1 readiness demonstration
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > readiness demonstration
2 readiness demonstration
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > readiness demonstration
3 readiness demonstration
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > readiness demonstration
4 readiness demonstration
Нефть: подтверждение готовностиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > readiness demonstration
5 readiness demonstration
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > readiness demonstration
6 flight readiness demonstration
FRD, flight readiness demonstrationEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > flight readiness demonstration
7 launch readiness demonstration
LRD, launch readiness demonstrationркт показ готовности к пускуEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > launch readiness demonstration
8 flight readiness demonstration
Военный термин: демонстрация готовности к полётамУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > flight readiness demonstration
9 launch readiness demonstration
Военный термин: показ готовности к пускуУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > launch readiness demonstration
10 demonstration
1. доказательство, демонстрация ( на примере) ; подтверждение
* * *
1) доказательство, демонстрация ( на примере); подтверждение2) проявление (напр. симптомов отказа)•- contractual reliability demonstration
- experimental demonstration
- functional demonstration
- guarantee demonstration
- maintainability demonstration
- operational demonstration
- preproduction demonstration
- readiness demonstration
- reliability demonstration
- technical demonstration
- technical acceptance demonstration
- technical approval demonstration* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > demonstration
11 подтверждение готовности
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > подтверждение готовности
12 ORD
1) Военный термин: Office of the Chief of Ordnance, office of research and development, operationally ready date, operations requirements document, overseas replacement deport2) Техника: optical reference device3) Оптика: optical rotary dispersion4) Сокращение: Operational Ready Date, Operational Requirement Document, Ordinary Seaman (UK Royal Navy), ordnance6) Транспорт: Chicago O'Hare International Airport, Operational Readiness Date, Operational Readiness Demonstration7) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: MWD optimized rotational density8) Полимеры: optical rotatory dispersion9) Химическое оружие: Operational Requirements Document10) Аэропорты: O' Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois USA (formerly called Orchard Field) -
13 Ord
1) Военный термин: Office of the Chief of Ordnance, office of research and development, operationally ready date, operations requirements document, overseas replacement deport2) Техника: optical reference device3) Оптика: optical rotary dispersion4) Сокращение: Operational Ready Date, Operational Requirement Document, Ordinary Seaman (UK Royal Navy), ordnance6) Транспорт: Chicago O'Hare International Airport, Operational Readiness Date, Operational Readiness Demonstration7) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: MWD optimized rotational density8) Полимеры: optical rotatory dispersion9) Химическое оружие: Operational Requirements Document10) Аэропорты: O' Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois USA (formerly called Orchard Field) -
14 ord
1) Военный термин: Office of the Chief of Ordnance, office of research and development, operationally ready date, operations requirements document, overseas replacement deport2) Техника: optical reference device3) Оптика: optical rotary dispersion4) Сокращение: Operational Ready Date, Operational Requirement Document, Ordinary Seaman (UK Royal Navy), ordnance6) Транспорт: Chicago O'Hare International Airport, Operational Readiness Date, Operational Readiness Demonstration7) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: MWD optimized rotational density8) Полимеры: optical rotatory dispersion9) Химическое оружие: Operational Requirements Document10) Аэропорты: O' Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois USA (formerly called Orchard Field) -
15 FRD
1) Военный термин: Functional Requirements Document, flight readiness demonstration, formerly restricted data, Federal Research Division (Library of Congress)2) Техника: failure rate data, fire resistance door3) Химия: Fibre Resin Developments (UK)4) Физиология: Fatal Rabbit Disease5) Вычислительная техника: Functional Requirements Description6) Банковское дело: округ федерального резервного банка (США; Federal Reserve District)7) Инвестиции: Federal Reserve District8) Океанография: Field Research Division, Forecast Research Division9) Аэропорты: Friday Harbor, Washington USA10) AMEX. Friedman Industries, Inc. -
16 LRD
1) Общая лексика: Liberian Dollar2) Военный термин: Laser/ Radar Detector, labelled radar display, laser rangefinder detector, launch readiness demonstration, logistics requirements determination, long-range data, long-reach detonator3) Техника: laser ranging device4) Сокращение: Labour Research Department, Laser Rangefinder / Designator5) Иммунология: living-related donor6) Образование: Listen Read Discuss7) Программирование: Load Random Data8) Должность: Licensed Registered Dietitian -
17 frd
1) Военный термин: Functional Requirements Document, flight readiness demonstration, formerly restricted data, Federal Research Division (Library of Congress)2) Техника: failure rate data, fire resistance door3) Химия: Fibre Resin Developments (UK)4) Физиология: Fatal Rabbit Disease5) Вычислительная техника: Functional Requirements Description6) Банковское дело: округ федерального резервного банка (США; Federal Reserve District)7) Инвестиции: Federal Reserve District8) Океанография: Field Research Division, Forecast Research Division9) Аэропорты: Friday Harbor, Washington USA10) AMEX. Friedman Industries, Inc. -
18 FRD
FRD, flight readiness demonstration————————FRD, formerly restricted data"ранее - данные для ограниченного пользования"English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > FRD
19 LRD
LRD, labelled radar display————————LRD, laser rangefinder detector————————LRD, launch readiness demonstrationркт показ готовности к пуску————————LRD, logistics requirements determination————————LRD, long-range data————————LRD, long-reach detonatorEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > LRD
20 test
1. испытание, проверка; опыт; проба; исследование, анализ || испытывать, проверять; исследовать; производить анализ2. опробование ( скважины) || опробоватьrule of thumb test — грубый [приближенный] метод оценки
— ball indentation test— Charpy impact test— DAP test— dry test— hydraulic pressure test— Izod impact test— shearing test— torsional test— wearing test
* * *
1. испытание, испытания; проверка; контроль2. исследование; анализ3. критерийdrill stem formation test — исследование пласта пластоиспытателем, спускаемым на бурильных трубах
— use test
* * *
исследование; испытание; опыт; проверка
* * *
опыт; испытание, проверка; проверять
* * *
1) испытание, испытания; проба; проверка; контроль2) исследование; анализ4) опробование ( скважины) || опробовать6) критерий•test for color stability — испытания ( бензина) на стабильность цвета;
test for defect — проверка на наличие дефектов;
test for soundness — испытания ( цемента) на равномерность изменения объёма;
test for suitability — испытания на пригодность (); испытания на соответствие заданным требованиям;
to test a core for shows of oil — исследовать керн на признаки нефти;
to test a well — измерять дебит скважины;
to apply boring test — применять бурение при поисковых работах;
test to destruction — испытания до разрушения ( образца), разрушающие испытания;
test to failure — испытания до отказа;
to put to test — подвергать испытаниям;
test with recovery — испытания с восстановлением;
- abrasion testtest without destruction — испытания без разрушения ( образца), неразрушающие испытания;
- accelerated test
- accelerated aging test of gasoline
- acceleration inertia load test
- acceptance test
- acid heat test
- activity test
- adhesion test
- air pressure test
- alkali test
- angularity test
- aniline test
- appraisal test
- assessment test
- ASTM test
- audit test
- availability acceptance test
- azimuth test
- back-pressure test
- back-pressure formation test
- bailing test
- bearing test
- bedrock test
- blowdown test
- bottle test
- breakdown test
- burn-in reliability test
- carbon test
- carbon color test
- casing-packer formation test
- centrifuge test
- certification test
- charcoal test
- charcoal weight test
- checkout test
- cloud test of petroleum oil
- coke test
- coking test
- cold test
- combined environment reliability test
- complete destructive test
- complete functional test
- cone penetrometer test
- confirmation test
- confirmatory test
- consumption test
- contact test
- contamination test
- control test
- controlled test
- copper dish gum evaporation test
- copper dish residue test
- copper strip test
- corrosion test
- corrosive wear test
- cracking test
- crankcase oil dilution test
- crankcase oil foaming test
- crosstalk test
- current production rate test
- damaging test
- deep test
- deep pool test
- definitive test
- demulsibility test
- demulsification test
- development test
- diammonium phosphate test
- diesel-fuel distillation test
- diesel-fuel gravity test
- dilution test of fuel
- dip test
- direct oxidation test
- distillation test
- doctor test
- double casing-packer formation test
- double wall-packer formation test
- drawdown test
- drift test
- drilling mud density test
- drilling mud fluidity test
- drill-off test
- drill-stem formation test
- dry test
- eddy-current test
- emulsification test
- endurance test
- engineering design test
- engineering evaluation test
- equipment operation test
- evaporation test of gasoline
- evaporation gum test
- exploratory test
- extension test
- fail-safe test
- failure test
- failure-producing test
- failure-rate test
- failure-terminated test
- failure-truncated test
- failure-under-load test
- falling weight test
- fatigue test
- field test
- field compression test
- field maintenance test
- filter test
- filtration test
- final malfunction test
- fire test
- firing time test
- flammability test
- float test
- floc test
- flood pot test
- flow test
- flowing bottom hole pressure test
- fluid test
- foam test
- forced failure test
- formation test
- formation productivity test
- friability test
- fuel dilution test
- full-scale test
- full-scale fatigue test
- gas test
- gas flow test
- gas impermeability test
- gasoline precipitation test
- gasoline sulfur test
- gasoline tetraethil lead test
- gasoline volatility test
- gel strength test
- glass dish evaporation test
- glass dish gum test
- Green test
- guarantee test
- gum test
- gumming test
- hammer test
- hand test
- heavy-duty test
- hot test
- hot filtration test
- hydraulic-pressure test
- hydro test
- hydrogen-in-petroleum test
- hydrostatic test
- immersion test
- in-place test
- in-use life test
- inflammability test
- initial well potential test
- injectivity test
- injectivity-index test
- interference test
- intermodulation test
- kauri-butanol solvency test
- knock test
- laboratory test on crude
- laboratory test on oil
- lacquer test
- lamp burning test
- lamp sulfur test
- lead acetate test
- leak test
- leakage test
- leakage test of weld seams
- length-of-life test
- life test
- life-certification test
- line test
- logging-cable formation test
- longevity test
- lubricating oil emulsion test
- lubricating oil metal test
- magnetic polarity test
- maintainability test
- maintenance test
- marine explosure test
- mercurization test
- mercury freezing test
- mixing water test
- motor method test
- multirate flow test
- neutralization test
- nitrating test
- nonfoaming test
- nonreplacement test
- oil cold test
- oil corrosion test
- oil emulsion test
- oil well potential test
- Oliensis spot test
- on-site test
- open-flow test
- open-hole formation test
- operability test
- operating life test
- operational test
- operational readiness test
- operational readiness and reliability test
- operational readiness inspection test
- operational suitability test
- oven test
- overflow test
- overspeed test
- overstress reliability test
- oxidation test
- oxygen absorption test
- pass-fail test
- penetration test
- performance test
- periodic potential test
- periodic well potential test
- permeability test
- pipeline immersion test
- plam test
- porcelain dish test
- postcompletional flow test
- potential test
- predemonstration test
- preliminary qualification test
- preoverhaul test
- prepilot mining test
- prequalification test
- pressure test
- pressure building test
- pressure drawdown test
- pressure transient test
- producing test
- production test
- production reliability test
- productivity test
- product-proof test
- proof test
- pulling test
- pulse test
- qualification test
- quality verification test
- reaction test
- reflection test
- refraction test
- reliability test
- reliability assurance test
- reliability audit test
- reliability demonstration test
- reliability field test
- reliability growth test
- reliability production test
- reliability verification test
- repair test
- repeated bending stress test
- repeated compression test
- repeated direct stress test
- repeated dynamic stress test
- repeated impact tension test
- repeated stress test
- repeated tensile stress test
- repeated tension test
- repeated torsion test
- replacement test
- reservoir limit test
- reversion test of kerosene
- rheometric test
- ring test
- road knock test
- rock specimen test
- running test
- sampling reliability test
- seawater corrosion test
- sediment-and-water test
- sedimentometric test
- seismic test
- selective flow test of well
- sequential reliability test
- service test
- serviceability test
- service-life evaluation test
- setting-time test
- settlement test
- severe-duty test
- shallover pay test
- short-time well test
- shut-in pressure test
- sieving test
- silica test
- silicotungstic acid test
- sludge test
- sludging test
- smell test
- smoke test
- soap hardness test
- soundness-and-fineness test
- spot test
- spot quality test
- stability test
- standard test
- standard acid test
- standard distillation test
- steady-state test of well
- steam soak test
- step-rate test
- straddle test
- straddle packer drill stem test
- straight-hole test
- strata test
- submersion test
- suitability test
- sulfated residue test
- sulfur test
- sulfuric acid heat test
- system operation test
- tap test
- tensile test
- tensile-and-compression test
- tensile-fatigue test
- tensile-impact test
- tensile-shock test
- tension test
- thickening-time test
- through-casing formation test
- time-terminated reliability test
- torque test
- torsion test
- torsion impact test
- toughness test
- trial test
- tribotechnical test
- Tutwiler test
- twisting test
- type test
- undestructive test
- upsetting test
- up-the-hole test
- use test
- vane test
- varnish test
- verification life test
- viscosity test
- volatilization test
- wall building test
- wall-packer formation test
- warranty test
- water test
- water-and-oil content test
- waterflood core test
- water-loss test
- wear test
- weld test
- weldability test
- welding test
- well test
- well potential test
- winterization test
- wireline formation test
- withdrawal test* * *
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Technology Readiness Level — L échelle TRL (en anglais Technology Readiness Level, qui peut se traduire par Niveau de Maturité Technologique) est un système de mesure employé par des agences gouvernementales américaines et par de nombreuses compagnies (et agences) mondiales… … Wikipédia en Français
Manufacturing Readiness Level — ( MRL ) is a measure used by some United States government agencies and many of the world s major companies (and agencies) to assess the maturity of manufacturing readiness serving the same purpose as Technology Readiness Levels serve for… … Wikipedia
Children's Learning Institute — The Children’s Learning Institute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) is a nationally recognized institute that combines scholarship from the fields of education, psychology, neurodevelopment and medicine to… … Wikipedia
ORD — Order (Business » General) * Office Of Research And Development (Governmental » US Government) * Ordnance (Governmental » Military) * Chicago O Hare International Airport (Governmental » Transportation) * Operational Requirements Document… … Abbreviations dictionary
подтверждение готовности — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN readiness demonstration … Справочник технического переводчика
HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
Mental health provisions in Title V of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 — Contents 1 Mental Health Provisions in the No Child Left Behind 1.1 Subpart 2, Section 5241: Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Programs 1.2 Subpart 14, Section 5541: Grants for th … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
United States Marine Corps — USMC redirects here. For other uses, see United States Maritime Commission and University of St. Michael s College. United States Marine Corps United States M … Wikipedia