1 rate of self-regulation
Автоматика: скорость саморегулированияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > rate of self-regulation
2 rate of self-regulation
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > rate of self-regulation
3 self-regulation rate
Автоматика: скорость саморегулирования -
4 self-regulation rate
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > self-regulation rate
5 rate
1) скорость; частота; интенсивность2) степень3) масштаб4) размер || измерять5) отношение; пропорция6) производительность; объём выпуска7) расход8) сорт; разряд; класс || классифицировать9) норма; тариф; расценка || нормировать10) оценка || оценивать11) режим работы12) сила тока, величина тока (напр. в батарее)•- accident rate
- adaptive feed rate
- approach rate
- assessed failure rate
- average rate
- band rate
- breakdown rate
- broaching rate
- build rate
- burden rate
- capacity rate
- charge rate
- closely controlled feed rate
- communications rate
- compression rate
- conservative feed rate
- control rate
- controlled rate
- copying rate
- count rate
- coverage rate
- cradle roll rate
- creep rate
- critical rate of rise
- cross travel rate
- cutter wear rate
- cutting feed rate
- cutting rate
- cycle rate
- data processing rate
- data transfer rate
- data transmission rate
- deceleration rate
- delivery rate
- departure rate
- discharge rate
- downtime rate
- drilling rate
- drive feed rate
- energy fluence rate
- extrapolated failure rate
- failure rate
- fast axis traverse rate
- fast metal-removal rate
- fast traverse rate
- fatality rate
- feed rate
- feed-up rate
- fine feed rate
- fingertip control feed rate
- finish feed rate
- fixed-time production rate
- flow delivery rate
- flow rate
- fluence rate
- foot per minute rate
- FPR rate
- gear reduction rate
- given rate
- grinding rate
- hardening rate
- heat rate
- heat transfer rate
- high-power beam cladding rate
- hour rate
- hourly machine rate
- hourly manufacturing rate
- hourly rate
- incorrect infeed rate
- infeed rate
- information rate
- input flow rate
- integral action rate
- inventory turnover rate
- job rate
- joint rate
- labor rates
- load rate
- machine hour rate per annum
- machine tool utilization rate
- machine utilization rate
- machining feed rate
- machining rate
- man-hour per piece rate
- man-hour rate
- manufacturing rate
- material removal rate
- maximum average-output-torque stepping rate
- maximum pulse rate
- maximum-stepping rate
- measurement rate
- medium feed rate
- memory rate
- metal-removal rate
- metering rate
- milling rate
- net working rate
- operation rate
- optimal feed rate
- output rate
- perforation rate
- performance rate
- picking rate
- piece-work rate
- plunge rate
- positioning rate
- predicted failure rate
- probability rate
- probing feed rate
- process rate
- processing rate
- production rate
- productivity rate of return
- productivity rate
- programmed feed rate
- proper feed rate
- pulse rate
- pulse repetition rate
- pump delivery rate
- pumping rate
- quench rate
- quenching rate
- ramp-down rate
- ramp-up rate
- rapid air cut feed rate
- rapid approach rate
- rapid return rate
- rate of action
- rate of beam alloying
- rate of change of temperature
- rate of change
- rate of equipment use
- rate of flow of electrons
- rate of flushing the gap
- rate of inherent regulation
- rate of rise of on-state current
- rate of rise
- rate of rotation
- rate of self-regulation
- rate of speed
- rate of travel
- rate of turn
- rate of work
- reading rate
- reaming rate
- recovery rate
- recurrence rate
- reduction rate
- refresh rate
- reject rate
- removal rate
- repetition rate
- reset rate
- return rate
- revolution rate
- rework rate
- rigid production rate
- sample rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- sawing rate
- scrap rate
- self-regulation rate
- servo update rate
- slew rate
- slow rate of wear
- specific metal removal rate
- specific removal rate
- spindle axis feed rate
- spring rate
- standard production rate
- stated cutting rate
- stock removal rate
- stock turnover rate
- strain rate
- taper rate
- tapping rate
- throughput rate
- time rate of change
- time-varying rate
- tool feed rate
- tool wear rate
- tool-to-tool change rate
- top feed rate
- traverse feed rate
- traverse rate
- turning rate
- turnover rate
- update rate
- utilization rate
- volume flow rate
- volumetric flow rate
- voluntary production rate
- wear rate
- wetting rate
- wheel removal rate
- work rate
- working rate
- X-axis feed rate
- yield rateEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > rate
1) Компьютерная техника: Apple Software Restore, Automated System Recovery2) Спорт: Additional Score Report3) Военный термин: Adaptive Situation Recognizer, Air Staff Requirements, Airborne Sump Retriever, Army status report, Assistant for Service Requirements, Automatic Send and Receive, Submarine Rescue Ship, acceptance summary report, advanced salvo rifle, advanced special receiver, advanced surveillance radar, advanced systems requirements, air superiority role, air surveillance radar, air-sea rescue, airport surveillance radar, annual summary report, approved system requirements, area surveillance radar, armed strike reconnaissance, automatic send/receive (сигнала), available supply rate, aviation safety regulation, avionics system review4) Техника: absorbing safety rod, active space repeater, airborne scanning radiometer, analog shift register, atmospheric sound refraction, automatic send-receive set, automatic sonar readout, обзорная радиолокационная станция аэропорта, auto shredder residue, automobile shredder residue, Automative Shredder Residue5) Химия: Alkali-Silica Reaction, Analyte Specific Reagent6) Строительство: Accident Safety Record7) Железнодорожный термин: Allegheny Southern Railroad Incorporated8) Бухгалтерия: Accounting Series Releases9) Автомобильный термин: acceleration slip regulation, antispin regulation, противобуксовая система, система предотвращения пробуксовки (Anti-Slip Regulation)10) Грубое выражение: A Stupid Restrictor, Ass Sucking Retards, Assholes And Submarine Rejects11) Телекоммуникации: Средний уровень успешности звонков (Average success rate), Answer Seizure Ratio, коэффициент занятия с ответом12) Сокращение: Acoustic Self-Ranging system, Adaptive Spectral Reconnaissance, Air Staff Requirement, Airborne Surveillance Radar, Approach Surveillance Radar, Automatic Send / Receive, Automatic Send/Receive, Automatic Surveillance Receiver (USA), Autonomous Scout Rotocraft (UAV), Submarine Rescue ship (USA), airborne search radar, регистр адресного пространства (Address Space Register)13) Электроника: Automated Send Receive14) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Send-Receive, Automatic System Recovery, автоматическое распознавание речи, Automatic Server Restart (HP)15) Генетика: Assay Specific Reagents16) Онкология: Age Standardised Rate (Incidence)17) Транспорт: Automatic Slip Regulation18) Фирменный знак: Active Sports Retailers, American Safety Razor19) Сетевые технологии: Automatic Server Restart, automatic speech recognition20) Автоматика: automated storage retrieval21) Общая лексика: anti-spin regulator22) Химическое оружие: Archival Search Report, agent surety room23) Расширение файла: Address Space Register24) Военно-политический термин: Alliance Standardization Requirements25) Фармация: Annual Safety Report26) Майкрософт: автоматическое восстановление системы, распознавание речи27) Должность: Authorized Sales Representative -
7 device
устройство; механизм; прибор; приспособление; аппарат; средствоinfrared target seeking device — тепловая головка самонаведения; теплопеленгатор, тепловой координатор цели
power failure detection device — прибор обнаружения отказа двигателя, сигнализатор потери мощности [тяги] двигателя
visual stall warning device — визуальный сигнализатор срыва [сваливания]
zero-gravity positive expulsion device — устройство для обеспечения топливоподачи (из баков) в условиях невесомости
8 advertising
сущ.1) рекл. реклама (совокупность каких-л. рекламных объявлений; обычно употребляется с указанием места, где размещается данная реклама)Over 60 percent of alcohol advertising [on television\] is shown during sports programming
Asian governments have attempted to limit excessive consumptions by instituting strict control over the content and amount of advertising in the media.
Advertising [on buses\] is one of the important advertising means to which companies and establishments attach great importance because this type of advertisement is a mobile one seen by all.
two-thirds of the food and drink advertising for children under 12 — две трети всей рекламы продуктов питания для детей младше 12-ти лет
Last month, 10 companies that produce almost two-thirds of the food and drink advertising [for children\] under 12 agreed to start cutting back on advertising junk foods.
No person shall within the city distribute [printed\] advertising by placing it within or upon parked automobiles.
2) рекл. реклама, рекламирование (процесс осуществления рекламы; как правило, употребляется с указанием рекламируемого продукта)Alcohol advertising is the promotion of alcoholic beverages by alcohol producers through a variety of media.
the control of medicines advertising in the UK — контроль за рекламой лекарств в Соединенном Королевстве
ATTRIBUTES: accessory 2. 1), advance 3. 2), aerial 3. 1), agricultural, air 2. 1),
alternative 2. 3), ambient 1. 1), audiovisual, auxiliary 2. 1), block 1. 4) а), boastful, broadcast 2. 1), n1, classified 1. 1), commercial 1. 4) а), comparative, competing 1. 1) а), competitive 1. 2) а), concept 1. 2) а), consumer 1. 1) а), continuity 1. 1) а), controversial 1. 1) а), cooperative 2. 1), n2, coordinated, corporate 1. 2) а), б, corrective 1. 1), creative, deceptive, demographic, denigratory, dissipative, domestic 1. 2) а),
foreign 1) б), global, professional 1. 3) б), regional, repeat 3. 3) б), strategic, superior 3. 1) б), test 3. 3) б), traditional
Syn:See:accessory advertising, advance advertising, advocacy advertising, aerial advertising, agricultural advertising, air advertising, aisle advertising, alternative advertising, ambient advertising, analogy advertising, association advertising, audiovisual advertising, auxiliary advertising, bait advertising, bait and switch advertising, bait-and-switch advertising, bank advertising, banner advertising, bargain advertising, bargain-basement advertising, block advertising, boastful advertising, brand advertising, brand image advertising, brand name advertising, breakthrough advertising, broadcast advertising, burst advertising, business advertising, business paper advertising, business publication advertising, business-to-business advertising, car-card advertising, cause advertising, challenged advertising, charity advertising, children's advertising, cinema advertising, classified advertising, combative advertising, commercial advertising, comparative advertising, comparison advertising, competing advertising, competitive advertising, concept advertising, consumer advertising, continuity advertising, controversial advertising, co-op advertising, cooperative advertising, coordinated advertising, corporate advertising, corporate image advertising, corrective advertising, counter advertising, counteradvertising, coupon advertising, creative advertising, deceptive advertising, demographic advertising, demonstration advertising, denigratory advertising, direct advertising, direct response advertising, direct-action advertising, direct mail advertising, direct-mail advertising, directory advertising, display advertising, dissipative advertising, domestic advertising, door-to-door advertising, educational advertising, electric advertising, electrical advertising, e-mail based advertising, entertaining advertising, ethical advertising, export advertising, eye-catching advertising, factual advertising, false advertising, farm advertising, fashion advertising, film advertising, financial advertising, flexform advertising, follow-up advertising, foreign advertising, fraudulent advertising, full-page advertising, gender advertising, general advertising, generic advertising, global advertising, goodwill advertising, group advertising, hard-sell advertising, hard-selling advertising, heavy advertising, help wanted advertising, high-pressure advertising, house advertising, house-to-house advertising, idea advertising, illuminated advertising, image advertising, impact advertising, indirect action advertising, indirect-action advertising, individual advertising, indoor advertising, industrial advertising, information advertising, informational advertising, informative advertising, in-house advertising, initial advertising, innovative advertising, institutional advertising, in-store advertising, insurance advertising, international advertising, interstate advertising, introductory advertising, intrusive advertising, issue advertising, joint advertising, large-scale advertising, launch advertising, legal advertising, local advertising, mail advertising, mail-order advertising, mass advertising, mass-media advertising, media advertising, military advertising, misleading advertising, mobile advertising, mood advertising, movie theatre advertising, multimedia advertising, multinational advertising, national advertising, non-business advertising, non-commercial advertising, novelty advertising, obtrusive advertising, offbeat advertising, off-season advertising, on-line advertising, on-target advertising, opinion advertising, oral advertising, outdoor advertising, out-of-home advertising, package advertising, periodical advertising, personality advertising, persuasive advertising, point-of-purchase advertising, point-of-sale advertising, political advertising, postal advertising, postcard advertising, poster advertising, postmark advertising, pre-launch advertising, premium advertising, press advertising, prestige advertising, price advertising, primary advertising, print advertising, private sector advertising, problem-solution advertising, procurement advertising, producer advertising, product advertising, product-comparison advertising, professional advertising, promotional advertising, public relations advertising, public sector advertising, public service advertising, public-affairs advertising, public interest advertising, public-issue advertising, public-service advertising, radio advertising, railway advertising, reason-why advertising, recruitment advertising, regional advertising, reinforcement advertising, remembrance advertising, reminder advertising, repeat advertising, retail advertising, retentive advertising, saturation advertising, scented advertising, screen advertising, seasonal advertising, selective advertising, self-advertising, semi-display advertising, show-window advertising, sky advertising, slide advertising, social advertising, social cause advertising, soft-sell advertising, specialty advertising, split-run advertising, spot advertising, store advertising, strategic advertising, street advertising, strip advertising, subliminal advertising, sustaining advertising, switch advertising, tactical advertising, target advertising, taxi top advertising, teaser advertising, television advertising, test advertising, testimonial advertising, tie-in advertising, tombstone advertising, total advertising, trade advertising, trademark advertising, traditional advertising, transformational advertising, transit advertising, transportation advertising, truthful advertising, truth-in-advertising, two-step formal advertising, unacceptable advertising, unfair advertising, untruthful advertising, visual advertising, vocational advertising, wall advertising, word-of-mouth advertising, written advertising, yellow pages advertising, advertising abuse, advertising action, advertising aids, advertising analysis а), advertising appeal, advertising approach, advertising audience, advertising awareness, advertising balance, advertising band, advertising believability, advertising break, advertising brochure, advertising catalogue, advertising circular, advertising claim 1) а), advertising clutter, advertising column, advertising communication, advertising competition 2) а), advertising copy, advertising coupon, advertising credibility, advertising cue, advertising decay, advertising deception, advertising device, advertising emphasis, advertising exaggeration, advertising exposure 2) а), advertising factor а), advertising film, advertising folder, advertising frequency, advertising gift, advertising gimmick, advertising handbill, advertising hoarding, advertising image, advertising impact, advertising impression, advertising influence, advertising insert, advertising intensity, advertising jingle, advertising label, advertising leaflet, advertising letter, advertising literature 1) а), advertising location, advertising magazine, advertising material, advertising matter, advertising media, advertising medium, advertising novelty, advertising operation 2) а), advertising page, advertising pamphlet, advertising panel, advertising penetration, advertising perception, advertising personality, advertising playback, advertising point, advertising posttest, advertising pretest, advertising puffery, advertising pylon, advertising race, advertising readership, advertising recall, advertising response, advertising retention, advertising sample, advertising section 2) а), advertising site, advertising slogan, advertising space, advertising specialty, advertising sponsorship, advertising spoof, advertising spot, advertising standards, advertising structure, advertising supplement, advertising test, advertising testing, advertising text, advertising threshold, advertising time, advertising vehicle, advertising wearout, advertising wedge, Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, Code of Advertising Practice, Defining Advertising goals for Measured Advertising Results, Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, ICC Guidelines / Code on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet, ICC International Code of Advertising Practice, ICC International Code of Environmental Advertising, ICC International Codes of Marketing and Advertising Practices, Standard Advertising Register, Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies, Standards of Practice of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, Advertising Association, Advertising Association of the West, Advertising Checking Bureau, Advertising Club of New York, Advertising Council, Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc. 2), Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc.3) рекл. рекламное дело, рекламная деятельность, рекламный бизнес (реклама как вид деятельности безотносительно каких-л. конкретных продуктов; реклама как одна из функций организации)advertising counsellor [consultant\] — рекламный консультант, консультант по рекламе
advertising expert — рекламный эксперт, эксперт по рекламе
Syn:See:above-the-line advertising, below-the-line advertising, flat fee advertising, investment advertising, per inquiry advertising, advertising account, advertising activity, advertising agency, advertising agent, advertising agreement, advertising allowance, advertising analysis б), advertising appropriation, advertising assistant, advertising audit, advertising brief, advertising broker, advertising budget, advertising business, advertising campaign, advertising canvasser, advertising claim 2) б), advertising club, advertising code, advertising community, advertising company, advertising competition 1) б), advertising contract, advertising contractor, advertising control, advertising cooperative, advertising copywriting, advertising cost, advertising coverage, advertising customer, advertising department, advertising director, advertising directory, advertising drive, advertising effect, advertising effectiveness, advertising efficiency, advertising environment, advertising ethics, advertising exchange, advertising executive, advertising expenditures, advertising expenses, advertising exposure 1) б), &3, advertising factor б), advertising firm, advertising guide, advertising industry, advertising injury, advertising landscape, advertising legislation, advertising leverage, advertising liability, advertising linage, advertising literature 2) б), advertising man, advertising management, advertising manager, advertising method, advertising mix, advertising monopoly, advertising network, advertising objective, advertising office, advertising operation 1) б), advertising order, advertising outcome, advertising outlay, advertising output, advertising people, advertising performance, advertising personnel, advertising plan, advertising planner, advertising planning, advertising portfolio, advertising practice, advertising practitioner, advertising professional, advertising programme, advertising purpose, advertising rate, advertising register, advertising representative, advertising research, advertising restrictions, advertising sales agents, advertising schedule, advertising section 1) б), advertising self-regulation, advertising services, advertising specialist, advertising spending, advertising statistics, advertising strategy, advertising substantiation, advertising support, advertising talent, advertising theory, advertising value, advertising variable, advertising weight, media buy, copywriting, advertology
* * *
реклама, рекламирование: использование печатных, теле-, радио- и иных посланий, оплаченных рекламодателем, для благоприятного воздействия на потенциальных покупателей товара или клиентов.* * *размещение объявлений; размещение рекламы; рекламирование. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *эмоционально окрашенная информация об основных характеристиках отдельных видов страхования и страховых операций с целью формирования устойчивого спроса на страховые услуги-----средство распространения информации и убеждения людей через прессу, телевидение, радиовещание, объявления, плакаты и другим образом -
9 system
система; установка; устройство; ркт. комплекс"see to land" system — система посадки с визуальным приземлением
A.S.I. system — система указателя воздушной скорости
ablating heat-protection system — аблирующая [абляционная] система тепловой защиты
ablating heat-shield system — аблирующая [абляционная] система тепловой защиты
active attitude control system — ксм. активная система ориентации
aft-end rocket ignition system — система воспламенения заряда с задней части РДТТ [со стороны сопла]
aircraft response sensing system — система измерений параметров, характеризующих поведение ЛА
air-inlet bypass door system — дв. система перепуска воздуха на входе
antiaircraft guided missile system — ракетная система ПВО; зенитный ракетный комплекс
antiaircraft guided weapons system — ракетная система ПВО; зенитный ракетный комплекс
attenuated intercept satellite rendez-vous system — система безударного соединения спутников на орбите
attitude and azimuth reference system — система измерения или индикации углов тангажа, крена и азимута
automatic departure prevention system — система автоматического предотвращения сваливания или вращения после сваливания
automatic drift kick-off system — система автоматического устранения угла упреждения сноса (перед приземлением)
automatic hovering control system — верт. система автостабилизации на висении
automatic indicating feathering system — автоматическая система флюгирования с индикацией отказа (двигателя)
automatic mixture-ratio control system — система автоматического регулирования состава (топливной) смеси
automatic pitch control system — автомат тангажа; автоматическая система продольного управления [управления по каналу тангажа]
B.L.C. high-lift system — система управления пограничным слоем для повышения подъёмной силы (крыла)
backpack life support system — ксм. ранцевая система жизнеобеспечения
beam-rider (control, guidance) system — ркт. система наведения по лучу
biowaste electric propulsion system — электрический двигатель, работающий на биологических отходах
buddy (refueling, tank) system — (подвесная) автономная система дозаправки топливом в полете
closed(-circuit, -cycle) system — замкнутая система, система с замкнутым контуром или циклом; система с обратной связью
Cooper-Harper pilot rating system — система баллов оценки ЛА лётчиком по Куперу — Харперу
deployable aerodynamic deceleration system — развёртываемая (в атмосфере) аэродинамическая тормозная система
depressurize the fuel system — стравливать избыточное давление (воздуха, газа) в топливной системе
driver gas heating system — аэрд. система подогрева толкающего газа
dry sump (lubrication) system — дв. система смазки с сухим картером [отстойником]
electrically powered hydraulic system — электронасосная гидросистема (в отличие от гидросистемы с насосами, приводимыми от двигателя)
exponential control flare system — система выравнивания с экспоненциальным управлением (перед приземлением)
flywheel attitude control system — ксм. инерционная система ориентации
gas-ejection attitude control system — ксм. газоструйная система ориентация
gas-jet attitude control system — ксм. газоструйная система ориентация
ground proximity extraction system — система извлечения грузов из самолёта, пролетающего на уровне земли
hot-air balloon water recovery system — система спасения путем посадки на воду с помощью баллонов, наполняемых горячими газами
hypersonic air data entry system — система для оценки аэродинамики тела, входящего в атмосферу планеты с гиперзвуковой скоростью
igh-temperature fatigue test system — установка для испытаний на выносливость при высоких температурах
interceptor (directing, vectoring) system — система наведения перехватчиков
ion electrical propulsion system — ксм. ионная двигательная установка
isotope-heated catalytic oxidizer system — система каталитического окислителя с нагревом от изотопного источника
jet vane actuation system — ркт. система привода газового руля
laminar flow pumping system — система насосов [компрессоров] для ламинаризации обтекания
launching range safety system — система безопасности ракетного полигона; система обеспечения безопасности космодрома
leading edge slat system — система выдвижных [отклоняемых] предкрылков
low-altitude parachute extraction system — система беспосадочного десантирования грузов с малых высот с использованием вытяжных парашютов
magnetic attitude control system — ксм. магнитная система ориентации
magnetically slaved compass system — курсовая система с магнитной коррекцией, гироиндукционная курсовая система
mass-expulsion attitude control system — система ориентации за счёт истечения массы (газа, жидкости)
mass-motion attitude control system — ксм. система ориентации за счёт перемещения масс
mass-shifting attitude control system — ксм. система ориентации за счёт перемещения масс
monopropellant rocket propulsion system — двигательная установка с ЖРД на унитарном [однокомпонентном] топливе
nucleonic propellant gauging and utilization system — система измерения и регулирования подачи топлива с использованием радиоактивных изотопов
open(-circuit, -cycle) system — открытая [незамкнутая] система, система с незамкнутым контуром или циклом; система без обратной связи
plenum chamber burning system — дв. система сжигания топлива во втором контуре
positioning system for the landing gear — система регулирования высоты шасси (при стоянке самолёта на земле)
radar altimeter low-altitude control system — система управления на малых высотах с использованием радиовысотомера
radar system for unmanned cooperative rendezvous in space — радиолокационная система для обеспечения встречи (на орбите) беспилотных кооперируемых КЛА
range and orbit determination system — система определения дальностей [расстояний] и орбит
real-time telemetry processing system — система обработки радиотелеметрических данных в реальном масштабе времени
recuperative cycle regenerable carbon dioxide removal system — система удаления углекислого газа с регенерацией поглотителя, работающая по рекуперативному циклу
rendezvous beacon and command system — маячно-командная система обеспечения встречи («а орбите)
satellite automatic terminal rendezvous and coupling system — автоматическая система сближения и стыковки спутников на орбите
Schuler tuned inertial navigation system — система инерциальной навигации на принципе маятника Шулера
sodium superoxide carbon dioxide removal system — система удаления углекислого газа с помощью надперекиси натрия
space shuttle separation system — система разделения ступеней челночного воздушно-космического аппарата
stellar-monitored astroinertial navigation guidance system — астроинерциальная система навигации и управления с астрокоррекцией
terminal control landing system — система управления посадкой по траектории, связанной с выбранной точкой приземления
terminal descent control system — ксм. система управления на конечном этапе спуска [снижения]
terminal guidance system for a satellite rendezvous — система управления на конечном участке траектории встречи спутников
test cell flow system — ркт. система питания (двигателя) топливом в огневом боксе
vectored thrust (propulsion) system — силовая установка с подъёмно-маршевым двигателем [двигателями]
water to oxygen system — ксм. система добывания кислорода из воды
wind tunnel data acquisition system — система регистрации (и обработки) данных при испытаниях в аэродинамической трубе
— D system -
10 R
1) Общая лексика: кино "R", фильмы, на которые дети до 16-17 лет допускаются только в сопровождении взрослых, чистый для анализа (ч.д.а.) (R (Reagent Grade) = GR (Guaranteed Reagent) = AR (Analytical grade) = PA (Pure for Analysis) = чистый для анализа) (http://www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_russian/chemistry%3B_chem_sci_eng/2145428-r.html), научно-производственный3) Биология: arginine, respiration6) Военный термин: Ramming, Readiness, Required, Resources, Retreat, Revision, Rock Outcrops, Routine, Russian, radiation, radio, radioactivity, radiological, radiotelegram, railhead, railroad, railway, range, rank, rate, ration, rationing, reaction, rear, receiver, recoilless, recoverable, recruiting, reference, regiment, regimental, regulation, reinforcement, reliability, repair, repairable, replaceability, report, representative, research, reserve, residence, response, restricted, retired, retiree, review, reward, rifle, rifled, rimmed, rocket, round-nose, route, runner, пуск ракеты с корабля, самолёт СВ, транспортный самолёт (ВМС), (reconnaissance) разведывательный (самолёт; фото- или электронной разведки), в отставке, офицер запаса7) Техника: R-display, Reaumur scale, acknowledge receipt, acoustic resistance, angle of reflection, correlation coefficient, gas constant, heavy self-reversed, production rate, radial distance, reconnaissance, reddish, refraction, rehydratable food, relative humidity, reluctance, repetition, result, rotational quantum number, slightly self-reversed8) Сельское хозяйство: reactive, refrigerator, rough9) Химия: Reamer Temperature Ratio10) Математика: Ratio, Ray, Rays, Rounded, Row, интенсивность (rate), размах (range), скорость (rate)11) Религия: Rabbi, Recommitment, Relationship, Repent, Respectful, The Rational, The Resurrection12) Юридический термин: Reasonable, Responsible, Restraint, Revert, Ridiculous, Robber13) Экономика: аббревиатура от research and developement - НИОКР, научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы15) Автомобильный термин: возвращение назад16) Музыка: Rollicking17) Оптика: Rankine18) Политика: Republican19) Телекоммуникации: Ring, Router, R reference point (ISDN)20) Сокращение: Reaumur, Reynolds number, Rolemaster, Romeo (phonetic alphabet), Royal, Rwanda, Time zone 67.5 W - 82.5 W (GMT +5), railroad, ready, rector, regulations, relative, rood, rubber, radar (comb form)22) Физиология: Recto, Rehabilitate, Relax, Respirations23) Шахматы: Rook24) Электроника: Redundant25) Вычислительная техника: are, reset, resistor, reverse, right, Restricted (Movie rating)26) Нефть: (Vcl) clay content deduced from resistivity, current or producing gas/oil ratio, degrees Rankine, electrical resistivity, recovery, reflection coefficient, reservoir, rock bit, running, universal gas constant, Reaumur (scale)27) Генетика: аргинин, символ, обозначающий правое плечо политенной хромосомы29) Транспорт: Rider30) Пищевая промышленность: Rubbish31) Холодильная техника: refrigerant32) СМИ: Recite33) Деловая лексика: Results, Retailer, Risk, Risky, The Retailer's34) Бурение: температурная шкала Реомюра (Reamur), шарошечное долото (rock bit)35) Образование: Respect, Responsibility, Retentive, Rithmetic36) Складское дело: период между заказами (review period)37) Инвестиции: Reports of Patent Cases, Rules of Practice of the Patent Office in Patent Cases, registered name38) Сетевые технологии: Reply39) Полимеры: Rydberg constant, radical, radius, ratio (соотношение), reflux ratio, registered, regular, resistance, rotary40) Программирование: Return42) Контроль качества: rejection number43) Океанография: Radiancy, Rankine Temperature Scale44) Химическое оружие: remote control, remote (Переключатель управления)45) МИД: effective calculating rate46) Яхтенный спорт: гоночный балл яхты, число Рейнольдса47) Должность: Romance48) Чат: Repulsive49) Правительство: Resolution50) NYSE. Ryder Systems, Inc.52) Федеральное бюро расследований: Racial53) Единицы измерений: Radians54) Международные перевозки: reduced class rate (rate classification) -
11 r
1) Общая лексика: кино "R", фильмы, на которые дети до 16-17 лет допускаются только в сопровождении взрослых, чистый для анализа (ч.д.а.) (R (Reagent Grade) = GR (Guaranteed Reagent) = AR (Analytical grade) = PA (Pure for Analysis) = чистый для анализа) (http://www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_russian/chemistry%3B_chem_sci_eng/2145428-r.html), научно-производственный3) Биология: arginine, respiration6) Военный термин: Ramming, Readiness, Required, Resources, Retreat, Revision, Rock Outcrops, Routine, Russian, radiation, radio, radioactivity, radiological, radiotelegram, railhead, railroad, railway, range, rank, rate, ration, rationing, reaction, rear, receiver, recoilless, recoverable, recruiting, reference, regiment, regimental, regulation, reinforcement, reliability, repair, repairable, replaceability, report, representative, research, reserve, residence, response, restricted, retired, retiree, review, reward, rifle, rifled, rimmed, rocket, round-nose, route, runner, пуск ракеты с корабля, самолёт СВ, транспортный самолёт (ВМС), (reconnaissance) разведывательный (самолёт; фото- или электронной разведки), в отставке, офицер запаса7) Техника: R-display, Reaumur scale, acknowledge receipt, acoustic resistance, angle of reflection, correlation coefficient, gas constant, heavy self-reversed, production rate, radial distance, reconnaissance, reddish, refraction, rehydratable food, relative humidity, reluctance, repetition, result, rotational quantum number, slightly self-reversed8) Сельское хозяйство: reactive, refrigerator, rough9) Химия: Reamer Temperature Ratio10) Математика: Ratio, Ray, Rays, Rounded, Row, интенсивность (rate), размах (range), скорость (rate)11) Религия: Rabbi, Recommitment, Relationship, Repent, Respectful, The Rational, The Resurrection12) Юридический термин: Reasonable, Responsible, Restraint, Revert, Ridiculous, Robber13) Экономика: аббревиатура от research and developement - НИОКР, научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы15) Автомобильный термин: возвращение назад16) Музыка: Rollicking17) Оптика: Rankine18) Политика: Republican19) Телекоммуникации: Ring, Router, R reference point (ISDN)20) Сокращение: Reaumur, Reynolds number, Rolemaster, Romeo (phonetic alphabet), Royal, Rwanda, Time zone 67.5 W - 82.5 W (GMT +5), railroad, ready, rector, regulations, relative, rood, rubber, radar (comb form)22) Физиология: Recto, Rehabilitate, Relax, Respirations23) Шахматы: Rook24) Электроника: Redundant25) Вычислительная техника: are, reset, resistor, reverse, right, Restricted (Movie rating)26) Нефть: (Vcl) clay content deduced from resistivity, current or producing gas/oil ratio, degrees Rankine, electrical resistivity, recovery, reflection coefficient, reservoir, rock bit, running, universal gas constant, Reaumur (scale)27) Генетика: аргинин, символ, обозначающий правое плечо политенной хромосомы29) Транспорт: Rider30) Пищевая промышленность: Rubbish31) Холодильная техника: refrigerant32) СМИ: Recite33) Деловая лексика: Results, Retailer, Risk, Risky, The Retailer's34) Бурение: температурная шкала Реомюра (Reamur), шарошечное долото (rock bit)35) Образование: Respect, Responsibility, Retentive, Rithmetic36) Складское дело: период между заказами (review period)37) Инвестиции: Reports of Patent Cases, Rules of Practice of the Patent Office in Patent Cases, registered name38) Сетевые технологии: Reply39) Полимеры: Rydberg constant, radical, radius, ratio (соотношение), reflux ratio, registered, regular, resistance, rotary40) Программирование: Return42) Контроль качества: rejection number43) Океанография: Radiancy, Rankine Temperature Scale44) Химическое оружие: remote control, remote (Переключатель управления)45) МИД: effective calculating rate46) Яхтенный спорт: гоночный балл яхты, число Рейнольдса47) Должность: Romance48) Чат: Repulsive49) Правительство: Resolution50) NYSE. Ryder Systems, Inc.52) Федеральное бюро расследований: Racial53) Единицы измерений: Radians54) Международные перевозки: reduced class rate (rate classification) -
12 MSR
1) Компьютерная техника: IEEE Mining Software Repositories Conference, Model Specific Register, Module Specific Register2) Геология: растворитель грязи и ила3) Военный термин: Military Supply Route, Patrol Minesweeper, main supply road, maintenance status reply, material stores requisition, materiel status report, meteorological sounding rocket, microwave surveillance receiver, military register, missile site radar, mixed signal regiment, mobile sea range, modification status report, modular surveillance radar4) Техника: management system review, maximum steam rate, modular stellarator-reactor, moisture separator reheater, molten-salt reactor, сообщение было передано не тому адресату5) Сельское хозяйство: Medium Stocking Rate6) Шутливое выражение: Monte's Secret Revenge7) Математика: остаток среднего квадрата (mean square residual)8) Юридический термин: Municipal Sewage Regulation9) Торговля: magnetic stripe reader, считыватель магнитной полосы10) Автомобильный термин: система контроля крутящего момента (Modulate System Regulation)11) Психология: mirror self-recognition (распознавание своего отражения в зеркале)12) Сокращение: Main Supply Route, Missile Simulation Round, Missile Site Range, Modular Survivable Radar, Multi-beam Multi-mode Surveillance Radar, Multisensor Reconnaissance, mineral-surface roof, multistage rocket, Mars Sample Return, Molten Salt Reactor, Multiply Step Register, Multitrack Sound Recorder13) Университет: Mountain Safety Research14) Вычислительная техника: Multiple Step Register, Machine Specific Register (IC), Model Specific Register (Intel, Pentium, IC), Mobile Support Router (MHP)15) Нефть: mean squared residual16) Космонавтика: microwave scanning radiometer17) Фирменный знак: Malcolm Smith Racing18) Энергетика: СПП, сепаратор-пароперегреватель19) Деловая лексика: Manufacturer Supplier Relationship, Mortgage Servicing Rights20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: material status report, заявка на услуги по материально-техническому снабжению (material service request)21) Сетевые технологии: Molecular Sequence Reduction22) Полимеры: Mooney stress relaxation23) Сахалин Р: material service request24) Медицинская техника: mitral stenosis and regurgitation (ЭхоКГ)25) Расширение файла: Machine Status Register, Microsoft Reserved Partition (Microsoft)26) Нефть и газ: MSR tool, Multi Sensor Recorder, Multi-Sensor Recorder, maximum sustainable risk, записывающее устройство с несколькими датчиками, многосенсорное записывающее устройство, прибор MSR, самописец с несколькими датчиками, максимально возможный риск, максимальный возможный риск, многосенсорный регистратор, многосенсорный самописец, регистратор с несколькими датчиками27) Фантастика Mulder Scully Romance28) Должность: Member Service Representative30) НАСА: Monthly Status Report -
13 Msr
1) Компьютерная техника: IEEE Mining Software Repositories Conference, Model Specific Register, Module Specific Register2) Геология: растворитель грязи и ила3) Военный термин: Military Supply Route, Patrol Minesweeper, main supply road, maintenance status reply, material stores requisition, materiel status report, meteorological sounding rocket, microwave surveillance receiver, military register, missile site radar, mixed signal regiment, mobile sea range, modification status report, modular surveillance radar4) Техника: management system review, maximum steam rate, modular stellarator-reactor, moisture separator reheater, molten-salt reactor, сообщение было передано не тому адресату5) Сельское хозяйство: Medium Stocking Rate6) Шутливое выражение: Monte's Secret Revenge7) Математика: остаток среднего квадрата (mean square residual)8) Юридический термин: Municipal Sewage Regulation9) Торговля: magnetic stripe reader, считыватель магнитной полосы10) Автомобильный термин: система контроля крутящего момента (Modulate System Regulation)11) Психология: mirror self-recognition (распознавание своего отражения в зеркале)12) Сокращение: Main Supply Route, Missile Simulation Round, Missile Site Range, Modular Survivable Radar, Multi-beam Multi-mode Surveillance Radar, Multisensor Reconnaissance, mineral-surface roof, multistage rocket, Mars Sample Return, Molten Salt Reactor, Multiply Step Register, Multitrack Sound Recorder13) Университет: Mountain Safety Research14) Вычислительная техника: Multiple Step Register, Machine Specific Register (IC), Model Specific Register (Intel, Pentium, IC), Mobile Support Router (MHP)15) Нефть: mean squared residual16) Космонавтика: microwave scanning radiometer17) Фирменный знак: Malcolm Smith Racing18) Энергетика: СПП, сепаратор-пароперегреватель19) Деловая лексика: Manufacturer Supplier Relationship, Mortgage Servicing Rights20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: material status report, заявка на услуги по материально-техническому снабжению (material service request)21) Сетевые технологии: Molecular Sequence Reduction22) Полимеры: Mooney stress relaxation23) Сахалин Р: material service request24) Медицинская техника: mitral stenosis and regurgitation (ЭхоКГ)25) Расширение файла: Machine Status Register, Microsoft Reserved Partition (Microsoft)26) Нефть и газ: MSR tool, Multi Sensor Recorder, Multi-Sensor Recorder, maximum sustainable risk, записывающее устройство с несколькими датчиками, многосенсорное записывающее устройство, прибор MSR, самописец с несколькими датчиками, максимально возможный риск, максимальный возможный риск, многосенсорный регистратор, многосенсорный самописец, регистратор с несколькими датчиками27) Фантастика Mulder Scully Romance28) Должность: Member Service Representative30) НАСА: Monthly Status Report -
14 legal
1) законна дія2) законний, легальний; заснований на законі; заснований на загальному праві, який регулюється загальним правом; легітимний; правовий; правознавчий; правомірний; правосудний; судовий; узаконений; юридичний•legal and administrative machinery for family support — правові і адміністративні заходи підтримки сім'ї
legal gap in protection afforded — прогалина у правовому захисті, що надається
- legal abortionlegal power to correct legal errors — надане законом право виправляти юридичні ( або судові) помилки
- legal abuse
- legal access
- legal accountability
- legal acquisition
- legal act
- legal action
- legal activities
- legal activities activity
- legal acts
- legal address
- legal administration
- legal advertisement
- legal advice
- legal advice bureau
- legal advice center
- legal advice centre
- legal advice office
- legal adviser
- legal advisor
- legal age
- legal agency
- legal agent
- legal aid
- legal aid agency
- legal aid bureau
- legal aid office
- legal aid order
- legal alien
- legal analogy
- legal analysis
- legal approach
- legal area
- legal argument
- legal arrest
- legal aspect
- legal assets
- legal assignment
- legal assistance
- legal assistant
- legal assumption
- legal author
- legal autonomy
- legal awareness
- legal bar
- legal barrier
- legal basis
- legal bill
- legal body
- legal bond
- legal boundary
- legal burden
- legal business
- legal cadres
- legal calendar
- legal capacity
- legal capital
- legal career
- legal case
- legal category
- legal cause
- legal certainty
- legal challenge
- legal changes
- legal charge
- legal check
- legal cheque
- legal circumstance
- legal citation
- legal claim
- legal closing time
- legal code
- legal coercion
- legal committee
- legal competence
- legal complexity
- legal concept
- legal condition
- legal confinement
- legal conflict
- legal conscience
- legal consequence
- legal consequences
- legal consideration
- legal construction
- legal consultation
- legal context
- legal continuity
- legal control
- legal controversy
- legal conviction
- legal-correctional process
- legal costs
- legal councilor
- legal councillor
- legal counsel
- legal counseling
- legal counselor
- legal counsellor
- legal crackdown
- legal crime
- legal culture
- legal currency
- legal custody
- legal custom
- legal decision
- legal deduction
- legal defect
- legal defence
- legal defense
- legal deficiency
- legal definition
- legal delinquency
- legal delivery
- legal demand
- legal deontology
- legal department
- legal dependence
- legal deposit copy
- legal deposit library
- legal descent
- legal details
- legal detention
- legal device
- legal difference
- legal disability
- legal disadvantage
- legal discretion
- legal discrimination
- legal dispute
- legal doctrine
- legal document
- legal documentation
- legal drinking
- legal drinking age
- legal drinking limit
- legal drug
- legal duty
- legal duty
- legal eagle
- legal eavesdropping
- legal education
- legal effect
- legal effectiveness
- legal efficacy
- legal enforcement
- legal enforcement of law
- legal enforcement procedure
- legal entity under public law
- legal entity
- legal environment
- legal equality
- legal equality of the sexes
- legal error
- legal essence
- legal estate
- legal ethics
- legal evaluation
- legal evidence
- legal excuse
- legal execution
- legal executive
- legal exemption
- legal expenses
- legal expenses insurance
- legal experience
- legal expert
- legal expertise
- legal explanation
- legal exposition
- legal fact
- legal father
- legal fees
- legal fetishism
- legal fiction
- legal field
- legal fight
- legal force
- legal form
- legal formality
- legal formula
- legal formulation
- legal foundation
- legal foundations
- legal frame
- legal framework
- legal framing
- legal fraud
- legal function
- legal gambler
- legal gambling
- legal gap
- legal glossator
- legal government
- legal ground
- legal groundwork
- legal guarantee
- legal guarantees
- legal guardian
- legal guilt
- legal hearing
- legal historian
- legal history
- legal holder
- legal holiday
- legal home
- legal humanism
- legal hypothesis
- legal identity
- legal immigration
- legal immunity
- legal implementation
- legal implication
- legal implications
- legal impossibility
- legal incapacity
- legal incident
- legal income
- legal incompetence
- legal information
- legal injury
- legal innovation
- legal innovation
- legal innovations
- legal insanity
- legal institution
- legal instruction
- legal instrument
- legal intent
- legal interest
- legal interest rate
- legal interpretation
- legal investigation
- legal investigator
- legal irregularity
- legal issue
- legal journal
- legal judge
- legal judgement
- legal judgment
- legal jurisdiction
- legal justice
- legal justification
- legal killer
- legal killing
- legal knowledge
- legal language
- legal liability
- legal lien
- legal limit
- legal limitation
- legal literature
- legal loophole
- legal lynching
- legal malice
- legal malpractice
- legal manufacture
- legal marriage
- legal matter
- legal maxim
- legal means
- legal means of social control
- legal measure
- legal mechanism
- legal medicine
- legal methodology
- legal minimum age of marriage
- legal minimum wage rate
- legal minimum wage rates
- legal minor
- legal monopoly
- legal monument
- legal mortgage
- legal mother
- legal name
- legal nationality
- legal negligence
- legal nihilism
- legal nomenclature
- legal norm
- legal notice
- legal notification
- legal notion
- legal object
- legal objection
- legal objective
- legal obligation
- legal observation method
- legal observer
- legal obstruction
- legal office
- legal office
- legal officer
- legal official
- legal operation
- legal opinion
- legal order
- legal organization
- legal owner
- legal parlance
- legal papers
- legal participation
- legal perjury
- legal permissibility
- legal permission
- legal person
- legal personality
- legal phenomenon
- legal philosopher
- legal philosophy
- legal picketing
- legal platform
- legal play
- legal point
- legal point of view
- legal policy
- legal portion
- legal position
- legal positivism
- legal positivist
- legal possession
- legal power
- legal practice
- legal practitician
- legal practitioner
- legal precept
- legal predecessor
- legal prerequisite
- legal presumption
- legal presumption of death
- legal principle
- legal privilege
- legal problem
- legal procedure
- legal procedure publicity
- legal procedures
- legal proceeding
- legal proceedings
- legal process
- legal profession
- legal profession member
- legal professional
- legal professional privilege
- legal prohibition
- legal proposition
- legal propriety
- legal prosecution
- legal protectee
- legal protection
- legal protection of software
- legal provision
- legal psychiatry
- legal purism
- legal purist
- legal qualification
- legal question
- legal rationale
- legal realism
- legal reality
- legal reasoning
- legal recognition
- legal recourse
- legal redress
- legal reference
- legal reform
- legal reformer
- legal regime
- legal regulation
- legal rehabilitation
- legal rehabilitation
- legal relations
- legal relationship
- legal relationships
- legal relative
- legal relativism
- legal relevance
- legal relief
- legal remedy
- legal representation
- legal representative
- legal reputation
- legal requirement
- legal reservation
- legal reserve
- legal residence
- legal resolution
- legal restraint
- legal restriction
- legal right-enforcing
- legal right
- legal rights
- legal risk
- legal rule
- legal safeguard
- legal safety
- legal sanction
- legal scholar
- legal science
- legal scientist
- legal search
- legal secretary
- legal security
- legal self-help
- legal sense
- legal sentence
- legal sentencing
- legal separation
- legal service
- legal services
- legal significance
- legal source
- legal specialist
- legal speech
- legal sphere
- legal spokesman
- legal spouse
- legal staff
- legal standard
- legal state
- legal statement
- legal statistics
- legal status
- legal status of a person
- legal step
- legal storage period
- legal strike
- legal structure
- legal studies
- legal subbranch
- legal sub-branch
- legal subject
- legal subjectivity
- legal submission
- legal subrogation
- legal succession
- legal successor
- legal suit
- legal system
- legal tapping
- legal technicality
- legal technician
- legal technique
- legal techniques
- legal tender
- legal tender note
- legal term
- legal termination
- legal termination of marriage
- legal territory
- legal test
- legal text
- legal theorist
- legal theory
- legal thinker
- legal thinking
- legal thought
- legal title
- legal tool
- legal topic
- legal tradition
- legal training
- legal transaction
- legal treasury note
- legal treatise
- legal treatment
- legal trial
- legal ubiquity
- legal uncertainty
- legal unit
- legal usage
- legal vacuum
- legal validity
- legal venue
- legal view
- legal viewpoint
- legal violence
- legal volition
- legal voter
- legal waiver
- legal wife
- legal wiretap
- legal wiretapping
- legal wording
- legal work
- legal writer
- legal writing
- legal wrong
- legal year -
15 Staite, William Edwards
[br]b. 19 April 1809 Bristol, Englandd. 26 September 1854 Caen, France[br]English inventor who did much to popularize electric lighting in early Victorian England and demonstrated the first self-regulating arc lamp.[br]Before devoting the whole of his attention to the electric light, Staite was a partner in a business of iron merchants and patented a method of obtaining extracts and essences. From 1834 he attempted to produce a continuous light by electricity. The first public exhibition of Staite's arc lamp incorporating a fixed-rate clockwork mechanism was given in 1847 to the Sunderland Literary and Philosophical Society. He also demonstrated an incandescent lamp with an iridioplatinum filament. Sir Joseph Wilson Swan recorded that it was attending lectures by Staite in Sunderland, Newcastle and Carlisle that started him on the quest which many years later was to lead to his incandescent lamp.In association with William Petrie (1821–1904), Staite made an important advance in the development of arc lamps by introducing automatic regulation of the carbon rods by way of an electromagnet. This was the first of many self-regulating arc lamps that were invented during the nineteenth century employing this principle. A contributory factor in the success of Staite's lamp was the semi enclosure of the arc in a transparent vessel that reduced the consumption of carbons, a feature not used again until the 1890s. His patents included processes for preparing carbons and the construction of primary cells for arc lighting. An improved lamp used by Staite in a theatrical production at Her Majesty's Theatre, London, in April 1849 may be considered the first commercial success of the electric light in England. In spite of the limitations imposed by the use of primary cells as the only available source of power, serious interest in this system of electric lighting was shown by railway companies and dock authorities. However, after he had developed a satisfactory arc lamp, an end to these early experiments was brought about by Staite's death.[br]BibliographyJuly 1847, British patent no. 1,1783 (electromagnetic regulation of an arc lamp).His manuscript "History of electric light" is in the Institution of Electrical Engineers archives.Further ReadingJ.J.Fahie, 1902, "Staite and Petrie's electric light 1846–1853", Electrical Engineer 30:297–301, 337–40, 374–6 (a detailed reliable account).G.Woodward, 1989, "Staite and Petrie: pioneers of electric lighting", Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 136 (Part A): 290–6 GWBiographical history of technology > Staite, William Edwards
16 control
1. noun1) (the right of directing or of giving orders; power or authority: She has control over all the decisions in that department; She has no control over that dog.) control, mando, poder2) (the act of holding back or restraining: control of prices; I know you're angry but you must not lose control (of yourself).) control, dominio sobre sí mismo3) ((often in plural) a lever, button etc which operates (a machine etc): The clutch and accelerator are foot controls in a car.) control, mando4) (a point or place at which an inspection takes place: passport control.) control
2. verb1) (to direct or guide; to have power or authority over: The captain controls the whole ship; Control your dog!) controlar, dirigir2) (to hold back; to restrain (oneself or one's emotions etc): Control yourself!) controlar(se), dominar(se)3) (to keep to a fixed standard: The government is controlling prices.) controlar•- control-tower
- in control of
- in control
- out of control
- under control
control1 n controlcontrol2 vb controlarshe couldn't control the car and crashed into a tree no pudo controlar el coche y chocó contra un árbol
control sustantivo masculino 1 ( en general) control; sin control out of control; perdí el control I lost control (of myself); hacerse con el control de algo to gain control of sth; lleva el control de los gastos she keeps a check on the money that is spent; control de (la) natalidad birth control; control de calidad quality control o check; control de pasaportes passport control; control remoto remote control 2 (en carretera, rally) checkpoint 3a) (Educ) testb) (Med) check-up;
control sustantivo masculino
1 (dominio) control: está todo bajo control, everything is under control
2 Educ test
3 (inspección) check
control de calidad, quality control
4 (de Policía, militar) checkpoint, roadblock
5 control remoto, remote control ' control' also found in these entries: Spanish: absoluta - absoluto - adueñarse - ajena - ajeno - angular - autocontrol - contención - controlar - controlarse - cuadro - descontrol - descontrolarse - desenfreno - disciplina - dominar - dominación - dominarse - dominio - dueña - dueño - encima - fraude - mando - moderarse - órbita - palanca - papel - planificación - potingue - pública - público - regular - regulación - reportarse - reprimirse - reprivatizar - resbalar - retener - rienda - señorío - sofocar - teleguiada - teleguiado - telemando - tenerse - torre - ala - anticoncepción - apoderarse English: air traffic control - arms control - beyond - birth control - check - checkpoint - control - equity - fiendish - freak out - gain - grip - hand - hit - hold - knob - over - override - panel - passport control - pest control - piece - quality control - rein - remote control - resume - roadblock - rule - runaway - self-control - speed trap - take over - tight - tighten - tighten up - time clock - time-keeping - traffic control - unionist - volume control - watchdog - wild - air - birth - boil - break - compose - curb - discipline - dualtr[kən'trəʊl]1 (govern, rule) controlar2 (have control over - person, animal, vehicle) controlar; (- emotions) controlar, dominar3 (regulate - temperature, volume, pressure, rate, flow) controlar, regular; (- traffic) dirigir; (- prices, inflation, spending) controlar4 (verify, check) controlar2 (restriction, means of regulating) control nombre masculino3 (place, people in control) control nombre masculino5 (switch, button) botón nombre masculino, mando1 (of vehicle) mandos nombre masculino plural\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLout of control fuera de controlunder control bajo controlto be beyond somebody's control estar fuera del control de alguiento be in control estar al mando, mandarto bring something under control conseguir controlar algo, llegar a controlar algoto control oneself controlarseto gain control of something hacerse con el control de algoto go out of control descontrolarseto lose control of oneself perder el control de sí mismo,-a, perder los estribosto lose control of something perder el control de algocontrol panel tablero de instrumentoscontrol tower torre nombre femenino de controlimport control control nombre masculino de importacionespassport control control nombre masculino de pasaportesprice controls control nombre masculino de preciostraffic control control nombre masculino de tráficowage controls regulación f sing salarialcontrol n1) : control m, dominio m, mando mto be under control: estar bajo control2) restraint: control m, limitación fbirth control: control natal3) : control m, dispositivo m de mandoremote control: control remoton.• control s.m.• dirección s.f.• dominio s.m.• gobierno s.m.• inspección s.f.• mando s.m.• manejo s.m.• regulación s.f.• regulador s.m.v.• abarcar v.• acaparar v.• controlar v.• dirigir v.• dominar v.• fiscalizar v.• gobernar v.• mandar v.• moderar v.• regir v.• regular v.• sofrenar v.
I kən'trəʊl1)a) ( command) \<\<country/people\>\> controlar, ejercer* control sobreb) ( regulate) \<\<temperature/flow\>\> controlar, regular; \<\<traffic\>\> dirigir*; \<\<inflation/growth\>\> controlar2)a) (curb, hold in check) \<\<animal/fire\>\> controlar; \<\<emotion\>\> controlar, dominarto control oneself — controlarse, dominarse
b) (manage, steer) \<\<vehicle/boat\>\> controlar; \<\<horse\>\> controlar, dominar
1) ua) ( command) control mwho's in control here? — ¿quién manda aquí?
to be in control of something — dominar or controlar algo
to gain/take control of something — hacerse* con el control de algo
to have/lose control of something — tener*/perder* el control de algo
the zone was under Arab control — la zona estaba bajo el control or el dominio de los árabes
b) (ability to control, restrain) control m; ( authority) autoridad fto be beyond somebody's control — estar* fuera del control de alguien
to be out of control — estar* fuera de control
2) u c (regulation, restriction)control(s) ON/OF something — control m de algo
price control(s) — control m de precios
3)a) u (knob, switch) botón m de control, control mb) controls pl ( of vehicle) mandos mpl4)a) ( headquarters) (no art) control mb) c ( checkpoint) control m5) c ( in experiment) patrón m (de comparación); (before n)control group — grupo m de control
6) u (skill, mastery) dominio m[kǝn'trǝʊl]1. N•
they have no control over their pupils — no pueden controlar a sus alumnos•
to be in control (of sth), who is in control? — ¿quién manda?they are in complete control of the situation — tienen la situación totalmente controlada or dominada
people feel more in control of their lives — la gente se siente más dueña de su vida, la gente siente que tiene mayor control de su vida
his party has lost control of the Senate — su partido perdió el control del Senado•
to take control of a company — hacerse con el control de una empresa•
under British control — bajo dominio or control británico2) (=power to restrain) control m•
due to circumstances beyond our control — debido a circunstancias ajenas a nuestra voluntad•
to lose control (of o.s.) — perder el control or dominio de uno mismo•
to be out of control — estar fuera de control•
everything is under control — todo está bajo controlI brought my temper under control — dominé or controlé el genio
to bring or get a fire under control — conseguir dominar or controlar un incendio
to keep sth/sb under control — mantener algo/a algn bajo control
3) (=restraint) restricción farms control — control m de armamentos
birth control — control m de la natalidad
price/wage control — reglamentación f or control m de precios/salarios
4) controls (Tech) mandos mpl•
to be at the controls — estar a (cargo de) los mandos•
to take over the controls — hacerse cargo de los mandos5) (=knob, switch) botón mvolume control — botón m del volumen
6) (in experiment) testigo m7) (=checkpoint) control mpassport control — control m de pasaportes
8) (Sport) (=mastery) dominio mhis ball control is very good — su dominio del balón es muy bueno, domina bien el balón
2. VT1) (=command) [+ country, territory, business, organization] controlar2) (=restrain) [+ crowd, child, animal, disease] controlar; [+ fire, emotions, temper] controlar, dominarto control o.s. — controlarse, dominarse
control yourself! — ¡contrólese!, ¡domínese!
3) (=regulate) [+ activity, prices, wages, expenditure] controlar, regular; [+ traffic] dirigirlegislation to control immigration — legislación para controlar or regular la inmigración
4) (=operate) [+ machine, vehicle] manejar, controlar; [+ horse] controlar, dominar3.CPDcontrol column N — palanca f de mando
control freak * N —
control group N — (in experiment) grupo m testigo
control key N — (Comput) tecla f de control
control knob N — (Rad, TV) botón m de mando
control panel N — tablero m de control
control room N — (Mil, Naut) sala f de mandos; (Rad, TV) sala f de control
control tower N — (Aer) torre f de control
* * *
I [kən'trəʊl]1)a) ( command) \<\<country/people\>\> controlar, ejercer* control sobreb) ( regulate) \<\<temperature/flow\>\> controlar, regular; \<\<traffic\>\> dirigir*; \<\<inflation/growth\>\> controlar2)a) (curb, hold in check) \<\<animal/fire\>\> controlar; \<\<emotion\>\> controlar, dominarto control oneself — controlarse, dominarse
b) (manage, steer) \<\<vehicle/boat\>\> controlar; \<\<horse\>\> controlar, dominar
1) ua) ( command) control mwho's in control here? — ¿quién manda aquí?
to be in control of something — dominar or controlar algo
to gain/take control of something — hacerse* con el control de algo
to have/lose control of something — tener*/perder* el control de algo
the zone was under Arab control — la zona estaba bajo el control or el dominio de los árabes
b) (ability to control, restrain) control m; ( authority) autoridad fto be beyond somebody's control — estar* fuera del control de alguien
to be out of control — estar* fuera de control
2) u c (regulation, restriction)control(s) ON/OF something — control m de algo
price control(s) — control m de precios
3)a) u (knob, switch) botón m de control, control mb) controls pl ( of vehicle) mandos mpl4)a) ( headquarters) (no art) control mb) c ( checkpoint) control m5) c ( in experiment) patrón m (de comparación); (before n)control group — grupo m de control
6) u (skill, mastery) dominio m -
17 curve
1) кривая2) изгиб; закругление; кривизна || изгибать(ся); закруглять(ся)4) лекало (чертёжное, швейное)5) ж.-д. кривая (пути)6) дорож. разбивать кривую•to negotiate a curve — вписываться в кривую (пути);to round curves — проходить кривые участки пути;to run through a curve — проходить кривую (пути);curve of (centers of) flotation — катящаяся кривая, кривая центров тяжести площади ватерлинии ( при наклонениях судна)curve of constant slope — линия откосаcurves of form (of hydrostatic properties) — мор. кривые элементов теоретического чертежаcurve of metacenters — мор. кривая метацентров, метацентрическая обёрткаcurve of Persei — кривая Персея, спирическая кривая-
A curve
Abbot's curve
aberration curve
adiabatic curve
altitude curve
amplitude-response curve
analytic curve
angle-time curve
anharmonic curve
anhysteretic magnetization curve
annealing curve
antidromic curve
antipedal curve
aperture response curve
apolar curve
backwater surface curve
backwater curve
ballistic curve
bath-tub curve
bearing area curve
bearing stress curve
bell-shaped curve
B-H curve
binaural curve
biquartic curve
bitangential curve
bitangent curve
boiling curve
boiling-point curve
borderline knock curve
bound curves
brake performance curve
broken-back curve
buoyancy curve
burning curve
calibration curve
caliper curve
capacity curve
catenary curve
characteristic current curve
characteristic curve
characteristic time curve
charging curve
circular curve
climb curve
closed curve
color response curve
commutation curve
compound curve
compression curve
condensation curve
confocal curves
continuous curve
contour curve
contrast response curve
conveyor curve
coordinate curve
correction curve
cosecant curve
cosine curve
cotangent curve
cross curves of stability
cubic curve
cumulative property curves
current-time curve
current-voltage curve
damper curve
decay curve
decline curve
decrement curve
de-emphasis curve
deflection curve
deformation curve
demagnetization curve
depletion curve
derating curve
dew-point curve
dextrorse curve
directing curve
discharge curve
discharge frequency curve
discharge voltage-time curve
discharging curve
displacement curve
distillate yield curve
distribution curve
D-log E curve
dose-survival curve
drawdown curve
drooping volt-ampere curve
dry-bulb temperature curve
duration curve
dynamic stability curve
easement curve
efficiency curve
elastic curve
elevation-area curve
elution curve
empirical curve
end point yield curve
enthalpy curve
entropy curve
envelope curve
epitrochoidal curve
equalization curve
equiprobability curve
error curve
exponential curve
faired curve
family curve
fatigue curve
firing curve
first-arrival curve
fitted curve
flash point yield curve
flash yield curve
flat curve
floodable length curve
flow curve
flow-through curve
frequency curve
frequency-response curve
full-load curve
full-load performance curve
full-load saturation curve
funicular curve
gain curve
Gaussian curve
generating curve
generation curve
grading curve
granulometric curve
gravity mid per cent curve
growth curve
guide curve
H and D curve
hardening curve
harmonic curve
head-flow curve
heating load curve
helical curve
horizontal curve
Hurter and Driffield curve
hydrostatic curves
hysteresis curve
incremental fuel consumption curve
induction-permeability curve
infiltration curve
integral curve
interpolation curve
ionization curve
irregular curve
isentropic curve
isobaric curve
isobatic curve
isochronous curve
isoclinic curve
isothermal curve
isotime curve
isotropic curve
lag curve
launching curves
lead curve
learning curve
level curve
limit curve
load curve
load-deflection curve
load-duration curve
load-extension curve
load-opening displacement curve
load-strain curve
load-time curve
logarithmic curve
luminosity curve
magnetization curve
Mayor curve
mean temperature-time curve
no-load curve
normal curve
normal traveltime curve
normalized magnetization curve
overload curve
parameter curve
particle-size distribution curve
part-load curve
pay load-range curve
pedal curve
performance curve
permeability curve
plane curve
polar curve
potential curve
power-angle curve
preemphasis curve
pressure curve
pressure drawdown curve
probability curve
propeller performance curves
quadric curve
quartic curve
quintic curve
railroad curve
railway curve
rate-of-failure curve
rating curve
recession curve
reciprocity curve
recovery curve
rectifiable curve
refrigerant flow curve
regression curve
regulation curve
remanence curve
remarkable curve
resistance curve
resistance variation curve
resonance curve
response curve
reverse curve
righting arms curve
righting arm curve
righting moment curve
rising-stage curve
room temperature curve
runoff curve
sag vertical curve
saturation curve
secant curve
self-polar curve
sensitivity curve
sensitometric curve
sextic curve
sharp curve
sheer curve
short radius curve
short-circuit curve
simple curve
sine curve
sinistrorse curve
sizing curve
sliding curve
slip-current curve
smooth curve
space curve
spectral-distribution curve
spectral-response curve
speed performance curve
speed-load curve
spiral curve
spur conveyor curve
stability curve
standardization curve
statical stability curve
stationary curve
steam-pressure curve
steep curve
step curve
stratification curve
stress-strain curve
stripping curve
subsequent fracture curve
superheat curve
swing curve
tangent curve
tangential curve
temperature curve
temperature-depth curve
temperature-viscosity curve
test curve
thrust curve
tide curve
time-gamma curve
time-light curve
time-temperature-transformation curve
tons per inch curve
torque curve
torque-angle curve
torque-speed curve
torque-vs-displacement curve
total heat curve
track curve
transfer curve
transient curve
transition boiling curve
transition curve
translation curve
transversal curve
trochoidal curve
TTT curve
turnout curve
universal curve
vapor-pressure curve
vapor curve
vertical curve
vertical travel-time curve
viscosity mid per cent curve
volumetric efficiency curve
washability curve
wear-time curve
wet-bulb temperature curve
Wohler's curve
work-hardening curve
yield curve -
18 hypothesis
гипотезаhypothesis of general multispecificity — гипотеза неограниченной полиспецифичности ( активного центра антитела)
antigen focusing hypothesis — гипотеза «фокусирующего антигена» (гипотеза перемещения связанного с T-клетками-хелперами антигена в область лимфоузлов с целью эффективной активации B-клеток)
automarkers hypothesis — гипотеза аутомаркёров, гипотеза Барнета-Феннера (гипотеза распознавания «своего» иммунокомпетентньши лимфоцитами)
blind folding hypothesis — гипотеза «ослепления» лимфоцита, гипотеза дефункционализации лимфоцита ( в результате его обработки антилимфоцитарной сывороткой)
carriers hypothesis — гипотеза (антител-)«переносчиков» (одна из гипотез формирования аутоиммунного статуса, подчёркивающая деструктивную роль аутоантител в патогенезе)
chemotactic hypothesis — хемотаксическая гипотеза (механизмов регуляции хоминга дифференцирующихся лимфоцитов в раннем эмбриональном тимусе)
domain hypothesis — «доменная» гипотеза, гипотеза Эдельмана (гипотеза ключевой роли CH2-домена иммуноглобулиповой молекулы в активации тучных клеток)
Durchseu-Chung hypothesis — гипотеза Дюрше-Чанга ( гипотеза образования антитоксина в ответ на инфекцию)
exon-shuffting hypothesis — гипотеза «перетасовки экзонов», гипотеза Джильберта
frequency-dependent selection hypothesis — селекционная гипотеза частоты мутаций, гипотеза мутационного отбора (одна из гипотез, объясняющих выраженный полиморфизм локусов главного комплекса гистосовместимости)
gate-keeper hypothesis — гипотеза «стражей врат» (гипотеза ключевой роли тучных клеток в активации гуморальных механизмов иммунитета при аллергических реакциях)
gene conversion hypothesis — гипотеза ( спонтанной) конверсии генов (одна из гипотез, объясняющих выраженный полиморфизм локусов главного комплекса гистосовместимости)
gene interaction hypothesis — гипотеза межгенного взаимодействия (одна из гипотез соматических мутаций, объясняющая происхождение иммуноглобулиповых V-генов за счёт высоких частот неравного кроссинговера и амплификации генетического материала)
germline hypothesis — теория зародышевого пути, зародышевая [гаметическая] теория ( одна из теорий формирования разнообразия иммуноглобулинов)
Halbert's hypothesis — гипотеза Хальберта, гемотоксиновая гипотеза ( патогенеза ревматической лихорадки)
heterozygote advantage hypothesis — гипотеза селекции сверхдоминирующих ( пар полиморфных) аллелей, гипотеза преимущества гетерозигот (одна из гипотез, объясняющих выраженный полиморфизм локусов главного комплекса гистосовместимости)
high mutation rate hypothesis — гипотеза интенсивного мутагенеза, гипотеза активного мутационного процесса (одна из гипотез, объясняющих выраженный полиморфизм локусов главного комплекса гистосовместимости)
immunostimulation hypothesis — гипотеза иммуностимуляции, иммунотрофная гипотеза (гипотеза иммунорегуляции эмбриогенеза, основанная на индукции отцовскими аллоантигенами трофических функций лимфоцитов)
immunotrophic hypothesis — иммунотрофная гипотеза, гипотеза иммуностимуляции (гипотеза иммунорегуляции эмбриогенеза, основанная на индукции отцовскими аллоантигенами трофических функций лимфоцитов)
interaction hypothesis — гипотеза взаимодействия (модель двойного T-клеточного распознавания чужеродной антигенной детерминанты)
interlocus genetic exchange hypothesis — гипотеза межлокусной рекомбинации, гипотеза межлокусного ( генетического) обмена (одна из гипотез, объясняющих выраженный полиморфизм локусов главного комплекса гистосовместимости)
minigene hypothesis — гипотеза минигенов (объясняющая существование в геноме огромного количества сегментов иммуноглобулиновых генов)
multisite-dependent inactivation hypothesis — мультисайтовая инактивационная гипотеза (гипотеза инактивации вируса посредством связывания с вирионом противовирусных антител)
network hypothesis of immune regulation — гипотеза сети, сетевая гипотеза ( регуляции иммунного ответа)
one-receptor hypothesis — монорецепторная гипотеза (гипотеза наличия на Т-лимфоцитах единственного рецептора и к антигену, и к главному комплексу гистосовместимости)
overdominance selection hypothesis — гипотеза селекции сверхдоминирующих ( пар полиморфных) аллелей, гипотеза преимущества гетерозигот (одна из гипотез, объясняющих выраженный полиморфизм локусов главного комплекса гистосовместимости)
over dominant selection hypothesis — гипотеза селекции сверхдоминирующих ( пар полиморфных) аллелей, гипотеза преимущества гетерозигот (одна из гипотез, объясняющих выраженный полиморфизм локусов главного комплекса гистосовместимости)
pepton hypothesis — гипотеза пептонов (гипотеза узнавания цитолитическими T-лимфоцитами на поверхности своих мишеней пептонов)
promiscuous recombinase hypothesis — гипотеза промискуитентной рекомбиназы ( гипотеза неспособности B- и T-лимфоцитов синтезировать иммуноглобулины)
receptor hypothesis — теория боковых цепей, теория ( иммунитета) Эрлиха, «рецепторная» теория ( иммунитета)
recombination-diversification hypothesis — гипотеза рекомбинационного разнообразия ( аллелей главного комплекса гистосовместимости)
Salk's hypothesis — гипотеза Солка (гипотеза, объясняющая низкую заболеваемость СПИДом у гемофиликов)
self marker hypothesis — гипотеза аутомаркёров, гипотеза Барнета-Феннера (гипотеза распознавания «своего» иммунокомпетентньши лимфоцитами)
sequence hypothesis — гипотеза последовательности, гипотеза коллинеарности последовательностей
side-chain hypothesis — теория боковых цепей, теория ( иммунитета) Эрлиха, «рецепторная» теория ( иммунитета)
somatic diversification hypothesis — гипотеза соматического разнообразия, гипотеза соматических мутаций ( гипотеза происхождения V-генов иммуноглобулинов)
somatic mutation hypothesis — гипотеза соматических мутаций, гипотеза соматического разнообразия ( гипотеза происхождения V-генов иммуноглобулинов)
somatic variation hypothesis — гипотеза соматического разнообразия, гипотеза соматических мутаций ( гипотеза происхождения V-генов иммуноглобулинов)
sterile activation hypothesis — гипотеза «стерильной активации» (гипотеза, объясняющая механизм действия антилимфоцитарной сыворотки)
trans-species hypothesis — трансвидовая гипотеза ( гипотеза природы полиморфизма главного комплекса гистосовместимости)
two-receptor hypothesis — гипотеза парных рецепторов, бирецепторная гипотеза (наличия на T-лимфоцитах двух различных рецепторов к антигену и к главному комплексу гистосовместимости)
wobble hypothesis — гипотеза «качания», воббл-гипотеза
См. также в других словарях:
rate of self-regulation — susireguliavimo sparta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. rate of inherent regulation; rate of self regulation vok. Rate der selbständigen Regelung, f; Rate der Selbstregulierung, f; Rate der Spannungs oder Drehzahländerung, f rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
rate of inherent regulation — susireguliavimo sparta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. rate of inherent regulation; rate of self regulation vok. Rate der selbständigen Regelung, f; Rate der Selbstregulierung, f; Rate der Spannungs oder Drehzahländerung, f rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Emotional self-regulation — Emotional self regulation, also known as Emotion Regulation or simply ER, is being able to properly regulate one s emotions. It is a complex process that involves the initiating, inhibiting, or modulating the following aspects of functioningcite… … Wikipedia
Rate der Selbstregulierung — susireguliavimo sparta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. rate of inherent regulation; rate of self regulation vok. Rate der selbständigen Regelung, f; Rate der Selbstregulierung, f; Rate der Spannungs oder Drehzahländerung, f rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Rate der Spannungs-oder Drehzahländerung — susireguliavimo sparta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. rate of inherent regulation; rate of self regulation vok. Rate der selbständigen Regelung, f; Rate der Selbstregulierung, f; Rate der Spannungs oder Drehzahländerung, f rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Rate der selbständigen Regelung — susireguliavimo sparta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. rate of inherent regulation; rate of self regulation vok. Rate der selbständigen Regelung, f; Rate der Selbstregulierung, f; Rate der Spannungs oder Drehzahländerung, f rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Self control — is perceived in a few ways. One of which is philosophical and might be described as the exertion of one s own will on one s personal self their behaviors, actions, thought processes. Much of this comes from the perception of self and the ability… … Wikipedia
Regulation and licensure in engineering — Regulation of the engineering profession is established by various jurisdictions of the world to protect the safety, well being and other interests of the general public, and to define the licensure process through which an engineer becomes… … Wikipedia
Self-harm — This article focuses on repetitive self harm, not on severe self harm inflicted during psychosis. For forms of self harm related to body image, sexuality and wartime, see Body modification, Algolagnia and Self inflicted wound respectively. Self… … Wikipedia
Self-esteem — In psychology, self esteem reflects a person s overall evaluation or appraisal of her or his own worth.Self esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, I am competent/incompetent ) and emotions (for example, triumph/, pride/shame). Behavior may… … Wikipedia
Self-injury — ] Non fatal self harm is common in young people worldwide [cite journal|author=Schmidtke A, et al.|year=1996|title=Attempted suicide in Europe: rates, trends and sociodemographic characteristics of suicide attempters during the period… … Wikipedia