1 relative brightness
Техника: относительная яркость -
2 relative brightness
<12> относительная яркость; отношение диаметра объектива ОП к кратности -
3 relative brightness
относительная яркостьEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > relative brightness
4 relative brightness
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > relative brightness
5 brightness
яркость, блеск- brightness temperature@brightness distributionраспределение (звезд) по блеску; распределение яркости@absolute brightnessабсолютный блеск@apparent brightnessвидимый блеск@average brightnessсредняя яркость@background brightnessяркость фона@corona brightnessяркость короны (Солнца)@integrated brightnessинтегральная яркость@integrated sky brightnessинтегральная яркость неба@intrinsic brightnessистинный блеск@maximum brightnessмаксимальный блеск@meteor brightnessблеск метеора@naked-eye brightnessвидимый блеск@night-sky brightnessяркость ночного неба@optical brightnessяркость в оптическом диапазоне@photometric brightnessфотометрическая яркость@radio brightnessяркость радиоизлучения@relative brightnessотносительная яркость@sky brightnessяркость неба@stellar brightnessблеск звезды@surface brightnessповерхностная яркость@total brightnessобщий блеск; интегральная яркость@unit brightnessединичная яркость@ -
6 brightness level
no-observed level — уровень, не вызывающий видимого эффекта
linguistic level — языковый уровень; лингвистический уровень
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > brightness level
7 level
1) уровеньб) ранг; позиция; категория; иерархическое положениев) амплитуда; интенсивность; относительное значениег) нивелир; ватерпас2) регулировать уровень; устанавливать уровень (напр. освещённости)3) приводить к одинаковому уровню; выравнивать; сглаживать; устранять отличия; нивелировать4) громкость || регулировать громкость5) ранжировать; определять позицию; относить к (определённой) категории; устанавливать степень субординации в иерархии6) горизонтальная линия или плоскость; ровная поверхность, плоская поверхность || устанавливать в горизонтальной плоскости; выравнивать; нивелировать; устанавливать по уровню или ватерпасу7) степень (напр. интеграции)10) рлк нацеливать; наводить; прицеливаться•- level of interactivity
- level within factor - acceptor level
- acceptor impurity level
- accuracy level
- activity level
- adaptation level
- algorithmic level
- allowed level
- allowed energy level
- alpha level
- alpha-geometric level
- alphamosaic level
- ambient level
- amplitude-modulation noise level
- atomic energy level
- audio-signal output level
- average picture level
- background level
- back-lobe level
- band-gap level
- band-power level
- band-pressure level
- base level
- behavioral level
- bit level
- black level
- blacker-than-black level
- blanking level
- brightness level
- bus interface level
- call-tone level
- carrier level
- carrier-noise level
- charged trapping level
- charge-storage level
- chorus level
- chromatic level
- circuit noise level
- clamp level
- clearance level
- clipping level
- common level
- compatibility level
- composite picture signal output level
- concentration level
- confidence level
- contamination level
- conventional significance level
- cross-product level - cutoff level
- data-flow level
- datagram level
- data service level
- deep level
- deep-lying level
- defect level - digital signal level
- discrete level
- discrete energy level
- donor level
- donor impurity level
- doping level
- DS level
- effective privilege level
- electric level
- electronic Zeeman level
- energy level
- entry level
- equivalent loudness level
- equivalent peak level
- exchange level
- exchange-split level
- excitation level
- exciton level
- extra level
- facsimile-signal level
- Fermi level
- Fermi characteristic energy level - floating level
- FM noise level
- foreground level
- free energy level
- function level
- functional level
- gate level
- gray level
- ground level
- ground state level
- HFS level
- high level
- higher bias level
- high logic level
- hum level
- hyperfine-structure level
- impedance level
- implementation level
- impurity level
- impurity energy level
- injection level
- input level - intensity level
- interchange level
- intermediate level
- intermediate energy level
- intrinsic level
- inversion level
- inverted level
- ISO 9660 implementation level
- ISO 9660 interchange level
- jet stream level
- jumbo cell level
- layout level
- light level
- line level
- local level
- logic level
- logical device level
- loudness level
- lower level
- lower energy level
- lowest level
- lowest energy level
- low-field level
- low logic level
- luminescent level
- mask level
- maximum record level
- maximum relative side-lobe level
- metastable level
- multiplet level
- neutral level
- noise level
- occupied energy level
- octave-band pressure level
- operate level of echo suppressor
- orbital energy level
- overload level
- partially filled level
- partially occupied level
- peak signal level
- peak sound-pressure level
- pedestal level
- perceived noise level
- perturbed level
- perturbed energy level
- phonon level
- power level
- power spectrum level
- precedence level
- pressure spectrum level
- price level
- printthrough level
- probability level
- program level
- pumping level
- quantization level
- quantizing level
- quasi-Fermi level
- recording level
- redundancy level
- reference level
- reference black level
- reference white level
- register transfer level
- relative co-polar side-lobe level
- relative cross-polar side-lobe level
- reorder level
- requested privilege level
- resistivity level
- resonance level
- risk level
- rotational level
- rotational energy level
- saturation level
- sensation level
- shallow impurity level
- side-lobe level
- signal level
- significance level
- singlet level
- soil level
- sound level
- sound-energy flux density level
- sound-power level
- sound-pressure level
- specific sound-energy flux level
- speech level
- strong-field level
- surface level
- switching level
- sync level
- synchronizing level
- system level
- television level
- testing level
- test's significance level
- threshold level
- through level
- timing level
- tolerable noise level
- transducer overload level
- transmission level
- trapping level
- trigger level
- triplet level
- true level
- turntable spirit level
- unaffected level
- unfilled level
- unfilled energy level
- unoccupied level
- unoccupied energy level
- upper level
- upper energy level
- usable levels
- vacant energy level
- vacuum level
- variable quantizing level
- variation level
- velocity level
- vibrational level
- vibrational energy level
- virtual level
- virtual energy level
- voltage level
- weighted noise level
- white level
- Zeeman energy level
- zero level -
8 level
1) уровеньб) ранг; позиция; категория; иерархическое положениев) амплитуда; интенсивность; относительное значениег) нивелир; ватерпас2) регулировать уровень; устанавливать уровень (напр. освещённости)3) приводить к одинаковому уровню; выравнивать; сглаживать; устранять отличия; нивелировать4) громкость || регулировать громкость5) ранжировать; определять позицию; относить к (определённой) категории; устанавливать степень субординации в иерархии6) горизонтальная линия или плоскость; ровная поверхность, плоская поверхность || устанавливать в горизонтальной плоскости; выравнивать; нивелировать; устанавливать по уровню или ватерпасу7) степень (напр. интеграции)10) рлк. нацеливать; наводить; прицеливаться•- acceptable reliability level
- acceptor impurity level
- acceptor level
- accuracy level
- activity level
- adaptation level
- algorithmic level
- allowed energy level
- allowed level
- alpha level
- alpha-geometric level
- alphamosaic level
- ambient level
- amplitude-modulation noise level
- atomic energy level
- audio-signal output level
- average picture level
- background level
- back-lobe level
- band-gap level
- band-power level
- band-pressure level
- base level
- behavioral level
- bit level
- black level
- blacker-than-black level
- blanking level
- brightness level
- bus interface level
- call-tone level
- carrier level
- carrier-noise level
- charged trapping level
- charge-storage level
- chorus level
- chromatic level
- circuit noise level
- clamp level
- clearance level
- clipping level
- common level
- compatibility level
- composite picture signal output level
- concentration level
- confidence level
- contamination level
- conventional significance level
- cross-product level
- C-scale sound level in decibels
- current privilege level
- cutoff level
- data service level
- data-flow level
- datagram level
- deep level
- deep-lying level
- defect level
- descriptor privilege level
- device level
- digital signal level
- discrete energy level
- discrete level
- donor impurity level
- donor level
- doping level
- DS level
- effective privilege level
- electric level
- electronic Zeeman level
- energy level
- entry level
- equivalent loudness level
- equivalent peak level
- exchange level
- exchange-split level
- excitation level
- exciton level
- extra level
- facsimile-signal level
- Fermi characteristic energy level
- Fermi level
- FIDO/opus/Seadog standard interface level
- filled energy level
- floating level
- FM noise level
- foreground level
- free energy level
- function level
- functional level
- gate level
- gray level
- ground level
- ground state level
- HFS level
- high level
- high logic level
- higher bias level
- hum level
- hyperfine-structure level
- impedance level
- implementation level
- impurity energy level
- impurity level
- injection level
- input level
- input/output privilege level
- integration level
- intensity level
- interchange level
- intermediate energy level
- intermediate level
- intrinsic level
- inversion level
- inverted level
- ISO 9660 implementation level
- ISO 9660 interchange level
- jet stream level
- jumbo cell level
- layout level
- level of details
- level of integration
- level of interactivity
- level within factor
- light level
- line level
- local level
- logic level
- logical device level
- loudness level
- low logic level
- lower energy level
- lower level
- lowest energy level
- lowest level
- low-field level
- luminescent level
- mask level
- maximum record level
- maximum relative side-lobe level
- metastable level
- multiplet level
- neutral level
- noise level
- occupied energy level
- octave-band pressure level
- operate level of echo suppressor
- orbital energy level
- overload level
- partially filled level
- partially occupied level
- peak signal level
- peak sound-pressure level
- pedestal level
- perceived noise level
- perturbed energy level
- perturbed level
- phonon level
- power level
- power spectrum level
- precedence level
- pressure spectrum level
- price level
- printthrough level
- probability level
- program level
- pumping level
- quantization level
- quantizing level
- quasi-Fermi level
- recording level
- redundancy level
- reference black level
- reference level
- reference white level
- register transfer level
- relative co-polar side-lobe level
- relative cross-polar side-lobe level
- reorder level
- requested privilege level
- resistivity level
- resonance level
- risk level
- rotational energy level
- rotational level
- saturation level
- sensation level
- shallow impurity level
- side-lobe level
- signal level
- significance level
- singlet level
- soil level
- sound level
- sound-energy flux density level
- sound-power level
- sound-pressure level
- specific sound-energy flux level
- speech level
- strong-field level
- surface level
- switching level
- sync level
- synchronizing level
- system level
- television level
- testing level
- test's significance level
- threshold level
- through level
- timing level
- tolerable noise level
- transducer overload level
- transmission level
- trapping level
- trigger level
- triplet level
- true level
- turntable spirit level
- unaffected level
- unfilled energy level
- unfilled level
- unoccupied energy level
- unoccupied level
- upper energy level
- upper level
- usable levels
- vacant energy level
- vacuum level
- variable quantizing level
- variation level
- velocity level
- vibrational energy level
- vibrational level
- virtual energy level
- virtual level
- voltage level
- weighted noise level
- white level
- Zeeman energy level
- zero levelThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > level
9 coefficient
1) коэффициент; константа; постоянная2) действующий совместно; взаимодействующий•- coefficient of contingency
- coefficient of determination
- coefficient of fineness
- coefficient of harmonic distortion
- coefficient of induction - coefficient of reflection
- coefficient of regression
- coefficient of variation
- coefficient of volume thermal expansion
- absolute Peltier coefficient
- absorption coefficient
- acoustic-absorption coefficient
- acoustic noise reduction coefficient
- acoustic-transmission coefficient
- active reflection coefficient
- activity coefficient
- adhesion coefficient
- adjusted for degrees of freedom coefficient of determination
- ambipolar diffusion coefficient
- amplification coefficient
- amplitude coupling coefficient
- Ångström coefficient
- atomic absorption coefficient
- attenuation coefficient
- Auger coefficient
- autocorrelation coefficient
- autoregression coefficient
- avalanche coefficient
- backscattering coefficient
- barrier-transmission coefficient
- beam coupling coefficient
- beta coefficient
- binomial coefficient s-
- brightness coefficient
- bulk-wave piezoelectric-coupling coefficient
- capacitance coefficient
- carrier diffusion coefficient
- charge removal coefficient
- chromatic coefficients
- chromaticity coefficients
- Clebsh-Gordon coefficients
- confidence coefficient
- correlation coefficient
- coupling coefficient
- current reflection coefficient
- damage coefficient
- damping coefficient
- decay coefficient
- deflection coefficient
- demagnetizing coefficient
- derivative-action coefficient
- diffusion coefficient
- distribution coefficient
- Einstein coefficients
- elastic-compliance coefficient
- elastic-stiffness coefficient
- electrical reflection coefficient
- electrocaloric coefficient
- electromechanical-coupling coefficient
- electron-tube differential coefficients
- electron-tube incremental coefficients
- electrooptic coefficient
- electrostatic-induction coefficients
- excitation coefficients
- expansion coefficient
- extinction coefficient
- extinguishing coefficient
- F-coefficient
- feeding coefficients
- Fourier coefficient
- Fresnel coefficient
- fuzzy coefficient
- gap coefficient
- Hall coefficient
- image attenuation coefficient
- image phase coefficient
- image phase-change coefficient
- image transfer coefficient
- impurity diffusion coefficient
- incomplete coefficient
- incomplete charge-transfer coefficient
- integral-action coefficient
- intensity coupling coefficient
- interdiffusion coefficient
- kinetic coefficient
- linear absorption coefficient
- luminance coefficients
- luminosity coefficients
- luminous coefficient
- magnetoelastic-conpling coefficient
- magnetomechanical-coupling coefficient
- magnetooptic coefficient
- magnetoresistance coefficient
- magnetostriction coefficient
- mass absorption coefficient
- molecular-field coefficient
- multiple correlation coefficient
- mutual-coupling coefficient
- noise-reduction coefficient
- optical-coupling coefficient
- optical transmission coefficient
- partial correlation coefficient
- path coefficient
- Pearson correlation coefficient
- Peltier coefficient
- phase coefficient
- phase-change coefficient
- photocurrent coefficient
- piezoelectric coefficient
- piezoelectric-coupling coefficient
- potential coefficients
- production coefficient
- programming coefficient
- propagation coefficient
- proportional-action coefficient
- quadratic electrooptic coefficient
- quantum-mechanical transmission coefficient
- reciprocity coefficient
- recombination coefficient
- reflection coefficient
- regression coefficient
- relative Peltier coefficient
- relative Seebeck coefficient
- reliability coefficient
- reverberation absorption coefficient
- reverberation reflection coefficient
- reverberation transmission coefficient
- Sabine coefficient
- sample correlation coefficient
- scattering coefficient
- secondary electron-emission coefficient
- Seebeck coefficient
- skewness coefficient
- slope coefficient
- small-signal coupling coefficient
- sound-absorption coefficient
- sound-reflection coefficient
- sound-transmission coefficient
- Spearman correlation coefficient
- Spearman rank correlation coefficient
- specific ionization coefficient
- spin-phonon absorption coefficient
- standardized coefficient
- synchronizing coefficient
- temperature coefficient
- temperature coefficient of capacitance
- temperature coefficient of delay
- temperature coefficient of frequency
- temperature coefficient of Geiger-Muller threshold
- temperature coefficient of permeability
- temperature coefficient of resistance
- temperature coefficient of voltage drop
- thermal expansion coefficient
- thermoelectric coefficient of performance
- Thomson coefficient
- Thomson heat coefficient
- Townsend coefficient
- transfer coefficient
- transmission coefficient
- transport coefficient
- tube coefficients
- variation coefficient
- voltage reflection coefficient
- Walsh coefficients
- weighting coefficient -
10 coefficient
1) коэффициент; константа; постоянная2) действующий совместно; взаимодействующий•- absorption coefficient
- acoustic noise reduction coefficient
- acoustic-absorption coefficient
- acoustic-transmission coefficient
- active reflection coefficient
- activity coefficient
- adhesion coefficient
- adjusted for degrees of freedom coefficient of determination
- ambipolar diffusion coefficient
- amplification coefficient
- amplitude coupling coefficient
- Ångström coefficient
- atomic absorption coefficient
- attenuation coefficient
- Auger coefficient
- autocorrelation coefficient
- autoregression coefficient
- avalanche coefficient
- backscattering coefficient
- barrier-transmission coefficient
- beam coupling coefficient
- beta coefficient
- binomial coefficients
- brightness coefficient
- bulk-wave piezoelectric-coupling coefficient
- capacitance coefficient
- carrier diffusion coefficient
- charge removal coefficient
- chromatic coefficients
- chromaticity coefficients
- Clebsh-Gordon coefficients
- coefficient of beam utilization
- coefficient of contingency
- coefficient of determination
- coefficient of fineness
- coefficient of harmonic distortion
- coefficient of induction
- coefficient of linear thermal expansion
- coefficient of mutual induction
- coefficient of reflection
- coefficient of regression
- coefficient of variation
- coefficient of volume thermal expansion
- confidence coefficient
- correlation coefficient
- coupling coefficient
- current reflection coefficient
- damage coefficient
- damping coefficient
- decay coefficient
- deflection coefficient
- demagnetizing coefficient
- derivative-action coefficient
- diffusion coefficient
- distribution coefficient
- Einstein coefficients
- elastic-compliance coefficient
- elastic-stiffness coefficient
- electrical reflection coefficient
- electrocaloric coefficient
- electromechanical-coupling coefficient
- electron-tube differential coefficient
- electron-tube incremental coefficient
- electrooptic coefficient
- electrostatic-induction coefficients
- excitation coefficients
- expansion coefficient
- extinction coefficient
- extinguishing coefficient
- F coefficient
- feeding coefficients
- Fourier coefficient
- Fresnel coefficient
- fuzzy coefficient
- gap coefficient
- Hall coefficient
- image attenuation coefficient
- image phase coefficient
- image phase-change coefficient
- image transfer coefficient
- impurity diffusion coefficient
- incomplete charge-transfer coefficient
- incomplete coefficient
- integral-action coefficient
- intensity coupling coefficient
- interdiffusion coefficient
- kinetic coefficient
- linear absorption coefficient
- luminance coefficient
- luminosity coefficient
- luminous coefficient
- magnetoelastic-conpling coefficient
- magnetomechanical-coupling coefficient
- magnetooptic coefficient
- magnetoresistance coefficient
- magnetostriction coefficient
- mass absorption coefficient
- molecular-field coefficient
- multiple correlation coefficient
- mutual-coupling coefficient
- noise-reduction coefficient
- optical transmission coefficient
- optical-coupling coefficient
- partial correlation coefficient
- path coefficient
- Pearson correlation coefficient
- Peltier coefficient
- phase coefficient
- phase-change coefficient
- photocurrent coefficient
- piezoelectric coefficient
- piezoelectric-coupling coefficient
- potential coefficients
- production coefficient
- programming coefficient
- propagation coefficient
- proportional-action coefficient
- quadratic electrooptic coefficient
- quantum-mechanical transmission coefficient
- reciprocity coefficient
- recombination coefficient
- reflection coefficient
- regression coefficient
- relative Peltier coefficient
- relative Seebeck coefficient
- reliability coefficient
- reverberation absorption coefficient
- reverberation reflection coefficient
- reverberation transmission coefficient
- Sabine coefficient
- sample correlation coefficient
- scattering coefficient
- secondary electron-emission coefficient
- Seebeck coefficient
- skewness coefficient
- slope coefficient
- small-signal coupling coefficient
- sound-absorption coefficient
- sound-reflection coefficient
- sound-transmission coefficient
- Spearman correlation coefficient
- Spearman rank correlation coefficient
- specific ionization coefficient
- spin-phonon absorption coefficient
- standardized coefficient
- synchronizing coefficient
- temperature coefficient of capacitance
- temperature coefficient of delay
- temperature coefficient of frequency
- temperature coefficient of Geiger-Muller threshold
- temperature coefficient of permeability
- temperature coefficient of resistance
- temperature coefficient of voltage drop
- temperature coefficient
- thermal expansion coefficient
- thermoelectric coefficient of performance
- Thomson coefficient
- Thomson heat coefficient
- Townsend coefficient
- transfer coefficient
- transmission coefficient
- transport coefficient
- tube coefficients
- variation coefficient
- voltage reflection coefficient
- Walsh coefficients
- weighting coefficientThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > coefficient
11 coefficient
1) коэффициент; множитель2) фактор3) константа, постоянная•-
absorption coefficient
accommodation coefficient
acidity coefficient
- acoustic absorption coefficient -
actinic coefficient
adhesion coefficient
adiabatic Hall coefficient
admiralty coefficient
aerosol extinction coefficient
air drag coefficient
air-to-air heat-transmission coefficient
angular coefficient
aridity coefficient
attenuation coefficient
autocorrelation coefficient
binomial coefficient
block coefficient
breadth coefficient
brightness coefficient
bubble volume coefficient
Callier coefficient
capacitance coefficients
chromatic coefficient
chromaticity coefficients
coefficient of active lateral earth pressure
coefficient of amplification
coefficient of charge
coefficient of collar friction
coefficient of compressibility
coefficient of consolidation
coefficient of correlation
coefficient of cubical expansion
coefficient of deformation
coefficient of discharge
coefficient of efficiency
coefficient of elasticity
coefficient of electrostatic induction
coefficient of expansion
coefficient of floating route filling
coefficient of friction of rest
coefficient of friction
coefficient of harmonic distortion
coefficient of hysteresis
coefficient of induction
coefficient of internal friction
coefficient of jam compactness
coefficient of journal friction
coefficient of kinematic viscosity
coefficient of kinetic friction
coefficient of linear expansion
coefficient of magnetization
coefficient of mutual inductance
coefficient of mutual overlap
coefficient of performance
coefficient of pivoting friction
coefficient of proportionality
coefficient of radiation
coefficient of raft section density
coefficient of regression
coefficient of resistance
coefficient of restitution
coefficient of rigidity
coefficient of rolling friction
coefficient of rotation
coefficient of self-induction
coefficient of sliding friction
coefficient of slip
coefficient of static friction
coefficient of strain
coefficient of surface expansion
coefficient of thermal efficiency
coefficient of thermal expansion
coefficient of total drag
coefficient of utilization
coefficient of variation
coefficient of volume change
combined convection and radiation coefficient
combustion rate coefficient
condensing coefficient
conductance coefficient
confidence coefficient
contraction coefficient
contrast coefficient
convection coefficient
corrosion coefficient
coupling coefficient
crest coefficient
cross-correlation coefficient
current temperature coefficient
damping coefficient
deadweight-displacement coefficient
deadweight coefficient
decay coefficient
deflection coefficient
demagnetization coefficient
derailment coefficient
dielectric coefficient
dielectric loss coefficient
diffusion coefficient
dilution coefficient
discharge coefficient
dispersion coefficient
dissipation coefficient
distortion coefficient
distribution coefficient
drag coefficient
drying coefficient
efflux coefficient
elastooptic coefficient
electrochemical diffusion coefficient
electrochemical transfer coefficient
electrooptic coefficient
emissivity coefficient
empirically determined coefficient
energy-transfer coefficient
excess coefficient
extinction coefficient
filtration coefficient
flow coefficient
flux coefficient
Fourier coefficient
friction coefficient
gap coefficient
gas-phase mass-transfer coefficient
gas-side mass-transfer coefficient
growth coefficient
H0 coefficient
heat conduction coefficient
heat-transfer coefficient
highest coefficient
humidity coefficient
hyetal coefficient
hygroscopic coefficient
impregnation coefficient
integral coefficient
interassembly moderator coefficient
interdiffusion coefficient
intraassembly moderator coefficient
ionic activity coefficient
ionic distribution coefficient
ionization coefficient
Joule-Thomson coefficient
Lagrangian coefficients
leading coefficient
lift coefficient
linear attenuation coefficient
linear expansion coefficient
lines coefficients
literal coefficient
load reflection coefficient
local heat-transfer coefficient
local mass-transfer coefficient
loss coefficient
magnetooptic coefficient
mass coefficient of reactivity
mass energy absorption coefficient
mass-transfer coefficient
midship-section coefficient
midship coefficient
molecular diffusion coefficient
negative temperature coefficient of reactivity
noise reduction coefficient
nondimensional coefficient
nonlinear-distortions coefficient
numerical coefficient
numeric coefficient
optical loss coefficient
orifice coefficient
output reflection coefficient
overall heat transfer coefficient
overall mass transfer coefficient
pan-to-lake coefficient
permeability coefficient
permeance coefficient
phase-change coefficient
phase coefficient
phase-temperature coefficient
pitch coefficient
plastic anisotropy coefficient
pluviometric coefficient
polytropic coefficient
potential coefficient
pressure coefficient of viscosity
pressure/viscosity coefficient
prismatic coefficient
programming coefficient
propagation coefficient
propulsive coefficient
purity coefficient
quasi-propulsive coefficient
radiant heat-transfer coefficient
Rankine's coefficient
reactivity coefficient
recombination coefficient
reflection coefficient
refraction coefficient
relative friction coefficient
reliability coefficient
reset coefficient
roughness coefficient
runoff coefficient
salting-out coefficient
sample correlation coefficient
saturation coefficient
SAW coupling coefficient
scattering coefficient
screening coefficient
sedimentation coefficient
self-diffusion coefficient
shear coefficient
similarity coefficient
slip coefficient
solubility coefficient
sound absorption coefficient
sound reflection coefficient
sound transmission coefficient
steady friction coefficient
steady-flow coefficient
stick-slip friction coefficient
stiffness coefficient
strain-hardening coefficient
stress-optical coefficient
technical readiness coefficient
temperature coefficient
thermal accommodation coefficient
thermal coefficient
thermal diffusion coefficient
thermal-conductivity coefficient
thermal-expansion coefficient
thermodiffusion coefficient
thermodynamic coefficient
thermoelectric coefficient
throttling coefficient
thrust coefficient
tip diffraction coefficient
torque coefficient
total diffusion coefficient
traction coefficient
transfer coefficient
transmission coefficient
transport coefficient
trichromatic coefficients
trilinear coefficients
tristimulus coefficients
undetermined coefficient
uniform heat transfer coefficient
uniformity coefficient
unsaturated coefficient
void coefficient
voltage temperature coefficient
volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion
wall coefficient
water-land coefficient
waterplane area coefficient
waterplane coefficient
weighting coefficient
weight coefficient
well imperfection coefficient
winding coefficient
wobble coefficient -
12 scale
5) шкала7) масштаб || определять масштаб, масштабировать; изменять масштаб; сводить к определённому масштабу8) мн. ч. весы9) чашка весов10) взвешивать11) электрон. степень интеграции12) вчт. система счисления13) пищ. чешуя; чешуйка; шелуха || удалять чешую; отделяться чешуйками•at scales — в масштабе;to scale down — 1. представлять что-л. в уменьшенном масштабе 2. редуцировать, уменьшать ( изображение) 3. (пропорционально) уменьшать размеры ( элементов ИС) 4. делить на константу;to scale off — 1. выкрашиваться, крошиться (о камне, горной породе) 2. отслаивать(ся); шелушиться 3. удалять окалину 4. отбивать накипь 5. снимать [измерять\] что-л. в масштабе;to draw to scale — чертить [вычерчивать\] в масштабе;to generate a time scale — строить [создавать\] шкалу времени;to maintain a time scale — поддерживать [хранить\] шкалу времени;to mark off a scale in logarithmic units — градуировать шкалу в логарифмических единицах;to place a scale on a dial — градуировать шкалу, наносить отметки шкалы на циферблат;to realize a time scale on a dial — воспроизводить шкалу времени на циферблате часов;to retain a scale — поддерживать [хранить\] шкалу (напр. времени);to scale up — 1. представлять что-л. в увеличенном масштабе 2. увеличивать ( изображение) 3. умножать на константу;scale with central zero — шкала с нулевой отметкой посередине, двусторонняя шкала;-
absolute-temperature scale
aligning scale
alkali-promoted steel mill scale
annual time scale
antiknock rating reference fuel scale
antiparallax mirror scale
API hydrometer scale
API scale
arbitrary scale
arc scale
atomic scale
atomic time scale
atomic weight scale
automatic weighing scales
automatic scales
bagging scale
batching scales
beam scale
Beaufort scale
belt conveyor scales
bench-type scales
binary scale
boiler scale
brightness scale
calibrated divided scale
calibration scale
car scales
CCT-64 scale
Celsius scale
centered scale
centigrade scale
charging scales
chromatic scale
chroma scale
circular scale
clock time scale
colorimetric scale
color scale
complete number scale
constant-interval scale
constant-pressure gas thermometry scale
constant-volume gas thermometry scale
constant-volume hydrogen scale
continuous tone density scale
convective scale
conventional scale
conveyor scales
coordinate scale
crane scales
Curie-temperature scale
curved scale
CVGT scale
decimal scale
depth scale
derived scale
dial scale
direct-measurement scale
direct scale
direct-reading scale
displacement scale
distance scale
divided scale
dot gain scale
drawn-in scale
electronic railcar scales
Engler scale
equidistant scale
expanded scale
exposure scale
extended scale
Fahrenheit scale
finely subdivided scale
fire scale
fish scale
flat-disk scale
floodlight scale
floor scales
focusing scale
Forel-Ula's color scale
Forel scale
forklift truck scales
frosted scale
fuel measurement scale
full scale
furnace scale
Giaque's temperature scale
gray scale
hardness scale
heavy scale
helium temperature scale
high-temperature scale
hopper scales
hue scale
hump scales
hydrogen scale
hydrogen temperature scale
ideal-gas scale
illuminated scale
image scale
indicating scale
indicator scale
industrial scales
instrument scale
integration scale
intensity scale
International Practical Temperature scale
international scale
Kelvin temperature scale
light-capacity scales
line scale
linear scale
line-standard scale
logarithmic scale
loudness scale
low-temperature scale
magnetic scale
magnetic temperature scale
magnetic-acoustic temperature scale
magnitude scale
margin scale
mean-time scale
measuring device scale
mechanical scales
Mercalli scale
meter scale
mill-roll scale
mired scale
mirror scale
MM scale
Modified Mercalli scale
Mohs scale
motor-truck scales
natural scale
Nernst hydrogen scale
nominal scale
nonglare scale
nonlinear scale
normal hydrogen scale
normalizing scale
number scale
numbered scale
octane scale
one-meter scale
optical scale
ordinal scale
overhead track scales
overlaid scale
packing house scales
paper scale
paraffin scale
paramagnetic-salt temperature scale
paramagnetic temperature scale
pendulum scales
photometric scale
physical scale
pipe scale
pitless scales
platform scales
platinum resistance thermometer scale
practical salinity scale
practical scale
precision scale
primary scale
primary thermometry scale
projection scale
provisional scale
pyrheliographic scale
radiation scale of temperature
radiometric scale
Rankine scale
ratio scale
reading scale
Reaumur scale
receiver tuning scale
recording scales
reduced scale
reduction scale
Redwood scale
reference scale
regular scale
relative scale
reproducible scale
reproduction scale
resistance thermometer scale
Richter scale
rider bar scale
rider scale
Rinman scale
Rockwell hardness scale
roll scale
rolled-in scale
Rossi-Forel scale
salt-pan scale
Saybolt scale
scale of magnification
scale of physical quantity
scale of turbulence
seasonal time scale
secondary scale
segmental scale
sensitivity scale
set-point scale
Shore hardness scale
sieve scale
snow scale
soft dot scale
solid hydrocarbon scale
space-time scale
splash scale
spring scales
standard scale
state of sea scale
static scales
straight scale
subgrid scale
subsynoptic scale
synoptic scale
table-type scales
temper scale
temperature scale
thermodynamic pressure scale
thermodynamic temperature scale
time scale
tone scale
tonnage scale
total life scale
track scales
transparent aligning scale
uniform scale
unit-weight scales
universal-time scale
vernier scale
Vickers hardness scale
water scale
white scale
yarn scales -
13 temperature
- aerial temperature
- alloy-diffusion temperature
- ambient temperature
- antenna noise temperature
- antiferromagnetic Néel temperature
- asymptotic Curie temperature
- background temperature
- blocking temperature
- brightness temperature
- carrier temperature
- case temperature
- cold-load temperature
- color temperature
- compensation temperature
- critical temperature
- cryogenic temperature
- Curie temperature
- decalescent temperature
- dew temperature
- distribution temperature
- effective input noise temperature
- electron temperature
- environment temperature
- equivalent noise temperature
- excess noise temperature
- flash temperature
- freezing temperature
- full-radiator temperature
- glass temperature
- growth temperature
- hole temperature
- hot-load temperature
- ice temperature
- ion temperature
- ionospheric temperature
- isotropic transition temperature
- junction temperature
- lattice temperature
- lower-air temperature
- lower-atmosphere temperature
- luminance temperature
- magnetic-ordering temperature
- magnetic-transition temperature
- meltback temperature
- melting freezing temperature
- Morin temperature
- Néel temperature
- network noise temperature
- noise temperature
- phase-transition temperature
- photometric standard color temperature
- radiance temperature
- relative noise temperature
- room temperature
- saturation temperature
- silver temperature
- sky temperature
- spin temperature of transition
- standard noise temperature
- steady-state temperature
- steam temperature
- storage temperature
- substrate temperature
- superconductor critical temperature
- thermodynamic temperature
- transformation temperature
- upper-air temperature
- upper-atmosphere temperature -
14 logical\ climax
a three-step climax (the most widely spread model), in which intensification of logical importance, of emotion or quantity (size, dimensions) is gradually rising step by step (V.A.K.)••is based on the relative importance of the component parts looked at from the point of view of the concepts embodied in them (I.R.G.)Better to borrow, better to beg, better to die! (Ch.Dickens)
Like a well, like a vault, like a tomb, the prison had no knowledge of the brightness outside. (Ch.Dickens)
For that one instant there was no one else in the room, in the house, in the world, besides themselves. (M.Wilson)
English-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > logical\ climax
15 coefficient
- coefficient of acidity - coefficient of adhesion - coefficient of admission - coefficient of air resistance - coefficient of attenuation - coefficient of brightness - coefficient of charge - coefficient of cohesion - coefficient of compressibility - coefficient of conduction - coefficient of conductivity - coefficient of consolidation - coefficient of contraction - coefficient of contrast - coefficient of correction - coefficient of cubical expansion - coefficient of cyclic variation - coefficient of deformation - coefficient of dilution - coefficient of discharge - coefficient of dispersion - coefficient of earth pressure - coefficient of efficiency - coefficient of elasticity - coefficient of expansion - coefficient of expansion by heat - coefficient of extension - coefficient of fast power - coefficient of filtration - coefficient of flat expansion - coefficient of flow - coefficient of fuel - coefficient of haze - coefficient of heat absorption - coefficient of heat conductivity - coefficient of heat emission - coefficient of heat passage - coefficient of heat transfer - coefficient of heat transmission - coefficient of impact - coefficient of internal friction - coefficient of light diffusion - coefficient of mechanical efficiency - coefficient of moisture precipitation - coefficient of oscillation - coefficient of overall heat - coefficient of overflow - coefficient of passive earth pressure - coefficient of performance - coefficient of permeability - coefficient of radiation - coefficient of recovery - coefficient of resistance - coefficient of restitution - coefficient of roughness - coefficient of rugosity - coefficient of safety - coefficient of soil reaction - coefficient of storage - coefficient of subgrade - coefficient of subgrade reaction - coefficient of thermal conductivity - coefficient of thermal efficiency - coefficient of thermal expansion - coefficient of thermal transmission - coefficient of torsion - coefficient of transmissibility - coefficient of uniformity - coefficient of utilization - coefficient of variation - coefficient of velocity - coefficient of viscosity - coefficient of wear - absorption coefficient - abuse coefficient - acoustic absorption coefficient - acoustic reflection coefficient - aeration coefficient - aerodynamical coefficient - assurance coefficient - attenuation coefficient - bending moments coefficients - buckling coefficient - collision coefficient - compression coefficient - consolidation coefficient - contraction coefficient - correlation coefficient - cost coefficient - creep coefficient - damping coefficient - decay coefficient - dependability coefficient - dewatering coefficient - diffusion coefficient - discharge coefficient - distribution coefficient - drainage coefficient - dynamic coefficient - efficiency coefficient - emissivity coefficient - extinguishing coefficient - filtration coefficient - flexibility coefficient - friction coefficient - fusing coefficient - heat convection coefficient - heat emission coefficient - heat loss coefficient - heat transfer coefficient - transmission coefficient - hygroscopic coefficient - infiltration coefficient - influence coefficient - inside film coefficient - internal friction coefficient - kinematic coefficient of viscosity - labour coefficient - lateral pressure coefficient - lateral earth pressure coefficient - leakage coefficient - length coefficient - line expansion coefficient - load coefficient - moderating coefficient - noise coefficient - noise reduction coefficient - numerical coefficient - permeability coefficient - plasticity coefficient - positive coefficient - power coefficient - reduction coefficient - reflection coefficient - reliability coefficient - rotational inertia coefficient - roughness coefficient - run-off coefficient - safety coefficient - saturation coefficient - slope-deflection coefficient - sound-absorbing coefficient - sound absorption coefficient - stability coefficient - strength coefficient - surface coefficient - temperature coefficient - thermal conductivity coefficient - transfer coefficient - uniformity coefficient - vapour permeability coefficient - void coefficient - waste coefficient - weir coefficient* * *коэффициент; множитель; параметр; индекс- coefficient of active earth pressure
- coefficient of compressibility
- coefficient of conductivity
- coefficient of consolidation
- coefficient of contraction
- coefficient of creep
- coefficient of cubical expansion
- coefficient of curvature
- coefficient of discharge
- coefficient of earth pressure
- coefficient of elasticity
- coefficient of expansion
- coefficient of filtration
- coefficient of friction
- coefficient of heat pump performance
- coefficient of heat transfer
- coefficient of internal friction
- coefficient of kinetic friction
- coefficient of linear expansion
- coefficient of moisture precipitation
- coefficient of natural relative collapsibility
- coefficient of overall heat transmission
- coefficient of passive earth pressure
- coefficient of performance
- coefficient of permeability
- coefficient of permeability to water
- coefficient of radiation
- coefficient of reduction
- coefficient of resistance
- coefficient of restitution
- coefficient of retardation
- coefficient of rigidity
- coefficient of rolling friction
- coefficient of roughness
- coefficient of safety
- coefficient of sliding friction
- coefficient of soil reaction
- coefficient of sorting
- coefficient of static friction
- coefficient of storage
- coefficient of strain
- coefficient of subgrade reaction
- coefficient of surface conductance
- coefficient of thermal conductivity
- coefficient of thermal expansion
- coefficient of thermal stability
- coefficient of transmissibility
- coefficient of uniformity
- coefficient of utilization
- coefficient of variation
- coefficient of volume change
- coefficient of water demand
- coefficient of wear
- absolute viscosity coefficient
- aerodynamic coefficient
- attenuation coefficient
- bending moment coefficients
- buckling coefficient
- Chézy discharge coefficient
- collision coefficient
- consolidation coefficient
- contraction coefficient
- correlation coefficient
- creep coefficient
- curvature coefficient
- damping coefficient
- dewatering coefficient
- dimensionless coefficient
- discharge coefficient
- distribution coefficient
- drag coefficient
- drainage coefficient
- expansion coefficient
- film coefficient of heat transfer
- flow coefficient
- frictional coefficient
- friction coefficient
- head loss coefficient
- heat absorption coefficient
- heat-conduction coefficient
- heat emission coefficient
- heat transfer coefficient
- hydroscopic coefficient
- infiltration coefficient
- inside film coefficient
- kinematic viscosity coefficient
- Lamq coefficient
- leakage coefficient
- linear expansion coefficient
- loss coefficient
- Manning's roughness coefficient
- mass transfer coefficient
- noise reduction coefficient
- numerical coefficient
- outside film coefficient of heat transfer
- outside film coefficient
- overall coefficient of heat transfer
- performance coefficient
- permeability coefficient
- power coefficient
- pressure coefficient
- radiation heat transfer coefficient
- reduction coefficient
- reflection coefficient
- reliability coefficient
- resistance coefficient
- rotational inertia coefficient
- runoff coefficient
- safety coefficient
- saturation coefficient
- shear coefficient
- shrinkage coefficient
- solar absorption coefficient
- sorting coefficient
- sound absorption coefficient
- sound reflection coefficient
- sound transmission coefficient
- stability coefficient
- stiffness coefficient
- storage coefficient
- strain-hardening coefficient
- strength coefficient
- surface coefficient of heat transfer
- temperature conductivity coefficient
- thermal expansion coefficient
- transmissibility coefficient
- vapor permeability coefficient
- viscosity coefficient
- void coefficient
- volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion
- weir coefficient
- wobble coefficient -
16 strength
1. сила; усилиеhe is my strength — он источник моей силы; в нём моя сила
to exceed in strength — быть сильнее, превосходить силой
2. прочность; предел прочности; сопротивление3. насыщенность, интенсивность4. концентрация, крепостьstrength of acid — сила кислоты; крепость кислоты
5. предел прочности на разрыв6. насыщенность цвета7. кроющая способность краски8. разрывное усилие9. прочность на разрыв
См. также в других словарях:
Brightness — is an attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to emit or reflect a given amount of light. In other words, brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target. This is a subjective attribute/property of an… … Wikipedia
brightness level — noun the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun • Syn: ↑luminosity, ↑brightness, ↑luminance, ↑luminousness, ↑light • Derivationally related forms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
brightness — noun 1. the location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white (Freq. 11) • Ant: ↑dullness • Derivationally related forms: ↑bright • Hypernyms: ↑light, ↑lightness … Useful english dictionary
Luminance (relative) — Relative luminance follows the photometric definition of luminance, but with the values normalized to 1 or 100 for a reference white [cite book | author = Poynton, Charles | title = Digital Video and HDTV: Algorithms and Interfaces | isbn = 1… … Wikipedia
Sky brightness — This article is primarily about the brightness of the night sky. For daytime situations, please see Diffuse sky radiation and Rayleigh Scattering. The fact that the sky isn t absolutely dark at night can easily be observed. Were the sky (in the… … Wikipedia
Strong (relative detectability) — In the contexts of signal detection and perception in science and technology, but also more generally, strong means intense, either relative to other signals of similar kind, or relative to the detection threshold of the measuring or observing… … Wikipedia
Apparent magnitude — Asteroid 65 Cybele and 2 stars with their magnitudes labeled The apparent magnitude (m) of a celestial body is a measure of its brightness as seen by an observer on Earth, normalized to the value it would have in the absence of the atmosphere.… … Wikipedia
Rings of Neptune — The scheme of Neptune s ring moon system. Solid lines denote rings; dashed lines denote orbits of moons. The rings of Neptune consist primarily of five principal rings predicted in 1984 by André Brahic and imaged in 1989 by the Voyager 2… … Wikipedia
colour — /kul euhr/, n., adj. v.t., v.i. Chiefly Brit. color. Usage. See or1. * * * I Aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, brightness, and saturation. It is associated with the visible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, which … Universalium
Makemake (dwarf planet) — Makemake Makemake as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope Discovery Discovered by … Wikipedia
albedo — /al bee doh/, n., pl. albedos. 1. Astron. the ratio of the light reflected by a planet or satellite to that received by it. 2. Meteorol. such a ratio for any part of the earth s surface or atmosphere. 3. the white, inner rind of a citrus fruit.… … Universalium