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с португальского на английский


  • 1 refusal

    noun I was surprised at his refusal to help me; When we sent out the wedding invitations, we had several refusals.) recusa
    * * *
    [rifj'u:zəl] n 1 recusa, repulsa, resposta negativa, rejeição. 2 opção, escolha. to meet with a refusal receber uma recusa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > refusal

  • 2 refusal

    noun I was surprised at his refusal to help me; When we sent out the wedding invitations, we had several refusals.) recusa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > refusal

  • 3 to meet with a refusal

    to meet with a refusal
    receber uma recusa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to meet with a refusal

  • 4 adamant

    (determined or insistent: an adamant refusal.) inflexível
    * * *
    ['ædəmənt] n 1 pedra ou qualquer coisa de extrema dureza. 2 magnetita, diamante. • adj adamantino, duro, inflexível.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > adamant

  • 5 boycott

    ['boikot] 1. verb
    (to refuse to have any dealings with (a firm, country etc).) boicotar
    2. noun
    (a refusal to deal with a firm etc.) boicote
    * * *
    [b'ɔikɔt] n boicote. • vt boicotar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > boycott

  • 6 civil disobedience

    noun (a refusal by a large number of people to pay taxes or obey certain laws in a nonviolent way in order to protest against the government, its policies etc.)
    * * *
    civ.il dis.o.be.di.ence
    [sivəl disəb'i:diəns] n desobediência à lei (especialmente por não pagar taxas).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > civil disobedience

  • 7 construe

    [kənstr'u:] vt+vi 1 explicar, interpretar. I construed his words to mean a refusal / interpretei suas palavras como recusa. 2 traduzir (fragmento por fragmento). 3 Gram construir, formar ou analisar (frases, orações, etc.). "to think" is construed with "of" / "to think" é construído com "of" (regência verbal).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > construe

  • 8 failure

    1) (the state or act of failing: She was upset by her failure in the exam; failure of the electricity supply.) fracasso
    2) (an unsuccessful person or thing: He felt he was a failure.) fracasso/falhado
    3) (inability, refusal etc to do something: his failure to reply.) recusa
    * * *
    [f'eiljə] n 1 falta, carência, falha, deficiência. 2 omissão, falta de execução. 3 insucesso, malogro, fracasso. 4 fracasso: pessoa que errou ou não triunfou na vida. 5 declínio, definhamento, decadência, decaimento, colapso. 6 falência, quebra, bancarrota, insolvência. failure of crops má colheita.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > failure

  • 9 firm

    I [fə:m] adjective
    1) ((fixed) strong and steady: a firm handshake.) firme
    2) (decided; not changing one's mind: a firm refusal.) firme
    II [fə:m] noun
    (a business company: an engineering firm.) firma
    * * *
    [fə:m] n firma comercial, empresa.
    [fə:m] vt+vi 1 firmar, fixar. 2 confirmar. • adj 1 firme, seguro, sólido. 2 tenaz. 3 imóvel. 4 vigoroso, resoluto. firm bid, firm offer oferta definitiva. they held firm to eles se firmaram em. to firm up one’s body enrijecer o corpo (por meio de ginástica).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > firm

  • 10 hunger strike

    (a refusal to eat, as a form of protest or to force (someone) to agree to certain demands etc: The prisoners went on hunger strike as a protest against prison discipline.) greve da fome
    * * *
    hun.ger strike
    [h'∧ŋgə straik] n greve de fome. • vi fazer greve de fome.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hunger strike

  • 11 manhood

    1) ((of a male) the state of being adult, physically (and mentally) mature etc: He died before he reached manhood.) idade adulta
    2) (manly qualities: He took her refusal to marry him as an insult to his manhood.) virilidade
    * * *
    [m'ænhud] n 1 humanidade. 2 masculinidade, virilidade. 3 coragem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > manhood

  • 12 mutiny

    ['mju:tini] 1. plural - mutinies; noun
    ((a) refusal to obey one's senior officers in the navy or other armed services: There has been a mutiny on HMS Tigress; The sailors were found guilty of mutiny.) motim
    2. verb
    ((of sailors etc) to refuse to obey commands from those in authority: The sailors mutinied because they did not have enough food.) amotinar-se
    - mutinous
    * * *
    [mj'u:tini] n amotinação, motim, revolta, rebelião, sedição. • vi amotinar-se, revoltar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mutiny

  • 13 no

    [nəu] 1. adjective
    1) (not any: We have no food; No other person could have done it.) nenhum
    2) (not allowed: No smoking.) proibido
    3) (not a: He is no friend of mine; This will be no easy task.) nenhum
    2. adverb
    (not (any): He is no better at golf than swimming; He went as far as the shop and no further.) não
    3. interjection
    (a word used for denying, disagreeing, refusing etc: `Do you like travelling?' `No, (I don't).'; No, I don't agree; `Will you help me?' `No, I won't.') não
    4. noun plural
    ( noes)
    1) (a refusal: She answered with a definite no.) não
    2) (a vote against something: The noes have won.) voto contra
    5. noun
    (a very unimportant person: She's just a nobody.) zé-ninguém
    - there's no saying
    - knowing
    * * *
    [nou] n 1 não, negativa. 2 recusa. 3 voto negativo. • pron nenhum, nenhuma. there is no coffee / não há café. • adv 1 não. I can drink no more / não posso beber mais. 2 de modo algum. by no means de forma alguma. no big deal nada importante. no doubt não há dúvida. of no use de nenhuma utilidade. there is no knowing what will happen não se sabe o que vai acontecer.
    [nou] n Theat forma clássica do drama japonês.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > no

  • 14 offer

    ['ofə] 1. past tense, past participle - offered; verb
    1) (to put forward (a gift, suggestion etc) for acceptance or refusal: She offered the man a cup of tea; He offered her $20 for the picture.) oferecer
    2) (to say that one is willing: He offered to help.) oferecer-se
    2. noun
    1) (an act of offering: an offer of help.) oferta
    2) (an offering of money as the price of something: They made an offer of $50,000 for the house.) proposta
    - on offer
    * * *
    ['ɔfə] n 1 oferta, dádiva. 2 oferenda. 3 oferecimento. 4 proposta. 5 tentativa, ensaio. • vt+vi 1 ofertar, presentear. 2 oferendar. 3 oferecer. 4 propor. 5 mostrar. 6 ocorrer, apresentar-se. 7 intentar. 8 imolar. as occasion offers como a ocasião se apresenta. I was offered money ofereceram-me dinheiro. offer by tender Com proposta por concorrência. offer of marriage proposta de casamento. under offer Brit que tem um possível comprador.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > offer

  • 15 peremptory

    [pər'emptəri] adj 1 peremptório, decisivo, final. a peremptory refusal / uma recusa definitiva. 2 imperioso, categórico. 3 determinado, resoluto. 4 absoluto, autoritário, ditatorial.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > peremptory

  • 16 put

    present participle - putting; verb
    1) (to place in a certain position or situation: He put the plate in the cupboard; Did you put any sugar in my coffee?; He put his arm round her; I'm putting a new lock on the door; You're putting too much strain on that rope; When did the Russians first put a man into space?; You've put me in a bad temper; Can you put (=translate) this sentence into French?) pôr
    2) (to submit or present (a proposal, question etc): I put several questions to him; She put her ideas before the committee.) apresentar
    3) (to express in words: He put his refusal very politely; Children sometimes have such a funny way of putting things!) exprimir
    4) (to write down: I'm trying to write a letter to her, but I don't know what to put.) pôr
    5) (to sail in a particular direction: We put out to sea; The ship put into harbour for repairs.) navegar
    - a put-up job
    - put about
    - put across/over
    - put aside
    - put away
    - put back
    - put by
    - put down
    - put down for
    - put one's feet up
    - put forth
    - put in
    - put in for
    - put off
    - put on
    - put out
    - put through
    - put together
    - put up
    - put up to
    - put up with
    * * *
    [put] n 1 arremesso, lançamento. 2 Sports arremesso de peso. 3 (bolsa) operação a prazo. • vt+vi ps, pp put 1 pôr: a) colocar. b) reduzir a um estado ou condição. c) fixar, determinar. d) guardar. e) depositar. f) atribuir, imputar. g) adicionar, deitar. h) assinar, apor. i) expressar, afirmar. j) dedicar-se a. k) aplicar. l) impor ônus a. m) firmar, assentar. 2 formular, propor. 3 seguir, rumar. 4 avaliar, orçar. 5 incitar. 6 lançar à água (navio). 7 forçar, obrigar. 8 arremessar, lançar. 9 apostar. 10 investir. 11 adaptar. 12 traduzir. • adj no lugar, fixado, fixo, parado. he puts the distance at eight miles ele avalia a distância em oito milhas. how shall I put it? como direi? if I may put my two cents in se eu posso dar um conselho, um palpite. if one puts it upon that ground considerando-o deste ponto de vista. I put him on guard eu o preveni. I put it to you deixo-o a seu critério. she put him down to it ela lhe confiou (segredo, novidade). she put him down to it ela lhe confiou (segredo, novidade). she put him on his oath ela o fez jurar. stay put! não se mova! they put their heads together eles confabularam. to put about 1 publicar ou circular. 2 mudar o curso, o rumo. 3 espalhar (boato). to put a bug in one’s ear deixar alguém com a pulga atrás da orelha. to put across 1 conseguir explicar algo. 2 levar a cabo. I just can’t put it across / não consigo mesmo levá-lo a cabo. to put a flea in one’s ear deixar alguém com a pulga atrás da orelha. to put ahead avançar, adiantar. to put an end to pôr fim em, acabar, encerrar. he put an end to his life / ele deu cabo da vida. he put an end to the matter / ele encerrou o assunto. to put a question levantar uma questão. to put aside 1 pôr de lado (para fazer uma outra coisa). 2 não dar importância. to put away 1 pôr de lado. 2 descartar, dispor de. 3 guardar, economizar. 4 guardar, colocar no devido lugar. 5 divorciar. 6 matar um animal velho ou doente. 7 confinar, prender. 8 comer. to put back 1 adiar. 2 atrasar. 3 repelir. 4 recusar, negar. 5 repor, recolocar. 6 Naut voltar, regressar. 7 atrasar o relógio. to put by 1 guardar, economizar. 2 pôr de lado. 3 armazenar. 4 rejeitar, recusar. 5 livrar-se de. 6 desviar, esquivar. to put down 1 criticar alguém na frente de outras pessoas, humilhar. 2 dar uma quantia de dinheiro como entrada. 3 anotar, inscrever, registrar (no papel). 4 matar um animal velho ou doente. 5 parar o veículo para alguém descer. 6 Aeron aterrissar. 7 pôr a criança para dormir. 8 derrubar. 9 suprimir, eliminar. 10 rebaixar, degradar. 11 depor. 12 cortar, renunciar a. 13 atribuir. 14 estimar, considerar. 15 beber continuadamente. to put down for relacionar, pedir por escrito. to put for fazer uma tentativa para ganhar. to put forth 1 estender. 2 tornar manifesto. 3 desenvolver, tornar. 4 empregar, aplicar (força). 5 elevar, erguer (voz). 6 propor. 7 publicar, editar. 8 emprestar com juros. to put forward 1 promover, pôr em evidência. 2 fazer progredir, avançar. 3 propor, formular, apresentar. she put forward an argument / ela apresentou um argumento. to put in 1 consertar um equipamento doméstico. 2 gastar tempo e energia fazendo uma atividade. 3 interromper alguém. 4 introduzir, apresentar. 5 intercalar, encaixar. 6 interferir, intervir. 7 aportar. the ship put into the port / o navio entrou no porto. 8 eleger um político ou um partido político. to put in brackets/ parentheses colocar entre parênteses. to put in for 1 requerer algo formalmente. 2 oferecer-se, candidatar-se. to put in mind lembrar. to put in possession 1 empossar, dar posse a. 2 informar, pôr a par de. to put in practice 1 pôr em ação. 2 praticar, fazer. to put into gear embrear. to put it on 1 fingir. 2 sobrecarregar. 3 exagerar. to put off 1 despir, tirar, descalçar. 2 adiar, protelar, transferir, postergar. 3 dissuadir. 4 usar de evasivas. 5 coll desconcertar, confundir. 6 desembarcar, pôr em terra (passageiros). 7 partir. 8 desencorajar, desanimar. 9 atrapalhar (o trabalho, a concentração de alguém). to put on 1 vestir, calçar. 2 assumir. 3 imputar, atribuir a. 4 impor, infligir. 5 incitar, instigar. 6 empregar, aplicar. 7 carregar no preço. 8 ganhar pressão. 9 fingir, simular. he puts on a big act / ele está fazendo fita. 10 apostar em. 11 adiantar (relógios). 12 antecipar. 13 coll representar, levar. to put on the ritz dar-se ares de riqueza, mostrar-se, exibir-se. to put on to 1 estar consciente de. 2 conectar-se com/ao telefone. to put one’s ass on the line vulg colocar-se em perigo, assumir a responsabilidade. to put one’s back into dedicar-se de corpo e alma a. to put one’s cards on the table colocar as cartas na mesa, fazer jogo franco. to put oneself in somebody’s place imaginar-se em lugar de alguém. to put one’s foot in one’s mouth meter os pés pelas mãos. to put one’s hands to the plow meter mãos à obra. to put one through the mill 1 sujeitar a disciplina rigorosa. 2 punir, castigar. to put on trial levar à barra do tribunal. to put out 1 expelir, lançar fora. 2 extinguir, aparar. 3 emprestar. 4 desconcertar, confundir. he was put by this news / esta notícia o desconcertou. 5 estender a mão. 6 exibir, mostrar. 7 publicar, editar. 8 gastar, despender. 9 dar para criar (criança). 10 pôr para fora. 11 dar para fora (roupa suja, etc.). 12 ir embora, partir, sair. 13 Med deslocar, distender. 14 Naut fazer-se ao mar. the ship put out to sea / o navio fez-se ao mar. 15 Sports pôr fora de jogo. 16 desfraldar (bandeira). to put out of action pôr fora de função ou ação. to put out of gear desengrenar. to put out of one’s head fazer esquecer. to put out of order pôr em desordem. to put out of the way 1 matar, eliminar. 2 destruir. to put over 1 colocar acima de. 2 conduzir através de, fazer transpor. 3 levar a cabo. 4 sl prevalecer, impor-se. he put himself over / ele conseguiu prevalecer. 5 comunicar. 6 iludir, tapear. to put somebody in a hole coll pôr alguém em dificuldades. to put somebody on the floor arrasar, fazer com que todos o apreciem, desbundar alguém. to put somebody through college/ school financiar os estudos de alguém. she put him through college / ela lhe financiou os estudos. to put something into one’s head colocar, meter algo na cabeça. to put something over on someone fazer alguém crer. one can’t put anything over on him / ele não se deixa ludibriar. to put the bite on sl dar uma mordidinha, pedir dinheiro emprestado. to put the cart before the horse pôr a carroça diante dos bois. to put the pen to paper começar a escrever. she put the pen to the paper / ela começou a escrever. to put the screw to sl apertar, pressionar, agir coercivamente. to put the wind up 1 alarmar, alvoroçar. 2 alarmar-se. 3 tornar-se irritado ou excitado. to put the wood to sl castigar, coagir. to put through 1 levar a cabo. 2 conseguir a aprovação de lei. 3 fazer penetrar ou atravessar. 4 fazer agir. 5 coll fazer ligação telefônica. 6 forçar alguém a, obrigar alguém a. to put to 1 combinar, juntar, unir. 2 confiar a. 3 afixar a, prender a. 4 atrelar. he put the horses to the car / ele atrelou os cavalos. 5 limitar a. 6 expor a, sujeitar a. to put to a stand dar um paradeiro a. to put to bed pôr na cama, fazer deitar. to put to death matar, executar. the murderer was put to death / o assassino foi executado. to put to flight lançar em fuga. to put together 1 agregar. 2 juntar, reunir. to put to rights pôr em ordem, endireitar. to put to sea começar uma viagem, fazer-se ao mar. to put to shame fazer envergonhar. to put to silence silenciar, fazer calar. to put to sleep pôr na cama, fazer dormir. to put to the sword matar com a espada. to put to the vote submeter à votação. to put two and two together chegar, tirar conclusões. to put under the screw forçar, pressionar. to put up 1 levantar, alçar, içar, suspender, pendurar. 2 erigir, erguer, edificar. 3 montar (máquinas). 4 pôr em leilão. 5 levar à cena. 6 guardar, economizar. 7 pôr em conserva. 8 pôr de lado. 9 acolher, dar hospedagem a, acomodar. 10 designar candidato. 11 candidatar-se. 12 acondicionar, embrulhar. 13 sl tramar, conspirar. 14 aumentar, elevar (preços). 15 alojar-se, hospedar-se. 16 embainhar (espada). 17 cessar (luta). to put up a big stink Braz coll armar um salseiro, rodar a baiana. to put up to 1 instigar, incitar a. he put him up to it / ele o instigou a dizê-lo. 2 dar informações importantes. I’ll put it up to him / levá-lo-ei ao seu conhecimento. to put up with tolerar, agüentar, suportar. what would you put it at? em quanto você avalia isto?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > put

  • 17 rebellion

    1) (an open or armed fight against a government etc.) rebelião
    2) (a refusal to obey orders or to accept rules etc.) rebelião
    * * *
    [rib'eljən] n rebelião, revolta, sublevação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rebellion

  • 18 rebuff

    1. noun
    (an unkind or unfriendly refusal or rejection.) recusa
    2. verb
    (to reject or refuse in an unkind of unfriendly way: He rebuffed all the attempts of his friends to help him.) recusar
    * * *
    [rib'∧f] n 1 repulsa, recusa, mau acolhimento. 2 malogro, denegação. • vt repelir, rebater, recusar, rejeitar, repulsar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rebuff

  • 19 refuse

    I [rə'fju:z] verb
    1) (not to do what one has been asked, told or is expected to do: He refused to help me; She refused to believe what I said; When I asked him to leave, he refused.) recusar
    2) (not to accept: He refused my offer of help; They refused our invitation; She refused the money.) recusar
    3) (not to give (permission etc): I was refused admittance to the meeting.) recusar
    II ['refju:s] noun
    (rubbish; waste material from eg a kitchen.) lixo
    - refuse collection vehicle
    * * *
    [r'efju:s] n refugo, rebotalho, resíduo, lixo. • adj de refugo ou rebotalho, sem valor.
    [rifj'u:z] vt recusar, negar, rejeitar, repulsar, repelir, opor, refugar. he was refused a reward / negaram-lhe uma recompensa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > refuse

  • 20 a tight corner/spot

    (a difficult position or situation: His refusal to help put her in a tight corner/spot.) entre a espada e a parede

    English-Portuguese dictionary > a tight corner/spot

См. также в других словарях:

  • refusal — re‧fus‧al [rɪˈfjuːzl] noun give/​offer someone first refusal to let someone be the first to decide whether they want to buy something you are selling before you offer it to other people: • If you ever sell the business I d like to be offered… …   Financial and business terms

  • refusal — I noun abjuration, abnegation, ban, debarment, declination, declinature, defiance, denial, disallowance, disapprobation, disapproval, disavowal, disclaimer, discountenance, enjoinment, exclusion, incompliance, interdiction, negation, negative… …   Law dictionary

  • Refusal — Re*fus al ( al), n. 1. The act of refusing; denial of anything demanded, solicited, or offered for acceptance. [1913 Webster] Do they not seek occasion of new quarrels, On my refusal, to distress me more? Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. The right of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • refusal — late 15c., from REFUSE (Cf. refuse) + AL (Cf. al) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • refusal — [n] denial of responsibility; unwillingness abnegation, ban, choice, cold shoulder*, declension, declination, defiance, disallowance, disapproval, disavowal, disclaimer, discountenancing, disfavor, dissent, enjoinment, exclusion, forbidding,… …   New thesaurus

  • refusal — [ri fyo͞o′zəl] n. 1. the act of refusing 2. the right or chance to accept or refuse something before it is offered to another; option …   English World dictionary

  • refusal — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ absolute, adamant, blank (BrE), blunt, complete, flat, outright, point blank, utter ▪ the panel …   Collocations dictionary

  • refusal — n. 1) an adamant, curt, flat, outright, point blank, unyielding refusal 2) a first refusal (BE; CE has first option) 3) a refusal to + inf. (I could not comprehend her refusal to help) 4) (misc.) to meet with a refusal * * * [rɪ fjuːz(ə)l] curt… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Refusal — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Refusal >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 refusal refusal rejection Sgm: N 1 noncompliance noncompliance incompliance Sgm: N 1 denial denial Sgm: N 1 declining declining &c. >V. Sgm: N 1 declens …   English dictionary for students

  • refusal */*/ — UK [rɪˈfjuːz(ə)l] / US [rɪˈfjuz(ə)l] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms refusal : singular refusal plural refusals the act of refusing to do something She gave a firm refusal. refusal to do something: The protesters considered several… …   English dictionary

  • refusal — re|fus|al [ rı fjuzl ] noun count or uncount ** the act of refusing to do something: She gave a firm refusal. refusal to do something: The protesters considered several options, including a refusal to pay taxes. a. the act of refusing to accept… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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