1 redemption agent
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > redemption agent
2 redemption agent
1) эк. агент по изъятию (банковское учреждение, изымающее банкноты из обращения)2) фин. агент по погашению* (финансовая организация, погашающая от имени заемщика купоны и/или облигации)* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
3 redemption agent
1) Экономика: агент по изъятию, организация, занимающаяся изъятием долговых обязательств2) Банковское дело: агент по изъятию банкнот -
4 redemption agent
агент по изъятию (банкнот)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > redemption agent
5 redemption agent
организация, занимающаяся изъятием долговых обязательствEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > redemption agent
6 redemption agent
организация, занимающаяся изъятием долговых обязательств -
7 redemption
сущ.1)а) фин., банк. погашение (долга, задолженности)б) фин. погашение, выкуп ( ценных бумаг)the bonds are not subject to redemption prior to maturity — эти облигации не подлежат погашению ранее первоначально установленного срока
See:в) марк. погашение (обмен купонов, магазинных марок или других подобных средств стимулирования сбыта на скидки или премии)See:г) общ. выполнение (обещания, обязательства)2)а) общ. выкупб) общ. возвращение себе, получение обратно (как правило, путем выкупа)See:3) общ. искупление (греха, вины)
* * *
Red redemption погашение, выкуп: 1) погашение кредита или ценных бумаг по истечении их срока (или досрочно) путем уплаты основной суммы и процентов; 2) выкуп взаимным фондом своих акций у инвесторов по стоимости чистых активов; 3) в банкротстве: право должника вернуть личные вещи путем уплаты их рыночной стоимости.* * *выкуп долговых обязательств; погашение, выкуп инвестиционным фондом своих акций; выкуп. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность----- -
8 agent
сущ.1) эк., юр. агент, представитель, посредник; поверенный, доверенное лицо, уполномоченный (лицо, получившее право действовать от имени и по поручению другого лица (принципала, доверителя) за определенное вознаграждение)ATTRIBUTES: accredited 1) б), authorized 1) б), captive 1. 4) б), commercial 1. 1) б), diplomatic 1) б), economic 1) б), exclusive 1. 2) а), executive 2. 1) а), foreign 1) б), independent 1) б), local 1. 1) б), official 2. 1) а), paid 2. 2) а), part-time 1. 1) б), registered 1) б)
agent for the purchase of wheat — агент по покупке [закупкам\] пшеницы
See:accredited agent, acquisition agent, advance agent, advertising agent, Agent General, Agent-General, agent's agent, area agent, authorized agent, author's agent, bargaining agent, booking agent, break-bulk agent, business agent, buying agent, calculating agent, captive agent, cargo agent 1), cash field agent, change agent 2), chartered agent, claim agent, claims agent, clearance agent, clearing agent, closing agent, coagent, co-agent, collecting agent, collection agent, combined agent, commercial agent, commission agent, consular agent, county agent, custom house agent, customs agent, customs clearance agent, customs clearing agent, customs house agent, debit agent, del credere agent, diplomatic agent, disbursing agent, dual agent, economic agent, employment agent, enrolled agent, escrow agent, estate agent, excess and surplus lines agent, excess line agent, excess lines agent, exclusive agent, executive agent, export agent, export sales agent, FBI agent, fiscal agent, foreign agent, foreign sales agent, forwarding agent, free agent, freight agent, general agent, geophysical prospecting permit agent, government agent, governmental agent, grain-elevator agent, handling agent, health agent, health care agent, home service agent, import agent, indent agent, independent agent, influence agent, innocent agent, insurance agent, insurance claim agent, insurance claims agent, insurance sales agents, joint agent, leasing agent, letting agent, life agent, limited agent, listing agent, literary agent, livestock commission agent, Lloyd's agent, managing agent, manufacturer's agent, member's agent, mercantile agent, merchandise agent, non-exclusive agent, outside property agent, patent agent, paying agent, permit agent, personal agent, placement agent, private agent, property agent, public agent, publicity agent, purchase agent, purchasing agent, rational agent, real estate agent, 1), redemption agent, reinsurance agent, revenue agent, right-of-way agent, right-of-way claims agent, sales agent, selling agent, settlement agent, share transfer agent, ship agent, shipping agent, shipping and forwarding agent, ship's agent, single agent, sole agent, soliciting agent, special agent, stocking agent, subagent, sub-agent, supply agent, surplus line agent, surplus lines agent, surplus-property disposal agent, talent agent, tied agent, transfer agent, traveling agent, travelling agent, underwriting agent, viatical agent, viatical settlement agent, vicarious agent, agent bank, agent commission, agent provocateur, agent's authority, agent's commission, agent's contract, agent's lien, agent of influence, agent of management, agent of record, agent of socialization, agent's duties to principal, agents' errors and omissions insurance, members' agent pooling arrangement, multiprincipal-agent, principal-agent problem, principal-agent relationship, principal-agent theory, property and casualty agent, sale by agent, agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C. 1. 3), agents and appraisers, N.E.C. 1. 5), agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C. 1. 3) а), agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C., agents and appraisers, N.E.C. 1. 4) в)2) общ. действующая сила, фактор, средствоSee:3) общ., мн. агентура, агентствоSee:4) тех. вещество, агент; реактив, реагентATTRIBUTES:
bonding agent — связующий материал, связующее вещество, связующий агент
chemical agent — химическое вещество, реактив, реагент, химический агент
See:5) комп. агент, агент-программа (программа на компьютере-клиенте, предназначенная для автономного выполнения заранее запрограммированных функций; обычно речь идет о программах, предназначенных для сбора и индексирования информации в интернете)See:2)6) гос. упр. агент, сотрудник агентства ( чаще о работающих в секретных разведывательных службах)ATTRIBUTES:
* * *
agent; Ag; Agt агент: 1) лицо, получившее право действовать от имени и по поручению принципала (клиента) за определенное вознаграждение; см. Register of Agents; 2) посредник; 3) страховой агент: независимый агент, который подбирает для клиента лучшую страховку путем анализа условий разных фирм (independent agent); также представитель страховой фирмы, который продает ее полисы (direct writer).* * *агент; представитель. Лицо, принимающее решения в тандеме агент-доверитель . A person or entity authorized to act on behalf of another party. While a person can act on his own, a corporation can only act through its agents. Словарь экономических терминов .* * *лицо, которое делает те или иные предложения от имени страховой компании в области бизнеса и получает комиссию за каждый подписанный полис-----Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельностьпосредник, вступающий в сделку как комиссионер, а не как принципал, не принимающий на себя никакого финансового риска по сделке (весь риск - возможность банкротства его клиента) и получающий комиссионные за оказанные им услуги-----лицо, уполномоченное другим лицом действовать от его имени, например, заключить контракт между партнером и третьей стороной; если агент сообщает третьей стороне имя своего патрона, он, как правило, не несет ответственности по контрактным обязательствам -
9 agent
1) агент; представитель; посредник; поверенный2) действующая сила; фактор3) pl агентство -
10 agent
nагент, представитель; посредник; комиссионер; поверенный; pl агентство
- accredited agent
- acquisition agent
- active agent
- advertising agent
- authorized agent
- average agent
- break bulk agent
- business agent
- buying agent
- cargo agents
- career agent
- carrier agent
- chartered agent
- charterer's agent
- chartering agent
- collection agent
- commercial agent
- commission agent
- consignment agent
- creditworthy agent
- del credere agent
- distributing agent
- employment agent
- estate agent
- exclusive agent
- export agent
- financial agent
- firm's agent
- fiscal agent
- forwarding agent
- freight agent
- general agent
- house agent
- import agent
- insurance agent
- lessor's agent
- Lloyd's agent
- managing agent
- marine agent
- marketing agent
- monopoly agent
- official agent
- patent agent
- paying agent
- purchasing agent
- real estate agent
- redemption agent
- regional sales agent
- revenue agent
- reliable agent
- road haulage agent
- sales agent
- selling agent
- selling agents
- shipowner's agent
- shipping agent
- social insurance agent
- sole agent
- special agent
- specialized agent
- supplier agent
- supply agent
- tax agent
- trade agent
- transfer agent
- travel agent
- travelling agent
- trustworthy agent
- vendor agent
- agent for an inventor
- agent for sales
- agent of necessity
- agents of production
- act as an agent
- appoint an agent
- authorize to act as an agent
- employ an agent
- operate as an agent
- reward an agent
- secure an agent
- sign up an agent -
11 agent
агент, представитель; посредник; комиссионер; поверенный• -
12 агент по изъятию
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > агент по изъятию
13 right
n1) право2) pl порядок3) право владельца акций на участие в новых выпусках акций этой компании на льготных условиях
- absolute rights
- agent's rights
- application right
- appropriative right
- basic rights
- bonus right
- buyer's right
- carrier's right
- civil right
- claimant's right
- commercial right
- constitutional rights
- conversion rights
- distribution right
- dividend right
- drawing rights
- equal rights
- exclusive right
- exclusive right of sale
- exclusive right to use
- exclusivity right
- franchising right
- full right of use
- fundamental rights
- grand rights
- human rights
- inalienable right
- incorporeal right
- industrial right
- industrial property right
- infringed right
- inherent right
- innovative rights
- in-rem right
- intellectual property rights
- inventor's right
- licensed right
- lawful right
- legal right
- legitimate right
- manufacturing right
- material right
- mercantile right
- mineral rights
- Miranda rights
- monopoly right
- natural rights
- nonexclusive right to sell
- nonproperty right
- option right
- ownership right
- participating right
- patent right
- patentee's right
- patent sales right
- precarious right
- pre-emption right
- pre-emptive right
- preferential right
- prescriptive right
- prior right
- priority right
- procedural right
- property right
- property right to buildings
- property right to land
- property right to an enterprise
- proprietary right
- protective right
- purchase right
- qualified voting right
- reciprocal right
- sales right
- security right
- seller's right
- selling right
- semi-exclusive right
- simple right
- sole right to sell
- sole voting right
- Special Drawing Rights
- statutory rights
- stock right
- stock redemption right
- subrogation rights
- subscription right
- taxing rights
- tenant right
- third-party rights
- trading right
- underlying right
- unqualified rights
- vested right
- veto right
- voting right
- right in rem
- right in property
- right of action
- rights of an agent
- right of appeal
- right of authorship
- right of cancellation
- right of a carrier
- right of a charterer
- right of claim
- right of continued use
- right of concurrent use
- right of confiscation
- right of defence
- right of demand
- right of disposal
- right of domicile
- right of early delivery
- right of eminent domain
- right of entry
- right of establishment
- right of first refusal
- right of inspection
- right of issuing notes
- right of joint use
- right of movement
- right of offset
- right of option
- right of owner
- right of ownership
- right of passage
- right of possession
- right of pre-emption
- rights of the principal
- right of priority
- right of priority of creditors
- right of prior use
- right of property
- right of protection
- right of protest
- right of publication
- right of readdressing
- right of recourse
- right of redemption
- right of reexport
- right of regress
- right of reproduction
- right of repurchase
- right of resale
- right of rescission
- right of retention
- right of return
- right of routing
- right of sales
- right of signature
- right of stoppage in transit
- right of sublease
- right of substitution
- right of suit
- right of survivorship
- right of veto
- right of way
- right to assign
- right to benefits
- right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty
- right to be reimbursed
- right to cargo
- right to a claim
- right to claim damages
- right to compensation
- right to contribution in general average
- right to dispose
- right to distribute
- right to indemnity
- right to an industrial design
- right to issue
- right to manufacture
- right to a part of the assets upon liquidation
- right to pass through
- right to a patent
- right to a pension
- right to a proportion of the net profits
- right to recall
- right to recover damages
- right to remuneration
- right to sell
- right to subscribe to new shares
- right to substitution
- right to tax income
- right to terminate a contract
- right to use
- right to vote
- all rights reserved
- rights and liabilities
- cum rights
- ex rights
- with rights
- without the right of recourse
- without any prejudice to the right
- abandon a right
- abridge rights
- acquire a right
- affect the rights
- ascertain rights
- assert one's rights
- assign a right
- assume a right
- buy TV rights for sports events
- cede a right
- contest a right
- convey a right
- curtail rights
- define rights
- deny a right
- deprive of a right
- determine rights
- disclaim a right
- encroach on rights
- enjoy a right
- establish a right
- exercise a right
- forfeit a right
- forgo a right
- give the right to
- grant the right to
- have a right
- impair a right
- infringe on a right
- introduce a pre-emptive right
- invoke a right
- lose a right
- prejudice a right
- protect rights
- recognize rights
- relinquish one's right
- renounce a right
- reserve a right
- resign a right
- respect rights
- restore smb to his rights
- restrict rights
- retain a right
- secure a right
- surrender a right
- transfer a right
- uphold a right
- use a right
- vest with rights
- vindicate one's rights
- violate a right
- waive a right -
14 notice
nизвещение, уведомление; предупреждение; объявление; заявление (об увольнении с работы); мор. нотис
- adequate notice
- advance notice
- allocation notice
- allotment notice
- arrears notice
- arrival notice
- assignment notice
- bankruptcy notice
- cancellation notice
- captain's notice
- copyright notice
- default notice
- delivery notice
- due notice
- dunning notice
- enforcement notice
- exercise notice
- expiry notice
- exporters' notice
- fax notice
- formal notice
- forwarding agent's notice
- general procurement notice
- immediate notice
- lapse notice
- legal notice
- margin notice
- modification notice
- monthly notice
- official listing notice
- patent notice
- preliminary notice
- previous notice
- prior notice
- procurement notice
- prompt notice
- redemption notice
- renewal notice
- shipping notice
- short notice
- sinking-fund notice
- statement notice
- statutory notice
- strike notice
- tax assessment notice
- timely notice
- two weeks' notice
- urgent notice
- withdrawal notice
- written notice
- notice about an auction
- notice by fax
- notice by mail
- notice by post
- notice in writing
- notice of accident
- notice of appeal
- notice of appropriation
- notice of arbitration
- notice of arrival
- notice of assessment
- notice of cancellation of a contract
- notice of claim
- notice of consignment
- notice of credit
- notice of damage
- notice of defects
- notice of deficiency
- notice of delivery
- notice of dishonour
- notice of dismissal
- notice of expected arrival
- notice of exportation
- notice of filing an application
- notice of fixture
- notice of funds
- notice of intention
- notice of intention to withdraw
- notice of invalidation
- notice of invitation to tender
- notice of legal extinction
- notice of legal invalidation
- notice of legal nullification
- notice of losses
- notice of nullification
- notice of motion
- notice of prepayment
- notice of protest
- notice of readiness
- notice of the readiness of the equipment for tests
- notice of the readiness of the goods for shipment
- notice of the readiness to discharge
- notice of the readiness to load
- notice of the readiness to unload
- notice of redemption
- notice of rejection
- notice of removal
- notice of resignation
- notice of suspension of payment
- notice of termination
- notice of termination of an agreement
- notice of termination of employment
- notice of termination of service
- notice of a vessel's arrival
- notice of withdrawal
- notice of withdrawal of bonds
- notice of withdrawal of funds
- notice to quit
- at a month's notice
- at short notice
- in lieu of notice
- subject to notice
- until further notice
- without notice
- without further notice
- file a notice of opposition
- forward a notice
- give notice
- give in one's notice
- post a notice
- put up a notice
- receive a notice
- send a notice
- serve notice
- take noticeEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > notice
15 certificate
n1) удостоверение, свидетельство; сертификат2) акт3) аттестат; паспорт
- acceptance certificate
- accountant's certificate
- allotment certificate
- assay certificate
- audit certificate
- auditor's certificate
- author's certificate
- average certificate
- balance certificate
- bank's certificate
- bearer certificate
- birth certificate
- cargo certificate
- bond certificate
- carrier's certificate
- classification certificate
- clearance certificate
- consular certificate
- cross-border certificate
- currency certificate
- customs certificate
- death certificate
- debenture certificate
- debt certificate
- deposit certificate
- dividend-right certificate
- duty-free entry certificate
- employment certificate
- equipment trust certificate
- exchange certificate
- exemption certificate
- factory certificate
- floating rate certificate of deposit
- forwarding agent's certificate of receipt
- gold certificate
- handing-over certificate
- health certificate
- import certificate
- inspection certificate
- insurance certificate
- interim certificate
- inventor's certificate
- investment certificate
- load-line certificate
- loan certificate
- machine certificate
- manufacturer's certificate
- measurement certificate
- medical certificate
- mill's test certificate
- moisture certificate
- money market certificate
- mortgage certificate
- multiple certificate
- negotiable certificate
- negotiable certificate of deposit
- negotiable certificate to bearer
- negotiable time certificate of deposit
- nonnegotiable certificate of deposit
- ownership certificate
- paper certificate
- participation certificate
- passenger certificate
- phytosanitary certificate
- profit-sharing certificate
- protest certificate
- provisional certificate
- quality certificate
- quarantine certificate
- rabies certificate
- registered certificate
- registration certificate
- release certificate for shipment
- sampling certificate
- sanitary certificate
- sanitation certificate
- savings certificate
- scrip certificate
- share certificate
- silver certificate
- stock certificate
- stock trust certificate
- straight certificate of deposit
- street certificate
- strip certificate
- survey certificate
- taking-over certificate
- tap certificate of deposit
- tax certificate
- tax reserve certificates
- technical inspection certificate
- test certificate
- thrift certificate
- time certificate of deposit
- tonnage certificate
- tranche certificate of deposit
- treasury certificate
- trustee's certificate
- vaccination certificate
- veterinary certificate
- voting trust certificate
- warehouse certificate
- weight certificate
- wharfinger's certificate
- works' test certificate
- certificate of acceptance
- certificate of accounts
- certificate of accrual on Treasury securities
- certificate of acknowledgement
- certificate of age
- certificate of airworthiness
- certificate of allotment
- certificate of analysis
- certificate of authenticity
- certificate of authority
- certificate of beneficial interest
- certificate of competence
- certificate of completion of work
- certificate of convenience and necessity
- certificate of clearance
- certificate of damage
- certificate of delivery
- certificate of deposit
- certificate of disinfection
- certificate of eligibility
- certificate of examination
- certificate of fair wear-and-tear
- certificate of fitness
- certificate of free pratique
- certificate of guarantee
- certificate of health
- certificate of hypothecation
- certificate of incorporation
- certificate of indebtedness
- certificate of inspection
- certificate of insurance
- certificate of measurements
- certificate of nationality
- certificate of naturalization
- certificate of origin
- certificate of ownership
- certificate of participation
- certificate of payment
- certificate of pledge
- certificate of proficiency
- certificate of protest
- certificate of qualification
- certificate of quality
- certificate of readiness
- certificate of redemption
- certificate of registration
- certificate of registration of design
- certificate of registry
- certificate of sampling
- certificate of seaworthiness
- certificate of shipment
- certificate of species
- certificate of stock
- certificate of survey
- certificate of title
- certificate of valuation
- certificate of value
- certificate of weight
- award a certificate
- give a certificate
- grant a certificate
- hold a certificate
- issue a certificate
- make a certificate
- present a certificate
- submit a certificateEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > certificate
См. также в других словарях:
REDEMPTION — REDEMPTION, salvation from the states or circumstances that destroy the value of human existence or human existence itself. The word redeemer and its related terms redeem and redemption appear in the Bible some 130 times and are derived from two… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Redemption — • The restoration of man from the bondage of sin to the liberty of the children of God through the satisfactions and merits of Christ Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Redemption Redemption … Catholic encyclopedia
Redemption (band) — Infobox musical artist Name = Redemption Img capt = Background = group or band Origin = Los Angeles, USA Genre = Progressive metal Power metal Years active = 2000−present Label = Sensory, InsideOut URL = [http://www.redemptionweb.com… … Wikipedia
Redemption Ark — Infobox Book | name = Redemption Ark title orig = translator = image caption = Redemption Ark cover author = Alastair Reynolds illustrator = cover artist = Chris Moore country = United Kingdom language = English series = Revelation Space genre =… … Wikipedia
Redemption (Redemption album) — Infobox Album Name = Redemption Type = album Artist = Redemption Released = March 18, 2003 Recorded = Genre = Progressive metal Length = 68:13 Label = Sensory Records Producer = Nick van Dyk Ray Alder Reviews = This album = Redemption (2003) Next … Wikipedia
Agent Steel — Infobox musical artist Name = Agent Steel Img capt = Img size = Landscape = Background = group or band Origin = Los Angeles, California, United States Genre = Speed metal Thrash metal (after reunion) Years active = 1984–1988, 1999–present Label … Wikipedia
Red Dead Redemption — Éditeur Rockstar Games Développeur Rockstar San Diego, Rockstar North … Wikipédia en Français
Histoire de Red Dead Redemption — Cet article décrit le scénario du jeu vidéo Red Dead Redemption. L histoire de Red Dead Redemption est divisée en quatre actes principaux, eux mêmes subdivisés en chapitres qui comprennent plusieurs missions. Les missions d un même chapitre sont… … Wikipédia en Français
The Shawshank Redemption — Infobox Film name = The Shawshank Redemption caption = Theatrical release poster director = Frank Darabont producer = Niki Marvin writer = Novella: Stephen King Screenplay: Frank Darabont narrator = Morgan Freeman James Whitmore starring = Tim… … Wikipedia
The Redemption of Althalus — infobox Book | name = The Redemption of Althalus title orig = translator = image caption = First edition cover author = David Eddings Leigh Eddings illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Fantasy… … Wikipedia
24: Redemption — 24 heures chrono: Redemption Données clés Titre original 24: Redemption (précédemment 24: Exile) Réalisation … Wikipédia en Français