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  • 1 refer

    v. hänvisa till, referera till; syfta på; vända sig till; mena
    * * *
    [rə'fə:] 1. past tense, past participle - referred; verb
    1) (to talk or write (about something); to mention: He doesn't like anyone referring to his wooden leg; I referred to your theories in my last book.) nämna, hänvisa till
    2) (to relate to, concern, or apply to: My remarks refer to your last letter.) avse, åsyfta
    3) (to send or pass on to someone else for discussion, information, a decision etc: The case was referred to a higher law-court; I'll refer you to the managing director.) hänskjuta, remittera, överlämna
    4) (to look for information (in something): If I'm not sure how to spell a word, I refer to a dictionary.) rådfråga, slå upp i
    2. verb
    (to act as a referee for a match: I've been asked to referee (a football match) on Saturday.) döma
    - reference book
    - reference library

    English-Swedish dictionary > refer

  • 2 refer to

    hänvisa till; avse; vända sig till

    English-Swedish dictionary > refer to

  • 3 refer to arbitration

    hänskjuta till skiljedomsförfarande

    English-Swedish dictionary > refer to arbitration

  • 4 refer to drawer

    bristande täckning (banks notering på en check som inte betalats och som ber dem ringa till bankkontots innehavare)

    English-Swedish dictionary > refer to drawer

  • 5 cross-refer

    verb (to give a cross-reference (to): In this dictionary went is cross-referred to go.) hänvisa

    English-Swedish dictionary > cross-refer

  • 6 the

    motsvaras av bestämd slutartikel (t.ex.: the book, boken)
    * * *
    [ðə, ði]
    (The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə]) motsvaras i sv. av best. slutartikel, t.ex. []et, []en; eller av fristående artikel, t.ex.: den (det, de) []
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.) motsvaras i sv. av best. slutartikel, t.ex. []en; eller ibland utan slutartikel: han spelar piano
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).) []en [], []en
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.) motsvaras i sv. av uttryck med el. utan best. slutartikel: vi får betalt per timme
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.) motsvaras i sv. av uttryck med el. utan fristående artikel: han är den snällaste man jag känner, vi tycker bäst om honom
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.) så mycket, desto
    - the...

    English-Swedish dictionary > the

  • 7 who

    n. världshälsoorganisationen
    * * *
    [hu:] 1. pronoun
    ((used as the subject of a verb) what person(s)(?): Who is that woman in the green hat?; Who did that?; Who won?; Do you know who all these people are?) vem
    2. relative pronoun
    1) ((used to refer to a person or people mentioned previously to distinguish him or them from others: used as the subject of a verb: usually replaceable by that) (the) one(s) that: The man who/that telephoned was a friend of yours; A doctor is a person who looks after people's health.) som
    2) (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on a person or people: His mother, who was so proud, gave him a hug.) som
    3. pronoun
    1) (no matter who: Whoever rings, tell him/them I'm out.) vem som än
    2) ((also who ever) used in questions to express surprise etc: Whoever said that?) vem i all sin dar/all (världen)...?
    4. relative pronoun
    (used as the object of a verb or preposition but in everyday speech sometimes replaced by who)
    1) ((used to refer to a person or people mentioned previously, to distinguish him or them from others: able to be omitted or replaced by that except when following a preposition) (the) one(s) that: The man (whom/that) you mentioned is here; Today I met some friends (whom/that) I hadn't seen for ages; This is the man to whom I gave it; This is the man (whom/who/that) I gave it to.) som
    2) (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on a person or people: His mother, who was so proud of him, gave him a hug.) som

    English-Swedish dictionary > who

  • 8 as

    adv. som, liksom
    conj. i motsats till; angående
    * * *
    [æz] 1. conjunction
    1) (when; while: I met John as I was coming home; We'll be able to talk as we go.) när, medan
    2) (because: As I am leaving tomorrow, I've bought you a present.) eftersom, då
    3) (in the same way that: If you are not sure how to behave, do as I do.) som, på samma sätt som
    4) (used to introduce a statement of what the speaker knows or believes to be the case: As you know, I'll be leaving tomorrow.) som
    5) (though: Old as I am, I can still fight; Much as I want to, I cannot go.) fastän, hur... än
    6) (used to refer to something which has already been stated and apply it to another person: Tom is English, as are Dick and Harry.) liksom
    2. adverb
    (used in comparisons, eg the first as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) lika
    3. preposition
    1) (used in comparisons, eg the second as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) som
    2) (like: He was dressed as a woman.) som
    3) (with certain verbs eg regard, treat, describe, accept: I am regarded by some people as a bit of a fool; He treats the children as adults.) som
    4) (in the position of: He is greatly respected both as a person and as a politician.) som, i egenskap av
    - as if / as though
    - as to

    English-Swedish dictionary > as

  • 9 black

    adj. svart; smutsig; mörk
    n. svart, svart färg; svart (person)
    v. svärta; konfiskera vara
    * * *
    [blæk] 1. adjective
    1) (of the colour in which these words are printed: black paint.) svart
    2) (without light: a black night; The night was black and starless.) svart, mörk
    3) (dirty: Your hands are black!; black hands from lifting coal.) svart, smutsig
    4) (without milk: black coffee.) svart, utan mjölk
    5) (evil: black magic.) svart, ond
    6) ((often offensive: currently acceptable in the United States, South Africa etc) Negro, of African, West Indian descent.) svart
    7) ((especially South Africa) coloured; of mixed descent (increasingly used by people of mixed descent to refer to themselves).) svart, färgad
    2. noun
    1) (the colour in which these words are printed: Black and white are opposites.) svart []
    2) (something (eg paint) black in colour: I've used up all the black.) svart []
    3) ((often with capital: often offensive: currently acceptable in the United states, South Africa etc) a Negro; a person of African, West Indian etc descent.) svart person
    3. verb
    (to make black.) svärta
    - blacken
    - black art/magic
    - blackbird
    - blackboard
    - black box
    - the Black Death
    - black eye
    - blackhead
    - blacklist
    4. verb
    (to put (a person etc) on such a list.) svartlista
    5. noun
    (the act of blackmailing: money got by blackmail.) utpressning
    - Black Maria
    - black market
    - black marketeer
    - blackout
    - black sheep
    - blacksmith
    - black and blue
    - black out
    - in black and white

    English-Swedish dictionary > black

  • 10 cross

    adj. arg; korsande; motig
    n. kors; lidande; korsning, hybrid; blandning
    v. korsa; (biologiskt:) göra en korsning, korsa; göra korstecknet; förhindra; irritera
    * * *
    [kros] I adjective
    (angry: I get very cross when I lose something.) arg
    II 1. plural - crosses; noun
    1) (a symbol formed by two lines placed across each other, eg + or x.) kors, kryss
    2) (two wooden beams placed thus (+), on which Christ was nailed.) kors
    3) (the symbol of the Christian religion.) kors[]
    4) (a lasting cause of suffering etc: Your rheumatism is a cross you will have to bear.) kors, lidande
    5) (the result of breeding two varieties of animal or plant: This dog is a cross between an alsatian and a labrador.) korsning
    6) (a monument in the shape of a cross.) kors
    7) (any of several types of medal given for bravery etc: the Victoria Cross.) kors, tapperhetsmedalj
    2. verb
    1) (to go from one side to the other: Let's cross (the street); This road crosses the swamp.) korsa
    2) ((negative uncross) to place (two things) across each other: He sat down and crossed his legs.) lägga i kors, korsa
    3) (to go or be placed across (each other): The roads cross in the centre of town.) korsa varandra
    4) (to meet and pass: Our letters must have crossed in the post.) gå om varandra
    5) (to put a line across: Cross your `t's'.) dra ett streck över
    6) (to make (a cheque or postal order) payable only through a bank by drawing two parallel lines across it.) korsa
    7) (to breed (something) from two different varieties: I've crossed two varieties of rose.) korsa
    8) (to go against the wishes of: If you cross me, you'll regret it!) gå i vägen för, gå emot
    - crossing
    - crossbow
    - cross-breed
    - cross-bred
    - crosscheck
    3. noun
    (the act of crosschecking.) dubbelkontroll
    - cross-country skiing
    - cross-examine
    - cross-examination
    - cross-eyed
    - cross-fire
    - at cross-purposes
    - cross-refer
    - cross-reference
    - crossroads
    - cross-section
    - crossword puzzle
    - crossword
    - cross one's fingers
    - cross out

    English-Swedish dictionary > cross

  • 11 human resources

    mänskliga tillgångar (arbetskraft, allt som har och göra med mänsklig arbetskraft)
    * * *
    noun (the abilities and skills of people (used to refer to the benefit derived from them).) mänsklig förmåga

    English-Swedish dictionary > human resources

  • 12 impersonal

    adj. opersonlig; obestämd, odefinierad
    * * *
    1) (not showing, or being affected by, personal feelings: His manner was formal and impersonal.) opersonlig
    2) ((of a verb) having a subject which does not refer to a person, thing etc: In the sentence `It snowed last night', `snowed' is an example of an impersonal verb.) opersonlig
    - impersonality

    English-Swedish dictionary > impersonal

  • 13 mention

    n. omnämnande; referens, antydan; hedersomnämnande
    v. nämna, påpeka; säga; antyda
    * * *
    ['menʃən] 1. verb
    1) (to speak of or refer to: He mentioned the plan.) nämna
    2) (to remark or say usually briefly or indirectly: She mentioned (that) she might be leaving.) nämna
    2. noun
    ((often with of) a (usually brief) remark (about): No mention was made of this matter.) omnämnande

    English-Swedish dictionary > mention

  • 14 o'clock

    adv. klockan (är)...
    * * *
    [ə'klok] 1. adverb
    (used, in stating the time, to refer to a particular hour: It's five o'clock.)
    2. adjective
    the three o'clock train.)

    English-Swedish dictionary > o'clock

  • 15 referred

    past tense, past participle; see refer

    English-Swedish dictionary > referred

  • 16 should

    v. ska, skall; måste
    * * *
    negative short form - shouldn't; verb
    1) (past tense of shall: I thought I should never see you again.) skulle
    2) (used to state that something ought to happen, be done etc: You should hold your knife in your right hand; You shouldn't have said that.) skulle, borde, bör
    3) (used to state that something is likely to happen etc: If you leave now, you should arrive there by six o'clock.) borde, bör
    4) (used after certain expressions of sorrow, surprise etc: I'm surprised you should think that.) oöversatt: det förvånar mig att du tycker det
    5) (used after if to state a condition: If anything should happen to me, I want you to remember everything I have told you today.) skulle
    6) ((with I or we) used to state that a person wishes something was possible: I should love to go to France (if only I had enough money).) skulle
    7) (used to refer to an event etc which is rather surprising: I was just about to get on the bus when who should come along but John, the very person I was going to visit.) [] om inte

    English-Swedish dictionary > should

  • 17 such-and-such

    adjective, pronoun (used to refer to some unnamed person or thing: Let's suppose that you go into such-and-such a shop and ask for such-and-such.) den och den

    English-Swedish dictionary > such-and-such

  • 18 that

    adj. den, det, de
    adv. tills; angående
    conj. att, så att
    pron. den där, denna, det där, detta
    * * *
    1. [ðæt] plural - those; adjective
    (used to indicate a person, thing etc spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: Don't take this book - take that one; At that time, I was living in Italy; When are you going to return those books?) den (det, de) där, denna, detta
    2. pronoun
    (used to indicate a thing etc, or (in plural or with the verb be) person or people, spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: What is that you've got in your hand?; Who is that?; That is the Prime Minister; Those present at the concert included the composer and his wife.) den, det, de
    3. [ðət, ðæt] relative pronoun
    (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned in a preceding clause in order to distinguish it from others: Where is the parcel that arrived this morning?; Who is the man (that) you were talking to?) som
    4. [ðət, ðæt] conjunction
    1) ((often omitted) used to report what has been said etc or to introduce other clauses giving facts, reasons, results etc: I know (that) you didn't do it; I was surprised (that) he had gone.) att
    2) (used to introduce expressions of sorrow, wishes etc: That I should be accused of murder!; Oh, that I were with her now!) att, om
    5. adverb
    (so; to such an extent: I didn't realize she was that ill.)
    - that's that

    English-Swedish dictionary > that

  • 19 WASP

    n. geting
    * * *
    (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant; a term used critically (often by minority groups) to refer to the members of the privileged upper middle class in the USA.) kälkborgare, bracka
    - waspish
    - waspishly
    - waspishness

    English-Swedish dictionary > WASP

  • 20 which

    adj. vilken?, vilket?, vilka?; vem?; hur?, på vilket sätt?
    pron. vilken?, vilket?, vilka?; vilken som; den som; som
    * * *
    [wi ] 1. adjective, pronoun
    (used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc from a particular known group: Which (colour) do you like best?; Which route will you travel by?; At which station should I change trains?; Which of the two girls do you like better?; Tell me which books you would like; Let me know which train you'll be arriving on; I can't decide which to choose.) vilken, vilket, vilka, vem
    2. relative pronoun
    ((used to refer to a thing or things mentioned previously to distinguish it or them from others: able to be replaced by that except after a preposition: able to be omitted except after a preposition or when the subject of a clause) (the) one(s) that: This is the book which/that was on the table; This is the book (which/that) you wanted; A scalpel is a type of knife which/that is used by surgeons; The chair (which/that) you are sitting on is broken; The documents for which they were searching have been recovered.) som
    3. relative adjective, relative pronoun
    (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on something: My new car, which I paid several thousand pounds for, is not running well; He said he could speak Russian, which was untrue; My father may have to go into hospital, in which case he won't be going on holiday.) som, vilket,... och i så fall
    - which is which? - which is which

    English-Swedish dictionary > which

См. также в других словарях:

  • refer — re‧fer [rɪˈfɜː ǁ ɜːr] verb referred PTandPPX referring PRESPARTX refer to phrasal verb [transitive] 1. refer to something to mention something: • I refer to your letter of 22 March …   Financial and business terms

  • refer — ► VERB (referred, referring) 1) (refer to) mention or allude to. 2) (refer to) direct the attention of (someone) to. 3) (refer to) (of a word or phrase) describe or denote. 4) ( …   English terms dictionary

  • refer — 1 assign, credit, accredit, *ascribe, attribute, impute, charge Analogous words: associate, relate, connect (see JOIN): *direct, aim, point, lay 2 *resort, apply, go, turn Analogous words: consult, *c …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Refer — Re*fer , v. i. 1. To have recourse; to apply; to appeal; to betake one s self; as, to refer to a dictionary. [1913 Webster] In suits . . . it is to refer to some friend of trust. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. To have relation or reference; to relate;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Refer — Re*fer (r[ e]*f[ e]r ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Referred} (r[ e]*f[ e]rd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Referring}.] [F. r[ e]f[ e]rer, L. referre; pref. re re + ferre to bear. See {Bear} to carry.] 1. To carry or send back. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • refer to — (of a word or phrase) describe or denote. → refer refer to consult (a source of information). → refer refer to mention or allude to. → refer …   English new terms dictionary

  • refer — [v1] mention accredit, adduce, advert, allude, ascribe, assign, associate, attribute, bring up, charge, cite, credit, designate, direct attention, excerpt, exemplify, extract, give as example, glance, hint, impute, indicate, insert, instance,… …   New thesaurus

  • refer — [ri fʉr′] vt. referred, referring [ME referren < MFr referer < L referre < re , back + ferre, to BEAR1] 1. to assign or attribute (to) as cause or origin 2. to assign, or regard or name as belonging (to a kind, class, date, etc.) 3. to… …   English World dictionary

  • Refer — can mean:*To refer a patient is to transfer their care from one clinician to another *Refer (software), the troff preprocessor for citationsOther*Reference *Reefer …   Wikipedia

  • refer — re·fer /ri fər/ vt re·ferred, re·fer·ring: to send or direct for treatment, aid, service, information, or decision referred the debtor to an attorney with expertise in bankruptcy; specif: commit (1c) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • refer — late 14c., to trace back, attribute, assign, from O.Fr. referer (14c.), from L. referre to relate, refer, lit. to carry back, from re back (see RE (Cf. re )) + ferre carry (see INFER (Cf. infer)). Meaning to commit to some authority for a deci …   Etymology dictionary

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