doubly connected graph - doubly transitive graph - fully connected graph - locally countable graph - locally finite graph - locally restricted graph - log-log graph - partially labeled graph - partially orderable graph - progressively finite graph - regressively finite graph - strictly weak graph - strongly orientable graph - strongly regular graph - strongly rigid graph - strongly singular graph - strongly smooth graph - totally inductive graph - triangleless graph - triply transitive graph - uniquely intersectable graph - uniquely representable graph - weakly disconnected graph -
8 graph
1) граф2) график; кривая || строить график; вычерчивать кривую3) диаграмма || представлять в виде диаграммы4) вчт моносимвольная графема, граф•- graph of strictly partial order
- acyclic graph
- alternating graph
- alternating-composition graph
- animated bar graph
- area graph
- associated undirected graph
- atomic graph
- attachment graph
- balanced signed graph
- bar graph
- basis graph
- bicolorable graph
- bicolored graph
- bipartite graph
- block graph
- bunch graph
- Cayley's graph
- circuit closed graph
- circuit connected graph
- circuit-free graph
- clique graph
- color graph
- colored graph
- column graph
- columnar graph
- communication graph
- complete graph
- connected graph
- converse graph
- coordinate graph
- critical graph
- current graph
- cyclic graph
- data flow graph
- Desargues' graph
- descendence graph
- directed graph
- dual Y-axis graph
- Euler graph
- Eulerian graph
- even graph
- exclusion graph
- exploded pie graph
- finite graph
- flat graph
- fractal graph
- function graph
- fuzzy graph
- general graph
- graceful graph
- Hamilton graph
- Hamiltonian graph
- high/low/close/open graph
- HLCO graph
- horizontal bar graph
- identity graph
- implication graph
- infinite graph
- interaction graph
- interchange graph
- interval graph
- isomorphic graph
- k-chromatic graph
- k-colorable graph
- k-edge connected graph
- knot graph
- labeled graph
- labeled semantic graph
- levelized graph
- line graph
- linked pie-column graph
- line-symmetric graph
- lobe graph
- locally finite graph
- locally restricted graph
- logarithmic graph
- l-vertex connected graph
- maximal strongly singular graph
- mixed graph
- mixed column/line graph
- m-partite graph
- multidimensional graph
- mutually connected graph
- net graph
- network graph
- nonseparable graph
- numbered undirected graph
- one hundred percent column graph
- one-way graph
- operator graph
- oriented graph
- paired bar graph
- paired pie graph
- Pappus' graph
- Petersen graph
- phonetic graph
- picture graph
- pie graph
- planar graph
- plane graph
- point-symmetric graph
- proportional pie graph
- R-graph
- recursively structured graph
- reduced-flow graph
- region adjacency graph
- regular graph of degree n
- reproduction graph
- rigid circuit graph
- rooted graph
- scatter graph
- sectional graph
- self-complementary graph
- selt-negational signed graph
- semilogarithmic graph
- signal graph
- signal-flow graph
- signed graph
- signed labeled graph
- singular graph
- spanning graph
- stacked column graph
- star graph
- state graph
- strongly cyclically closed graph
- strongly cyclic edge connected graph
- subdivision graph
- symmetric graph
- total graph
- transaction graph
- transition graph
- transitive graph
- transmission graph
- tripartite graph
- two-dimensional lattice graph
- two-partite graph
- undirected graph
- unicyclic graph
- vertex critical graph
- vertical bar graph
- x-y graph -
9 graph
1) граф2) график; кривая || строить график; вычерчивать кривую3) диаграмма || представлять в виде диаграммы4) вчт. моносимвольная графема, граф•- alternating graph
- alternating-composition graph
- animated bar graph
- area graph
- associated undirected graph
- atomic graph
- attachment graph
- balanced signed graph
- bar graph
- basis graph
- bicolorable graph
- bicolored graph
- bipartite graph
- block graph
- bunch graph
- Cayley's graph
- circuit closed graph
- circuit connected graph
- circuit-free graph
- clique graph
- color graph
- colored graph
- column graph
- columnar graph
- communication graph
- complete graph
- connected graph
- converse graph
- coordinate graph
- critical graph
- current graph
- cyclic graph
- data flow graph
- Desargues' graph
- descendence graph
- directed graph
- dual Y-axis graph
- Euler graph
- Eulerian graph
- even graph
- exclusion graph
- exploded pie graph
- finite graph
- flat graph
- fractal graph
- function graph
- fuzzy graph
- general graph
- graceful graph
- graph of contiguous channels
- graph of strictly partial order
- Hamilton graph
- Hamiltonian graph
- high/low/close/open graph
- HLCO graph
- horizontal bar graph
- identity graph
- implication graph
- infinite graph
- interaction graph
- interchange graph
- interval graph
- isomorphic graph
- k-chromatic graph
- k-colorable graph
- k-edge connected graph
- knot graph
- labeled graph
- labeled semantic graph
- levelized graph
- line graph
- line-symmetric graph
- linked pie-column graph
- lobe graph
- locally finite graph
- locally restricted graph
- logarithmic graph
- l-vertex connected graph
- maximal strongly singular graph
- mixed column/line graph
- mixed graph
- m-partite graph
- multidimensional graph
- mutually connected graph
- net graph
- network graph
- nonseparable graph
- numbered undirected graph
- one hundred percent column graph
- one-way graph
- operator graph
- oriented graph
- paired bar graph
- paired pie graph
- Pappus' graph
- Petersen graph
- phonetic graph
- picture graph
- pie graph
- planar graph
- plane graph
- point-symmetric graph
- proportional pie graph
- recursively structured graph
- reduced-flow graph
- region adjacency graph
- regular graph of degree n
- reproduction graph
- R-graph
- rigid circuit graph
- rooted graph
- scatter graph
- sectional graph
- self-complementary graph
- selt-negational signed graph
- semilogarithmic graph
- signal graph
- signal-flow graph
- signed graph
- signed labeled graph
- singular graph
- spanning graph
- stacked column graph
- star graph
- state graph
- strongly cyclic edge connected graph
- strongly cyclically closed graph
- subdivision graph
- symmetric graph
- total graph
- transaction graph
- transition graph
- transitive graph
- transmission graph
- tripartite graph
- two-dimensional lattice graph
- two-partite graph
- undirected graph
- unicyclic graph
- vertex critical graph
- vertical bar graph
- x-y graphThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > graph
10 граф воспроизведения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > граф воспроизведения
11 model
1) макет; модель || моделировать2) образец4) модель, тип ( изделия)5) шаблон•- countably saturated model - countably uniform model - coupled channels model - finite state model - finitely generated model - game-theory model - random trial increment model - random walk model - sampling model -
12 work
1. работа; обработка; обрабатывать2. обрабатываемая деталь3. произведение, сочинениеfeeble work — бледное произведение, слабая работа
4. собрание сочинений5. изделие, продукция6. механизмshop work — механизированный труд; работа с механизмами
7. конструкция8. редактировать; составлять9. разрабатывать10. художественное произведение11. художественное оформлениеbag work — печать на мешках, сумках, пакетах
12. вставка в переплётную крышку13. изготовление переплётных крышек14. изготовление футляров15. процессы, относящиеся к изготовлению текстовой формы и печати с неёchromolithographic printing work — репродукция, отпечатанная способом хромолитографии
16. многокрасочная работа; цветная репродукция17. четырёхкрасочная печатьcopyrighted work — произведение, защищённое авторским правом
fake-color work — получение цветоделённых негативов или позитивов с помощью набора растровых сеток
18. акцидентная малотиражная работа19. изготовление плоского стереотипа20. штриховой оригинал21. штриховое клише22. штриховая съёмкаfield work — полевая съёмка, работа в поле; разведка, съёмка
23. однокрасочная печать24. однокрасочная репродукция25. оригинал; подлинник26. первое произведение; первоначальная работаoriginal art work — оригинальное художественное произведение; картина
27. набивка; прокладка28. грунтовка29. цветная репродукция30. многокрасочная печать31. справочная работаwork towards — работать для; работа для
32. справочник33. набор с использованием линеек34. табличный набор35. украшение букв завитками и орнаментомan ornament in bugle work — орнамент, вышитый бисером
36. работа в режиме «свитка»stone works — работы, выполняемые на спускном столе
37. продукция, отпечатанная двойником38. раскладка полос для печати двойником39. фальцовка тетрадей двойниками
См. также в других словарях:
reproduction curve — a graph of the progeny of a spawning at the time they reach a specified age, e.g. the age at which half of the brood has become vulnerable to fishing, plotted against the abundance of the stock that produced them (Ricker, 1975). Also called… … Dictionary of ichthyology
ka|ma|graph — «KAH muh graf, grahf». noun. 1. a type of printing press used in kamagraphy to reproduce exactly an original painting specially made for it. 2. a reproduction of a painting made by a kamagraph: »Each kamagraph looks as though the artist painted… … Useful english dictionary
mac|ro|graph — «MAK ruh graf, grahf», noun. a photograph, drawing, or other reproduction of an object that is magnified very little or not at all … Useful english dictionary
recruitment curve — (reproduction curve) A graph of the progeny of a spawning at the time they reach a specified age (for example, the age at which half of the brood has become vulnerable to fishing), plotted against the abundance of the stock that produced them … Fisheries — dictionary
recruitment curve — (reproduction curve) A graph of the progeny of a spawning at the time they reach a specified age (for example, the age at which half of the brood has become vulnerable to fishing), plotted against the abundance of the stock that produced them … Fisheries — dictionary
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors — For more specific information regarding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, see Eigendecomposition of a matrix. In this shear mapping the red arrow changes direction but the blue arrow does not. Therefore the blue arrow is an… … Wikipedia
Most recent common ancestor — Part of a series on Genetic genealogy Concepts Population genetics Haplogroup/ Haplotype Most recent common ancestor Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups Human Y chromosome DNA haplogroups Genomics Other Y chromosome haplogroups by po … Wikipedia
map — mappable, adj. mapper, n. /map/, n., v., mapped, mapping. n. 1. a representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or a portion of the heavens, showing them in their respective forms, sizes, and relationships… … Universalium
Dependency network — Contents 1 Importance 2 Overview 3 The activity dependency networks … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
population — populational, adj. populationless, adj. /pop yeuh lay sheuhn/, n. 1. the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area. 2. the body of inhabitants of a place: The population of the city opposes the addition of… … Universalium