1 reflector satellite
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > reflector satellite
2 reflector satellite
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > reflector satellite
3 reflector satellite
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > reflector satellite
4 reflector satellite
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > reflector satellite
5 reflector satellite
1) Техника: пассивный спутник связи2) Электроника: спутник пассивной ретрансляции3) Космонавтика: пассивный спутниковый ретранслятор4) Бытовая техника: спутник для пассивной ретрансляции -
6 reflector satellite
English-Russian electronics dictionary > reflector satellite
7 reflector satellite
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > reflector satellite
8 reflector satellite
9 reflector satellite
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > reflector satellite
10 reflector satellite
English-Russian dictionary on household appliances > reflector satellite
11 reflector satellite
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > reflector satellite
12 reflector satellite
спутник, предназначенный для пассивной ретрансляции радиоволнEnglish-russian astronautics dictionary > reflector satellite
13 reflector satellite
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > reflector satellite
14 reflector satellite communications antenna
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > reflector satellite communications antenna
15 satellite
16 satellite
1) искусственный спутник Земли, ИСЗ2) спутник•to place satellite in orbit — выводить спутник на орбиту;-
amateur satellite
application technology satellite
backup satellite
beam-switched satellite
biological satellite
broadcasting satellite
communications satellite
co-orbiting satellite
dedicated satellite
direct readout satellite
direct-broadcast satellite
direct-to-home satellite
earth radiation budget satellite
earth resources technology satellite
earth resources satellite
earth-exploration satellite
environment satellite
GEO satellite
HEO satellite
high-altitude satellite
high-apogee satellite
high-earth orbit satellite
high-inclination satellite
high-orbit satellite
high-resolution radar mapping satellite
in-orbit satellite
leased satellite
LEO satellite
low-altitude satellite
low-apogee satellite
low-earth orbit satellite
low-orbit satellite
meteorological satellite
microwave power satellite
mobile satellite
multibeam satellite
near-earth satellite
near-polar-orbiting satellite
nonsun-synchronized satellite
nuclear power satellite
observatory satellite
ocean-dedicated satellite
oceanographic satellite
one-way satellite
passive satellite
polar orbiting satellite
reflector satellite
relay satellite
round-trip satellite
search and rescue satellite
solar max satellite
solar power satellite
solar-radiation satellite
space electric rocket test satellite
space laser power system-powered satellite
spin-stabilized satellite
station-keeping satellite
subsynchronous satellite
sun-earth observatory satellite
supersynchronous satellite
telecommunication satellite
television and infrared observing satellite
temperature-sounding satellite
transmitting satellite
two-way satellite
weather satellite -
17 satellite
1) спутник (1. спутник небесного тела 2. искусственный спутник Земли, ИСЗ 3. искусственный спутник (небесного тела)) || спутниковый2) ретрансляционная станция; ретранслятор3) pl подключаемые через сабвуфер громкоговорители акустической системы, проф. сателлиты4) неавтономное или периферийное оборудование; вспомогательное или подчинённое устройство; проф. сателлит || неавтономный; периферийный; вспомогательный; подчинённый; проф. сателлитный5) вчт паразитная окантовка символов ( при печати)•- amateur satellite
- artificial satellite
- Asia cellular satellite
- broadcast satellite
- broadcasting satellite
- communications satellite
- dark satellite
- delayed-repeater satellite - Earth satellite
- European communications satellite
- geostationary satellite
- geosynchronous satellite
- GPS satellite
- information satellite
- ionospheric satellite
- low-altitude satellite
- low-orbit satellite
- mail-box satellite
- mail-forwarding satellite
- MEMS-based miniature satellite
- multibeam satellite
- navigation satellite - passive communications satellite
- radio amateur satellite
- reconnaissance satellite
- reflector satellite
- relay satellite
- relay station satellite
- research satellite
- search-and-rescue satellite
- solid-state satellite
- sub-synchronous satellite
- synchronous satellite
- tactical communications satellite
- telecommunication satellite
- topside sounder satellite -
18 satellite
1) спутник (1. спутник небесного тела 2. искусственный спутник Земли, ИСЗ 3. искусственный спутник (небесного тела)) || спутниковый2) ретрансляционная станция; ретранслятор3) pl. подключаемые через сабвуфер громкоговорители акустической системы, проф. сателлиты4) неавтономное или периферийное оборудование; вспомогательное или подчинённое устройство; проф. сателлит || неавтономный; периферийный; вспомогательный; подчинённый; проф. сателлитный5) вчт. паразитная окантовка символов ( при печати)•- amateur satellite
- artificial satellite
- Asia cellular satellite
- broadcast satellite
- broadcasting satellite
- communications satellite
- dark satellite
- delayed-repeater satellite
- digital audio radio satellite
- direct broadcasting satellite
- domestic satellite
- early-warning satellite
- Earth satellite
- European communications satellite
- geostationary satellite
- geosynchronous satellite
- GPS satellite
- information satellite
- ionospheric satellite
- low-altitude satellite
- low-orbit satellite
- mail-box satellite
- mail-forwarding satellite
- MEMS-based miniature satellite
- multibeam satellite
- navigation development satellite
- navigation satellite providing time and range
- navigation satellite
- passive communications satellite
- radio amateur satellite
- reconnaissance satellite
- reflector satellite
- relay satellite
- relay station satellite
- research satellite
- search-and-rescue satellite
- solid-state satellite
- sub-synchronous satellite
- synchronous satellite
- tactical communications satellite
- telecommunication satellite
- topside sounder satelliteThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > satellite
19 satellite
искусственный спутник Земли, ИСЗ- ASTRA satellite
- broadcast satellite
- communications satellite
- dark satellite
- direct-broadcasting satellite
- domestic satellite
- dual-band satellite
- Evtelsat satellite
- forwarding satellite
- GALS satellites
- HOT BIRD satellites
- information satellite
- Intelsat satellite
- marine communication satellite
- meteorological satellite
- multibeam satellite
- passive-communications satellite
- radioamateur satellite
- reflector satellite
- relay satellite
- repeater satellite
- search-and-rescue satellite
- synchronous satellite
- TDF satellite
- TELECOM satellite
- telecommunication satellite
- TELE-X satellite
- transmitting satellite
- TV-SAT satellite
- weather satelliteEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > satellite
reflector satellite communications antenna - антенна для связи через спутник-ретранслятор
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
reflector satellite — atspindinis palydovas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. reflecting satellite; reflector satellite vok. Reflexionssatellit, m rus. отражающий спутник, m pranc. satellite réflecteur, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
satellite réflecteur — atspindinis palydovas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. reflecting satellite; reflector satellite vok. Reflexionssatellit, m rus. отражающий спутник, m pranc. satellite réflecteur, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Satellite dish — A C band satellite dish … Wikipedia
Satellite — This article is about artificial satellites. For natural satellites, also known as moons, see Natural satellite. For other uses, see Satellite (disambiguation). An animation depicting the orbits of GPS satellites in medium Earth orbit … Wikipedia
satellite dish — /ˈsætəlaɪt dɪʃ/ (say satuhluyt dish) noun a concave dish shaped reflector designed to receive and focus electromagnetic energy forming a radio, television or microwave signal …
Balloon satellite — This article should be restructured. See for more details. A balloon satellite ( satelloon ) is a satellite that is inflated with gas after it has been put into orbit.List of Balloon Satellitesabbreviations:* pcr = passive communications… … Wikipedia
reflecting satellite — atspindinis palydovas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. reflecting satellite; reflector satellite vok. Reflexionssatellit, m rus. отражающий спутник, m pranc. satellite réflecteur, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Solar power satellite — A solar power satellite, or SPS or Powersat, as originally proposed would be a satellite built in high Earth orbit that uses microwave power transmission to beam solar power to a very large antenna on Earth. Advantages of placing the solar… … Wikipedia
Meteor (satellite) — The Meteor craft are weather observation satellites launched by the USSR. The Meteor satellites were designed to monitor atmospheric and sea surface temperatures, humidity, radiation, sea ice conditions, snow cover, and clouds. Contents 1 Meteor… … Wikipedia
Echo satellite — The Echo satellites were NASA s first passive communications satellite experiment. Each spacecraft was designed as a metallized balloon satellite acting as a passive reflector of microwave signals. Communication signals were bounced off of it… … Wikipedia
Modulating retro-reflector — A modulating retro reflector (MRR) system combines an optical retro reflector and an optical modulator to allow optical communications[1] and sometimes other functions such as programmable signage.[2] Free space optical communication technology… … Wikipedia