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recession rate

См. также в других словарях:

  • Recession shapes — are used by economists to describe different types of recessions. There is no specific academic theory or classification system for recession shapes; rather the terminology is used as an informal shorthand to characterize recessions and their… …   Wikipedia

  • Recession — This article is about a slowdown in economic activity. For other uses, see Recession (disambiguation). Economics …   Wikipedia

  • recession — A slowdown or fall in the rate of economic growth. A recession is defined by the US National Bureau of Economic Research as a decline in gross domestic product in two successive quarters. A severe recession is called a depression Recession is… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • recession — Synonyms and related words: abandonment, alcove, backset, backsliding, backward motion, backward step, bad times, bay, boom, bottoming out, business cycle, business fluctuations, bust, capitulation, cession, cooling off, corner, cove, crisis,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Federal funds rate — In the United States, the federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions actively trade balances held at the Federal Reserve, called federal funds, with each other, usually overnight, on an uncollateralized basis.… …   Wikipedia

  • Late-2000s recession — This article is about economic recession during the early twenty first century. For background financial market events dating from 2007, see Late 2000s financial crisis. Late 2000s recession around the world Africa Americas South America United… …   Wikipedia

  • Early 1980s recession — The early 1980s recession was a severe recession in the United States which began in July 1981 and ended in November 1982.Krugman, Did the Federal Reserve Cause the Recession? , New York Times, April 1, 1991; National Bureau of Economic Research …   Wikipedia

  • Early 2000s recession — The Early 2000s recession was felt in mostly Western countries, affecting the European Union mostly during 2000 and 2001 and the United States mostly in 2002 and 2003. Canada and Australia avoided the recession for the most part, while Russia, a… …   Wikipedia

  • 1973–75 recession — In the parlance of recession shapes, the Recession of 1973–75 in the United States could be considered a U shaped recession, because of its prolonged period of weak growth and contraction.[1]     & …   Wikipedia

  • Crise économique dite de la Grande Récession (2008 et après) — La crise économique de 2008, appelée souvent dans le monde anglophone Grande Récession (Great Recession, en référence à la Grande Dépression de 1929)[1],[2],[3] …   Wikipédia en Français

  • National fiscal policy response to the late 2000s recession — Many nations of the world have enacted fiscal stimulus plans in response to the global, ongoing recession. These nations have used different combinations of government spending and tax cuts to boost their sagging economies. Most of these plans… …   Wikipedia

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