1 reciprocating-engine aircraft
самолёт или вертолёт с поршневым двигателем [двигателями]Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > reciprocating-engine aircraft
2 aircraft
воздушное судно [суда], атмосферный летательный аппарат [аппараты]; самолёт (ы) ; вертолёты); авиация; авиационный; см. тж. airplane, boostaircraft in the barrier — самолёт, задержанный аварийной (аэродромной) тормозной установкой
aircraft off the line — новый [только что построенный] ЛА
B through F aircraft — самолёты модификаций B, C, D, E и F
carrier(-based, -borne) aircraft — палубный ЛА; авианосная авиация
conventional takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт с обычными взлетом и посадкой (в отличие от укороченного или вертикального)
keep the aircraft (headed) straight — выдерживать направление полёта ЛА (при выполнении маневра); сохранять прямолинейный полет ЛА
keep the aircraft stalled — сохранять режим срыва [сваливания] самолёта, оставлять самолёт в режиме срыва [сваливания]
nearly wing borne aircraft — верт. ЛА в конце режима перехода к горизонтальному полёту
pull the aircraft off the deck — разг. отрывать ЛА от земли (при взлете)
put the aircraft nose-up — переводить [вводить] ЛА на кабрирование [в режим кабрирования]
put the aircraft through its paces — определять предельные возможности ЛА, «выжимать все из ЛА»
reduced takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт укороченного взлета и посадки (с укороченным разбегом и пробегом)
rocket(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ракетный ЛА, ЛА с ракетным двигателем
roll the aircraft into a bank — вводить ЛА в крен, накренять ЛА
rotate the aircraft into the climb — увеличивать угол тангажа ЛА для перехода к набору высоты, переводить ЛА в набор высоты
short takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт короткого взлета и посадки (с коротким разбегом и пробегом)
single vertical tail aircraft — ЛА с одинарным [центральным] вертикальным оперением
strategic(-mission, -purpose) aircraft — ЛА стратегического назначения; стратегический самолёт
take the aircraft throughout its entire envelope — пилотировать ЛА во всем диапазоне полётных режимов
trim the aircraft to fly hands-and-feet off — балансировать самолёт для полёта с брошенным управлением [с брошенными ручкой и педалями]
turbofan(-engined, -powered) aircraft — ЛА с турбовентиляторными двигателями, ЛА с ТРДД
turbojet(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ЛА с ТРД
undergraduate navigator training aircraft — учебно-тренировочный самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки штурманов
water(-based, takeoff and landing) aircraft — гидросамолёт
3 engine
двигатель (внутреннего сгорания); машина; мотор- engine analyzer - engine and gearbox unit - engine area - engine assembly - engine assembly shop - engine bonnet - engine braking force - engine breathing - engine-building - engine capacity - engine cleansing agents - engine column - engine component - engine conk - engine control - engine-cooling - engine-cooling thermometer - engine cowl flap - engine cross-drive casing - engine cutoff - engine cycle - engine data - engine deck - engine department - engine details - engine diagnostic connector - engine-driven air compressor - engine-driven industrial shop truck - engine dry weight - engine efficiency - engine failure - engine fan pulley - engine flameout - engine flywheel - engine for different fuels - engine frame - engine front - engine front area - engine front support bracket - engine fuel - engine gearbox - engine-gearbox unit - engine-generator - engine-governed speed - engine governor - engine gum - engine hatch - engine hoist - engine hood - engine house - engine idles rough - engine in situ - engine installation - engine is smooth - engine is tractable - engine knock - engine lacquer - engine life - engine lifetime pecypc - engine lifting bracket - engine lifting fixture - engine lifting hook - engine location - engine lubrication system - engine lug - engine management - engine management system - engine map - engine misfires - engine model - engine motoring - engine mount - engine-mounted - engine mounted longitudinally - engine mounted transversally - engine mounting - engine-mounting bracket - engine nameplate - engine noise - engine number - engine off - engine oil - engine oil capacity - engine oil filler cap - engine oil filling cap - engine oil tank - engine on - engine operating temperature - engine out of work - engine output - engine overhaul - engine pan - engine peak speed - engine performance - engine picks up - engine pings - engine piston - engine plant - engine power - engine pressure - engine primer - engine rating - engine rear support - engine reconditioning - engine renovation - engine repair stand - engine retarder - engine revolution counter - engine rig test - engine room - engine roughness - engine rpm indicator - engine run-in - engine runs rough - engine runs roughly - engine shaft - engine shed - engine shield - engine shop - engine shorting-out - engine shutdown - engine sludge - engine snubber - engine speed - engine speed sensor - engine stability - engine stalls - engine start - engine starting system - engine starts per day - engine stroke - engine subframe - engine sump - engine sump well - engine support - engine temperature sensor - engine test stand - engine testing room - engine throttle - engine timing case - engine-to-cabin passthrough aperture - engine-transmission unit - engine torque - engine trends - engine trouble - engine tune-up - engine turning at peak revolution - engine under seat - engine unit - engine vacuum checking gauge - engine valve - engine varnish - engine vibration - engine wash - engine water inlet - engine water outlet - engine wear - engine weight - engine weight per horsepower - engine winterization system - engine with supercharger - engine wobble - engine works - engine yard - engine's flexibility - aero-engine - atmospheric engine - atmospheric steam engine - atomic engine - augmented engine - AV-1 engine - aviation engine - back-up engine - birotary engine - blast-injection diesel engine - blower-cooled engine - bored-out engine - boxer engine - bull engine - car engine - charge-cooled engine - crank engine - crankcase-scavenged engine - crude engine - crude-oil engine - diaphragm engine - diesel-electric engine - Diesel engine - Diesel engine with air cell - Diesel engine with antechamber - Diesel engine with direct injection - Diesel engine with mechanical injection - direct injection engine - divided-chamber engine - double-flow engine - double-overhead camshaft engine - drilling engine - driving engine - drop-valve engine - ducted-fan engine - duofuel engine - emergency engine - explosion engine - external combustion engine - external-internal combustion engine - F-head engine - failed engine - fan engine - federal engine - field engine - fire-engine - five-cylinder engine - fixed engine - flame engine - flat engine - flat-four engine - flat twin engine - flexibly mounted engine - forced-induction engine - four-cycle engine - four-cylinder engine - four-stroke engine - free-piston engine - free-piston gas generator engine - front-mounted engine - free-turbine engine - fuel-injection engine - full-load engine - gas engine - gas blowing engine - gas-power engine - gas-turbine engine - gasoline engine - geared engine - heat engine - heavy-duty engine - heavy-oil engine - high-by-pass-ratio turbofan engine - high-compression engine - high-efficiency engine - high-performance engine - high-power engine - high-speed engine - hoisting engine - hopped-up engine - horizontal engine - horizontally opposed engine - hot engine - hot-air engine - hot-bulb engine - hydrogen engine - I-head engine - in-line engine - inclined engine - indirect injection engine - individual-cylinder engine - industrial engine - inhibited engine - injection oil engine - injection-type engine - intercooled diesel engine - intermittent-cycle engine - internal combustion engine - inverted engine - inverted Vee-engine - jet engine - jet-propulsion engine - kerosene engine - knock test engine - L-head engine - launch engine - lean-burn engine - left-hand engine - lift engine - light engine - liquid-cooled engine - liquid propane engine - locomotive engine - longitudinal engine - long-stroke engine - low-compression engine - low-consumption engine - low-emission engine - low-performance engine - low-speed engine - marine engine - modular engine - monosoupape engine - motor engine - motor an engine round - motor-boat engine - motor-fire engine - motorcycle engine - motored engine - multibank engine - multicarburetor engine - multicrank engine - multicylinder engine - multifuel engine - multirow engine - naturally aspirated engine - non-compression engine - non-condensing engine - non-exhaust valve engine - non-poppet valve engine - non-reversible engine - nuclear engine - oil engine - oil-electric engine - oil well drilling engine - one-cylinder engine - operating engine - opposed engine - opposed cylinders engine - Otto engine - out-board engine - overcooled engine - overhead valve engine - oversquare engine - overstroke engine - pancake engine - paraffin engine - paraffine engine - petrol engine - Petter AV-1 Diesel engine - pilot engine - piston engine - piston blast engine - port engine - precombustion chamber engine - prime an engine - producer-gas engine - production engine - prototype engine - pumping engine - pushrod engine - quadruple-expansion engine - qual-cam engine - racing engine - radial engine - radial cylinder engine - radial second motion engine - railway engine - ram induction engine - ram-jet engine - reaction engine - rear-mounted engine - rebuilt engine - reciprocating engine - reciprocating piston engine - reconditioned engine - regenerative engine - regular engine - reheat engine - research-cylinder engine - reversible engine - reversing engine - right-hand engine - rocket engine - rotary engine - rough engine - row engine - run in an engine - scavenged gasoline engine - scavenging engine - sea-level engine - second-motion engine - self-ignition engine - semidiesel engine - series-wound engine - servo-engine - short-life engine - short-stroke engine - shorted-out engine - shunting engine - shunt-wound engine - side-by-side engine - side-valve engine - simple-expansion engine - single-acting engine - single-chamber rocket engine - single-cylinder engine - single-cylinder test engine - single-row engine - six-cylinder engine - skid engine - slanted engine - sleeve-valve engine - sleeveless engine - slide-valve engine - slope engine - slow-running engine - slow-speed engine - small-bore engine - small-displacement engine - solid-injection engine - spark-ignition engine - spark-ignition fuel-injection engine - split-compressor engine - square engine - square stroke engine - stalled engine - stand-by engine - start the engine cold - start the engine light - start the engine warm- hot- starting engine - static engine - stationary engine - steam engine - steering engine - Stirling engine - straight-eight engine - straight-line engine - straight-type engine - stratified charge engine - stripped engine - submersible engine - suction gas engine - supercharged engine - supercompression engine - supplementary engine - swash-plate engine - switching engine - tandem engine - tank engine - thermal engine - three-cylinder engine - traction engine - triple-expansion engine - tractor engine - transversally-mounted engine - truck engine - trunk-piston Diesel engine - turbine engine - turbo-jet engine - turbo-charged engine - turbo-compound engine - turbo-prop engine - turbo-ramjet engine - turbo-supercharged engine - turbocharged-and-aftercooled engine - turbofan engine - turboprop engine - twin engine - twin cam engine - twin crankshaft engine - twin six engine - two-bank engine - two-cycle engine - two-cylinder engine - two-spool engine - two-stroke engine - unblown engine - uncooled engine - underfloor engine - undersquare engine - uniflow engine - unsupercharged engine - uprated engine - V-engine - V-type engine - valve-in-the-head engine - valveless engine - vaporizer engine - vaporizing-oil engine - variable compression engine - variable-stroke engine - variable valve-timing engine - vee engine - vertical engine - vertical turn engine - vertical vortex engine - W-type engine - Wankel engine - warm engine - waste-heat engine - water-cooled engine - winding engine - windshield wiper engine - woolly-type engine - worn engine - X-engine - Y-engine - yard engine -
4 engine
1) двигатель, мотор2) ж.-д. локомотив3) машина4) процессор•to run up the engine — опробовать двигатель ( на режимах работы);to unreverse the engine — выводить двигатель из режима реверса-
light bulb engine
accelerating engine
adiabatic engine
air breathing engine
air engine
air-cell engine
air-chamber engine
air-cooled engine
aircraft engine
air-feed jet engine
air-injection engine
airless-injection engine
alcohol engine
analytical engine
anchor engine
apogee engine
approach-correcting engine
arc jet engine
arrow engine
ascent engine
assisted takeoff engine
AV-1 engine
aviation engine
axial-flow gas turbine engine
bare engine
baseline engine
basic engine
beating engine
bipropellant engine
bismuth ion engine
bleaching engine
blowing engine
blown engine
booster engine
boxer engine
brake engine
Brayton engine
breaker engine
bypass engine
catalytic engine
centrifugal expansion engine
ceramic engine
coaxial MPD engine
cogging engine
cold-reaction engine
commercial engine
compression ignition engine
computing engine
constant 1 engine
conventional engine
crankcase compression engine
crest engine
cross-compound blowing engine
cross-mounted engine
cryogenic expansion engine
cryogenic rocket engine
dead engine
derated engine
descent engine
diesel engine
diesel-electric engine
difference engine
digital engine
direct-injection engine
displacement engine
docking engine
donkey engine
double-row engine
double-row radial engine
down-rated engine
drilling engine
dual-flow turbojet engine
dual-mode engine
duct-burning bypass engine
ducted-fan engine
electric arcjet engine
electron-bombardment engine
emergency propulsion engine
energy-cell diesel engine
erosion engine
expansion engine
external combustion engine
F-head engine
fire engine with extension ladder
fire engine
fixed head engine
flat engine
flat-head engine
fluorine-hydrogen engine
four-barrel engine
four-cycle engine
Gardner engine
gas discharge ionizator electrostatic engine
gas engine
gas turbine engine
gas-driven blowing engine
gas blowing engine
gasoline engine
graphics engine
heat engine
heavy equipment diesel engine
heavy-duty engine
high bypass ratio engine
high-compression engine
high-efficiency engine
high-I engine
horizontal engine
horizontally opposed engine
Horning engine
hump engine
hybrid air-breathing engine
hybrid-propellant engine
hydrogen-fueled engine
I-head engine
impact volume ionization ion engine
inboard engine
indirect-injection engine
individual cylinder head engine
industrial application engine
inference engine
inlet over exhaust engine
in-line engine
ionic engine
ion engine
jet engine
ladle-car engine
laser air-jet engine
laser-driven rocket engine
laser-heated rocket engine
laser-propulsion rocket engine
Lauson engine
L-head engine
lift engine
lift jet engine
light duty diesel engine
linear MPD engine
liquid air cycle engine
liquid petroleum gases engine
liquid-propellant engine
long-stroke engine
low bypass ratio engine
low-I engine
LOX/HC engine
LOX/LH engine
magnetogasdynamic engine
maneuvering engine
marine application engine
marine engine
mercury ion engine
mid-flight engine
model diesel engine
monkey engine
motored engine
multifuel engine
nacelle-mounted engine
naturally aspirated engine
nonturbo engine
oil engine
oil-electric engine
OMS engine
one-shaft engine
open-cylinder engine
opposed-piston engine
Otto engine
outboard engine
overhead valve engine
oversquare engine
pancake engine
petrol engine
Petter AV-I Diesel engine
Petter W-1 engine
photon engine
piston ported engine
plasmajet rocket engine
plasma rocket engine
podded engine
pollution-free engine
potassium ion engine
prechamber engine
propulsion engine
pulping engine
pulsejet engine
pusher engine
quench-car engine
racing engine
radial engine
radiation-heated rocket engine
radio-frequency ion engine
ram engine
ramjet engine
Rankine engine
RCS engine
reciprocating solar engine
rectenna-powered ion engine
remanufactured engine
restartable engine
rotary engine
rubidium ion engine
separation engine
shaft-turbine engine
shunting engine
single-shaft gas turbine engine
six-cylinder in-line engine
solar Brayton engine
solar engine
solar photon rocket engine
solar-heated gas engine
solar gas engine
solar-powered engine
spacer plate engine
special arrangement engine
square engine
starting engine
steam-driven blowing engine
steam blowing engine
steering engine
Stirling engine
stock engine
subsonic engine
supercharged engine
surface ionization engine
swirl-chamber diesel engine
switch engine
take-home engine
tee engine
test bed engine
T-head engine
thermal arc engine
thermoelectronic engine
three-flow turbojet engine
towing engine
trans-rear engine
transverse engine
traveling wave plasma engine
trimmer engine
tripropellant engine
truck engine
turbine engine
turbine expansion engine
turbocharged engine
turbo engine
turbofan engine
turbojet engine
turboprop engine
turboshaft engine
turbulence-chamber engine
twin rotor engine
two-rotor engine
two-shaft gas turbine engine
two-spool engine
unblown engine
undersquare engine
variable compression engine
variable cycle engine
variable cylinder engine
vehicular engine
volume collision ionization engine
Wankel engine
warmed-up engine
washing engine
waste-heat recovery Stirling engine
water-cooled engine
windmilling engine
wing engine
W-type engine
yard engine -
5 reciprocating aircraft engine type designation system
RAETDS, reciprocating aircraft engine type designation systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > reciprocating aircraft engine type designation system
6 reciprocating aircraft engine type designation system
Военный термин: система обозначений поршневых авиационных двигателейУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > reciprocating aircraft engine type designation system
7 oil
1) Общая лексика: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Европа - АД), amicable dispute resolution (http://www.iccwbo.org/index_adr.asp), АДР (депозитарная расписка), advanced deviation request, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, Автозаказ2) Авиация: air data reference, airborne data loader3) Морской термин: advisory course (сокр.) (рекомендованный курс)4) Медицина: нежелательная реакция (adverse drug reaction), расширенное диагностическое исследование больного (advanced diagnostic research), побочная реакция на препарат (adverse drug reaction), неблагоприятная лекарственная реакция, неблагоприятная реакция на препарат, серьезное побочное явление5) Военный термин: Automatic Data Relay, advance deviations report, advanced development report, advisory route, air defense readiness, air defense region, air defense requirements, air-launched drone rocket, aircraft direction room, aircraft discrepancy report, airfield damage repair, ammunition disposition report, ammunition disposition request6) Техника: acceptable degradation rate, airborne digital recorder, analog-to-digital recorder, angle data recorder, automatic digital relay7) Шутливое выражение: Another Driver Retires8) Религия: Army Of Divine Rights9) Юридический термин: Amicable Dispute Resolution, альтернативное разрешение споров (alternative dispute resolution), alternative dispute resolution, альтернативные методы разрешения споров10) Бухгалтерия: Asset Depreciation Range, Average Daily Rate, срок службы актива (устанавливаемый Налоговым управлением США для начисления износа определённых активов, asset depreciation range)11) Автомобильный термин: Automatic Distance Regulation (Krokodil), (Automatic Distance Regulation) автоматическое регулирование расстояния (система по поддержанию безопасного расстояния до впереди идущего автомобиля) (Krokodil)12) Биржевой термин: Annual Dividend Ratio, американское депозитарное свидетельство (American depository receipt), свободнообращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depository receipt), American Depositary Receipts13) Гидрография: auxiliary data receiver (сокр.) (приёмник вспомогательных данных)14) Кино: audio dilog replacement (дублирование фильма. ex.: ADR translation)15) Радио: Additional Dialog Recording, Advanced Digital Radio16) Сокращение: Accident Data Recorder, Advanced Digital Receiver, Air Data Relay, Air Defence Region (UK), Air Defense Reticle (USA), Airborne Data Relay, Armoured Delivery Regiment (UK), adverse drug reaction (препарата), неблагоприятная побочная реакция (препарата), European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Roads (Европейское соглашение о международной дорожной перевозке опасных грузов, ДОПОГ)17) Электроника: Aperture Direct Readout, Audio Dialog Replacement, Automatic Dialog Recording18) Вычислительная техника: Automated Distance Regulation (Auto), Advanced Digital Recording (Streamer, Philips, OnStream), analog digital recorder (сокр.) (аналого-цифровой регистратор)19) Нефть: activities and deliverables register, приемлемая скорость ухудшения рабочих характеристик (acceptable degradation rate)20) Иммунология: Animal Drug Request21) Онкология: Adverse Drug Reaction22) Банковское дело: свободно обращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depositary receipt)23) Транспорт: Agent D Reaper, Automated Demand Resolution, Automatic Driver Recognition, Европейское соглашение о перевозке опасных грузов (ADR = Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Europe) http://www.trustline.ru/adr/)24) Атомная энергия: МПД (absorbed dose rate( мощность поглощенной дозы), измеряется в Гр/ч)25) Экология: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road27) Деловая лексика: Administrative Dispute Resolution, American Depository Receipt28) Инвестиции: American depositary receipt29) Автоматика: automatic diagnostic and recovery system30) Военно-морской флот: arrival discrepancy report (сокр.) (донесение о причинах несвоевременного прибытия), Aviation Machinist's Mate R (Reciprocating Engine Mechanic) (сокр.) (старшина — авиационный механик по поршневым двигателям)31) Расширение файла: AfterDark Randomizer screensaver, Opera Browser Bookmark - Extension32) Логистика: Европейский закон, регулирующий международные автотранспортные перевозки опасных грузов (Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road)33) Военно-политический термин: Air Defence Region34) Каспий: asset depreciation rate35) Снабжение: запрос на усложнённое изменение36) Программное обеспечение: Australian Design Rules37) Международные перевозки: European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road -
9 Adr
1) Общая лексика: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Европа - АД), amicable dispute resolution (http://www.iccwbo.org/index_adr.asp), АДР (депозитарная расписка), advanced deviation request, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, Автозаказ2) Авиация: air data reference, airborne data loader3) Морской термин: advisory course (сокр.) (рекомендованный курс)4) Медицина: нежелательная реакция (adverse drug reaction), расширенное диагностическое исследование больного (advanced diagnostic research), побочная реакция на препарат (adverse drug reaction), неблагоприятная лекарственная реакция, неблагоприятная реакция на препарат, серьезное побочное явление5) Военный термин: Automatic Data Relay, advance deviations report, advanced development report, advisory route, air defense readiness, air defense region, air defense requirements, air-launched drone rocket, aircraft direction room, aircraft discrepancy report, airfield damage repair, ammunition disposition report, ammunition disposition request6) Техника: acceptable degradation rate, airborne digital recorder, analog-to-digital recorder, angle data recorder, automatic digital relay7) Шутливое выражение: Another Driver Retires8) Религия: Army Of Divine Rights9) Юридический термин: Amicable Dispute Resolution, альтернативное разрешение споров (alternative dispute resolution), alternative dispute resolution, альтернативные методы разрешения споров10) Бухгалтерия: Asset Depreciation Range, Average Daily Rate, срок службы актива (устанавливаемый Налоговым управлением США для начисления износа определённых активов, asset depreciation range)11) Автомобильный термин: Automatic Distance Regulation (Krokodil), (Automatic Distance Regulation) автоматическое регулирование расстояния (система по поддержанию безопасного расстояния до впереди идущего автомобиля) (Krokodil)12) Биржевой термин: Annual Dividend Ratio, американское депозитарное свидетельство (American depository receipt), свободнообращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depository receipt), American Depositary Receipts13) Гидрография: auxiliary data receiver (сокр.) (приёмник вспомогательных данных)14) Кино: audio dilog replacement (дублирование фильма. ex.: ADR translation)15) Радио: Additional Dialog Recording, Advanced Digital Radio16) Сокращение: Accident Data Recorder, Advanced Digital Receiver, Air Data Relay, Air Defence Region (UK), Air Defense Reticle (USA), Airborne Data Relay, Armoured Delivery Regiment (UK), adverse drug reaction (препарата), неблагоприятная побочная реакция (препарата), European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Roads (Европейское соглашение о международной дорожной перевозке опасных грузов, ДОПОГ)17) Электроника: Aperture Direct Readout, Audio Dialog Replacement, Automatic Dialog Recording18) Вычислительная техника: Automated Distance Regulation (Auto), Advanced Digital Recording (Streamer, Philips, OnStream), analog digital recorder (сокр.) (аналого-цифровой регистратор)19) Нефть: activities and deliverables register, приемлемая скорость ухудшения рабочих характеристик (acceptable degradation rate)20) Иммунология: Animal Drug Request21) Онкология: Adverse Drug Reaction22) Банковское дело: свободно обращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depositary receipt)23) Транспорт: Agent D Reaper, Automated Demand Resolution, Automatic Driver Recognition, Европейское соглашение о перевозке опасных грузов (ADR = Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Europe) http://www.trustline.ru/adr/)24) Атомная энергия: МПД (absorbed dose rate( мощность поглощенной дозы), измеряется в Гр/ч)25) Экология: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road27) Деловая лексика: Administrative Dispute Resolution, American Depository Receipt28) Инвестиции: American depositary receipt29) Автоматика: automatic diagnostic and recovery system30) Военно-морской флот: arrival discrepancy report (сокр.) (донесение о причинах несвоевременного прибытия), Aviation Machinist's Mate R (Reciprocating Engine Mechanic) (сокр.) (старшина — авиационный механик по поршневым двигателям)31) Расширение файла: AfterDark Randomizer screensaver, Opera Browser Bookmark - Extension32) Логистика: Европейский закон, регулирующий международные автотранспортные перевозки опасных грузов (Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road)33) Военно-политический термин: Air Defence Region34) Каспий: asset depreciation rate35) Снабжение: запрос на усложнённое изменение36) Программное обеспечение: Australian Design Rules37) Международные перевозки: European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road -
10 adr
1) Общая лексика: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Европа - АД), amicable dispute resolution (http://www.iccwbo.org/index_adr.asp), АДР (депозитарная расписка), advanced deviation request, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, Автозаказ2) Авиация: air data reference, airborne data loader3) Морской термин: advisory course (сокр.) (рекомендованный курс)4) Медицина: нежелательная реакция (adverse drug reaction), расширенное диагностическое исследование больного (advanced diagnostic research), побочная реакция на препарат (adverse drug reaction), неблагоприятная лекарственная реакция, неблагоприятная реакция на препарат, серьезное побочное явление5) Военный термин: Automatic Data Relay, advance deviations report, advanced development report, advisory route, air defense readiness, air defense region, air defense requirements, air-launched drone rocket, aircraft direction room, aircraft discrepancy report, airfield damage repair, ammunition disposition report, ammunition disposition request6) Техника: acceptable degradation rate, airborne digital recorder, analog-to-digital recorder, angle data recorder, automatic digital relay7) Шутливое выражение: Another Driver Retires8) Религия: Army Of Divine Rights9) Юридический термин: Amicable Dispute Resolution, альтернативное разрешение споров (alternative dispute resolution), alternative dispute resolution, альтернативные методы разрешения споров10) Бухгалтерия: Asset Depreciation Range, Average Daily Rate, срок службы актива (устанавливаемый Налоговым управлением США для начисления износа определённых активов, asset depreciation range)11) Автомобильный термин: Automatic Distance Regulation (Krokodil), (Automatic Distance Regulation) автоматическое регулирование расстояния (система по поддержанию безопасного расстояния до впереди идущего автомобиля) (Krokodil)12) Биржевой термин: Annual Dividend Ratio, американское депозитарное свидетельство (American depository receipt), свободнообращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depository receipt), American Depositary Receipts13) Гидрография: auxiliary data receiver (сокр.) (приёмник вспомогательных данных)14) Кино: audio dilog replacement (дублирование фильма. ex.: ADR translation)15) Радио: Additional Dialog Recording, Advanced Digital Radio16) Сокращение: Accident Data Recorder, Advanced Digital Receiver, Air Data Relay, Air Defence Region (UK), Air Defense Reticle (USA), Airborne Data Relay, Armoured Delivery Regiment (UK), adverse drug reaction (препарата), неблагоприятная побочная реакция (препарата), European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Roads (Европейское соглашение о международной дорожной перевозке опасных грузов, ДОПОГ)17) Электроника: Aperture Direct Readout, Audio Dialog Replacement, Automatic Dialog Recording18) Вычислительная техника: Automated Distance Regulation (Auto), Advanced Digital Recording (Streamer, Philips, OnStream), analog digital recorder (сокр.) (аналого-цифровой регистратор)19) Нефть: activities and deliverables register, приемлемая скорость ухудшения рабочих характеристик (acceptable degradation rate)20) Иммунология: Animal Drug Request21) Онкология: Adverse Drug Reaction22) Банковское дело: свободно обращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depositary receipt)23) Транспорт: Agent D Reaper, Automated Demand Resolution, Automatic Driver Recognition, Европейское соглашение о перевозке опасных грузов (ADR = Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Europe) http://www.trustline.ru/adr/)24) Атомная энергия: МПД (absorbed dose rate( мощность поглощенной дозы), измеряется в Гр/ч)25) Экология: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road27) Деловая лексика: Administrative Dispute Resolution, American Depository Receipt28) Инвестиции: American depositary receipt29) Автоматика: automatic diagnostic and recovery system30) Военно-морской флот: arrival discrepancy report (сокр.) (донесение о причинах несвоевременного прибытия), Aviation Machinist's Mate R (Reciprocating Engine Mechanic) (сокр.) (старшина — авиационный механик по поршневым двигателям)31) Расширение файла: AfterDark Randomizer screensaver, Opera Browser Bookmark - Extension32) Логистика: Европейский закон, регулирующий международные автотранспортные перевозки опасных грузов (Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road)33) Военно-политический термин: Air Defence Region34) Каспий: asset depreciation rate35) Снабжение: запрос на усложнённое изменение36) Программное обеспечение: Australian Design Rules37) Международные перевозки: European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road -
11 equipment
1) оборудование; оснащение; аппаратура, аппаратные средства; арматура2) армировка ( шахтного ствола)3) ж.-д. подвижной состав4) снаряжение•to abuse an equipment — неквалифицированно обращаться с оборудованием-
turn-key pattern equipment
accessory starting equipment
aerial equipment
aeronautical equipment
aerospace ground equipment
agglomeration equipment
air brake equipment
airborne direction finding equipment
airborne electronics equipment
airborne equipment
airborne identification equipment
airborne weather equipment
air-cleaning equipment
air-conditioning equipment
aircraft equipment
aircraft recorder equipment
air-handling equipment
air-insulated equipment
air-processing equipment
airslide equipment
air-survey equipment
alignment equipment
analog equipment
ancillary equipment
answering equipment
area navigation equipment
associated-gas handling equipment
atmospheric heat-transfer equipment
audio equipment
automatic control equipment
automatic insertion equipment
automatic stabilization equipment
automatic test equipment
auxiliary equipment
backup equipment
ballasting equipment
batch-preparation equipment
bathroom-and-lavatory equipment
blasting equipment
blind flight equipment
block equipment
bookbinding equipment
brake equipment
bread-making equipment
bridling equipment
broadcasting equipment
broadcast equipment
brown stock washing equipment
built-in equipment
built-in test equipment
cable logging equipment
cab-signaling equipment
calling equipment
camp equipment
can-making equipment
canning equipment
caption-producing equipment
carburetor heat equipment
cast molding equipment
catering equipment
centrifugal air-conditioning equipment
charging equipment
check-out equipment
chemically-proof electrical equipment
chilling equipment
CMC equipment
coal-handling equipment
cockpit equipment
coding equipment
coil-handling equipment
coil-in-box equipment
coke-side equipment
cold-draw equipment
collision warning equipment
commercial equipment
commercial refrigeration equipment
common equipment
communication security equipment
communications equipment
communication equipment
commuter equipment
comparison equipment
component-insertion equipment
composing equipment
compound equipment
compression refrigeration equipment
compressor equipment
computer equipment
conning equipment
construction equipment
continuous fusing equipment
control equipment
cooking equipment
copying equipment
cord latex equipment
crane electrical equipment
crushing equipment
current collection equipment
customer premises equipment
data acquisition equipment
data terminal equipment
data transmission equipment
data-circuit terminating equipment
data-processing equipment
dead-reckoning equipment
deairing equipment
deck equipment
depositing equipment
detonating equipment
digital equipment
digital multiplex equipment
digital still-stare equipment
digital video equipment
display equipment
distance measuring equipment
distillation equipment
ditching equipment
domestic refrigeration equipment
doping equipment
downhole equipment
downstream equipment
drill stem equipment
drilling equipment
drilling mud handling equipment
drilling mud mixing equipment
drip-proof electrical equipment
dry-quenching equipment
dual laterolog equipment
dusting equipment
dustproof electrical equipment
dust-tight electrical equipment
earth-moving equipment
edge-strip scanning equipment
editing equipment
electric face equipment
electrical equipment
electrodialysis membrane equipment
electroheat equipment
electromagnetic exploration equipment
electronic countermeasures equipment
electronic equipment
emergency breathing equipment
emission-control equipment
engine-testing equipment
environmental simulation equipment
error-control equipment
evacuating equipment
excavating equipment
explosionproof electrical equipment
face equipment
facsimile equipment
farm equipment
field equipment
field-production equipment
film equipment
film-scanning equipment
finishing equipment
fire-extinguishing equipment
firing equipment
fishing equipment
fixed equipment
flame-hardening equipment
flameproof electrical equipment
flow head equipment
formation density equipment
fracturing head equipment
fuel-injection equipment
gas conditioning equipment
gas processing equipment
general-purpose equipment
glider launch equipment
glider tow equipment
government furnished equipment
grading equipment
graphic arts equipment
grinding-mixing equipment
ground-based electrical equipment
ground electrical equipment
harvesting equipment
hauling equipment
heat-exchange equipment
heat-transfer equipment
heavy-duty equipment
higher-horsepower equipment
high-maintenance equipment
high-performance equipment
high-pressure spray equipment
high-temperature head equipment
high-voltage equipment
hoisting equipment
home video equipment
horizontal-loop equipment
household equipment
humidity test equipment
hydraulic equipment
hygiene equipment
indoor electrical equipment
induced-polarization equipment
induced-polarization logging equipment
induction hardening equipment
induction log equipment
inductive heating equipment
industrial equipment
industrial-television equipment
inertial navigational equipment
ingot-forming equipment
in-line equipment
insertion equipment
inspection equipment
instrument-landing equipment
integral test equipment
intercity equipment
intercooling equipment
interlocking equipment
isophasing equipment
landing equipment
laser illumination tracking equipment
life saving equipment
lighting equipment
linear matting equipment
loading equipment
logging equipment
log-processing equipment
low-maintenance equipment
lumber-drying equipment
lumberman's equipment
machine-computer interfacing equipment
magnetic-tape equipment
magnetotelluric equipment
maintenance equipment
makeup equipment
manual test equipment
marine equipment
marine refrigeration equipment
materials handling equipment
MDI equipment
measuring equipment
mechanical refrigerating equipment
metering equipment
microfilm duplicating equipment
milling equipment
mine electrical equipment
mineral processing equipment
mine-rescue equipment
mining equipment
mixing equipment
mobile equipment
monitoring equipment
monophonic equipment
multidimension gaging equipment
multiplex equipment
navigation equipment
NC equipment
night vision equipment
night-flying equipment
nozzle-stopper equipment
office equipment
off-line equipment
oil field equipment
oil-dispensing equipment
on-line equipment
open-type electrical equipment
optional equipment
ore-handling equipment
outdoor electrical equipment
outside broadcasting equipment
overhead equipment
paper converting equipment
parts handling equipment
pass-through stretch wrapping equipment
payoff equipment
perforating equipment
peripheral equipment
permanent way equipment
phototypesetting equipment
photovoltaic equipment
Piggyback equipment
platemaking equipment
pneumatic equipment
portable electrical equipment
portable equipment
power equipment
power-conditioning equipment
powerhouse permanent equipment
printing equipment
process control equipment
processing equipment
production equipment
production run equipment
projection equipment
protected equipment
protection equipment
public address equipment
pusher-side equipment
quenching equipment
radar equipment
radio communication equipment
radio equipment
radio receiving equipment
radio transmitting equipment
radioactivity well logging equipment
rail brake equipment
railway equipment
ranging equipment
readout equipment
reciprocating air-conditioning equipment
reciprocating compression equipment
reference measuring equipment
reflection equipment
refraction equipment
refrigerating equipment
remote control equipment
residue recovery equipment
resistivity logging equipment
rigging equipment
round-trip equipment
running equipment
sawmill equipment
scrap-handling equipment
scrap-processing equipment
scrap-reclaiming equipment
sealed electrical equipment
security equipment
seismic exploration equipment
self-contained equipment
self-potential equipment
service equipment
setting equipment
shear knife changing equipment
shipboard equipment
shooting equipment
sign towing equipment
signal-conversion equipment
simple equipment
sinking equipment
slaughtering equipment
slicing equipment
slide equipment
small commercial refrigeration equipment
smoking equipment
snow handling equipment
solids control equipment
sonic equipment
sound equipment
spark-erosion equipment
special-effects equipment
special-purpose equipment
splashproof equipment
spray equipment
stand-alone equipment
standard equipment
standardization equipment
standby equipment
stationary equipment
stereophonic equipment
stereo equipment
stoplog handling equipment
stripping equipment
strip-storage equipment
studio-production equipment
studio equipment
stump-pulling equipment
stump-to-roadside equipment
submersible electrical equipment
subtitling equipment
supervisory equipment
surface equipment
surface hardening equipment
surface measuring equipment
survival equipment
switching equipment
talk-back equipment
telecine equipment
television automatic-monitoring equipment
television equipment
television field equipment
television relay equipment
television studio equipment
television-broadcasting equipment
television-film equipment
tensioning equipment
terminal equipment
testing equipment
test equipment
timing equipment
totally enclosed electrical equipment
tower equipment
track circuit equipment
trackside equipment
track equipment
tracking equipment
traction electrical equipment
train-stop equipment
transient electromagnetic equipment
tunneling equipment
turning gaging equipment
turnout equipment
underground equipment
underwater equipment
underwater TV equipment
user equipment
vacuum coating equipment
vacuum-casting equipment
vacuum-distillation equipment
vacuum-treating equipment
vehicular equipment
ventilating equipment
video equipment
video tape editing equipment
warp knitting equipment
water treating equipment
waterproof electrical equipment
welding equipment
wellhead equipment
well-logging equipment
wheel alignment equipment
woodworking equipment -
Военный термин: reciprocating aircraft engine type designation system -
RAETDS, reciprocating aircraft engine type designation systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > RAETDS
См. также в других словарях:
Aircraft engine — An aircraft engine is a propulsion system for an aircraft. Aircraft engines are almost always a type of lightweight internal combustion engine. This article is an overview of the basic types of aircraft engines and the design concepts employed in … Wikipedia
Engine — This article is about a machine to convert energy into useful mechanical motion. For other uses of engine, see Engine (disambiguation). For other uses of motor, see Motor (disambiguation). A V6 internal combustion engine from a Mercedes car An… … Wikipedia
Aircraft Maintenance Technician — Aircraft Maintenance Technician, as used in the United States, refers to an individual who holds a Mechanic certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration; the rules for certification, and for certificate holders, are detailed in… … Wikipedia
engine — n. motor 1) to crank, start; operate, run; rev up an engine 2) to lubricate; repair; service; tune up an engine 3) to cut, kill, turn off; warm up an engine 4) an air cooled; aircraft; diesel; donkey; electric; internal combustion; jet; radial;… … Combinatory dictionary
aircraft engine — An engine used or intended to be used for propelling aircraft. It includes super chargers, appurtenances, and accessories necessary for its functioning but does not include propellers. The main types of aircraft engines are reciprocating, gas… … Aviation dictionary
Wankel engine — The Wankel engine is a type of internal combustion engine which uses a rotary design to convert pressure into a rotating motion instead of using reciprocating pistons. Its four stroke cycle is generally generated in a space between the inside of… … Wikipedia
gas-turbine engine — Introduction any internal combustion engine employing a gas as the working fluid used to turn a turbine. The term also is conventionally used to describe a complete internal combustion engine consisting of at least a compressor, a… … Universalium
Internal combustion engine — The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel (normally a fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high temperature and high … Wikipedia
gasoline engine — Most widely used form of internal combustion engine, found in most automobiles and many other vehicles. Gasoline engines vary significantly in size, weight per unit of power generated, and arrangement of components. The principal type is the… … Universalium
Model aircraft — A die cast Boeing 747 400 model. Model aircraft are flying or non flying models of existing or imaginary aircraft using a variety of materials including plastic, diecast metal, polystyrene, balsa wood, foam and fibreglass. Flying designs range… … Wikipedia
Steam engine — A steam engine is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. [ [http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/564472/steam engine steam engine Britannica Online Encyclopedia ] ] Steam engines have a long history,… … Wikipedia