1 rate of exchange
rate of exchange валютный курс -
2 rate of exchange
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > rate of exchange
3 rate of exchange
4 rate of exchange
1. скорость обменаexchange of civilities — обмен любезностями, светская беседа
2. курс3. валютный курс -
5 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) tipo de cambiorate of exchange n tipo de cambiotipo de cambion.• cambio s.m.• cotización s.f. -
6 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) valutakurs; vekselkurs* * *(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) valutakurs; vekselkurs -
7 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) taxa de câmbio* * *rate of exchangecâmbio. -
8 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) gengi (gjaldmiðla) -
9 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) valuta-, devizaárfolyam -
10 rate of exchange
kambiyo rayici* * *kambiyo fiyatı* * *(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) döviz kuru -
11 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) menjalni tečaj -
12 rate of exchange
finance, business, economy• valuuttakurssifinance, business, economy• vaihtokurssifinance, business, economy• vaihtosuhde• kauppakurssifinance, business, economy• kurssi* * *(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) vaihtokurssi -
13 rate of exchange
14 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) valutakurs -
15 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) cambio -
16 rate of exchange
17 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) kurs wymiany -
18 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) valūtas (maiņas) kurss* * *valūtas kurss -
19 rate of exchange
(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) (valiutos) keitimo kursas -
20 rate of exchange
växlingsvaluta (valutornas olika kurs)* * *(the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) växelkurs
См. также в других словарях:
rate of exchange — n. EXCHANGE RATE * * * … Universalium
rate of exchange — rate′ of exchange′ n. exchange rate • Etymology: 1720–30 … From formal English to slang
rate of exchange — n. EXCHANGE RATE … English World dictionary
rate of exchange — See: exchange rate * * * rate of exchange rate of exchange ➔ exchange rate * * * rate of exchange UK US noun [C] (plural rates of exchange) ► FINANCE EXCHANGE RATE(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms
rate of exchange — rates of exchange N COUNT A rate of exchange is the same as an exchange rate. ...four thousand dinars about four hundred dollars at the official rate of exchange. Syn: exchange rate … English dictionary
rate of exchange — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms rate of exchange : singular rate of exchange plural rates of exchange the exchange rate … English dictionary
rate of exchange — valiutos kursas statusas Aprobuotas sritis buhalterinė apskaita ir finansinė atskaitomybė apibrėžtis Lietuvos banko skelbiamas Lietuvos Respublikos piniginio vieneto ir užsienio valiutos santykis. atitikmenys: angl. currency rate; exchange rate;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
rate of exchange — /ˌreɪt əv ɪks tʃeɪndʒ/ noun same as exchange rate ● The current rate of exchange is $1.60 to the pound … Dictionary of banking and finance
rate of exchange — exchange rate The price of one currency in terms of another. It is usually expressed in terms of how many units of the home country s currency are needed to buy one unit of the foreign currency. However, in some cases, notably in the UK, it is… … Big dictionary of business and management
rate of exchange — rate of ex change n the ↑exchange rate … Dictionary of contemporary English
rate of exchange — rate of ex change noun count the EXCHANGE RATE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English