Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 array

    [ə'rei] 1.
    1) (things, people etc arranged in some order: an impressive array of fabrics.) zoradenie, zoskupenie
    2) (clothes: in fine array.) odev, šaty
    2. verb
    1) (to put (things, people etc) in some order for show etc: goods arrayed on the counter.) zoradiť, zoskupiť
    2) (to dress (oneself) eg in fine clothes.) vystrojiť (sa)
    * * *
    • usporiadanie
    • zoskupenie
    • pole

    English-Slovak dictionary > array

  • 2 grey

    [ɡrei] 1. adjective
    1) (of a mixture of colour between black and white: Ashes are grey.) sivý, šedý
    2) (grey-haired: He's turning/going grey.) šedivý
    2. noun
    1) ((any shade of) a colour between black and white: Grey is rather a dull colour.) sivá, šedá farba; šeď
    2) (something grey in colour: I never wear grey.) šedá
    3. verb
    (to become grey or grey-haired.) šedivieť
    * * *
    • šed
    • šero
    • šedivý
    • šedák (kôn)
    • šedý
    • ponurý
    • nebielený

    English-Slovak dictionary > grey

  • 3 racial

    adjective (of, or having to do with, race or a particular race: racial characteristics; racial discrimination/hatred.) rasový
    * * *
    • rasový

    English-Slovak dictionary > racial

  • 4 rage

    [rei‹] 1. noun
    1) ((a fit of) violent anger: He flew into a rage; He shouted with rage.) zúrivosť
    2) (violence; great force: the rage of the sea.) besnenie
    2. verb
    1) (to act or shout in great anger: He raged at his secretary.) zlostiť sa
    2) ((of wind, storms etc) to be violent; to blow with great force: The storm raged all night.) zúriť
    3) ((of battles, arguments etc) to be carried on with great violence: The battle raged for two whole days.) zúriť
    4) ((of diseases etc) to spread quickly and affect many people: Fever was raging through the town.) zúriť, besnieť
    - all the rage
    - the rage
    * * *
    • vášen
    • velká móda
    • vrchol módy
    • vytrženie
    • vycínat
    • záchvat hnevu
    • zápal
    • žiadostivost
    • zúrivost
    • zúrit
    • zúrenie
    • zlost
    • to najmodernejšie
    • tranz
    • extáza
    • hnev
    • besniet
    • besnenie
    • búrka
    • prudký záchvat
    • nadšenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > rage

  • 5 ratio

    plural - ratios; noun
    (the amount or proportion of one thing compared to another: There is a ratio of two girls to one boy in this class.) pomer
    * * *
    • vztah
    • stupen
    • ukazovatel
    • prevodový pomer
    • prevod
    • proporcia
    • percento
    • podiel
    • pomer
    • pomer (mat.)
    • koeficient

    English-Slovak dictionary > ratio

  • 6 ray

    1) (a narrow beam (of light, heat etc): the sun's rays; X-rays; heat-rays; a ray of light.) lúč
    2) (a slight amount (of hope etc).) záblesk
    * * *
    • vyžarovat
    • záblesk
    • zákmit
    • žiarit
    • rajnok (ryba)
    • rameno (morskej hviezdice
    • ožarovat
    • ožiarit
    • polpriamka
    • polomer
    • lúc
    • kúkol polný

    English-Slovak dictionary > ray

  • 7 federated

    adjective (joined by a treaty, agreement etc.) federatívny

    English-Slovak dictionary > federated

  • 8 oration

    (a formal, public speech, especially in fine, beautiful language: a funeral oration.) reč
    - oratory
    - oratorical

    English-Slovak dictionary > oration

  • 9 regime

    (a (system of) government: a Communist régime.) režim

    English-Slovak dictionary > regime

  • 10 régime

    (a (system of) government: a Communist régime.) režim

    English-Slovak dictionary > régime

  • 11 purée

    ['pjuərei, ]( American[) pju'rei]
    (any of several types of food made into a soft pulp: tomato purée.) pretlak; pyré

    English-Slovak dictionary > purée

  • 12 admiration

    noun They were filled with admiration at the team's performance.) obdiv
    * * *
    • vynikajúco
    • predmet obdivu
    • bájecne
    • obdivuhodne
    • obdiv

    English-Slovak dictionary > admiration

  • 13 beret

    ['berei, ]( American[) bə'rei]
    (a round flat cap made of soft cloth, as worn by soldiers: Paratroopers wear red berets.) baretka, rádionka
    * * *
    • baret
    • baretka

    English-Slovak dictionary > beret

  • 14 cabaret

    (an entertainment given in a restaurant etc: a singer in a cabaret.) kabaret
    * * *
    • vináren
    • kabaret s programom
    • kabaret

    English-Slovak dictionary > cabaret

  • 15 conflagration

    (a great fire: Ten people perished in the conflagration.) požiar
    * * *
    • vzplanutie
    • požiar

    English-Slovak dictionary > conflagration

  • 16 courageous

    adjective (having courage: a courageous soldier.) odvážny
    * * *
    • statocný
    • udatný
    • odvážny

    English-Slovak dictionary > courageous

  • 17 declaration

    noun (a formal announcement: a declaration of marriage/war.) vyhlásenie
    * * *
    • vyhlásenie
    • žaloba
    • prehlásenie
    • danové priznanie
    • deklarácia
    • miestodržitelské prehláse
    • obžalovací spis

    English-Slovak dictionary > declaration

  • 18 duration

    (the length of time anything continues: We all had to stay indoors for the duration of the storm.) trvanie
    * * *
    • stálost
    • trvanie

    English-Slovak dictionary > duration

  • 19 enrage

    (to make very angry: His son's rudeness enraged him.) rozzúriť
    * * *
    • rozzúrit

    English-Slovak dictionary > enrage

  • 20 expiration

    noun uplynutie
    * * *
    • vypršanie lehoty
    • výdych
    • zánik
    • smrt
    • uplynutie
    • ukoncenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > expiration

См. также в других словарях:

  • Rei — may refer to:People*Rei, the Biblical term for those who retained their allegiance to King David when Adonijah rebelled, as mentioned in 1 Kings 1:8 *Rei Hiroe *Rei Igarashi *Rei Kawakubo *Rei Kikukawa *Rei Mikamoto *Rei Munakata *Rei Okamoto… …   Wikipedia

  • REI — bezeichnet: Costa Rei, ein Küstenabschnitt von Sardinien Cristo Rei, verschiedene Jesusstatuen Ray (Persien), eine ehemalige nordpersische Ruinenstadt und jetzige Industriestadt Rei (Waschmittel), eine Waschmittelmarke der fit GmbH Rei, ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rei — (jap. 礼) ist ein japanischer Dankes und Höflichkeitsausdruck, der in Deutschland insbesondere in den japanischen Kampfkünsten (Budō) in Verbindung mit einer Verneigung benutzt wird. In Japan selber ist es tief in der Gesellschaft verwurzelt. So… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rei — s. m. 1. Título de nobreza mais alto de um reino. = MONARCA, SOBERANO 2. O mesmo que rei consorte. 3. Título do pai do rei. 4.  [Figurado] Pessoa, coisa ou entidade que tem poder ou influência. 5. Primeiro ou mais destacado entre os da sua classe …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • REIẒES — (also Reiẓeles; in Heb. רייציס), ḤAYYIM BEN ISAAC HA LEVI (1687–1728), and his brother JOSHUA (1697–1728), rabbis and Jewish martyrs in Poland. Ḥayyim was a wealthy and learned man who held the position of av bet din in lvov (Lemberg) and was… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Rei — (r?), n.;pl. {Reis} (r? ?s or r?z). [Pg. real, pl. reis. See {Real} a coin.] A portuguese money of account, in value about one tenth of a cent. [Spelt also {ree}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rei — ● rei, reis nom masculin (portugais rei) Ancienne monnaie, de faible valeur, du Portugal et du Brésil. (Divers multiples, dont le milreis.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • rei-1 —     rei 1     English meaning: to tear, cut     Deutsche Übersetzung: “ritzen, reißen, schneiden”     Material: Lat. rīma “Ritze” (*rei mü); M.Ir. rēo ‘stripe” (*ri u̯o ); O.E. rüw, rǣ w f. “row” (*roiu̯ü); Lith. rievà “Felskluft, Fels, hill” …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • rēi-1 : rī- —     rēi 1 : rī     Deutsche Übersetzung: “zählen, ordnen”     Note: extended rēi dh .     See also: see above S. 60 (ar ) …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • Rei — 1) ноль, пример, душа. 2) (женское имя) Благодарность. Японские имена. Словарь значений …   Словарь личных имен

  • Reï — (Real), Rechnungsstufe in Portugal, bis 1835 = 6 Ceiti, und Brasilien, nicht für sich mehr geprägt. Dort gab es bis 1835 Kupfermünzen zu 10, 5, 3 und 11/2 Reïs, dann zu 20 (Vintem), 10 und 5 Reïs, in Brasilien seit 1868 Bronzemünzen zu 40,20 und… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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