1 leerkrachten
n. readership -
2 lezers
n. readership -
3 lezerskring
• audience• readership -
4 die krant wordt weinig/slecht gelezen
die krant wordt weinig/slecht gelezenVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > die krant wordt weinig/slecht gelezen
5 het aantal lezers neemt nog steeds toe
het aantal lezers neemt nog steeds toeVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > het aantal lezers neemt nog steeds toe
6 lezen
1 [kennis nemen van] read2 [voorlezen] read (out/aloud)♦voorbeelden:je handschrift is niet te lezen • your (hand)writing is illegible(niet) kunnen lezen en schrijven • be (un)able to read and writelezen, schrijven en rekenen • reading, writing and arithmeticdaarover staat in het rapport niets te lezen • the report says nothing about thathet is haast niet te lezen • it's almost impossible to read〈 studenten(taal)〉 heb je er veel omheen gelezen? • have you read up (a lot) on this subject?daar heb ik kennelijk overheen gelezen • I must have overlooked ithij heeft veel gelezen • he's well-readiets vluchtig lezen • skim through somethingdie krant wordt weinig/slecht gelezen • that newspaper has a small readershiphet is leuk/pijnlijk om te lezen • it makes enjoyable/painful readingveel lezen over een schrijver/een bepaald onderwerp • read up on a writer/on a particular subjectbij het lezen • when/while readingik lees hier dat … • it says here that …uit eigen werk lezen • read (from) one's own workII 〈 overgankelijk werkwoord〉1 [opmaken uit, ontcijferen] make of2 [interpreteren, uitleggen] read3 [opdragen] say♦voorbeelden:er meer in lezen dan er staat • read more into something (than intended)wat lees jij uit dit woord? • what do you make of this word?iets op iemands gezicht lezen • see something from someone's face1 [zich laten lezen] read♦voorbeelden:dat boek leest lekker weg • that book is easy reading -
7 lezer
1 reader♦voorbeelden:iets onder het oog van de lezer brengen • bring something to the attention of the readereen trouwe lezer • a faithful reader -
8 lezerspubliek
9 publiek
publiek1〈 het〉1 [bezoekers] public ⇒ 〈 sport〉 crowd, 〈 film, toneel〉 audience, 〈 boek, krant〉 readership, 〈 klanten〉 clientele, 〈 museum〉 visitors2 [de massa] (general) public♦voorbeelden:een breed publiek proberen te bereiken • try to cater for a broad publicdie twee scholen hebben een verschillend publiek • those two schools have pupils from different backgroundsveel publiek trekken • draw a good crowdop het publiek spelen • play to the galleryiemand uit het publiek • someone in the audience/crowdhet grote publiek • the general publictoegankelijk voor (het) publiek • open to the (general) public————————publiek21 [algemeen bekend] public2 [voor iedereen bestemd] public♦voorbeelden:iets publiek maken • make something public; 〈 onthullen〉 disclose something; 〈 aankondigen〉 announce somethingiemand publiek te schande maken • disgrace someone in publicpubliek worden • become public knowledgein het publiek optreden • appear in publicde vergadering is niet publiek • the meeting is not open to the publiceen publieke vrouw • a woman of the streetsiets publiek verkopen • sell something by public auctionII 〈 bijvoeglijk naamwoord〉1 [algemeen] public2 [van de overheid] public♦voorbeelden:de publieke zaak • the public interesteen publieke zaak • a public matterpublieke werken • public works
См. также в других словарях:
readership — read‧er‧ship [ˈriːdəʆɪp ǁ ər ] noun [countable, uncountable] the people who read a particular newspaper or magazine: • The magazine has a largely male readership. • Readership of the Birmingham Evening Mail fell about 10.6% last year. * * *… … Financial and business terms
readership — ► NOUN 1) (treated as sing. or pl. ) the readers of a publication regarded collectively. 2) (Readership) Brit. the position of Reader at a university … English terms dictionary
Readership — Read er*ship, n. The office of reader. Lyell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
readership — (n.) 1719, office of a reader, from READER (Cf. reader) + SHIP (Cf. ship). Meaning total number of readers of a publication is from 1914 … Etymology dictionary
readership — [rēd′ərship΄] n. 1. the people who read a particular publication, author, etc. or the estimated number of these 2. the state or position of being a reader … English World dictionary
readership — read|er|ship [ˈri:dəʃıp US ər ] n [U and C] 1.) all the people who read a particular newspaper or magazine regularly readership of ▪ a magazine with a readership of 60,000 ▪ They are hoping that the paper will have quite a wide readership . 2.)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
readership — Despite the buoyancy of the publishing industry and the vast improvement in levels of literacy, the level of readership in Spain is the lowest in Europe, both of books (around 50 percent of population) and of newspapers (in the mid 1990s, 105… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
readership — [[t]ri͟ːdə(r)ʃɪp[/t]] readerships 1) N COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp The readership of a book, newspaper, or magazine is the number or type of people who read it. Its readership has grown to over 15,000 subscribers... A new format would alienate … English dictionary
readership — Until the 1970s, literary criticism was content to limit itself to romantic considerations of the writer and historical context. It regularly stretched to aesthetic valuations of the text but remained resolutely uninterested in what it might… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
readership — /ree deuhr ship /, n. 1. the people who read or are thought to read a particular book, newspaper, magazine, etc.: The periodical has a dwindling readership. 2. the duty, status, or profession of a reader. 3. (esp. in British universities) the… … Universalium
readership — read|er|ship [ ridər,ʃıp ] noun 1. ) singular or uncount the group or number of people who read a particular newspaper, book, or magazine: They lowered the paper s price, hoping to attract a much wider readership. The magazine has a loyal… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English