1 refractory/heat-resistant/heat-resisting material
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > refractory/heat-resistant/heat-resisting material
2 heat-resistant
['hiːtrɪˌzɪst(ə)nt]прил.несгораемый; огнеупорный, жаростойкий, жаропрочныйSyn: -
3 heat-resistant/heat-resisting/refractory material
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > heat-resistant/heat-resisting/refractory material
4 refractory
огнеупорный материал; тугоплавкий; огнестойкий refractory ablative-cooled - тугоплавкий материал с абляционным охлаждением refractory alumina - глиноземистый огнеупор refractory alumino-silicate - алюмосиликатный огнеупор refractory beryllia - огнеупор из окиси бериллия refractory carbon - углеродный жаропрочный (тугоплавкий) материал refractory ceramic fiber-reinforced - жаропрочный материал, армированный керамическим волокном refractory coated - жаропрочный материал с покрытием refractory composite - сложный огнеупор refractory fibrous - жаропрочный волокнистый материал refractory fused - плавленый огнеупор refractory heat-insulating - теплоизоляционный огнеупор refractory high-aluminia - высокоглиноземистый огнеупор refractory high-temperature-resistant - тугоплавкий материал с высокой жаропрочностью refractory insulating - теплоизоляционный огнеупор refractory light-weight - легковесный огнеупор refractory metal - тугоплавкий металл refractory metal-infiltrated porous - пористый жаропрочный материал, пропитанный металлом refractory mullite - муллитовый огнеупор refractory non-metallic - неметаллический жаропрочный материал refractory oxidation-resistant - жаропрочный материал, стойкий к окислению refractory plastic - огнеупорная обмазка refractory plumbago - графитовый огнеупор refractory silica - динасовый огнеупор refractory silicon-carbide - карборундовый огнеупор -
5 refractory
adjective1) (stubborn) störrisch; widerspenstig2) (heat-resistant) hitzebeständig* * *re·frac·tory[rɪˈfræktəri, AM -ɚi]* * *[rI'frktərI]adj1) person eigensinnig, störrisch3) (CHEM, MINER) hitzebeständig* * *refractory [rıˈfræktərı]A adj (adv refractorily)1. eigensinnig, störrisch2. CHEM strengflüssig3. TECH feuerfest, -beständig:4. MEDa) widerstandsfähigb) hartnäckig (Krankheit)c) unempfindlich (gegen Reiz etc)B s CHEM, TECHa) feuerfestes Material, Schamotte fb) pl Schamottesteine pl* * *adjective1) (stubborn) störrisch; widerspenstig2) (heat-resistant) hitzebeständig* * *adj.aufsässig adj.feuerfest adj.hartnäckig adj.widerspenstig adj. -
6 refractario
adj.1 refractory, rebel.2 refractory, heat-reflecting, fireproof, flameproof.m.refractory, firebrick.* * *► adjetivo1 (al fuego) heat-resistant2 (persona - que rehúsa) reluctant, unwilling; (- opuesta) opposed* * *ADJ1) (Téc) fireproof, heat-resistant; (Culin) ovenproof2)ser refractario a la reforma — to be resistant o opposed to reform
ser refractario a las lenguas — to have no aptitude for languages, be hopeless where languages are concerned
* * *- ria adjetivo1) < materiales> heat-resistant, refractory (tech); <fuente/molde> ovenproof2) < persona>* * *- ria adjetivo1) < materiales> heat-resistant, refractory (tech); <fuente/molde> ovenproof2) < persona>* * *refractario11 = refractory.Ex: However, these mushy words do little to reveal the refractory person uttering them.
refractario22 = fireproof [fire-proof], fireproofing, refractory, heat-resistant.Ex: We designed a secure -- and we will build it eventually -- computer room that was fireproof, tornado proof, and would take a hit from a single engine craft.
Ex: Locate records of patents assigned to the Celenese company for fireproofing substances.Ex: Refractory metals and alloys are extraordinarily resistant to heat, wear, and corrosion.Ex: Refractory clay is slightly better but you do not need heat-resistant material for claying a forge.* arcilla refractaria = refractory clay, fireclay.* ladrillo refractario = firebrick, fireclay brick, fireproof brick.* * *A ‹materiales› heat-resistant, fireproof, refractory ( tech); ‹fuente/molde› ovenproofbarro refractario fireclay, refractory clayladrillos refractarios firebricksB ‹infección› refractoryC ‹persona› refractario A algo opposed TO sthes refractario a las innovaciones he's opposed to change, he resists change* * *refractario, -a adj1. [material] heat-resistant, refractory;[plato, fuente] ovenproofes refractario a los cambios he's opposed to change* * *adj TÉC heat-resistant, fireproof;figser refractario a algo be against sth* * *refractario, - ria adj: refractory, obstinate -
7 réfractaire
réfractaire [ʀefʀaktεʀ]adjective* * *ʀefʀaktɛʀ1) [personne]réfractaire à — resistant to [progrès, infection, influence]; impervious to [poésie, musique]
2) [matériau] refractory* * *ʀefʀaktɛʀ adj1) (briques) refractory2) (maladie) which is resistant to treatment3) (= rebelle)* * *A adj2 ( résistant à la chaleur) [matériau] refractory; brique réfractaire firebrick, refractory brick; argile réfractaire fireclay;B nmf1 ( opposant) recalcitrant; les réfractaires à l'aventure/au progrès those resistant to adventure/to progress;2 Hist ( prêtre) nonjuring priest; ( conscrit) draft dodger; ( travailleur) French civilian who refused to be drafted to work in Germany in 1942-44.[refraktɛr] adjectif2. [personne]réfractaire à resistant ou unamenable toje suis réfractaire aux mathématiques I'm incapable of understanding mathematics, mathematics is a closed book to me4. PHYSIOLOGIEpériode réfractaire refractory period ou phase————————[refraktɛr] nom masculin -
8 refractario2
2 = fireproof [fire-proof], fireproofing, refractory, heat-resistant.Ex. We designed a secure -- and we will build it eventually -- computer room that was fireproof, tornado proof, and would take a hit from a single engine craft.Ex. Locate records of patents assigned to the Celenese company for fireproofing substances.Ex. Refractory metals and alloys are extraordinarily resistant to heat, wear, and corrosion.Ex. Refractory clay is slightly better but you do not need heat-resistant material for claying a forge.----* arcilla refractaria = refractory clay, fireclay.* ladrillo refractario = firebrick, fireclay brick, fireproof brick. -
9 вогнетривкий
fireproof, refractory; heat-resistantвогнетривкий матеріал — refractory, fireproof material
вогнетривкий розчин — fireclay mortar, refractory mortar
10 огнеупорный
fireproof; fire (о глине, кирпичах и т.п.)* * ** * *fireproof; fire; refractory; heat-resistant* * *apyrousfireproofhigh-heat -
11 огнеупорный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > огнеупорный
12 fireproof
ˈfaɪəpru:f прил. несгораемый;
огнеупорный, тугоплавкий Syn: incombustible, refractory, heat-resistant огнеупорный, жаропрочный, огнестойкий;
несгораемый - * dope огнестойкая пропитка придавать огнеупорность, огнестойкость fireproof несгораемый;
огнеупорный ~ огнестойкий ~ противопожарныйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > fireproof
13 огнеупорный
прил.fireproof; fire (о глине, кирпичах и т.п.); refractory; heat-resistant -
14 fireproof
['faɪəpruːf]прил.несгораемый; огнеупорный, тугоплавкийSyn: -
15 termoresistente
Ex. Refractory clay is slightly better but you do not need heat-resistant material for claying a forge.* * *Ex: Refractory clay is slightly better but you do not need heat-resistant material for claying a forge.
16 жаростойкая сталь
heat-resistant steel, high-temperature steel, oxidation-resisting steel, refractory steel, scale-resistant steelБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > жаростойкая сталь
17 тугоплавкий материал
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > тугоплавкий материал
18 тугоплавкий материал
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > тугоплавкий материал
19 жароупорный
heat-resistant, heat-resisting, heatproof, fireproof, refractory -
20 тугоплавкий материал
heat-resistant material, heat-resisting material, refractory materialРусско-английский политехнический словарь > тугоплавкий материал
См. также в других словарях:
refractory — [ri frak′tər ē] adj. [altered < obs. refractary < L refractarius < refractus: see REFRACT] 1. hard to manage; stubborn; obstinate: said of a person or animal 2. resistant to heat; hard to melt or work: said of ores or metals 3. a) not… … English World dictionary
refractory — ► ADJECTIVE 1) formal stubborn or unmanageable. 2) Medicine not yielding to treatment. 3) technical heat resistant; hard to melt or fuse. DERIVATIVES refractoriness noun. ORIGIN Latin refractarius stubborn … English terms dictionary
Refractory — A refractory is a material that retains its strength at high temperatures. ASTM C71 defines refractories as non metallic materials having those chemical and physical properties that made them applicable for structures, or as components of systems … Wikipedia
refractory — adjective formal 1》 stubborn or unmanageable. 2》 resistant to a process or stimulus. ↘Medicine not yielding to treatment. ↘technical heat resistant; hard to melt or fuse. noun (plural refractories) technical a heat resistant substance.… … English new terms dictionary
refractory cast — a dental cast made of heat resistant materials that will withstand high temperatures without disintegrating and that, when used in partial denture casting, has expansion to compensate for metal shrinkage. Called also investment c … Medical dictionary
refractory — a heat resistant material … Mechanics glossary
Refractory metals — are a class of metals that are extraordinarily resistant to heat and wear. Refractory metals are said to be poorly resistant to oxidation and corrosion. [UFL EMA 6625: Advanced Metal Processing, Summer 2008, Lecture 09] These properties make them … Wikipedia
Refractory (disambiguation) — Refractory is the quality of a material to retain its strength at high temperatures. Refractory may also refer to:In materials*Refraction (metallurgy), the resistance of metals to heat *Refractory metals, metals that are resistant to heat… … Wikipedia
refractory — refractorily, adv. refractoriness, n. /ri frak teuh ree/, adj., n., pl. refractories. adj. 1. hard or impossible to manage; stubbornly disobedient: a refractory child. 2. resisting ordinary methods of treatment. 3. difficult to fuse, reduce, or… … Universalium
refractory — I. adjective Etymology: alteration of refractary, from Latin refractarius, irregular from refragari to oppose, from re + fragari (as in suffragari to support with one s vote) Date: 1606 1. resisting control or authority ; stubborn, unmanageable 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
refractory — adj. & n. adj. 1 stubborn, unmanageable, rebellious. 2 a (of a wound, disease, etc.) not yielding to treatment. b (of a person etc.) resistant to infection. 3 (of a substance) hard to fuse or work. n. (pl. ies) a substance especially resistant to … Useful english dictionary