Перевод: с английского на датский

с датского на английский


  • 1 cash in

    (to exchange for money: I've cashed in all my shares.) realisere; omsætte i penge
    * * *
    (to exchange for money: I've cashed in all my shares.) realisere; omsætte i penge

    English-Danish dictionary > cash in

  • 2 realise

    1) (to know; to understand: I realize that I can't have everything I want; I realized my mistake.) indse
    2) (to make real; to make (something) come true: He realized his ambition to become an astronaut; My worst fears were realized.) realisere; blive til virkelighed
    3) (to make (money) by selling something: He realized $60,000 on the sale of his apartment.) tjene
    - realisation
    * * *
    1) (to know; to understand: I realize that I can't have everything I want; I realized my mistake.) indse
    2) (to make real; to make (something) come true: He realized his ambition to become an astronaut; My worst fears were realized.) realisere; blive til virkelighed
    3) (to make (money) by selling something: He realized $60,000 on the sale of his apartment.) tjene
    - realisation

    English-Danish dictionary > realise

  • 3 realize

    1) (to know; to understand: I realize that I can't have everything I want; I realized my mistake.) indse
    2) (to make real; to make (something) come true: He realized his ambition to become an astronaut; My worst fears were realized.) realisere; blive til virkelighed
    3) (to make (money) by selling something: He realized $60,000 on the sale of his apartment.) tjene
    - realisation
    * * *
    1) (to know; to understand: I realize that I can't have everything I want; I realized my mistake.) indse
    2) (to make real; to make (something) come true: He realized his ambition to become an astronaut; My worst fears were realized.) realisere; blive til virkelighed
    3) (to make (money) by selling something: He realized $60,000 on the sale of his apartment.) tjene
    - realisation

    English-Danish dictionary > realize

  • 4 sell off

    (to sell quickly and cheaply: They're selling off their old stock.) sælge ud; realisere
    * * *
    (to sell quickly and cheaply: They're selling off their old stock.) sælge ud; realisere

    English-Danish dictionary > sell off

  • 5 sell out

    1) ((sometimes with of) to sell all of something: We sold out our entire stock.) sælge ud; realisere
    2) (to be all sold: The second-hand records sold out within minutes of the sale starting.) blive udsolgt
    * * *
    1) ((sometimes with of) to sell all of something: We sold out our entire stock.) sælge ud; realisere
    2) (to be all sold: The second-hand records sold out within minutes of the sale starting.) blive udsolgt

    English-Danish dictionary > sell out

  • 6 reverse swap

    Omvendt swap, dvs. en swap, der lukker en åben swap position og typisk indgås for at realisere kapitalgevinsten på den eksisterende swap. Se også mirror swap.

    Anglo-danske finansiel ordbog > reverse swap

  • 7 to realise [Br.]

    at realisere

    English-Danish mini dictionary > to realise [Br.]

  • 8 to realize

    at realisere

    English-Danish mini dictionary > to realize

  • 9 reverse swap

    Omvendt swap, dvs. en swap, der lukker en åben swap position og typisk indgås for at realisere kapitalgevinsten på den eksisterende swap. Se også mirror swap.

    English-Danish financial dictionary > reverse swap

См. также в других словарях:

  • realisere — re|a|li|se|re vb., r, de, t (virkeliggøre; sælge for at få rede penge); realisere et ønske; realisere varebeholdningen; realisere sig selv (bruge sine evner fuldt ud) …   Dansk ordbog

  • Realisere — Virkeliggøre, (ud)sælge …   Danske encyklopædi

  • realisation — re|a|li|sa|tion sb., en, er, erne (det at realisere), i sms. realisations , fx realisationspris …   Dansk ordbog

  • realisering — re|a|li|se|ring sb., en, er, erne (det at realisere) …   Dansk ordbog

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