1 rebound block
Стрелковое оружие: вкладыш ударника -
2 rebound block
3 valve
1) клапан; вентиль2) задвижка; затвор4) кран5) мн. ч. вентильная арматура•to time the valves — регулировать газораспределение ( двигателя)-
2-axis hydraulic contouring valve
3-axis hydraulic contouring valve
3-position spring-centered selector valve
ac solenoid hydraulic directional valve
accumulator charging valve
accumulator unloading valve
adjustable valve
admission valve
ahead maneuvering valve
air control valve
air filler valve
air valve
air-gap armature hydraulic valve
air-operated valve
air-starting valve
air-steam relief valve
air-vent valve
alarm valve
aligned-grid valve
amplifier valve
angle valve
annular slide valve
antibackfire valve
antiicing shutoff valve
astern maneuvering valve
atmospheric steam dump valve
automatic changeover valve
auxiliary loop isolation valve
auxiliary valve
back pressure valve
back valve
backfire bypass valve
backflush valve
back-seating valve
backwash valve
baffle valve
balanced needle valve
balanced valve
balanced-disk valve
balanced-gate valve
ball and scat valve
ball seating action valve
ball shear action valve
ball valve
ball-operated pneumatic valve
beam-power valve
bin slide valve
blade-control valve
bleeder valve
bleed valve
block valve
blowing valve
blowoff valve
blowout valve
bottom discharge valve
bottom dump valve
bottom-hole valve
brake application valve
brake cylinder release valve
brake hydraulic valve
brake transmission valve
brake valve
breathing valve
bulkhead valve
bullet valve
butterfly valve
bypass proportional valve
bypass valve
cam-operated pneumatic valve
cargo oil valve
cargo valve
cartridge-type valve
casing fill-up valve
casing float valve
casing pressure operated gas lift valve
cement float valve
centrifugal reducing valve
changeover valve
charging valve
check valve
chimney slide valve
chimney valve
choke valve
Christmas-tree gate valve
Christmas-tree valve
combined stop and emergency valve
common slide valve
compartment valve
compensation valve
compression valve
compressor bleed valve
conditioned air emergency valve
conductor's valve
cone valve
control valve
converter valve
coolant flow-control valve
cooler bypass valve
copying valve
counterbalance valve
crankcase valve
crankcase ventilation valve
crossfeed valve
crude oil valve
cryogenic gate valve
cutoff valve
cutout valve
cylinder-operated pneumatic valve
cylindrical valve
damper valve
dc solenoid hydraulic directional valve
deceleration flow control valve
deceleration valve
deck drain valve
decompression pressure control valve
delivery valve
depress valve
detent-controlled valve
diaphragm seating action valve
diaphragm valve
differential lock valve
differential pressure control valve
differential relief valve
direct-acting valve
direct-admission valve
direction selector valve
directional control valve
directly operated valve
discharge valve
disk valve
distributing valve
distribution valve
diverter valve
double air-piloted valve
double-acting valve
double-check valve
double-seat valve
double-solenoid valve
drain valve
dual block gate valve
dual block valve
dump valve
duplex valve
duplicator valve
eduction valve
ejection valve
electric valve
electric-to-air valve
electrohydraulic servo valve
electromagnetic valve
electronic valve
emergency closing valve
emergency valve
emergency-braking valve
en-bloc directional control hydraulic valve
engine start valve
engineer's brake valve
equalizing tester valve
equalizing valve
escape valve
evaporator refrigerant valve
exhaust brake valve
exhaust valve
exit-juice valve
expansion valve
explosive valve
extraction valve
feeding valve
feed valve
feedwater valve
fill valve
five-port control valve
five-port valve
fixed flow control valve
fixed-dispersion cone valve
flap valve
flapper action valve
flapper valve
flat gate valve
flat valve
flat-scat fuel valve
Fleming valve
float valve
float-controlled gate valve
float-controlled valve
flooding valve
flood valve
flow control valve
flow directing valve
flow dividing valve
flow metering valve
flow restrictor valve
flow safety valve
flow summarizing valve
flow-regulating valve
fluid check valve
flushing and boost valve
follow valve
follower-ring gate valve
foot valve
foot-operated pneumatic valve
force motor valve
forcing valve
four/three-way hydraulic directional control valve
four-port control valve
four-port valve
four-way directional control valve
four-way valve
free-discharge valve
fuel shutoff valve
fuel supply valve
fuel valve
fuel-lock valve
fume valve
gas charging valve
gas cylinder valve
gas lift starting valve
gas lift valve
gas reversing valve
gate valve
geared valve
globe valve
guard valve
guard's valve
gulp valve
hand-operated valve
heat control valve
high-head regulating valve
high-pressure gate valve
high-pressure relief valve
holding valve
hollow-jet valve
hydraulic copying valve
hydraulic pressure gage selector valve
hydraulic valve
inclined valve
indirect-action valve
induction valve
injection valve
injector valve
inlet valve
in-line air valve
intake valve
intercept valve
interior differential needle valve
intermediate-plate type valve
internal check valve
inverted valve
ionic valve
isolation valve
jet action valve
jet-pipe valve
jettison valve
kelly safety valve
king valve
kingston valve
leak valve
lever safety valve
light valve
liquid-crystal valve
load dividing pressure control valve
lock emptying valve
lock filling valve
lock valve
low-cracking check valve
magnetic valve
main feedwater control valve
main loop isolation valve
main penstock valve
main pipeline gate valve
main pipeline valve
main steam stop valve
main tester valve
make-up valve
maneuvering valve
manifold air valve
manifold valve
manual valve
masked inlet valve
master control gate valve
master gate valve
master valve
measuring valve
membrane valve
mercury arc valve
mercury valve
metering valve
mixer valve
mod-logic pneumatic valve
modular hydraulic valves
modular-type control valve
modulating valve
moisture drain valve
motor-operated valve
multiple station isolator valve
multiple valve
multiway valve
mushroom valve
needle seating action valve
needle valve
neutralizer valve
new fuel entry valve
nonreturn valve
nozzle control valve
nozzle valve
oil drain valve
oil-controlled valve
oil-overflow valve
oil-pressure relief valve
oil-pressure valve
one-port control valve
one-port valve
one-stage valve
one-way control valve
one-way valve
on-off valve
open center valve
orchard valve
outboard valve
outlet valve
overflow valve
overlapped valve
overload valve
overrun valve
overspeed valve
palm button operated pneumatic valve
penstock valve
pet valve
pig scraper launching valve
pig launching valve
pig scraper receiver valve
pig receiver valve
pilot overspeed valve
pilot valve
pilot-actuated valve
pilot-controlled valve
pilot-operated check valve
pilot-operated valve
pipe valve
pipeline valves
piston valve
piston-operated spool valve
plug seating action valve
plug shear action valve
plug valve
pneumatic control valve
pneumatic time delay valve
pneumatic valve
poppet valve
poppet-operated pneumatic valve
power valve
pressure control valve
pressure reducing valve
pressure regulating valve
pressure sequenced valve
pressure valve
pressure-vacuum vent valve
pressure vent valve
pressure-and-vacuum valve
pressure-compensated flow control valve
pressure-compensated valve
pressure-limiting valve
pressure-operated pneumatic valve
pressure-relief valve
pressurizer isolation valve
pressurizing cabin valve
priming valve
priority valve
production gate valve
production valve
proportional control hydraulic valve
proportional pressure control valve
proportioning valve
pump discharge valve
purge valve
push-button operated pneumatic valve
push-button valve
quarter-turn valve
quick exhaust air valve
rebound valve
rectifier valve
reducing valve
reed-type valve
reed valve
re-entry valve
register valve
regulating valve
relay valve
release valve
relief valve
replenishing valve
restrictor valve
retaining valve
retardation valve
retarder valve
retrievable valve
return valve
reverse Tainter valve
reverse valve
reversible flow metering valve
revolving valve
ride control valve
roller-operated pneumatic valve
rolling lift valve
rotary directional hydraulic valve
rotary disk operated pneumatic valve
rotary valve
safety valve
sampling valve
sand valve
scour valve
screw-down valve
screw valve
scupper valve
sea-suction valve
seating action valve
seat valve
selection valve
selector directional control valve
selector valve
self-sealing hydraulic valve
sequence valve
shaft valve
shear action valve
shrouded valve
shutoff gate valve
shutoff valve
singe-seat valve
single solenoid valve
single-acting valve
single-stage valve
sleeve valve
slide valve
sliding plate shear action valve
sluice valve
snap-in valve
snort valve
sodium-filled exhaust valve
solar panel valve
solenoid valve
solenoid-operated hydraulic valve
sphere valve
spherical valve
sphincter valve
spool operated pneumatic valve
spool valve
spray valve
spring centering directional control hydraulic valve
spring centralized air valve
spring offset valve
spring operated valve
spring-loaded valve
standing valve
start valve
steam dump valve
steam valve
steering-damping control valve
stop valve
straight flow valve
straight-through valve
suction valve
supply valve
surface-controlled gas lift valve
surge damping valve
swing disk seating action valve
swing-check valve
tank manifold valves
tank valves
tank-pipeline valve
tapered-seat valve
taper-seat valve
telescopic valve
telltale valve
thermionic valve
thermostatic expansion valve
thermostatic valve
three-port control valve
three-port valve
throttle valve
throttling direction control valve
thyristor valve
tidal valve
tilting disk check valve
time delay valve
toggle valve
tractor breakaway valve
transmission spark control valve
traveling valve
treadle-operated pneumatic valve
trip tester valve
tube valve
tubing pressure operated gas lift valve
tubing safety valve
turbine inlet valve
turbine shutoff valve
twinned-regenerator valve
two/two-way hydraulic valve
two-port control valve
two-port valve
two-position pneumatic valve
two-stage valve
two-way control valve
two-way valve
uncoupling valve
underlapped valve
unloading valve
vacuum valve
vapor valve
variable load valve
variable valve
vent valve
ventilation valve
venting valve
washout valve
water valve
water-gate valve
waveguide valve
wedge gate valve
wedge valve
wedge-action valve
wet armature hydraulic valve
whistle valve
zero-lapped valve -
4 RB
1) Общая лексика: reed beds2) Компьютерная техника: Registry Backup, Rom Boot, Rounded Box3) Американизм: Red Book4) Спорт: Record Book, Record Breaker, Record Breaking, Rich Baller, Rubber Ball, Running Back5) Военный термин: Renegotiation Board, Review Board, radar beacon, radar buster, radio bearing, rapid-bloom, rations book, reconnaissance bomber, recovery beacon, reentry body, research bulletin, restricted bulletin, rifle bomber, rifle brigade, rigid boat, road block, rocket branch6) Техника: radiant boiler, reactor building, reduced blooming, relative bearing, remote batch, return-to-bias, roller bearing, reduced bore7) Шутливое выражение: The Raging Bears8) Химия: Rockwell hardness B9) Строительство: (rotary blower) ВЦ10) Юридический термин: Rubber Bullet11) Грубое выражение: Rat Bastard, Resident Bitch, Richly Beautiful, Righteous Bitch12) Металлургия: resistance brazing13) Телекоммуникации: Randomized Block14) Сокращение: Rapid Bloom, Rebated rim, Reconnaissance Bureau (Korea, North), Reduced Blast, Rotating Bolt, read back, repeated back, rubber base, РБ (Республика Бурятия - Republic of Buryatia), Radiation Burn, Rating Board, Re-registration Branch, Reactor Building (nuclear), Rebound, Rebreathing, Reciprocal Billing, Regelblutung (German), Representative Body (UK), Reticulate Body, Retinoblastoma, Right Bronchus, Right Bundle, Tumour suppressor gene15) Физиология: Right Brain16) Электроника: Resistance Barrier, Rubberized Base17) Вычислительная техника: read backward, read buffer18) Нефть: rock bit, rotary bushing, шарошечное долото (rock bit)19) Лабораторное оборудование: контрольный реактив (reagent blank)20) Банковское дело: квитанционная книжка (receipt book), ДБО (дистанционное банковское обслуживание)21) Пищевая промышленность: Roast Beef22) Воздухоплавание: Radio Beacon23) СМИ: Requires Bind24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: баррелей в пласте (reservoir barrels)25) Инвестиции: receipt book26) Сетевые технологии: Remote Backup27) Программирование: Read Binary, Reservation Bit, Rotate Buffer28) Сахалин Р: reservoir barrels29) Расширение файла: Richard Bruce, Right Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)30) Нефть и газ: rb, reservoir barrel31) Молекулярная биология: ретинобластома ( retinoblastoma) (встречается в сочетании RB pathway, protein и пр.)32) Чат: Real Beard, Really Big -
1) Общая лексика: river basin districts2) Компьютерная техника: Rho Binding Domain3) Авиация: Reservations/Booking Designator4) Американизм: Revolution By Design5) Спорт: Rebound6) Военный термин: Red Bull Division7) Сокращение: Radar Beacon Digitizer, Red Ballon Day8) Текстиль: Refined, Bleached, Deodorized, Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized9) Физиология: REM Behavior Disorder10) Нефть: блок-схема расчёта надёжности (reliability block diagram)11) Деловая лексика: Refined, Bleached, Deodorised, Required Beginning Date12) Чат: Real Big Daddy13) НАСА: Reliability Block Diagram -
6 Rb
1) Общая лексика: reed beds2) Компьютерная техника: Registry Backup, Rom Boot, Rounded Box3) Американизм: Red Book4) Спорт: Record Book, Record Breaker, Record Breaking, Rich Baller, Rubber Ball, Running Back5) Военный термин: Renegotiation Board, Review Board, radar beacon, radar buster, radio bearing, rapid-bloom, rations book, reconnaissance bomber, recovery beacon, reentry body, research bulletin, restricted bulletin, rifle bomber, rifle brigade, rigid boat, road block, rocket branch6) Техника: radiant boiler, reactor building, reduced blooming, relative bearing, remote batch, return-to-bias, roller bearing, reduced bore7) Шутливое выражение: The Raging Bears8) Химия: Rockwell hardness B9) Строительство: (rotary blower) ВЦ10) Юридический термин: Rubber Bullet11) Грубое выражение: Rat Bastard, Resident Bitch, Richly Beautiful, Righteous Bitch12) Металлургия: resistance brazing13) Телекоммуникации: Randomized Block14) Сокращение: Rapid Bloom, Rebated rim, Reconnaissance Bureau (Korea, North), Reduced Blast, Rotating Bolt, read back, repeated back, rubber base, РБ (Республика Бурятия - Republic of Buryatia), Radiation Burn, Rating Board, Re-registration Branch, Reactor Building (nuclear), Rebound, Rebreathing, Reciprocal Billing, Regelblutung (German), Representative Body (UK), Reticulate Body, Retinoblastoma, Right Bronchus, Right Bundle, Tumour suppressor gene15) Физиология: Right Brain16) Электроника: Resistance Barrier, Rubberized Base17) Вычислительная техника: read backward, read buffer18) Нефть: rock bit, rotary bushing, шарошечное долото (rock bit)19) Лабораторное оборудование: контрольный реактив (reagent blank)20) Банковское дело: квитанционная книжка (receipt book), ДБО (дистанционное банковское обслуживание)21) Пищевая промышленность: Roast Beef22) Воздухоплавание: Radio Beacon23) СМИ: Requires Bind24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: баррелей в пласте (reservoir barrels)25) Инвестиции: receipt book26) Сетевые технологии: Remote Backup27) Программирование: Read Binary, Reservation Bit, Rotate Buffer28) Сахалин Р: reservoir barrels29) Расширение файла: Richard Bruce, Right Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)30) Нефть и газ: rb, reservoir barrel31) Молекулярная биология: ретинобластома ( retinoblastoma) (встречается в сочетании RB pathway, protein и пр.)32) Чат: Real Beard, Really Big -
7 rb
1) Общая лексика: reed beds2) Компьютерная техника: Registry Backup, Rom Boot, Rounded Box3) Американизм: Red Book4) Спорт: Record Book, Record Breaker, Record Breaking, Rich Baller, Rubber Ball, Running Back5) Военный термин: Renegotiation Board, Review Board, radar beacon, radar buster, radio bearing, rapid-bloom, rations book, reconnaissance bomber, recovery beacon, reentry body, research bulletin, restricted bulletin, rifle bomber, rifle brigade, rigid boat, road block, rocket branch6) Техника: radiant boiler, reactor building, reduced blooming, relative bearing, remote batch, return-to-bias, roller bearing, reduced bore7) Шутливое выражение: The Raging Bears8) Химия: Rockwell hardness B9) Строительство: (rotary blower) ВЦ10) Юридический термин: Rubber Bullet11) Грубое выражение: Rat Bastard, Resident Bitch, Richly Beautiful, Righteous Bitch12) Металлургия: resistance brazing13) Телекоммуникации: Randomized Block14) Сокращение: Rapid Bloom, Rebated rim, Reconnaissance Bureau (Korea, North), Reduced Blast, Rotating Bolt, read back, repeated back, rubber base, РБ (Республика Бурятия - Republic of Buryatia), Radiation Burn, Rating Board, Re-registration Branch, Reactor Building (nuclear), Rebound, Rebreathing, Reciprocal Billing, Regelblutung (German), Representative Body (UK), Reticulate Body, Retinoblastoma, Right Bronchus, Right Bundle, Tumour suppressor gene15) Физиология: Right Brain16) Электроника: Resistance Barrier, Rubberized Base17) Вычислительная техника: read backward, read buffer18) Нефть: rock bit, rotary bushing, шарошечное долото (rock bit)19) Лабораторное оборудование: контрольный реактив (reagent blank)20) Банковское дело: квитанционная книжка (receipt book), ДБО (дистанционное банковское обслуживание)21) Пищевая промышленность: Roast Beef22) Воздухоплавание: Radio Beacon23) СМИ: Requires Bind24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: баррелей в пласте (reservoir barrels)25) Инвестиции: receipt book26) Сетевые технологии: Remote Backup27) Программирование: Read Binary, Reservation Bit, Rotate Buffer28) Сахалин Р: reservoir barrels29) Расширение файла: Richard Bruce, Right Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)30) Нефть и газ: rb, reservoir barrel31) Молекулярная биология: ретинобластома ( retinoblastoma) (встречается в сочетании RB pathway, protein и пр.)32) Чат: Real Beard, Really Big -
8 machine
- automatic filling machine
- automatic powder measuring machine
- beading machine
- belt-grinding machine
- bending machine
- bias cutting machine
- blending machine
- block skiving machine
- block slicing machine
- braiding machine
- brushing machine
- buffing machine
- casting machine
- cementing machine
- clipping machine
- coating machine
- core winding machine
- deflashing machine
- dinting machine
- drape and forming machine
- duplicating milling machine
- dusting machine
- embossing machine
- engraving machine
- extrusion machine
- fatigue machine
- folding machine
- gauffer machine
- glue machine
- glue smearing machine
- grinding machine
- impregnating machine
- insulating tube coiling machine
- jacketing machine
- kneading machine
- lac smearing machine
- lapping machine
- linear-contact high-frequency sealing machine
- mixing machine
- multipie die tubing machine
- multi-station machine
- pelleting machine
- pendulum machine
- perforating machine
- piston extrusion machine
- plush machine
- preforming machine
- press button machine
- protracted test machine
- pulping machine
- punching machine
- rebound pendulum machine
- reciprocating single-screw machine
- rotary injection moulding machine
- rotary pelleting machine
- screening machine
- screw cleaning machine
- screw extrusion machine
- screw injection moulding machine
- screw kneading machine
- screw-ram plasticizing injection machine
- screw-type extrusion machine
- sifting machine
- single die tubing machine
- single screw extrusion machine
- sizing machine
- slicing machine
- spinning machine
- spreading machine
- stamping machine
- stentering machine
- strip winding machine
- tablet compressing machine
- tableting machine
- tape winding machine
- tapping machine
- tension testing machine
- thicknessing machine
- threading machine
- tire dishing machine
- tire sewing machine
- trimming machine
- triturating machine
- tube extrusion machine
- tube trimming machine
- tubing machine
- universal kneading machine
- varnishing machine
- weathering machine
- winding machine -
9 spring
пружина; рессора (цилиндрическая, листовая); упругость; эластичность; разводка зубьев пилы; источник; родник; ключ; II подвешивать на рессорах; подвешивать на пружинах; подрессоривать; пружинить; соединять пружинами; прыгать; подскакивать- spring and guide assembly - spring application - spring arch - spring arrangement - spring ball joint - spring bearer plate - spring block - spring centre bolt - spring centre clamp - spring centre hump - spring chair - spring collar - spring compressor - spring-controlled - spring coupling plate - spring cover - spring damper coil - spring deflection - spring end - spring fixed end - spring fixed eye - spring forge - spring frame of seat - spring free end - spring gaiter - spring hoop - spring horn - spring-leaf opener - spring-leaf retainer - spring liner - spring-loaded - spring-loaded check valve - spring-loaded oil seal - spring-loaded plunger - spring-loaded valve - spring oiler - spring opener - spring-opposed - spring pivot seat - spring reinforced eye - spring retainer - spring retainer lock - spring-return - spring seat angle - spring seat centre line - spring separator - spring shackle pin - spring solid eye - spring spacer - spring-spoke steering wheel - spring-spoked steering wheel - spring squeak - spring steel - spring stiffness - spring stirrup - spring stop - spring support - spring surge - spring suspension - spring tension pawl - spring-tensioned oil seal - spring thrust - spring tie bolt - spring tongue - spring-trip hitch - spring-tyre self-starter - spring U-bolt - spring upturned eye - spring washer - spring wheel - spring wire - spring with compression shackle - spring wrapper eye - air spring - antagonistic spring - antirattle spring - blade spring - block spring - car spring - carriage spring - case spring - centring spring - close-coiled spring - cluster spring - conical spring - constant spring - disconnecting spring - double-cone spring - double-elliptic spring - draft spring - end spring - feather spring - feed spring - fly spring - Garter spring - hair spring - jack spring - journal spring - nest spring - parabolic spring - pressing spring - progressively wound valve spring - recuperator spring - restoring spring - stabilizer spring - starting crankshaft spring - steering clutch spring - steering knuckle tie rod spring - step spring - stop spring - stiff spring - superposed plate spring - supplementary spring - supporting spring - suspended spring - suspension spring - symmetrical spring - tempered spring - tension spring - three-quarter elliptic spring - throw-over spring - thrust spring - tie-rod spring - torsion spring - torsion bar spring - torsional spring - transverse spring - trailing spring - tripping spring - twist spring - two-stage spring - two-way spring - underhung spring - underslung spring - universal-joint casing spring - unloaded spring - unsymmetrical spring - valve spring - valve rocker shaft spring - variable rate spring - vibrator spring - volute spring - water pump spring - weak spring - wound spring - yoke spring - zero spring -
10 test
испытание; исследование; опыт, проба; проверка; обнаружение; определение; показатель пробы; характеристика продукта (результат пробы); II испытывать; подвергать испытанию; пробовать; исследовать; делать опыты- test bar- test bed- test by bending and unbending- test car- test conditions - test cubicle - test facilities - test fan - test figures - test for durability - test for ground - test for parallelism - test for short - test gauge - test glass - test hause - test lamp - test method - test miles per day - test mixer - test period - test pick - test pressure - test prod - test pulse - test results- test rig- test-room- test run- test to destruction - test tunnel - test unit - test vehicle - test work- air test- break down test - color test - crash test - exaggerated test - exhaustive test - exposure test - heavy duty test - hill climbing test- hot test- odd test- oil-immersion test - paint rub test - palm test - percentage test - percussion test - performance test - periodic test - physical test - pitting corrosion test - plasticity test - porosity test - pour test - pouring test - preliminaryt test - pressure test - production test - production typical test - programme test - proof test - protracted test - psychotechnic test - pull test - pulling test - punching test - qualification test - quality test - quantitative test - quick test - rebound hardness test - reception test - recovery test - red-heat test - repair test - repeated test - repeated bending stress test - repeated compression test - repeated direct stress test - repeated dynamic stress test - repeated impact test - repeated impact tension test - repeated stress test - repeated tensile stress test - repeated tension test - repeated torsion test - repetition test - replicated field test - resilience test - retardation test - reverse bend test - rig test - rigid test - road test - roll-over test - rolling acceleration test - rotating bar fatigue test - rotating beam fatigue test - rough test - rough-track test - routine test - running test - rupture test - safety test - scratch test - scratch oil test - screening test - scuffing test - separation test - service test - shake test - shock test - short-circuit test - short-time test - simulated test - single test - skid test - skid pad test - roadability test - slow-speed test - small-scale test - soil test - sonic test - standard distillation test - starting test - static test - static torsional test - steering test - step test - stiffness test - stop-and-go test - stop-start test - stopping and starting test - stroking test - structure test - tactical test - tensile and compression test - tensile fatigue test - test tensile impact test - tensile shock test - thermal test - tilting test - torque test - torsion test - torsion impact test - toughness test - towing test - transverse test - transverse bending test - trial test - triaxial compression test - twisting test - type test - ultrasonic test - understandability test - underwater test - vehicle drag test - vehicle road test - vibration test - vibratory test - visibility test - volatility test - warpage test - warranty test - water test - water-absorption test - water-resistance test - wear test - wearing test - weather-exposure test - weather-resistance test - weathering test - wheel test - whirling test - wind-tunnel test -
11 method
- method
- nметод, способ; система; порядок; методика; технология
- method of analysis
- method of application
- method of attack
- method of bearing and distances
- method of bipolar coordinates
- method of calculation
- method of design
- method of detail survey
- method of elastic weights
- method of electric needles
- method of expansion into series
- method of fixed points
- method of intersection
- method of joint isolation
- method of least work
- methods of manufacture
- method of minimum strain energy
- method of moment distribution
- method of radiation
- method of redistribution of pressure
- method of sections
- method of steam jet
- methods of structural analysis
- method of successive approximations
- methods of testing
- method of water needles
- accepted method of building
- accepted method of house construction
- accurate method of analysis
- adhesive nail-on method
- admittance method
- advanced methods of concreting
- advance slope method
- aggregate exposure method
- air permeability method
- alternate methods
- American method
- analytical method of determining reactions
- API method of pile design
- approximate method
- approximation method
- area method
- area-moment method
- assembly methods
- Austrian method
- autogenous curing method
- balanced cantilever method
- Belgian method
- Benoto method
- bentonite method
- Billner method
- "bin" method
- boiling water method
- boom placement concreting method
- bricklaying methods
- building method
- building block module method
- cable method of rock stressing
- calculation method
- cantilever method
- Chicago method
- circular-arc method
- Coast-Survey method
- collapse method of structural design
- combined finite strip-finite element method
- compaction methods of clays
- conjugate beam method
- consistency measurement method
- construction methods
- construction and erection methods
- contiguous pile method
- continuous-flight augers method
- continuous-sample method of advance
- convergence method
- critical method
- critical path method
- Cross moment distribution method
- Cross method
- cross-section method
- current design methods
- cut-and-cover method
- dampproofing methods
- displacement method
- displacement method of advance
- dual-rail method
- dummy unit-load method
- dust-spot method
- Dutch cone method
- earth pressure balanced tunneling method
- elastic center method
- elastic weights method
- electric analogy method
- electric resisting method
- energy method
- equal friction method of duct sizing
- equal friction method
- equivalent load method
- erection method
- fast track construction methods
- fatigue test method
- finite difference method
- finite element method
- finite strip method
- flight auger method
- flotation caisson method
- flue loss method
- folded plate method of analysis
- force method
- free cantilever method of construction
- general method of analysis
- Glotzl hydraulic cell method
- Gow method
- Hardy Cross method
- housing appraisal method
- in-duct method
- industrialized methods of construction
- iterative method
- jack method
- jacking method
- lacquer curtain coating method
- laser beam method
- leap-frog method
- limit equilibrium method
- limit state method
- listening methods
- load factor design method
- mandrel method
- mathematical method of design
- matrix method of structural analysis
- maturity method
- measuring method
- mixed-mode method
- mix-in-place method
- modern building methods
- modular ratio method
- moiré fringe method
- moment-balance method
- nondestructive methods of tests
- normal method of quality control
- null method
- numerical method
- one-rail method
- optical square method
- permissible stress method
- phototheodolite method
- plastic methods of structural analysis
- plate count method
- precast concrete manufacturing methods
- pressuremeter method
- proven construction methods
- p-y method of pile design
- rapid test method
- ratio method of balancing
- rebound hammer method
- reference point method
- relaxation method
- reproducible methods
- resistivity method
- resonant-frequency method
- reverberant field method
- Rockwell method of hardness testing
- safe method
- safe working methods
- secant interlocking pile method
- secant pile method
- seismic method of surveying
- seismic reflection method
- seismic refraction method
- semiprobabilistic design method
- shear transfer method
- shock response method of pile testing
- sliding-wedge method
- slope deflection method
- solar radiation method
- sonic method
- special method of quality control
- standard test method
- static regain method of duct sizing
- static regain method
- statistical design method
- step-by-step method
- strength design method
- strength evaluation method
- successive approximations method
- suspended cantilever method
- swamp shooting method
- Tagg method
- tangent modulus method
- test methods
- Theis method
- thixotropic liquid method
- three-point method
- tilt-up method
- time-saving method of construction
- TNO method of analysis
- TNO method of pile testing
- transit and stadia method
- tremie method
- truss analogy method
- turn-of-nut method
- ultrasonic pulse velocity method
- vacuum concrete method of bridge construction
- valveless pulse-jet method
- vane shear method
- velocity reduction method of duct sizing
- velocity reduction method
- vibratory method
- Vickers method of hardness testing
- volume method of measuring aggregates
- warm water method
- water fog spray method
- western bricklaying method
- western method
- working-stress design method
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
12 method
1) метод; способ; средство2) система; порядок3) технология4) методика•- method of applying liquid lubrication - method of calculation - method of column analogy - method of comparison - method of connecting - method of determining bending moments by fixed points - method of directions - method of elastic arch - method of elastic weights - method of electric needles - method of exchange of members - method of firing - method of fixed points - method of images - method of initial parameters - method of joints - method of least squares - method of least work - method of limit equilibrium - method of minimum strain energy - method of moments - method of movement - method of operation - method of payment - method of planning - method of production - method of redundant reactions - method of rotations - method of sections - method of separate joint displacement - method of slopes - method of stowage - method of strain measurement method - method of substitute redundant members - method of successive approximations - method of successive corrections - method of training - method of transportation - method of working - method of zero moment points - methods of network planning and control - ad hoc method - advertising method - aero-projection method - air-permeability method - airslide method - approximation method - arbitrary proportions method - area moment method - artificial islands method - ball method of testing - bench method - bidding methods - brush method of treatment timber - building methods - caisson method - cantilever method of design - cassette method of production of thin-slab structures - central mixing method - centre drift method - centrifuge method - centroidal method of design - change-in-stress method - chemical injection method - closed building method - column analogy method of design - compressed-air method of tunnelling - concrete testing method - cone method - construction works quality control method - core-drill method - correlation method - cut-and-cover method - cut-and-try method - cylinder method - deflection method - design methods - development method - dip method - dipping method of treatment timber - effective method - electrolytic method - emulsified-asphalt penetration method - energy method - equal load increments method - equal strain method - error method - fabrication method - fixing method - float and chains method - flow-line conveyer method - force method - graphical method - heading method of tunnelling - hot-air heating standpipe method - hot penetration method - hydraulic fill method - impact method - kinematic method - lacquer film method - land-assembly methods - lift-slab method - limit equilibrium method - limit stage design method - line production method - loading method - magnaflux method - mechanical method by pumps - membrane method of waterproofing - mixed-in-place method - mock-up methods of design - modular ratio method - moire fringe method - moment area method - moment-distribution method - moment-of-inertia method of designing - mud-jack method - mulch method - near end moment distribution method - neutral-points method - non-destructive testing methods - normal method - packing methods - patented method of construction - penetration method - percussive pneumatic method of riveting - photo-elastic method of stress-determination - photo-elasticity method - pilot method - pilot tunnel method - pin-and-string method - pipe-bridge method - plastic method of design - plastic theory method - polarized light method - portal method of design - pounding method of curing concrete - production line method of construction - qualitative methods - quantitative methods - relaxation method - ring-and-ball method - rolled-on method - safe method of heat insulation - safety methods - sampling method - sand-bearing method of testing clay pipes - sand-island method - scheduling method - seismic method of prospecting - simultaneous construction method - slope deflection method - spatial self-fixation erection method - statistical analysis method - stovepipe pipe-laying method - strain-energy method - successive construction method - surface-coating method of waterproofing - synthetic method of restoration - thixotropic liquid method - tilt-up method - top-heading method - transfiguration method - trial-load method - turnover method - ultimate-strength method - ultrasonic pulse velocity method - void method of proportioning - volume method of concrete mix design - volumetric method - water-jet method of pile-driving - weight method - well-point method of excavation - work method - working stress method of design* * *метод, способ; система; порядок; методика; технология- method of analysis
- method of application
- method of attack
- method of bearing and distances
- method of bipolar coordinates
- method of calculation
- method of design
- method of detail survey
- method of elastic weights
- method of electric needles
- method of expansion into series
- method of fixed points
- method of intersection
- method of joint isolation
- method of least work
- methods of manufacture
- method of minimum strain energy
- method of moment distribution
- method of radiation
- method of redistribution of pressure
- method of sections
- method of steam jet
- methods of structural analysis
- method of successive approximations
- methods of testing
- method of water needles
- accepted method of building
- accepted method of house construction
- accurate method of analysis
- adhesive nail-on method
- admittance method
- advanced methods of concreting
- advance slope method
- aggregate exposure method
- air permeability method
- alternate methods
- American method
- analytical method of determining reactions
- API method of pile design
- approximate method
- approximation method
- area method
- area-moment method
- assembly methods
- Austrian method
- autogenous curing method
- balanced cantilever method
- Belgian method
- Benoto method
- bentonite method
- Billner method
- "bin" method
- boiling water method
- boom placement concreting method
- bricklaying methods
- building method
- building block module method
- cable method of rock stressing
- calculation method
- cantilever method
- Chicago method
- circular-arc method
- Coast-Survey method
- collapse method of structural design
- combined finite strip-finite element method
- compaction methods of clays
- conjugate beam method
- consistency measurement method
- construction methods
- construction and erection methods
- contiguous pile method
- continuous-flight augers method
- continuous-sample method of advance
- convergence method
- critical method
- critical path method
- Cross moment distribution method
- Cross method
- cross-section method
- current design methods
- cut-and-cover method
- dampproofing methods
- displacement method
- displacement method of advance
- dual-rail method
- dummy unit-load method
- dust-spot method
- Dutch cone method
- earth pressure balanced tunneling method
- elastic center method
- elastic weights method
- electric analogy method
- electric resisting method
- energy method
- equal friction method of duct sizing
- equal friction method
- equivalent load method
- erection method
- fast track construction methods
- fatigue test method
- finite difference method
- finite element method
- finite strip method
- flight auger method
- flotation caisson method
- flue loss method
- folded plate method of analysis
- force method
- free cantilever method of construction
- general method of analysis
- Glotzl hydraulic cell method
- Gow method
- Hardy Cross method
- housing appraisal method
- in-duct method
- industrialized methods of construction
- iterative method
- jack method
- jacking method
- lacquer curtain coating method
- laser beam method
- leap-frog method
- limit equilibrium method
- limit state method
- listening methods
- load factor design method
- mandrel method
- mathematical method of design
- matrix method of structural analysis
- maturity method
- measuring method
- mixed-mode method
- mix-in-place method
- modern building methods
- modular ratio method
- moiré fringe method
- moment-balance method
- nondestructive methods of tests
- normal method of quality control
- null method
- numerical method
- one-rail method
- optical square method
- permissible stress method
- phototheodolite method
- plastic methods of structural analysis
- plate count method
- precast concrete manufacturing methods
- pressuremeter method
- proven construction methods
- p-y method of pile design
- rapid test method
- ratio method of balancing
- rebound hammer method
- reference point method
- relaxation method
- reproducible methods
- resistivity method
- resonant-frequency method
- reverberant field method
- Rockwell method of hardness testing
- safe method
- safe working methods
- secant interlocking pile method
- secant pile method
- seismic method of surveying
- seismic reflection method
- seismic refraction method
- semiprobabilistic design method
- shear transfer method
- shock response method of pile testing
- sliding-wedge method
- slope deflection method
- solar radiation method
- sonic method
- special method of quality control
- standard test method
- static regain method of duct sizing
- static regain method
- statistical design method
- step-by-step method
- strength design method
- strength evaluation method
- successive approximations method
- suspended cantilever method
- swamp shooting method
- Tagg method
- tangent modulus method
- test methods
- Theis method
- thixotropic liquid method
- three-point method
- tilt-up method
- time-saving method of construction
- TNO method of analysis
- TNO method of pile testing
- transit and stadia method
- tremie method
- truss analogy method
- turn-of-nut method
- ultrasonic pulse velocity method
- vacuum concrete method of bridge construction
- valveless pulse-jet method
- vane shear method
- velocity reduction method of duct sizing
- velocity reduction method
- vibratory method
- Vickers method of hardness testing
- volume method of measuring aggregates
- warm water method
- water fog spray method
- western bricklaying method
- western method
- working-stress design method -
13 test
1) испытание; опыт; проба; проверка2) критерий; мерило, пробный камень3) испытательный, контрольный, пробный4) испытывать; делать опыты; подвергать испытанию5) брать пробы•test for soundness — испытание ( цемента) на равномерность изменения объёма
- abruption test - absorption test - accelerated corrosion test - accelerated wear test - acceptance test - acid test - adhesion test - adverse field test - ageing test - air test - air-content test - air-pressure test - alkalimetric test - alternate stress test - alternating bending test - alternating impact test - alternating torsion fatigue test - altitude test - angular test - appearance test - approval test - arbitration test - Atterberg test - autoclave test - axial test - back-and-forth bending test - bacteriological test - ball test - ball hardness test - ball rebound test - beam test - beam rotating fatigue test - beam-strength test - bearing test of soil - bench test - bending test - bending and unbending test - bloating test - blow test - blow-bending test - blowpipe test - bounce test - breakdown test - breaking test - Brinell hardness test - brittleness test - buckling test - burning test - bursting test - calibration test - calorimeter test - cannon test - carbon residue test - Charpy test - check test - chemical test of drain - cleavage test - closure test - coating test - cold test - cold bending test - colorimetric test for organic impurities - commercial test - commissioning tests - compaction test - comparative test - comprehensive test - compression test - compression-compression test - consistency test of concrete - continuous test - continuity of test - corrosion test - corrosive wear test - crack test - crash test - creep test - cross-bending test - crushing test - cupping test - cyclic test - damp test - decantation test - deep test - deflection test - deformation test - degradation rate test - density test - destruction test - destructive test - Deval abrasion test - doubling test - drain test - drill test - drop test - dummy test - duplicate test - dynamic breaking test - elongation test - endurance test - end-use test - evaluation test - extraction test on Portland cement - factory test - failure test - fatigue test - field tests - field in-place test - file test - fire hose reel test - fire resistance test - flange test - flattening test - flexion test - flexure test - float test - flow test - folding test - fracture test - free-bend test - freezing test - freezing and thawing test - fuel test - full-scale test - green test - grinding test - guarantee test - hardness test - hot bend test - hot twist test - immersion test - impact test - impact bend test - indentation test - ink test - intermittent test - internal pressure test - Izod impact test - knock test - Knoop microhardness test - laboratory test - leak test - leakage test - life test - limiting pressure test - load test on pile - load test - loading test - long run tests - minimum flow rate test - model test - moment test - mortar bar test - non-destructive test - notch bar test - notch bending test - on-the-road test - organic impurities test - pat test - pendulum test - penetration test - percentage test - performance test - physical endurance test - pile test - pile loading test - pneumatic test - preliminary test - pressure test - prototype test - pull-out bond test - pumping test - puncture test - qualification test - quality test - rattler test - reduced section tension test - reduction-in-alkalinity test - reduction-in-expansion test - reheat test - relaxation test - remolding test - repair test - repetition test - resistance to corrosion test - resistance to impact test - reversed bend test - ride test - rig test - road tests - rod test - running test - running-in test - salt spray tests - scale test - scratch test - sedimentation test - service test - settleability test - severe test - shear test - shear test of soil - shock test - shop test - Shore's scleroscope hardness test - short-circuit test - size test - sizing test - skid test - slump test - smell test - smoke test - soap test - sodium solution test - soil test - soundness test - spray angle test - spring closure test - squeeze test - stain test - static test - strength test - strip-off adhesion test - subgrade test - subzero test - sugar test of cement - taking over tests - tear test - tee-bend test - tensile test - tension test - throw range test - time-of-setting test - torsion test - transverse test - twisting test - ultrasonic test - unit-weight test - vane test - Vicat needle test - warpage test - warranty test - water test - water absorption test - water retention test - wear test - weather exposure test - weldability test - X-ray testto test the instrument — проверять прибор, эталонировать прибор
* * *испытание; проверка; тест; опыт; проба; анализ; исследование; эксперимент || испытывать; проверять; исследовать- test of timetest by immersion in boiling water — проба [испытание] кипячением в воде
- AASHO density test
- Abbot compaction test
- Abrams' test
- abrasion test
- absorption test
- accelerated test
- accelerated test for compressive strength
- accelerated strength test
- acceptance test
- accredited tests
- acid test
- aggregate crushing test
- aggregate impact test
- air test
- air content test
- air entrainment test
- air filter blackness test
- air leakage test
- air permeability test
- air permeability fineness test
- alternating bending test
- anchorage shear test
- aptitude test
- Atterberg test
- attrition test
- autoclave test
- baling-out permeability test
- ball test
- ball hardness test
- barium sulphate test
- beam test
- bearing test
- bending test
- bending tensile test
- bit wear test
- blackness air filter test
- Blain test
- block shear test
- blow flexure test
- boiling test
- bond test
- bootstrap test
- borehole shear test
- breaking test
- Brinell hardness test
- California bearing ratio test
- cement tests
- Charpy test
- Charpy V-notch impact test
- checking test
- check test
- COLE volume change test
- colorimetric test
- color test
- compacting factor test
- compaction test
- complience test
- compression test
- cone penetration test
- consistency test
- consolidated quick test
- consolidation test
- constant head permeability test
- constant rate of penetration test
- constant rate of uplift test
- constant volume test
- control test
- core test
- creep test
- C.R.P. test
- crushing test
- cube strength test
- cube test
- cylinder test
- dehydration test
- diametral compression test
- diamond pyramid hardness test
- dioctylphthalate test
- direct shear test
- dispersion test
- dissipation test
- DOP test
- Dorry test
- drain test
- drained triaxial test
- driving test
- drop-weight test
- durability test
- dust spot test
- Dutch sounding test
- dynamic penetration test
- expandable sleeve concrete test
- exposure tests
- fast field tests
- fatigue test
- field tests
- field density test
- field loading test
- field percolation test
- field vane test
- flexure test
- flow-table test
- flow test
- four-point bending test
- fracture test
- freeze-thaw test
- freeze-thaw durability test
- freezing test
- gravimetric air filter test
- hardening test of concrete
- hardness test
- Herbert cloudburst test
- hollow cylinder test
- hydraulic drain test
- hydraulic flat-jack test
- hydraulic pressure test
- hydraulic test
- hydrostatic test
- impact test
- impact crushing value test
- indentation test
- ink test
- in-place test
- in-place slump test
- in-situ test
- in-situ soil tests
- insulation test
- integrity test
- Izod impact test
- Izod test
- jolt test
- Kelly ball test
- Knoop hardness test
- laboratory test
- leakage test
- life test
- line-load test
- load test of structures
- loading test
- long-term test
- long-time creep test
- maintained load test
- manufacturer test
- methylene blue test
- model test
- needle test
- notch bending test
- notched bar test
- nuclear density test
- operational test
- organic test
- organic test for fine aggregate
- orifice tube test
- penetration test
- percussion test
- performance test
- photoelastic test
- pile load test
- pile pulling test
- pile redriving test
- plate-bearing test
- pneumatic test
- point-load test
- preliminary test
- pressure test
- pressure meter test
- proof test
- proof load test
- pumping test
- punching shear test
- pycnometer test
- Q-test
- quick test
- R-test
- Ro test
- radial percolation test
- Raymond standard test
- reception test
- reference test
- reliability test
- repeated load test
- resonant-column test
- reverse bend test
- rock bolts convergence test
- Rockwell hardness test
- Rockwell superficial hardness test
- S-test
- saponification test
- scratch test
- shearing test
- shear test
- shock bending test
- short-term test
- single point test
- site test for cement content of mortars
- slow test
- slump test
- smoke test
- soap test
- splitting tensile test
- standard-density test
- standard penetration test
- static penetration test
- strength test
- stress-relaxation test
- stress-rupture test
- tensile test
- tightness test
- time-of-set test
- torsion test
- triaxial compression test
- triaxial test
- two-point test
- type test
- ultrasonic test
- undrained test
- vacuum test
- vane test
- vibrated mortar cube test
- vibrating crushing test
- Vicat needle test
- water test
- water loading test
- water retention test
- wind loading test
- wind-tunnel test
- works beam test
- works cube test
- yield test
См. также в других словарях:
Rebound (basketball) — Iñaki de Miguel, Spanish basketball player, capturing a rebound in an international game. A rebound in basketball is the act of successfully gaining possession of the basketball after a missed field goal or free throw. Rebounds in basketball are… … Wikipedia
Post-glacial rebound — A model of present day mass change due to post glacial rebound and the reloading of the ocean basins with seawater. Blue and purple areas indicate rising due to the removal of the ice sheets. Yellow and red areas indicate falling as mantle… … Wikipedia
Anthony Parker — Infobox NBA Player name = Anthony Parker league = NBA height ft = 6 height in = 6 weight lbs = 215 team = Toronto Raptors number = 18 position = Shooting guard/small forward birth date = birth date and age|mf=yes|1975|6|19 birth place =… … Wikipedia
Basketball — This article is about the sport. For the ball used in the sport, see Basketball (ball). For other uses, see Basketball (disambiguation). Basketball … Wikipedia
Basketball moves — are generally individual actions used by players in basketball to pass by defenders to gain access to the basket or to get a clean pass to a teammate. Contents 1 Dribbling 1.1 Crossover dribble 1.2 Between the legs … Wikipedia
Outline of basketball — See also: Index of basketball articles The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to basketball: Basketball – ball game and team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or shooting a… … Wikipedia
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium
Bookbinding — A traditional bookbinder at work Old bookbindings … Wikipedia
Professional wrestling attacks — Attacking maneuvers are offensive moves in professional wrestling, used to set up an opponent for a submission hold or for a throw. There are a wide variety of attacking moves in pro wrestling, and many moves are known by several different names … Wikipedia
Glossary of basketball terms — Basketball, like any other major sport, has its own unique words and phrases used by sports journalists, players, and fans. Contents: Top · 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0–9 … Wikipedia
Agriculture and Food Supplies — ▪ 2007 Introduction Bird flu reached Europe and Africa, and concerns over BSE continued to disrupt trade in beef. An international vault for seeds was under construction on an Arctic island. Stocks of important food fish species were reported… … Universalium