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rate of turn

См. также в других словарях:

  • rate of turn — The number of degrees of change of heading per second. It is proportional to the angle of bank, IAS (indicated air speed), and applied g. A standard rate of turn or rate 1 turn is 3° per second, or it takes 1 min to turn through 180° and 2 min… …   Aviation dictionary

  • turn-and-bank indicator — [tʉrn′ən baŋk′] n. an airplane instrument that coordinates the rate of turn with the degree of bank to help the pilot avoid a slip or skid: also turn and slip indicator …   English World dictionary

  • Turn coordinator — The turn coordinator is an aircraft instrument which displays to a pilot information about the rate of yaw (turn), rate of roll, and the quality or coordination of the turn. The turn coordinator was developed to replace the older turn and bank… …   Wikipedia

  • Turn and bank indicator — In aviation, the turn and bank indicator shows the rate of turn and the coordination (slip or skid) of the turn. The rate of turn is indicated from a rate gyroscopically and the coordination of the turn is shown by either a pendulum or a heavy… …   Wikipedia

  • Turn indicator — A Turn Indicator is an aircraft flight instrument that shows the rate of turn. It is used by the pilot to maintain control when flying under Instrument flight rules.Attitude and heading indicators function on the principle ofrigidity, but rate… …   Wikipedia

  • turn coordinator — An instrument similar to a turn and slip indicator but that shows the roll rate as well as the turn rate and the slip. The ball is in the center when a coordinated turn is being executed with the roll rate and/or the rate of turn shown by the… …   Aviation dictionary

  • turn and slip indicator — An instrument that indicates the rate of turn and the amount of slip to either side. The rate of turn portion uses a rate gyro. The slip is shown by a ball immersed in a liquid in a curved tube. In a balanced turn, the ball remains in the center …   Aviation dictionary

  • turn indicator — noun a blinking light on a motor vehicle that indicates the direction in which the vehicle is about to turn • Syn: ↑blinker, ↑turn signal, ↑trafficator • Derivationally related forms: ↑blink (for: ↑blinker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • rate gyro — A gyro having one plane of freedom at right angles to the plane of rotation and constructed so that a calibrated spring opposes the precessive forces to indicate the rate of rotation about the plane at right angles to both the plane of rotation… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Turn Indicator — Wendezeiger in der klassischen Form (turn indicator) Wendezeiger, wie er heute in Motorflugzeugen üblich ist (turn coordinator) Ein Wendezeiger ist ein elektrisch a …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Turn and bank indicator — Wendezeiger in der klassischen Form (turn indicator) Wendezeiger, wie er heute in Motorflugzeugen üblich ist (turn coordinator) Ein Wendezeiger ist ein elektrisch a …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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