1 red bat
Биология: волосатохвостый гладконос (Lasiurus), красный волосохвост (Lasiurus borealis) -
2 red bat
волосатохвостый гладконос ( Lasiurus); красный волосохвост ( Lasiurus borealis)* * * -
3 bat
Bechstein's bat длинноухая ночница, Myotis bechsteinibig brown bat бурый кожан, Vespertilio fuscusbonneted bat бульдоговая летучая мышь, Eumopsbrown bat бурый кожан, Vespertilio fuscusCalifornia leaf-nosed bats листоносы, Hipposideridaefalse vampire bat большой вампир, Vampyrus spectrumfish bat большой рыболов, Noctilio leporinusfruit bats крыланы, плодоядные рукокрылые, Megachiropteragray bat серая ночница, Myotisgrisescensgreat bat рыжая вечерница, Nyctalis noctulagreater horseshoe bat большой подковонос, Rhinolophus ferrumequinumhammer-headed bat молотоглав, Hypsignathushoary bat серая летучая мышь, Lasiurus cinereushog-nosed bat мексиканский листонос, Choeronycteris mexicanushorseshoe bat подковонос, RhinolophusIndian vampire bat крупный копьенос, Megaderma lyrajavelin bat большой листонос, Phyllostomus hastatusleaf-chinned bat курносый листобород, Mormoops megalophylaleaf-nosed bats листоносы, Hipposideridaelesser horseshoe bat малый подковонос, Rhinolophus hipposideroslittle brown bat бурая ночница, Myotis lucifuguslong-nosed bat листонос, Leptonycteris nivalismastiff bat бульдоговая летучая мышь, EumopsMexican free-tailed bat мексиканский складчатогуб, Tadarida mexicanamouse-eared bat большая ночница, Myotis myotisNatterer's bat ночница Наттерера, Myotis nattererinight bat летучая мышьnorthern bat северный кожанок, Eptesicus nilssoniplainnose bats кожановые, Vespertilionidaeplantain bat остроух, Kerivoulared bat красный кожан, Lasiurus borealissilver-haired bat серебристый вечерник, Lasionycteris noctivaganswater bat водяная ночница, ночница Добантона, Myotis daubentoniEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > bat
4 bat
1) летучая мышь2) pl рукокрылые ( Chiroptera)•- African long-tongued fruit bat
- African sheath-tailed bat
- African trident-nosed bat
- African yellow-winged bat
- avian vampire bat
- banana bat
- Bechstein's bat
- bent-winged bat
- big-eared bat
- big-eyed bat
- big-lipped bat
- blossom bat
- brown bat
- bulldog bat
- butterfly bat
- clinging bat
- club-footed bat
- common bat
- desert bat
- disk-footed bat
- disk-winged bat
- epaulet bat
- epauletted bat
- evening bat
- false vampire bats
- fisherman bat
- free-tailed bat
- fruit-eating bat
- golden bats
- gray bat
- great bat
- greater horseshoe bat
- groove-lipped bat
- hammer-headed bat
- hoary bat
- hog-nosed bat
- horseshoe bat
- horseshoe-nosed bat
- javelin bat
- lapped-eared bat
- leaf-chinned bat
- leaf-nosed bat
- lesser horseshoe bat
- little brown bat
- lobe-lipped bat
- long-eared bat
- long-nosed bat
- long-tailed bat
- long-winged bat
- mouse-eared bat
- mouse-tailed bat
- naked-backed bat
- Natterer's bat
- night bat
- northern bat
- painted bat
- rat-tailed bat
- red bat
- sac-tailed bat
- sac-winged bat
- sea bat
- shelf-tailed bat
- silver-haired bat
- slit-faced bat
- sucker-footed bats
- vampire bat
- water bat
- wrinkle-faced bat* * * -
5 bat, red
1. LAT Lasiurus borealis Müller2. RUS красный волосатохвост m, рыжая [нью-йоркская] летучая мышь f3. ENG red bat4. DEU rote Fledermaus f, New-York-Fledermaus f5. FRA chauve-souris f boréale [rousse] -
6 bat, bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed
1. LAT Hipposideros bicolor Temminck2. RUS двухцветный листонос m3. ENG bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed bat, dusky [(bicolo(u)red) roundleaf] horseshoe bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed
7 bat, bicolo(u)red roundleal horseshoe
1. LAT Hipposideros bicolor Temminck2. RUS двухцветный листонос m3. ENG bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed bat, dusky [(bicolo(u)red) roundleaf] horseshoe bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, bicolo(u)red roundleal horseshoe
8 bat, bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed
1. LAT Hipposideros bicolor Temminck2. RUS двухцветный листонос m3. ENG bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed bat, dusky [(bicolo(u)red) roundleaf] horseshoe bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed
9 bat, bicolo(u)red roundleal horseshoe
1. LAT Hipposideros bicolor Temminck2. RUS двухцветный листонос m3. ENG bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed bat, dusky [(bicolo(u)red) roundleaf] horseshoe bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, bicolo(u)red roundleal horseshoe
10 bat, dusky horseshoe
1. LAT Hipposideros bicolor Temminck2. RUS двухцветный листонос m3. ENG bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed bat, dusky [(bicolo(u)red) roundleaf] horseshoe bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, dusky horseshoe
11 bat, lawn-colo(u)red
1. LAT Hipposideros galeritus Cantor2. RUS хохлатый листонос m, индомалайский подковогуб m3. ENG fawn-colo(u)red [common roundleaf horseshoe] bat, Cantor's [fawn] leaf-nosed bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, lawn-colo(u)red
12 bat, lawn-colo(u)red
1. LAT Hipposideros galeritus Cantor2. RUS хохлатый листонос m, индомалайский подковогуб m3. ENG fawn-colo(u)red [common roundleaf horseshoe] bat, Cantor's [fawn] leaf-nosed bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, lawn-colo(u)red
13 bat, roundleaf horseshoe
1. LAT Hipposideros bicolor Temminck2. RUS двухцветный листонос m3. ENG bicolo(u)red leaf-nosed bat, dusky [(bicolo(u)red) roundleaf] horseshoe bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, roundleaf horseshoe
14 bat, tricolo(u)red
1. LAT Thyroptera tricolor Spix2. RUS трёхцветный присосконог m3. ENG Spix's [Brazilian] disk-winged bat, tricolo(u)red [Brazilian sucker-winged, Brazilian sucker-footed] bat4. DEU dreifarbige Haftscheibenfledermaus f5. FRA vespertilion m tricoloreDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, tricolo(u)red
15 bat, tricolo(u)red forest
1. LAT Micronycteris sylvestris Thomas2. RUS бурый листонос m3. ENG tricolo(u)red forest bat, brown [Costa Rican] big-eared bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, tricolo(u)red forest
16 bat, tricolo(u)red
1. LAT Thyroptera tricolor Spix2. RUS трёхцветный присосконог m3. ENG Spix's [Brazilian] disk-winged bat, tricolo(u)red [Brazilian sucker-winged, Brazilian sucker-footed] bat4. DEU dreifarbige Haftscheibenfledermaus f5. FRA vespertilion m tricoloreDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, tricolo(u)red
17 bat, tricolo(u)red forest
1. LAT Micronycteris sylvestris Thomas2. RUS бурый листонос m3. ENG tricolo(u)red forest bat, brown [Costa Rican] big-eared bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, tricolo(u)red forest
18 bat, red fig-eating
1. LAT Stenoderma rufum Desmarest2. RUS красный фруктоядный листонос m3. ENG red fig-eating [red fruit] bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, red fig-eating
19 bat, red fruit
1. LAT Stenoderma rufum Desmarest2. RUS красный фруктоядный листонос m3. ENG red fig-eating [red fruit] bat4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, red fruit
20 bat, particolo(u)red
1. LAT Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus2. RUS двухцветный кожан m, двухцветная летучая мышь f3. ENG particolo(u)red [frosted] bat4. DEU zweifarbige Fledermaus f, Mäuseohr n, Zweifarbfledermaus f, weißscheckige [gemeine] Fledermaus f, großer Nachtschwirrer m5. FRA sérotine f bicolore, petite chauve-souris f murine, chauvesouris f à deux couleurs, vespertilion m murin, vespérien m discolorDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bat, particolo(u)red
См. также в других словарях:
Red bat — may refer to:*Eastern Red Bat ( Lasiurus borealis ), a species of bat found in the Eastern United States *Western Red Bat ( Lasiurus blossevillii ), a species of bat found in Western United States, also called the Desert red bat * The Red Bat , a … Wikipedia
red bat — noun North American bat of a brick or rusty red color with hairs tipped with white • Syn: ↑Lasiurus borealis • Hypernyms: ↑vespertilian bat, ↑vespertilionid • Member Holonyms: ↑Lasiurus, ↑genus Lasiurus * * … Useful english dictionary
red bat — ▪ mammal species also called Eastern red bat migratory vesper bat (family Vespertilionidae) found in wooded areas of North America. It is about 10 cm (4 inches) long, including a 5 cm (2 inch) tail, weighs 10–15 grams (0.33–0.5 ounce),… … Universalium
red bat — raudonasis apželtuodegis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Lasiurus borealis angl. red bat vok. New York Fledermaus; rote Fledermaus rus. красный волосатохвост; ньюйоркская летучая мышь; рыжая летучая… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Desert red bat — For the fictional character, see The Red Bat. Desert ree bat Conservation status … Wikipedia
Eastern Red Bat — Taxobox status = LR/VU | status system = IUCN2.3 name = Red bat image caption=Red bat regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Chiroptera familia = Vespertilionidae genus = Lasiurus species = L. borealis binomial = Lasiurus… … Wikipedia
Big Red Bat — Taxobox | name = Big Red Bat status = LR/nt | status system = IUCN2.3 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Chiroptera familia = Vespertilionidae genus = Lasiurus species = L. egregius binomial = Lasiurus egregius binomial … Wikipedia
red-bait — ˈredˌbāt verb Usage: often capitalized R Etymology: back formation from red baiter & red baiting, n. intransitive verb : to engage in red baiting indignantly pointed out that he had never Red baited in his life W.E.Shelton transitive verb … Useful english dictionary
bat — bat1 /bat/, n., v., batted, batting. n. 1. Sports. a. the wooden club used in certain games, as baseball and cricket, to strike the ball. b. a racket, esp. one used in badminton or table tennis. c. a whip used by a jockey. d. the act of using a… … Universalium
Red Hood — Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Batman Alias Joker Jason Todd … Wikipédia en Français
Bat-eared fox — Bat eared fox[1] Conservation status … Wikipedia