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  • 1 remember

    1) (to keep in the mind, or to bring back into the mind after forgetting for a time: I remember you - we met three years ago; I remember watching the first men landing on the moon; Remember to telephone me tonight; I don't remember where I hid it.) pamatovat si, vzpomenout si
    2) (to reward or make a present to: He remembered her in his will.) pamatovat (na)
    3) (to pass (a person's) good wishes (to someone): Remember me to your parents.) pozdravovat
    * * *
    • upomenout
    • vzpomínat
    • vzpomenout si na
    • vzpomenout
    • vzpomínat si na
    • vzpomínat si
    • zapamatovat
    • zapamatovat si
    • připomenout
    • pamatovat se na
    • pamatovat si
    • pamatovat

    English-Czech dictionary > remember

  • 2 remember about

    • vzpomínat si na
    • vzpomenout si na

    English-Czech dictionary > remember about

  • 3 can't remember diddly-squat

    • nepamatovat si ani hovno

    English-Czech dictionary > can't remember diddly-squat

  • 4 recall

    [ri'ko:l] 1. verb
    1) (to order (a person etc) to return: He had been recalled to his former post.) povolat zpět
    2) (to remember: I don't recall when I last saw him.) vzpomenout si
    2. noun
    1) (an order to return: the recall of soldiers to duty.) povolání k návratu
    2) (['ri:ko:l] the ability to remember and repeat what one has seen, heard etc: He has total recall.) paměť
    * * *
    • vzpomínat
    • připomenout
    • odvolat

    English-Czech dictionary > recall

  • 5 remind

    1) (to tell (someone) that there is something he or she ought to do, remember etc: Remind me to post that letter; She reminded me of my promise.) připomenout
    2) (to make (someone) remember or think of (a person, thing etc): She reminds me of her sister; This reminds me of my schooldays.) připomínat
    * * *
    • připomenout
    • připomínat

    English-Czech dictionary > remind

  • 6 think of

    1) (to remember to do (something); to keep in one's mind; to consider: You always think of everything!; Have you thought of the cost involved?) myslet na
    2) (to remember: I couldn't think of her name when I met her at the party.) vzpomenout si
    3) ((with would, should, not, never etc) to be willing to do (something): I would never think of being rude to her; He couldn't think of leaving her.) pomyslet na
    * * *
    • pomyslet na
    • pomyslet si
    • pomyslit si

    English-Czech dictionary > think of

  • 7 drum in/into

    (to force someone to remember (something) by repeating it constantly: You never remember anything unless I drum it in/into you.) vtlouci do hlavy

    English-Czech dictionary > drum in/into

  • 8 alone

    1) (with no-one else; by oneself: He lived alone; She is alone in believing that he is innocent.) sám
    2) (only: He alone can remember.) jediný
    * * *
    • sám
    • sama
    • osamělý
    • osamocen

    English-Czech dictionary > alone

  • 9 always

    1) (at all times: I always work hard; I'll always remember her.) vždy, stále
    2) (continually or repeatedly: He is always making mistakes.) trvale, pořád
    * * *
    • vždy
    • vždycky
    • pořád
    • stále

    English-Czech dictionary > always

  • 10 dependable

    adjective ((negative undependable) trustworthy or reliable: I know he'll remember to get the wine - he's very dependable.) spolehlivý
    * * *
    • spolehlivý

    English-Czech dictionary > dependable

  • 11 elude

    1) (to escape or avoid by quickness or cleverness: He eluded his pursuers.) uniknout
    2) (to be too difficult etc for (a person) to understand or remember: The meaning of this poem eludes me.) uniknout
    * * *
    • unikat
    • uniknout
    • vyhnout se
    • vykroutit se

    English-Czech dictionary > elude

  • 12 focus

    ['foukəs] 1. plurals - focuses, foci; noun
    1) (the point at which rays of light meet after passing through a lens.) ohnisko
    2) (a point to which light, a look, attention etc is directed: She was the focus of everyone's attention.) střed
    2. verb
    1) (to adjust (a camera, binoculars etc) in order to get a clear picture: Remember to focus the camera / the picture before taking the photograph.) zaostřit
    2) (to direct (attention etc) to one point: The accident focussed public attention on the danger.) soustředit
    - in
    - out of focus
    * * *
    • zaostřit
    • ohnisko

    English-Czech dictionary > focus

  • 13 forget

    past tense - forgot; verb
    1) (to fail to remember: He has forgotten my name.) zapomenout
    2) (to leave behind accidentally: She has forgotten her handbag.) zapomenout
    3) (to lose control of (oneself), act in an undignified manner: She forgot herself and criticized her boss during the company party.) zapomenout se
    - forgetfully
    * * *
    • zapomenout na
    • zapomínat
    • zapomenout
    • zapomínat na
    • forget/forgot/forgotten

    English-Czech dictionary > forget

  • 14 indeed

    [in'di:d] 1. adverb
    1) (really; in fact; as you say; of course etc: `He's very talented, isn't he?' He is indeed; `Do you remember your grandmother?' `Indeed I do!') opravdu, samozřejmě
    2) (used for emphasis: Thank you very much indeed; He is very clever indeed.) opravdu
    2. interjection
    (used to show surprise, interest etc: `John said your idea was stupid.' `Indeed!') vážně?
    * * *
    • to snad ne!
    • vskutku
    • rozhodně
    • samozřejmě
    • skutečně
    • opravdu
    • ovšem
    • jistě
    • ba
    • doopravdy

    English-Czech dictionary > indeed

  • 15 know

    past tense - knew; verb
    1) (to be aware of or to have been informed about: He knows everything; I know he is at home because his car is in the drive; He knows all about it; I know of no reason why you cannot go.) vědět, znát
    2) (to have learned and to remember: He knows a lot of poetry.) znát
    3) (to be aware of the identity of; to be friendly with: I know Mrs Smith - she lives near me.) znát
    4) (to (be able to) recognize or identify: You would hardly know her now - she has become very thin; He knows a good car when he sees one.) poznat
    - knowingly
    - know-all
    - know-how
    - in the know
    - know backwards
    - know better
    - know how to
    - know the ropes
    * * *
    • vědět
    • umět
    • zvládat
    • znát
    • rozlišovat
    • know/knew/known

    English-Czech dictionary > know

  • 16 lovely

    1) ((negative unlovely) beautiful; attractive: She is a lovely girl; She looked lovely in that dress.) rozkošný
    2) (delightful: Someone told me a lovely joke last night, but I can't remember it; a lovely meal.) výtečný
    * * *
    • pěkný
    • překrásný
    • půvabný
    • roztomilý
    • rozkošný
    • hezký
    • krásný
    • krásně
    • milý
    • báječný

    English-Czech dictionary > lovely

  • 17 memorandum

    plurals memorandums, memoranda [-dF] (often abbreviated to memo ['memou] - plural memos) - noun
    1) (a note to help one to remember: He wrote a memo; ( also adjective) a memo pad.) poznámka
    2) (a written statement about a particular matter, often passed around between colleagues: a memorandum on Thursday's meeting.) zápis
    * * *
    • memorandum

    English-Czech dictionary > memorandum

  • 18 memorise

    verb (to learn (something) so well that one can remember all of it without looking: She memorized the directions.) memorovat
    * * *
    • memorovat

    English-Czech dictionary > memorise

  • 19 memorize

    verb (to learn (something) so well that one can remember all of it without looking: She memorized the directions.) memorovat
    * * *
    • učit se zpaměti
    • naučit se zpaměti
    • memorovat

    English-Czech dictionary > memorize

  • 20 memory

    plural - memories; noun
    1) (the power to remember things: a good memory for details.) paměť
    2) (the mind's store of remembered things: Her memory is full of interesting stories.) paměť
    3) (something remembered: memories of her childhood.) vzpomínka
    4) (the time as far back as can be remembered: the greatest fire in memory.) doba, kam až paměť sahá
    5) (a part of computer in which information is stored for immediate use; a computer with 8 megabytes of memory)
    - memorise
    - from memory
    - in memory of / to the memory of
    * * *
    • vzpomínka
    • paměť

    English-Czech dictionary > memory

См. также в других словарях:

  • Remember Me — may refer to:In music:* R U Still Down? (Remember Me) , the first posthumous album by Tupac Shakur * Remember Me (The Zutons song), a 2004 song by The Zutons * Remember Me (Diana Ross song), a song by Diana Ross from her 1971 album Surrender *… …   Wikipedia

  • Remember — Re*mem ber (r? m?m b?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Remembered} ( b?rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Remembering}.] [OF. remebrer, L. rememorari; pref. re re + memorare to bring to remembrance, from memor mindful. See {Memory}, and cf. {Rememorate}.] 1. To have… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Remember — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Se conoce como Remember a aquellos temas musicales de género electrónico compuestos en los años 90 principalmente (aunque también se pueden englobar los anteriores y algunos posteriores), que sonaron con intensidad y …   Wikipedia Español

  • remember — remember, recollect, recall, remind, reminisce, bethink, mind all carry as their basic meaning to put an image or idea from the past into the mind. Remember usually implies a putting oneself in mind of something. The term carries so strong an… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Remember — Kompilationsalbum von John Lennon Veröffentlichung November 2006 Label EMI Group / Hear Music …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • remember — ► VERB 1) have in or be able to bring to one s mind (someone or something from the past). 2) keep something necessary or advisable in mind: remember to post the letters. 3) bear (someone) in mind by making them a gift or by mentioning them in… …   English terms dictionary

  • remember — [ri mem′bər] vt. [ME remembren < OFr remembrer < LL rememorare < L re , back, again + memorare, to bring to remembrance < memor, mindful: see MEMORY] 1. to have (an event, thing, person, etc.) come to mind again; think of again… …   English World dictionary

  • remember me to — old fashioned used to ask someone to give your greetings to another person Remember me to your aunt when you see her today. • • • Main Entry: ↑remember …   Useful english dictionary

  • Remember — Re*mem ber (r? m?m b?r), v. i. To execise or have the power of memory; as, some remember better than others. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • remember — REMÉMBER vb. imper., s.n. (Anglicism, folosit ca un îndemn de a nu uita un eveniment important) Ţine minte, aminteşte ţi. [< engl. remember]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.08.2005. Sursa: DN …   Dicționar Român

  • remember — c.1300, from O.Fr. remembrer (11c.), from L. rememorari recall to mind, remember, from re again + memorari be mindful of, from memor mindful (see MEMORY (Cf. memory)). Replaced native gemunan …   Etymology dictionary

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