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  • 1 master

    • oppi-isä
    • ohjaus-
    • opettaja
    • oppimestari
    • olla perehtynyt
    • nuoriherra
    • isäntä
    • herra
    • hillitä
    • emonauha
    • esimies
    • ajometsästyksen johtaja
    • ammattilainen
    • täysinoppinut
    • valloittaja
    • valtias
    • päällikkö
    • pää
    • pää-
    • tekijä
    • kapteeni
    • kippari
    • haltija
    • hallita
    • mestari
    • nero
    • taitoniekka
    • taitaja
    • taitaa
    • taituri
    • kukistaa
    • kyky
    • lahjakkuus
    • lehtori
    • laivuri
    * * *
    1. feminine - mistress; noun
    1) (a person or thing that commands or controls: I'm master in this house!) isäntä
    2) (an owner (of a slave, dog etc): The dog ran to its master.) isäntä
    3) (a male teacher: the Maths master.) opettaja
    4) (the commander of a merchant ship: the ship's master.) kapteeni
    5) (a person very skilled in an art, science etc: He's a real master at painting.) mestari
    6) ((with capital) a polite title for a boy, in writing or in speaking: Master John Smith.) herra
    2. adjective
    ((of a person in a job) fully qualified, skilled and experienced: a master builder/mariner/plumber.) mestari-
    3. verb
    1) (to overcome (an opponent, handicap etc): She has mastered her fear of heights.) voittaa
    2) (to become skilful in: I don't think I'll ever master arithmetic.) hallita
    - masterfully
    - masterfulness
    - masterly
    - masterliness
    - mastery
    - master key
    - mastermind
    4. verb
    (to plan (such a scheme): Who masterminded the robbery?) suunnitella
    - master stroke
    - master switch
    - master of ceremonies

    English-Finnish dictionary > master

  • 2 sportsman

    • urheilija
    • reilu mies
    • metsästäjä
    • metsämies
    * * *
    'spo: -
    1) (a person who takes part in sports: He is a very keen sportsman.) urheilija
    2) (a person who shows a spirit of fairness and generosity in sport: He's a real sportsman who doesn't seem to care if he wins or loses.) urheiluhenkinen ihminen

    English-Finnish dictionary > sportsman

  • 3 booster

    • varakone
    • ahdin
    • apulaite
    • tehostin (tekn)
    • tehonvahvistin
    • tehostin
    • tehostus
    • tehostin(elektroniikka)
    • kantoraketti
    • kiihdytin
    • lisä
    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) kohottaja
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) tehostin
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) kantoraketti

    English-Finnish dictionary > booster

  • 4 entrepreneur

    • elinkeinonharjoittaja
    • urakoitsija
    • välittäjä
    • yrittäjä
    • yksityisyrittäjä
    * * *
    (a person who starts or organizes a business company, especially one involving risk: What this company needs is a real entrepreneur.) yrittäjä

    English-Finnish dictionary > entrepreneur

  • 5 figurehead

    • keulakuva
    * * *
    1) (a person who is officially a leader but who does little or has little power: She is the real leader of the party - he is only a figurehead.) keulakuva
    2) (an ornamental figure (usually of carved wood) attached to the front of a ship.) keulakuva

    English-Finnish dictionary > figurehead

  • 6 house agent

    • kiinteistövälittäjä
    * * *
    ( American real-estate agent) (a person who arranges the sale or letting of houses.) kiinteistönvälittäjä

    English-Finnish dictionary > house agent

  • 7 live wire

    • tarmonpesä
    * * *
    1) (a wire charged with electricity.) jännitteinen johto
    2) (a person who is full of energy and enthusiasm: He is very quiet, but his sister is a real live wire.) tarmonpesä

    English-Finnish dictionary > live wire

  • 8 man

    • alueverkko
    • kaupunkiverkko
    * * *
    mæn 1. plural - men; noun
    1) (an adult male human being: Hundreds of men, women and children; a four-man team.) mies
    2) (human beings taken as a whole; the human race: the development of man.) ihminen
    3) (obviously masculine male person: He's independent, tough, strong, brave - a real man!) mies
    4) (a word sometimes used in speaking informally or giving commands to someone: Get on with your work, man, and stop complaining!) mies
    5) (an ordinary soldier, who is not an officer: officers and men.) sotamies
    6) (a piece used in playing chess or draughts: I took three of his men in one move.) nappula
    2. verb
    (to supply with men (especially soldiers): The colonel manned the guns with soldiers from our regiment.) miehittää
    - - man
    - manhood
    - mankind
    - manly
    - manliness
    - manned
    - man-eating
    - man-eater
    - manhandle
    - manhole
    - man-made
    - manpower
    - manservant
    - mansized
    - mansize
    - manslaughter
    - menfolk
    - menswear
    - as one man
    - the man in the street
    - man of letters
    - man of the world
    - man to man
    - to a man

    English-Finnish dictionary > man

  • 9 phon(e)y

    'fəuni 1. adjective
    (not genuine; fake; false: a phoney French accent.) vale-, tekaistu
    2. noun
    (a person who is not what he pretends to be: He's not a real doctor - he's a phoney.) huijari

    English-Finnish dictionary > phon(e)y

  • 10 phon(e)y

    'fəuni 1. adjective
    (not genuine; fake; false: a phoney French accent.) vale-, tekaistu
    2. noun
    (a person who is not what he pretends to be: He's not a real doctor - he's a phoney.) huijari

    English-Finnish dictionary > phon(e)y

  • 11 pushover

    • heittopussi
    * * *
    noun (a person or team etc who can be easily persuaded or influenced or defeated: He will not give in to pressure - he is not a pushover; We won the game so easily - it was a real pushover.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > pushover

  • 12 shocker

    • kauhuromaani
    * * *
    noun (a very unpleasant person or thing: This headache is a real shocker.) järkyttävä tapaus

    English-Finnish dictionary > shocker

  • 13 terror

    1) (very great fear: She screamed with/in terror; She has a terror of spiders.) kauhu
    2) (something which makes one very afraid: The terrors of war.) kauhu
    3) (a troublesome person, especially a child: That child is a real terror!) riiviö
    - terrorist
    - terrorize
    - terrorise
    - terrorization
    - terrorisation
    - terror-stricken

    English-Finnish dictionary > terror

  • 14 troublemaker

    • räyhääjä
    • riitelijä
    • häirikkö
    • pukari
    • rettelöitsijä
    • rauhanhäiritsijä
    • kiusantekijä
    * * *
    noun (a person who continually (and usually deliberately) causes worry, difficulty or disturbance to other people: Beware of her - she is a real troublemaker.) häirikkö

    English-Finnish dictionary > troublemaker

  • 15 underestimate

    • aliarvioida
    • aliarviointi
    • aliarvostaa
    • vähätellä
    • väheksyä
    * * *
    (to estimate (a person, a thing etc) at less than his or its real amount, value, strength etc: Never underestimate your opponent!) aliarvioida

    English-Finnish dictionary > underestimate

  • 16 virtual reality

    • virtuaalitodellisuus
    • tekotodellisuus
    * * *
    noun (a computer system that creates an environment that looks real on the screen and in which the person operating the computer can take part.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > virtual reality

См. также в других словарях:

  • Real person fiction — (RPF) is a type of fan fiction featuring celebrities or other real people. In the past, terms such as actorfic were used to distinguish such stories from those based on fictional characters from movies or television series. Before the term real… …   Wikipedia

  • real — 1 adjective 1 NOT ARTIFICIAL something that is real is actually what it seems to be and not false, artificial or pretended: Is that ring made of real gold? | He calls himself Peter Jones, but it s not his real name. | He s never shown any real… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • person — n. 1) a juridical; real person 2) a displaced; missing person 3) (legal) a person aggrieved 4) (grammar) the first; second; third person 5) in person (to appear in person) * * * [ pɜːs(ə)n] real person second third person (grammar) the first …   Combinatory dictionary

  • real — real1 W1S1 [rıəl] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(important)¦ 2¦(not artificial)¦ 3¦(not imaginary)¦ 4 the real world 5¦(true)¦ 6¦(feelings)¦ 7¦(right qualities)¦ 8¦(for emphasis)¦ 9 for real 10 are you for real? …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • real — 1. adjective 1) is she a fictional character or a real person? Syn: actual, nonfictional, factual, real life; historical; material, physical, tangible, concrete, palpable Ant: imaginary 2) real gold …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • REAL ID Act — of 2005 Full title To establish and rapidly implement regulations for State driver s license and identification document security standards, to prevent terrorists from abusing the asylum laws of the United States, to unify terrorism related… …   Wikipedia

  • Real death — is a term used in some science fiction stories where a character who has died may be resurrected in some way. Real death precludes resurrection. Terms such as permanent death are also used.The term was probably first used in Lord of Light by… …   Wikipedia

  • real party in interest — see party 1b Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. real party in interest …   Law dictionary

  • Real Estate Education — Real Estate EducationTerm Real Estate generally known as Property, Accommodation, Home, House, land and its improvement, Any permanent immovable structure on land and Right to own legally. Though Real Estate is not defined in common dictionary,… …   Wikipedia

  • real — adj [Anglo French, concerning land, property, or things (rather than persons), from Middle French, from Medieval Latin and Late Latin; Medieval Latin realis relating to things (in law), from Late Latin, actual, from Latin res thing, fact] 1 a: of …   Law dictionary

  • real party in interest — Person who will be entitled to benefits of action if successful, that is, the one who is actually and substantially interested in subject matter as distinguished from one who has only a nominal, formal, or technical interest in or connection with …   Black's law dictionary

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