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с португальского на английский


  • 1 relationship

    1) (the friendship, contact, communications etc which exist between people: He finds it very difficult to form lasting relationships.) relacionamento
    2) (the fact that, or the way in which, facts, events etc are connected: Is there any relationship between crime and poverty?) relação
    3) (the state of being related by birth or because of marriage.) parentesco
    * * *
    [ril'eiʃənʃip] n 1 parentesco. 2 conexão, afinidade, relacionamento, relação, ligação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > relationship

  • 2 relationship

    1) (the friendship, contact, communications etc which exist between people: He finds it very difficult to form lasting relationships.) relação
    2) (the fact that, or the way in which, facts, events etc are connected: Is there any relationship between crime and poverty?) relação
    3) (the state of being related by birth or because of marriage.) parentesco

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > relationship

  • 3 to strain a relationship

    to strain a relationship
    comportar-se de uma forma a causar problemas na relação, estragar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to strain a relationship

  • 4 romance

    1) (the relationship, actions etc of people who are in love: It was a beautiful romance, but it didn't last.) romance
    2) (a story about such a relationship etc, especially one in which the people, events etc are more exciting etc than in normal life: She writes romances.) romance
    3) (this kind of excitement: She felt her life was lacking in romance.) romance
    - romantically
    * * *
    [rəm'æns] n 1 história de amor, aventura, etc. geralmente passada em épocas ou lugares distantes, com eventos mais grandiosos que na vida real. 2 romantismo. 3 romance, caso amoroso. 4 ambiente ou atmosfera romântica. 5 algo exagerado, sem base em fatos. 6 Mus romança. • vt+vi 1 romancear. 2 pensar ou falar de modo romântico. 3 exagerar.
    [rəm'æns] n romance, românico, qualquer das línguas romanas. • adj românico, de ou relativo a estas línguas ou aos povos que as falam.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > romance

  • 5 romance

    1) (the relationship, actions etc of people who are in love: It was a beautiful romance, but it didn't last.) romance
    2) (a story about such a relationship etc, especially one in which the people, events etc are more exciting etc than in normal life: She writes romances.) romance
    3) (this kind of excitement: She felt her life was lacking in romance.) romance
    - romantically

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > romance

  • 6 affair

    1) (happenings etc which are connected with a particular person or thing: the Suez affair.) caso
    2) (a thing: The new machine is a weird-looking affair.) coisa
    3) ((often in plural) business; concern(s): financial affairs; Where I go is entirely my own affair.) assunto
    4) (a love relationship: His wife found out about his affair with another woman.) caso
    * * *
    [əf'ɛə] n 1 afazeres de qualquer natureza, ocupação, obrigação. 2 affairs negócios (de Estado ou de finanças). 3 acontecimento, incidente, ocorrência. 4 questão, caso particular, assunto reservado. that is my affair! / isto é comigo! that is not my affair! / isto não me importa! 5 coll coisa. a splendid affair / uma coisa espetacular. 6 romance, namoro. he has an affair with / ele tem um caso com. affair of honour questão de honra, duelo. Minister of Foreign Affairs Ministro das Relações Exteriores. to make an affair of something exagerar, promover uma tempestade num copo d’água.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > affair

  • 7 between

    1) (in, to, through or across the space dividing two people, places, times etc: between the car and the pavement; between 2 o'clock and 2.30; between meals.) entre
    2) (concerning the relationship of two things or people: the difference between right and wrong.) entre
    3) (by the combined action of; working together: They managed it between them.) entre
    4) (part to one (person or thing), part to (the other): Divide the chocolate between you.) entre
    * * *
    [bitw'i:n] prep entre: 1 no espaço que separa. 2 de um a outro. 3 em comum, em conjunto. 4 no meio de. 5 no intervalo de. 6 envolvido em. • adv 1 no meio, em posição intermediária. 2 no intervalo. 3 a intervalos. between and between nem um nem outro, por partes iguais. between cares and tears entre cuidados e preocupações. between night and morning na aurora. between now and then nesse ínterim. between ourselves, between you and me (and the bedpost or gate-post) entre nós dois, em segredo. between the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place entre a cruz e a espada. between the lights à meia-luz. between whiles a) a intervalos. b) durante intervalos. few and far between raras vezes. in between no meio. something between uma coisa intermediária.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > between

  • 8 brother

    1) (the title given to a male child to describe his relationship to the other children of his parents: I have two brothers.) irmão
    2) (a fellow member of any group ( also adjective): brother officers.) camarada
    3) ((plural also brethren ['breƟrən]) a member of a religious group: The brothers of the order prayed together; The brethren met daily.) irmão
    - brother-in-law
    * * *
    [br'∧ðə] n 1 irmão. I have five brothers and sisters / tenho cinco irmãos. 2 amigo íntimo, companheiro. 3 membro de confraria. 4 religioso que ainda não é sacerdote. brother of the brush coll borra-tintas, pintor medíocre. half-brother meio-irmão. my brother officers meus camaradas (do mesmo regimento). uterine brother irmão uterino.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > brother

  • 9 close to

    1) (near in time, place, relationship etc: close to 3 o'clock; close to the hospital; close to his mother.) perto de
    2) (almost; nearly: close to fifty years of age.) quase
    * * *
    close to
    nas proximidades.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > close to

  • 10 close

    I 1. [kləus] adverb
    1) (near in time, place etc: He stood close to his mother; Follow close behind.) perto
    2) (tightly; neatly: a close-fitting dress.) justo
    2. adjective
    1) (near in relationship: a close friend.) íntimo
    2) (having a narrow difference between winner and loser: a close contest; The result was close.) igual
    3) (thorough: a close examination of the facts; Keep a close watch on him.) minucioso
    4) (tight: a close fit.) apertado
    5) (without fresh air: a close atmosphere; The weather was close and thundery.) abafado
    6) (mean: He's very close (with his money).) avarento
    7) (secretive: They're keeping very close about the business.) calado
    - closeness
    - close call/shave
    - close-set
    - close-up
    - close at hand
    - close on
    - close to
    II 1. [kləuz] verb
    1) (to make or become shut, often by bringing together two parts so as to cover an opening: The baby closed his eyes; Close the door; The shops close on Sundays.) fechar
    2) (to finish; to come or bring to an end: The meeting closed with everyone in agreement.) terminar
    3) (to complete or settle (a business deal).) fechar
    2. noun
    (a stop, end or finish: the close of day; towards the close of the nineteenth century.) fim
    - close up
    * * *
    [klouz] n 1 fim, término, conclusão. 2 briga, peleja, luta corpo-a-corpo • vt+vi 1 fechar, encerrar, confinar. 2 tapar, encher. 3 barrar, bloquear, obstruir. 4 cerrar (fileiras). 5 juntar(-se). 6 envolver, cercar. 7 concordar, chegar a um acordo. 8 terminar, completar, concluir, encerrar. 9 cicatrizar, fechar (ferida). 10 trancar, aferrolhar. 11 engalfinhar-se. 12 Naut encostar(-se), perlongar. at the close of day no fim do dia, ao crepúsculo. at the close of the year no fim do ano. he closed his days ele morreu. he closed the door upon every attempt at reconciliation ele tornou impossível qualquer tentativa de reconciliação. he closed the door upon her 1 ele fechou o porta atrás dela. 2 fig expulsou-a. the ship closes the wind o navio vira para o vento. they closed upon him 1 chegaram a um acordo a seu respeito. 2 caíram em cima dele. to close a bargain fechar um negócio. to close an account encerrar uma conta. to close an affair encerrar um assunto. to close a seam rematar uma costura. to close down fechar, encerrar as atividades. the shops closed down / as lojas fecharam suas portas. to close in 1 fechar, cercar. 2 encerrar, irromper, aproximar-se, chegar. the night closed in / chegou a noite. to close off isolar, impedir a passagem. to close on aproximar-se. to close one’s eyes morrer. to close one’s eyes to ignorar, não querer enxergar. he closed his eyes to the problem / ele ignorou o problema, ele não quis enxergar o problema. to close out (vendas) liquidar, queimar. to close round cercar, rodear. to close the ranks cerrar fileiras. to close up 1 fechar, trancar, cerrar. they closed up / cerraram fileiras. 2 cicatrizar. to close with 1 aceder. 2 unir-se a. 3 entrar em luta corporal. to draw to a close chegar ao fim.
    [klous] n 1 espaço fechado, terreno cercado, cercado. 2 cerca, sebe, tapada. 3 beco estreito. 4 the Close recinto de mosteiro ou abadia. • adj 1 junto, próximo, perto, pegado, contíguo, estreito. 2 justo, apertado. 3 compacto, denso, condensado. 4 íntimo, caro, familiar. 5 cuidadoso, exato, conciso, preciso. 6 estrito, perfeito. 7 fechado, cerrado. 8 rigoroso, severo. 9 abafado, opressivo, pesado, sufocante. 10 fechado, reservado. 11 secreto, oculto. 12 restrito, limitado. 13 parcimonioso, econômico, frugal. 14 raro, difícil de obter. 15 quase igual, quase no mesmo nível. 16 confinado, estritamente guardado, segregado. 17 pronunciado com os lábios parcialmente fechados. 18 grosso, fechado (tecido). 19 viscoso, tenaz. 20 quase certeiro. 21 atento, observador. • adv 1 rente, cerce, cérceo. 2 de perto, junto ao pé. 3 severamente, rigorosamente, estritamente. 4 estreitamente, hermeticamente, firmemente, compactamente. 5 exatamente, cautelosamente. 6 economicamente. a close carriage uma carruagem fechada. a close customer coll um tipo taciturno. a close hand 1 uma mão fechada. 2 fig pessoa sovina. at close quarters nas imediações. close air ar viciado ou abafado. close argument argumento incontestável. close at hand iminente, próximo. close by bem junto, perto. close combat luta corpo-a-corpo. close coupled circuit n Eletr circuito conjugado. close election, close vote eleição disputadíssima. close on quase. close proximity proximidade imediata. close season, close time temporada de caça proibida. close shave ou thing escape por pouco, por um triz. close style estilo breve ou conciso. close to nas proximidades. close to the chest sem revelar a intenção. close to the ground rente ao chão. close to the wind com vento pela popa. close writing letra apertada. he keeps himself close ele se esconde. keep close! 1 fique perto de mim! 2 cale a boca! 3 esconda-se! the end is close o fim está próximo. to come close chegar perto. to cut close cortar rente. to draw the curtains close fechar bem as cortinas. to follow close upon seguir ao pé. to live close viver economicamente, poupar. to sit close assentar justo (vestido). to sit close around the fire estar sentado junto ou perto do fogo. to stick close to ficar perto ou próximo de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > close

  • 11 friendship

    1) (the state of being friends: Friendship is a wonderful thing.) amizade
    2) (a particular relationship between two friends: Our friendship grew through the years.) amizade
    * * *
    [fr'endʃip] n amizade, afeição, benevolência. to strike up a friendship dar início a uma amizade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > friendship

  • 12 harmonious

    1) (pleasant-sounding: a harmonious melody.) harmonioso
    2) (pleasant to the eye: a harmonious colour scheme.) harmonioso
    3) (without disagreement or bad feeling: a harmonious relationship.) harmonioso
    * * *
    [ha:m'ouniəs] adj 1 harmonioso, sonoro. 2 concordante, conforme.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > harmonious

  • 13 homosexual

    [homə'sekʃuəl, houmo-]
    adjective, noun
    1) ((a person, especially a man, who is) sexually attracted to people of the same sex.) homossexual
    2) ( adjective of or concerning a homosexual or homosexuals: a homosexual relationship.) homossexual
    * * *
    [houməs'ekʃuəl] n homossexual. • adj homossexual.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > homosexual

  • 14 industrial relations

    (the relationship between the management and the workers in a factory etc.) relações industriais
    * * *
    in.dus.tri.al re.la.tions
    [ind∧striəl ril'eiʃənz] n pl relações industriais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > industrial relations

  • 15 internal

    1) (of, on or in the inside of something (eg a person's body): The man suffered internal injuries in the accident.) interno
    2) (concerning what happens within a country etc, rather than its relationship with other countries etc: The prime ministers agreed that no country should interfere in another country's internal affairs.) interno
    - internal combustion
    * * *
    [int'ə:nəl] n natureza interna, âmago. • adj 1 interno, que está dentro, intrínseco. 2 que se toma (como medicamento). 3 doméstico, do país.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > internal

  • 16 marital

    (of marriage: marital relations (= the relationship between a married couple).) marital
    * * *
    [m'ærətəl] adj marital.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > marital

  • 17 meaningful

    adjective ((often used loosely) important in some way: a meaningful statement/relationship.) significativo
    * * *
    [m'i:niŋful] adj significativo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > meaningful

  • 18 near

    [niə] 1. adjective
    1) (not far away in place or time: The station is quite near; Christmas is getting near.) próximo
    2) (not far away in relationship: He is a near relation.) próximo
    2. adverb
    1) (to or at a short distance from here or the place mentioned: He lives quite near.) perto
    2) ((with to) close to: Don't sit too near to the window.) perto
    3. preposition
    (at a very small distance from (in place, time etc): She lives near the church; It was near midnight when they arrived.) perto
    4. verb
    (to come near (to): The roads became busier as they neared the town; as evening was nearing.) aproximar-se
    - nearness
    - nearby
    - nearside
    - near-sighted
    - a near miss
    * * *
    [niə] vt+vi aproximar-se, acercar-se. • adj 1 próximo, perto, chegado. 2 contíguo, vizinho. 3 íntimo, familiar. 4 curto, direto. 5 aproximado. 6 parcimonioso. 7 semelhante. 8 estreito. • adv 1 próximo, perto, a pouca distância. 2 quase. 3 cuidadosamente. 4 escassamente. • prep 1 junto a. 2 perto de. in the near future num futuro próximo. near at hand perto, à mão. nearest to me o mais próximo de mim. near the house perto da casa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > near

  • 19 relate

    [rə'leit] 1. verb
    1) (to tell (a story etc): He related all that had happened to him.) relatar
    2) ((with to) to be about, concerned or connected with: Have you any information relating to the effect of penicillin on mice?) relacionado com
    3) ((with to) to behave towards: He finds it difficult to relate normally to his mother.) relacionar-se com
    - relation
    - relationship
    - relative
    2. adjective
    1) (compared with something else, or with each other, or with a situation in the past etc: the relative speeds of a car and a train; She used to be rich but now lives in relative poverty.) relativo
    2) ((of a pronoun, adjective or clause) referring back to something previously mentioned: the girl who sang the song; the girl who sang the song.) relativo
    * * *
    [ril'eit] vt+vi 1 relatar, contar, narrar (to a). 2 referir, dizer respeito (to a). 3 ter referência, ter relação. 4 ligar(-se), unir(-se). to relate to relacionar(-se) com.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > relate

  • 20 relation

    1) (a person who belongs to the same family as oneself either by birth or because of marriage: uncles, aunts, cousins and other relations.) parente
    2) (a relationship (between facts, events etc).) relação
    3) ((in plural) contact and communications between people, countries etc: to establish friendly relations.) relaçOes
    * * *
    [ril'eiʃən] n 1 narração, relato. 2 referência, alusão. 3 parente, parentela. is he a relation of yours? / é seu parente? 4 relação. he had relations with the society / ele tinha relações com a sociedade. 5 relacionamento, ligação. distant relation parente afastado. in/ with relation to com referência a, com respeito a. near relation parente próximo. to bear little/ some relation to ter pouco/algo a ver com. to bear no relation to não ter nada a ver com. to have relations with coll fazer sexo com, ter relações sexuais com.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > relation

См. также в других словарях:

  • relationship — re‧la‧tion‧ship [rɪˈleɪʆnʆɪp] noun [countable] the way in which people, companies, countries etc that are working together behave towards each other: relationship with/​between/​among • A key to success will be our relationship with our… …   Financial and business terms

  • Relationship — or relationships may refer to: Interpersonal relationship Intimate relationship In mathematics and statistics: Binary relation Causal relationship Correlation and dependence Direct relationship Inverse relationship In database design: Entity… …   Wikipedia

  • Relationship — • A certain connection of persons established either by nature or by civil or canon law Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Relationship     Relationship      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • relationship — I (connection) noun alignment, amalgamation, analogy, appositeness, association, bearing, bond, coaction, coalition, cognatio, cognation, combination, confederacy, coniunctio, connecting link, consociation, correlation, interconnection,… …   Law dictionary

  • Relationship — Re*la tion*ship, n. The state of being related by kindred, affinity, or other alliance. Mason. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • relationship — 1744, sense of being related, from RELATION (Cf. relation) + SHIP (Cf. ship). Specifically of romantic or sexual relationships by 1944 …   Etymology dictionary

  • relationship — [n] connection; friendship accord, affair, affiliation, affinity, alliance, analogy, appositeness, association, bond, communication, conjunction, consanguinity, consociation, contact, contingency, correlation, dependence, dependency, exchange,… …   New thesaurus

  • relationship — ► NOUN 1) the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected. 2) the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave towards each other. 3) an emotional and sexual association between two… …   English terms dictionary

  • relationship — [ri lā′shən ship΄] n. 1. the quality or state of being related; connection 2. connection by blood, marriage, etc.; kinship 3. a particular instance of being related 4. a continuing attachment or association between persons, firms, etc., specif.,… …   English World dictionary

  • relationship — noun 1 between people/groups/countries ADJECTIVE ▪ friendly, good, happy, harmonious, healthy, strong ▪ They have a very healthy father son relationship. ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • relationship — n. 1) to cement; establish a relationship (to establish a relationship with smb.) 2) to bear, have a relationship (to bear a relationship to smt.) 3) to break off a relationship (to break off a relationship with smb.) 4) a casual; close,… …   Combinatory dictionary

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