1 remote
1 adjCOMP&DP, TELECOM, TV a distancia, remoto2 -
2 remote
rə'mout1) (far away in time or place; far from any (other) village, town etc: a remote village in New South Wales; a farmhouse remote from civilization.) remoto2) (distantly related: a remote cousin) lejano3) (very small or slight: a remote chance of success; He hasn't the remotest idea what is going on.) remoto•- remotely- remoteness
- remote control
remote adj remoto / aisladotr[rɪ'məʊt]1 (far away) remoto,-a, lejano,-a2 (lonely) aislado,-a, apartado,-a3 (person) distante, inaccesible4 (possibility) remoto,-a, muy pequeño,-a\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLnot the remotest idea ni la más mínima idearemote control mando a distancia1) far-off: lejano, remotoremote countries: países remotosin the remote past: en el pasado lejano2) secluded: recóndito3) : a distancia, remotoremote control: control remoto4) slight: remoto5) aloof: distanteadj.• ajeno, -a adj.• apartado, -a adj.• lejano, -a adj.• remoto, -a adj.rɪ'məʊtadjective -ter, -test1)a) (in space, time) <place/part> remotob) <cause/connection> remotoc) (aloof, abstracted) distante2) ( slight) <possibility/hope/resemblance> remoto[rɪ'mǝʊt]1. ADJ(compar remoter) (superl remotest)1) (=distant) [village, spot, area] remoto, apartado; [star, galaxy] lejano, remoto; [relative, ancestor, descendant] lejanoin the remotest parts of Africa — en las partes más remotas or más apartadas de África
the remote past/future — el pasado/futuro remoto
it's remote from any towns — está muy lejos or muy apartado de cualquier ciudad
events which seem remote from our daily lives — hechos que parecen muy alejados de nuestras vidas cotidianas
2) (=removed) lejano, remotothese events seem remote from contemporary life — estos sucesos parecen estar alejados de la vida contemporánea
what he said was rather remote from the subject in hand — lo que dijo no tenía mucha relación con el tema que se trataba
3) (=aloof) [person, manner, voice] distante4) (=slight) [possibility, chance, prospect, hope] remoto; [risk, resemblance] ligero; [connection] remoto5) (=remote-controlled) a distancia2.3.CPDremote access N — (Comput) acceso m remoto
remote control N — (=system) control m remoto; (=device) mando m a distancia, telemando m
remote learning N — (Educ) educación f a distancia
remote sensing N — detección f a distancia
* * *[rɪ'məʊt]adjective -ter, -test1)a) (in space, time) <place/part> remotob) <cause/connection> remotoc) (aloof, abstracted) distante2) ( slight) <possibility/hope/resemblance> remoto -
3 airborne
См. также в других словарях:
remote sensing — n. the use of satellites to gather data, images, etc., as to study the earth or other bodies of the solar system … English World dictionary
Remote sensing — There are two kinds of remote sensing. Passive sensors detect natural energy (radiation) that is emitted or reflected by the object or surrounding area being observed. Reflected sunlight is the most common source of radiation measured by passive… … Wikipedia
Remote sensing application — A remote sensing application is a software application that processes remote sensing data. Remote sensing applications are similar to graphics software, but they enable generating geographic information from satellite and airborne sensor data.… … Wikipedia
Remote Sensing — Die Fernerkundung (englisch: Remote Sensing) ist die Gesamtheit der Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Informationen über die Erdoberfläche oder anderer nicht direkt zugänglicher Objekte durch Messung und Interpretation der von ihr ausgehenden (Energie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Remote sensing — Die Fernerkundung (englisch: Remote Sensing) ist die Gesamtheit der Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Informationen über die Erdoberfläche oder anderer nicht direkt zugänglicher Objekte durch Messung und Interpretation der von ihr ausgehenden (Energie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Indian Remote Sensing satellite — Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, mostly built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation of India as part of the Indian space program. The IRS series provides remote sensing… … Wikipedia
National Remote Sensing Centre — (NRSC), located at Hyderabad is one of the centres of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), striving to realise the Indian Space Vision, as a key player in Earth Observation Programme and Disaster Management Support programme. NRSC is… … Wikipedia
Dragon (remote sensing) — This article is about remote sensing. For speech recognition, see Dragon Naturally Speaking. Dragon refers to any of several remote sensing image processing software packages. This software provides capabilities for displaying, analyzing, and… … Wikipedia
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing — The Indian Institute of Remote Sensing is the training and education arm of the Indian Department of Space. Located in Dehradun, the institute offers a variety of courses in Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), ranging in… … Wikipedia
European remote-sensing satellite — ERS 1/2 … Wikipédia en Français
Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization — (SPARRSO) is a government controlled astronomy and space research organisation of Bangladesh.Established in 1980 as an autonomous multisectoral R D organization of the Govt. of the People s Republic of Bangladesh,it acts as the centre of… … Wikipedia