1 rate of production
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > rate of production
2 rate of production
дебит нефтеотдачи
норма отбора (нефти из пласта)
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
объем продукции
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
темп добычи
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > rate of production
3 rate of production
1. скорость продуцирования2. производительностьThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > rate of production
4 rate of production
5 rate of production
6 rate of production
rate of profit -
7 rate of production
taux de production -
8 rate, of, production
débit m de production -
9 rate of production
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > rate of production
10 rate of production
уровень производстваАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > rate of production
11 rate of production
2. норма отбора ( нефти из пласта)3. объем продукции; темп добычи; производительность
* * *
дебит, норма отбора* * *• 1) дебит нефтеотдачи; 2) производительность• дебитАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > rate of production
12 rate of production
13 rate of production
1) Железнодорожный термин: объём производства2) Автомобильный термин: выпуск продукции3) Лесоводство: норма выработки4) Нефть: дебит нефтеотдачи, производительность5) Экология: скорость продуцирования6) Деловая лексика: уровень производства7) Бурение: норма отбора (нефти из пласта), объём продукции, темп добычи8) Нефтегазовая техника дебит, темп отбора9) Нефть и газ: норма отбора газа из пласта, норма отбора нефти из пласта -
14 rate of production
< econ> ■ Fertigungsmenge pro Zeiteinheit f -
15 rate of production
16 rate of production
дебит, нефтеотдача, норма отбора (нефти из пласта); объем продукции, темп добычи,, производительность.English-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > rate of production
17 rate of production
tingkat produksi -
18 rate of production
19 rate of production
(ec) productivitate, normă de producţie -
20 rate of production
dobit; određeni obrok crpljenja; tempo crpljenja* * *
См. также в других словарях:
rate of production — /ˌreɪt əv prə dʌkʃən/ noun the speed at which items are made. Also called production rate … Dictionary of banking and finance
Rate of production — Норма выработки; Производительность … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Low rate initial production — (LRIP) is a term commonly used in military weapon projects/programs to designate the phase of initial, small quantity production of a weapons systems. The prospective first buyer and operator (i.e., a country s defence authorities and the… … Wikipedia
Production leveling — Production leveling, also known as production smoothing or – by its Japanese original term – heijunka (平準化?),[1] is a technique for reducing the muda waste and vital to the development of production efficiency in the Toyota Production System and… … Wikipedia
production — noun 1 making/growing sth ADJECTIVE ▪ full, full scale ▪ The machine will go into full production in November 2002. ▪ large scale, mass, volume ▪ … Collocations dictionary
production system — ▪ industrial engineering Introduction any of the methods used in industry to create goods and services from various resources. Underlying principles All production systems, when viewed at the most abstract level, might be said to be… … Universalium
production-unit method — units of production method of depreciation A method of computing the depreciation charge for a period on a piece of machinery in which the depreciation charge is based on the number of production units manufactured by the machine. When the… … Accounting dictionary
production-unit method — units of production method of depreciation A method of computing the depreciation charge for a period on a piece of machinery in which the depreciation charge is based on the number of production units manufactured by the machine. When the… … Big dictionary of business and management
RATE — La rate est un organe lymphoïde richement vascularisé pesant 150 grammes environ chez l’adulte. Elle est située dans la partie supérieure gauche de l’abdomen recouverte par le gril costal. Les fonctions de la rate sont multiples en liaison avec… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Production sharing agreement — Production sharing agreements (PSAs) are a common type of contract signed between a government and a resource extraction company (or group of companies) concerning how much of the resource (usually oil) extracted from the country each will… … Wikipedia
Production music — is the name given to the music owned by production music libraries and licensed to customers for use in film, television, radio and other media. Unlike popular and classical music publishers, who typically own less than 50 percent of the… … Wikipedia