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со словацкого на все языки


  • 101 institute

    ['institju:t] 1. noun
    (a society or organization, or the building it uses: There is a lecture at the Philosophical Institute tonight.) ústav
    2. verb
    (to start or establish: When was the Red Cross instituted?) založiť
    - institutional
    * * *
    • ustanovit
    • uviest
    • ústav
    • vyššia priemyselná škola
    • základný zákon
    • zásada
    • zahájit
    • zariadit
    • založit
    • zaviest
    • zriadit
    • škola
    • štatút
    • kurzy pre pracujúcich
    • nadstavbové štúdium
    • menovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > institute

  • 102 irritate

    1) (to annoy or make angry: The children's chatter irritated him.) podráždiť, vyprovokovať
    2) (to make (a part of the body) sore, red, itchy etc: Soap can irritate a baby's skin.) dráždiť
    - irritably
    - irritability
    - irritableness
    - irritating
    - irritation
    * * *
    • dráždit
    • hnevat
    • jatrit
    • iritovat
    • rozjatrit
    • podráždit
    • nahnevat

    English-Slovak dictionary > irritate

  • 103 ladybird

    noun ((American ladybug) a type of little round beetle, usually red with black spots.) lienka
    * * *
    • lienka (chrobák)

    English-Slovak dictionary > ladybird

  • 104 Maroon

    I [mə'ru:n] noun
    (a dark brownish-red colour: a deep shade of maroon; ( also adjective) a large maroon car.) gaštanovohnedá farba; gaštanovohnedý
    II [mə'ru:n] verb
    1) (to put (someone) on shore on a lonely island from which he cannot escape.) vysadiť na pustom ostrove
    2) (to leave (someone) in a helpless, lonely or uncomfortable position: I was marooned on a lonely country road.) nechať bez prostriedkov
    * * *
    • ujdený cierny otrok

    English-Slovak dictionary > Maroon

  • 105 maroon

    I [mə'ru:n] noun
    (a dark brownish-red colour: a deep shade of maroon; ( also adjective) a large maroon car.) gaštanovohnedá farba; gaštanovohnedý
    II [mə'ru:n] verb
    1) (to put (someone) on shore on a lonely island from which he cannot escape.) vysadiť na pustom ostrove
    2) (to leave (someone) in a helpless, lonely or uncomfortable position: I was marooned on a lonely country road.) nechať bez prostriedkov
    * * *
    • vysadit na breh
    • zahálat
    • gaštanovo hnedý
    • delobuch
    • rozbuška
    • povalovat sa
    • lenošit

    English-Slovak dictionary > maroon

  • 106 match

    [mæ ] I noun
    (a short piece of wood or other material tipped with a substance that catches fire when rubbed against a rough or specially-prepared surface: He struck a match.) zápalka
    II 1. noun
    1) (a contest or game: a football/rugby/chess match.) zápas
    2) (a thing that is similar to or the same as another in some way(s) eg in colour or pattern: These trousers are not an exact match for my jacket.) hodiaci sa (k)
    3) (a person who is able to equal another: She has finally met her match at arguing.) rovnocenný partner
    4) (a marriage or an act of marrying: She hoped to arrange a match for her daughter.) sobáš, manželstvo
    2. verb
    1) (to be equal or similar to something or someone in some way eg in colour or pattern: That dress matches her red hair.) hodiť sa
    2) (to set (two things, people etc) to compete: He matched his skill against the champion's.) porovnať, zmerať
    - matchless
    - matchmaker
    * * *
    • vyhovovat comu
    • zápalka
    • zápalná šnúra
    • zhoda
    • zodpovedat
    • prispôsobit
    • hodit sa
    • párovat
    • porovnat
    • porovnávat
    • odpovedat

    English-Slovak dictionary > match

  • 107 measles

    (an infectious disease accompanied by red spots on the skin: People usually get measles in childhood.) osýpky
    * * *
    • sypanice
    • cervienka
    • osýpky

    English-Slovak dictionary > measles

  • 108 melon

    1) (a large, sweet fruit with many seeds.) melón
    2) (its firm yellow or red flesh as food: We started the meal with melon; ( also adjective) a melon seed.) melón; melónový
    * * *
    • zisky akcionárov
    • korist
    • melón

    English-Slovak dictionary > melon

  • 109 one

    1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) jeden, jedna, jedno
    2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) jeden rok
    2. pronoun
    1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) ten, tá, to
    2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) človek
    3. adjective
    1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) jeden, jedna, jedno
    2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) jeden rok
    3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) jednotný
    - oneself
    - one-night stand
    - one-off
    - one-parent family
    - one-sided
    - one-way
    - one-year-old
    4. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) jednoročný
    - be one up on a person
    - be one up on
    - not be oneself
    - one and all
    - one another
    - one by one
    - one or two
    * * *
    • sám
    • jednicka
    • jediný
    • jedna
    • istý
    • jeden
    • akýsi
    • clovek
    • císlo
    • prvý
    • práve ten
    • nejaký

    English-Slovak dictionary > one

  • 110 paprika

    ['pæprikə, ]( especially American[) pə'pri:kə]
    (a type of red pepper powder used in cooking.) paprika
    * * *
    • paprika

    English-Slovak dictionary > paprika

  • 111 pink

    noun, adjective
    1) ((of) (any shade of) a colour between red and white: a dress of pink satin.) ružová farba
    2) ((of) the colour of healthy skin: pink cheeks; Her cheeks are pink with health.) ružový
    - pinkish
    * * *
    • ružová farba

    English-Slovak dictionary > pink

  • 112 plum

    (a type of fruit, usually dark-red or purple, with a stone in the centre.) slivka
    * * *
    • sliva
    • slivka

    English-Slovak dictionary > plum

  • 113 pocket

    ['pokit] 1. noun
    1) (a small bag sewn into or on to clothes, for carrying things in: He stood with his hands in his pockets; a coat-pocket; ( also adjective) a pocket-handkerchief, a pocket-knife.) vrecko; vreckový
    2) (a small bag attached to the corners and sides of a billiard-table etc to catch the balls.) vrecko, vak
    3) (a small isolated area or group: a pocket of warm air.) oblasť
    4) ((a person's) income or amount of money available for spending: a range of prices to suit every pocket.) vrecko, príjem
    2. verb
    1) (to put in a pocket: He pocketed his wallet; He pocketed the red ball.) dať (si) do vrecka
    2) (to steal: Be careful he doesn't pocket the silver.) strčiť do vlastného vrecka
    - pocket-book
    - pocket-money
    - pocket-sized
    - pocket-size
    * * *
    • vrecko
    • vreckovka
    • priehradka
    • odkladacia priehradka

    English-Slovak dictionary > pocket

  • 114 port

    I [po:t] noun
    1) ((usually without a or the) a harbour: The ship came into port; We reached port next morning.) prístav
    2) (a town with a harbour: the port of Hull.) prístavné mesto
    II [po:t] noun
    (the left side of a ship or aircraft: The helmsman steered the ship to port; ( also adjective) the port wing.) ľavá strana; ľavý
    III [po:t] noun
    (a strong, dark-red, sweet wine originally from Portugal.) portské (víno)
    * * *
    • brána
    • dátový vstupný bod

    English-Slovak dictionary > port

  • 115 primary colours

    ((of pigments, but not of light) those colours from which all others can be made, ie red, blue and yellow.) základné farby
    * * *
    • základné farby

    English-Slovak dictionary > primary colours

  • 116 radish

    (a plant with a red-skinned white root used as food.) reďkovka
    * * *
    • redkovka

    English-Slovak dictionary > radish

  • 117 rash

    I [ræʃ] adjective
    (acting, or done, with little caution or thought: a rash person/action/statement; It was rash of you to leave your present job without first finding another.) prenáhlený, nerozvážny
    - rashness II [ræʃ] noun
    (a large number of red spots on the skin: That child has a rash - is it measles?) vyrážka
    * * *
    • vyrážka
    • prenáhlený
    • prudký
    • prchký
    • nerozvážny

    English-Slovak dictionary > rash

  • 118 raspberry

    plural - raspberries; noun
    (a type of edible red berry.) malina
    * * *
    • malina

    English-Slovak dictionary > raspberry

  • 119 redden

    1) (to make or become red or redder: to redden the lips with lipstick.) načerveniť
    2) (to blush: She reddened as she realized her mistake.) začervenať sa
    * * *
    • zacervenat
    • zapýrit sa
    • scervenat
    • cervenat sa
    • nacervenit
    • ocerveniet

    English-Slovak dictionary > redden

  • 120 reddish

    adjective (slightly red: reddish hair.) červenkastý
    * * *
    • takmer cervený
    • cervenkastý
    • cervenkavý
    • cervenucký
    • cervený
    • pomerne cervený
    • nacervenavý

    English-Slovak dictionary > reddish

См. также в других словарях:

  • Red — Red, a. [Compar. {Redder} ( d?r); superl. {Reddest}.] [OE. red, reed, AS. re[ a]d, re[ o]d; akin to OS. r[=o]d, OFries. r[=a]d, D. rood, G. roht, rot, OHG. r[=o]t, Dan. & Sw. r[ o]d, Icel. rau[eth]r, rj[=o][eth]r, Goth. r[ a]uds, W. rhudd, Armor …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Red — steht für: Random early detection: ein Verfahren zum aktiven Warteschlangenmanagement in der Netzwerktechnologie Red Digital Cinema Camera Company, ein amerikanischer Hersteller von digitalen 35 mm Kinokameras, Objektiven, Suchern und Software… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Red. — steht für: Random early detection: ein Verfahren zum aktiven Warteschlangenmanagement in der Netzwerktechnologie Red Digital Cinema Camera Company, ein amerikanischer Hersteller von digitalen 35 mm Kinokameras, Objektiven, Suchern und Software… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • RED — steht für: European Renewable Energy Directive R.E.D. – Älter, Härter, Besser, ein US amerikanischer Film aus dem Jahr 2010 Random early detection, ein Verfahren zum aktiven Warteschlangenmanagement in der Netzwerktechnologie Red Digital Cinema… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Red — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término red puede referirse a: Cuando se pretende unir entre sí un gran número de usuarios, lo cual resulta difícil por cuestiones fundamentalmente económicas la unión de todos con todos de forma directa. Dícese… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Red — /red/, n. a male or female given name. * * * (as used in expressions) red blood corpuscle red blood cell Red Army Faction Barber Red Erik the Red Grange Red Great Red Spot Red Khmer Red Army Red Brigades Red Cloud …   Universalium

  • red — rȇd m <N mn rȅdovi> DEFINICIJA 1. a. skup onoga što dolazi jedno za drugim b. položaj onoga što se nalazi poredano jedno za drugim, jedno ispred drugog ili jedno pored drugog [red stolica u kazalištu] 2. v. redak 3. a. društveni stalež,… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • red — (Del lat. rete). 1. f. Aparejo hecho con hilos, cuerdas o alambres trabados en forma de mallas, y convenientemente dispuesto para pescar, cazar, cercar, sujetar, etc. 2. Labor o tejido de mallas. 3. redecilla (ǁ prenda de malla para el pelo). 4.… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • red — [red] n. [ME < OE read, akin to Ger rot, ON rauthr < IE base * reudh , red > Gr erythros, L ruber, rufus, red, rubere, to be red, OIr rūad, Lith raũdas, red] 1. a primary color, or any of a spread of colors at the lower end of the… …   English World dictionary

  • RED — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour les articles homophones, voir Raide et Raid …   Wikipédia en Français

  • red*/*/*/ — [red] adj I 1) something that is red is the same colour as blood bright red lipstick[/ex] 2) red hair is a red brown or orange colour 3) red wine is dark red or purple in colour • go red to become red in the face because you are embarrassed[/ex]… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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