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  • 1 remain

    1) (to be left: Only two tins of soup remain; Very little remained of the cinema after the fire; A great many things still remain to be done.) atlikt; palikt pāri
    2) (to stay; not to leave: I shall remain here.) palikt
    3) (to continue to be: The problem remains unsolved.) palikt
    - remains
    * * *
    palikt pāri, atlikt; palikt

    English-Latvian dictionary > remain

  • 2 I remain yours truly

    palieku jūsu uzticīgais; jūsu uzticīgais

    English-Latvian dictionary > I remain yours truly

  • 3 to remain at home

    palikt mājās

    English-Latvian dictionary > to remain at home

  • 4 to remain glued to somebody

    neatiet ne soli no kāda

    English-Latvian dictionary > to remain glued to somebody

  • 5 to remain in force

    palikt spēkā

    English-Latvian dictionary > to remain in force

  • 6 to remain unsuited

    palikt neapmierinātam

    English-Latvian dictionary > to remain unsuited

  • 7 keep

    [ki:p] 1. past tense, past participle - kept; verb
    1) (to have for a very long or indefinite period of time: He gave me the picture to keep.) []turēt
    2) (not to give or throw away; to preserve: I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?) glabāt
    3) (to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position: I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?) []glabāt; noturēt
    4) (to go on (performing or repeating a certain action): He kept walking.) turpināt (kaut ko darīt)
    5) (to have in store: I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.) paglabāt; turēt (krājumā)
    6) (to look after or care for: She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.) []turēt
    7) (to remain in good condition: That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.) (par pārtiku) saglabāties (svaigam)
    8) (to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc): She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.) izdarīt ierakstus
    9) (to hold back or delay: Sorry to keep you.) aizkavēt
    10) (to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone): He has a wife and child to keep.) uzturēt (kādu)
    11) (to act in the way demanded by: She kept her promise.) turēt; ievērot
    12) (to celebrate: to keep Christmas.) svinēt
    2. noun
    (food and lodging: She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep - she kills all the mice in the house.) iztika; uzturs
    - keeping
    - keep-fit
    - keepsake
    - for keeps
    - in keeping with
    - keep away
    - keep back
    - keep one's distance
    - keep down
    - keep one's end up
    - keep from
    - keep going
    - keep hold of
    - keep house for
    - keep house
    - keep in
    - keep in mind
    - keep it up
    - keep off
    - keep on
    - keep oneself to oneself
    - keep out
    - keep out of
    - keep time
    - keep to
    - keep something to oneself
    - keep to oneself
    - keep up
    - keep up with the Joneses
    - keep watch
    * * *
    uzturs, iztika; galvenais tornis; paturēt, turēt; glabāt; ievērot, turēt; noturēt, saglabāt; palikt; uzturēt; turpināt; sargāt; saglabāties; vest; aizkavēt; justies; svinēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > keep

  • 8 leave

    I [li:v] past tense, past participle - left; verb
    1) (to go away or depart from, often without intending to return: He left the room for a moment; They left at about six o'clock; I have left that job.) aiziet; aizbraukt
    2) (to go without taking: She left her gloves in the car; He left his children behind when he went to France.) atstāt; pamest
    3) (to allow to remain in a particular state or condition: She left the job half-finished.) atstāt (kādā noteiktā stāvoklī)
    4) (to let (a person or a thing) do something without being helped or attended to: I'll leave the meat to cook for a while.) atstāt (paša ziņā)
    5) (to allow to remain for someone to do, make etc: Leave that job to the experts!) atstāt (kāda ziņā)
    6) (to make a gift of in one's will: She left all her property to her son.) novēlēt; atstāt mantojumā
    - leave out
    - left over
    II [li:v] noun
    1) (permission to do something, eg to be absent: Have I your leave to go?) atļauja
    2) ((especially of soldiers, sailors etc) a holiday: He is home on leave at the moment.) atvaļinājums
    - take one's leave of
    - take one's leave
    * * *
    atļauja; atvaļinājums; īpašs atvaļinājums; aizbraukšana, aiziešana; atvadīšanās; pamest, atstāt; aizbraukt, aiziet, doties; atstāt kādā stāvoklī; novēlēt, atstāt mantojumā

    English-Latvian dictionary > leave

  • 9 stand

    [stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb
    1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) stāvēt
    2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) piecelties []
    3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) stāvēt
    4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) pastāvēt; būt spēkā
    5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) atrasties; būt novietotam
    6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) Kāds ir jūsu finansiālais stāvoklis?
    7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) kandidēt; balotēties
    8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) nolikt; nostādīt
    9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) izturēt; paciest
    10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) izmaksāt
    2. noun
    1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) postenis; pozīcija; vieta
    2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.) statīvs; statnis; pjedestāls
    3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) stends
    4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) tribīne
    5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) liecinieka vieta (tiesā)
    - standing 3. noun
    1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) ilgums
    2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) rangs; stāvoklis
    4. adjective
    ((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) bez biļetes rezervēšanas
    5. adverb
    (travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) nerezervējot biļeti
    - standing-room
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - stand aside
    - stand back
    - stand by
    - stand down
    - stand fast/firm
    - stand for
    - stand in
    - stand on one's own two feet
    - stand on one's own feet
    - stand out
    - stand over
    - stand up for
    - stand up to
    * * *
    apstāšanās; pozīcija, vieta; pretošanās; stāvvieta; stends, novietne; viedoklis; tribīne; liecinieka vieta; tribīne, platforma; statīvs, statnis; ierašanās uz viesizrādēm; labība; stāja; statne; stāvēt; nostāvēties; piecelties; apstāties; atrasties, būt; izturēt; panest, paciest; nostādīt, novietot; būt spēkā; ieturēt kursu; izmaksāt

    English-Latvian dictionary > stand

  • 10 stay

    [stei] 1. verb
    1) (to remain (in a place) for a time, eg while travelling, or as a guest etc: We stayed three nights at that hotel / with a friend / in Paris; Aunt Mary is coming to stay (for a fortnight); Would you like to stay for supper?; Stay and watch that television programme.) uzturēties; palikt
    2) (to remain (in a particular position, place, state or condition): The doctor told her to stay in bed; He never stays long in any job; Stay away from the office till your cold is better; Why won't these socks stay up?; Stay where you are - don't move!; In 1900, people didn't realize that motor cars were here to stay.) palikt; turēties
    2. noun
    (a period of staying (in a place etc): We had an overnight stay / a two days' stay in London.) uzturēšanās; apstāšanās; viesošanās
    - stay in
    - stay out
    - stay put
    - stay up
    * * *
    uzturēšanās; atbalsts; korsete; apstāšanās; izturība; linete; atlikšana; atbalstīt; palikt, uzkavēties; viesoties, uzturēties; apturēt; apmierināt; izturēt; kavēties, vilcināties; atlikt

    English-Latvian dictionary > stay

  • 11 sit out

    1) (to remain seated during a dance: Let's sit (this one) out.) nosēdēt līdz beigām
    2) (to remain inactive and wait until the end of: They'll try to sit out the crisis.) nogaidīt; nepiedalīties (līdz kaut kā beigām)

    English-Latvian dictionary > sit out

  • 12 adhere

    1) ((often with to) to stick (to): This tape doesn't adhere (to the floor) very well.) pielipt
    2) ((with to) to remain loyal (to): I'm adhering to my principles.) stingri ievērot (principus u. tml.)
    - adherent
    * * *
    pielipt; stingri ievērot

    English-Latvian dictionary > adhere

  • 13 anonymous

    (without the name of the author, giver etc being known or given: The donor wished to remain anonymous; an anonymous poem.) anonīms
    - anonymity
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > anonymous

  • 14 baby-sit

    verb (to remain in a house to look after a child while its parents are out: She baby-sits for her friends every Saturday.) uzraudzīt bērnu (vecāku prombūtnē)
    * * *
    uzraudzīt bērnu

    English-Latvian dictionary > baby-sit

  • 15 batik

    (a method of dyeing patterns on cloth by waxing certain areas so that they remain uncoloured.) batika
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > batik

  • 16 drive-in

    adjective ((of a cinema, café etc, especially in North America) catering for people who remain in their cars while watching a film, eating etc: a drive-in movie.) autobraucējiem domāta banka, restorāns u.c., kur pakalpojumu saņem, neizkāpjot no automašīnas
    * * *
    restorāns automobilistiem; kino automobilistiem

    English-Latvian dictionary > drive-in

  • 17 endure

    1) (to bear patiently; to tolerate: She endures her troubles bravely; I can endure her rudeness no longer.) paciest
    2) (to remain firm; to last: You must endure to the end; The memory of her great acting has endured.) izturēt; ilgt
    - endurance
    * * *
    paciest, izturēt; ilgt

    English-Latvian dictionary > endure

  • 18 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) turēt
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) []turēt
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) []turēt
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) izturēt (smagumu)
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) paturēt
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) ietvert; saturēt
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) notikt; noturēt
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) būt []; turēties
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) strādāt []
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) domāt; uzskatīt
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) būt spēkā
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) turēt kādu pie vārda
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) aizstāvēt
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) aizturēt
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) saistīt (kāda uzmanību)
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) turēt kādu (noteiktā emocionālā stāvoklī)
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) svinēt
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) būt īpašniekam
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) (par laiku) pieturēties
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) gaidīt (nenoliekot telefona klausuli)
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) izturēt
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) []glabāt
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) (par nākotni) būt padomā; nest
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) turēšana; satveršana
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) ietekme; vara
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) tvēriens
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) (kuģa) kravas telpas
    * * *
    kravas telpas; tvēriens; ietekme, vara; osa, tveramais; pauze; aizkavēšanās pirms palaišanas; turēt; aizturēt, apvaldīt; ietvert, saturēt; būt īpašniekam, pārvaldīt; noturēt, organizēt; uzskatīt, domāt; būt spēkā; pieturēties; saistīt; ieturēt kursu; izturēt; svinēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > hold

  • 19 last

    I 1. adjective
    1) (coming at the end: We set out on the last day of November; He was last in the race; He caught the last bus home.) pēdējais; beidzamais
    2) (most recent; next before the present: Our last house was much smaller than this; last year/month/week.) iepriekšējais; pagājušais
    3) (coming or remaining after all the others: He was the last guest to leave.) pēdējais
    2. adverb
    (at the end of or after all the others: He took his turn last.) beigās
    - at long last
    - at last
    - hear
    - see the last of
    - the last person
    - the last straw
    - the last thing
    - the last word
    - on one's last legs
    - to the last
    II verb
    1) (to continue to exist: This situation lasted until she got married; I hope this fine weather lasts.) ilgt; turpināties
    2) (to remain in good condition or supply: This carpet has lasted well; The bread won't last another two days - we'll need more; This coat will last me until I die.) saglabāties; pietikt; (par apģērbu) valkāties
    - last out
    * * *
    lieste; lasts; beigas; uzstiept uz liestes; ilgt, turpināties; saglabāties, valkāties; pietikt; beidzamais, pēdējais; pagājušais, iepriekšējais; ārkārtīgs, sevišķs; visneiedomājamākais, visnepiemērotākais; beigās, pēdējā kārtā; pēdējoreiz

    English-Latvian dictionary > last

  • 20 less

    [les] 1. adjective
    ((often with than) not as much (as): Think of a number less than forty; He drank his tea and wished he had put less sugar in it; The salary for that job will be not less than $30,000.) mazāks
    2. adverb
    (not as much or to a smaller extent: I like her less every time I see her; You should smoke less if you want to remain healthy.) mazāk
    3. pronoun
    (a smaller part or amount: He has less than I have.) mazāk
    4. preposition
    (minus: He earns $280 a week less $90 income tax.) bez; atskaitot
    - lesser 5. adverb
    (less: the lesser-known streets of London.) mazāk
    - no less a person than
    * * *
    mazākais daudzums; mazāks; mazāk; bez

    English-Latvian dictionary > less

См. также в других словарях:

  • Remain — Re*main (r? m?n ), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Remained} ( m?nd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Remaining}.] [OF. remaindre, remanoir, L. remanere; pref. re re + manere to stay, remain. See {Mansion}, and cf. {Remainder}, {Remnant}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To stay… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Remain — Re*main n. 1. State of remaining; stay. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Which often, since my here remain in England, I ve seen him do. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is left; relic; remainder; chiefly in the plural. The remains of old Rome. Addison.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • remain — I (continue) verb adhere, be constant, be permanent, be steadfast, be tenacious, carry on, continue, endure, exist, extend, go on, hang on, hold out, keep, keep going, keep on, last, linger, maintain, outlast, outlive, perdure, perpetuate,… …   Law dictionary

  • remain — [ri mān′] vi. [ME remainen < OFr remaindre < L remanere < re , back, behind + manere, to stay: see MANOR] 1. to be left or left over when the rest has been taken away, destroyed, or disposed of in some way 2. a) to stay while others go… …   English World dictionary

  • remain — [v] stay, wait abide, be left, bide, bivouac, bunk*, cling, continue, delay, dwell, endure, freeze, go on, halt, hang, hang out, hold over, hold the fort*, hover, inhabit, keep on, last, linger, live, lodge, make camp, nest, outlast, outlive,… …   New thesaurus

  • Remain — Re*main , v. t. To await; to be left to. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] The easier conquest now remains thee. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • remain — *stay, wait, abide, tarry, linger Antonyms: depart …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • remain — ► VERB 1) be in the same place or condition during further time. 2) continue to be: he remained alert. 3) be left over after others or other parts have been completed, used, or dealt with. ORIGIN Latin remanere, from manere to stay …   English terms dictionary

  • remain — 01. All that [remained] after Larry left the room was the smell of his cigar. 02. People with HIV can [remain] in good health for years. 03. The Prime Minister is expected to [remain] in office until the end of the year, at which time he will… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • remain — re|main W1S1 [rıˈmeın] v [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: remaindre, from Latin remanere, from manere to stay ] 1.) [I always + adverb/preposition, linking verb] to continue to be in the same state or condition ▪ Please remain seated until …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • remain — {{11}}remain (n.) those left over or surviving, late 15c., from REMAIN (Cf. remain) (v.). But the more usual noun form in English has been REMAINDER (Cf. remainder) except in remains, euphemism for corpse, attested from c.1700, from mortal… …   Etymology dictionary

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