1 rate of curve
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > rate of curve
2 rate of curve
3 rate of curve
1) Автомобильный термин: характер (ход, течение) кривой2) Металлургия: характер кривой, ход кривой3) Макаров: производная функции, скорость изменения графика -
4 rate of curve
степень, кривизны кривой; характер кривой -
5 rate of curve
характер (ход, течение) кривой -
6 rate of curve
характер (ход, течение) кривой -
7 rate of curve
8 inverse-rate cooling curve
Англо-русский металлургический словарь > inverse-rate cooling curve
9 burning rate-pressure curve
Космонавтика: график зависимости скорости горения от давленияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > burning rate-pressure curve
10 inverse-rate cooling curve
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > inverse-rate cooling curve
11 burning rate-pressure curve
ркт. характеристика скорости горения по давлениюEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > burning rate-pressure curve
12 curve
13 curve
1. кривая3. график4. эпюра (рабочий чертёж, показывающий распределение величины нагрузки на объект) (see also diagram)allowable stress curve — кривая допустимых напряжений
cooling curve — кривая охлаждения
creep curve — кривая ползучести
creep rate-stress curve — кривая зависимости скорости ползучести [крипа] от напряжения
creep strain-time curve — кривая временной зависимости деформации при ползучести [крипе]
cyclic stress-strain curve — диаграмма циклического деформирования
geodesic curve — геодезическая линия
hysteresis curve — кривая [петля] гистерезиса
liquidus curve — 1) кривая ликвидуса, ликвидус 2) диаграмма плавкости
load-strain curve — кривая зависимости деформации от нагрузки
matrix stress-strain curve — диаграмма зависимости деформации от напряжения для матрицы, деформационная кривая матрицы
melting curve — 1) кривая ликвидуса, ликвидус 2) диаграмма плавкости
pressure-strain curve — кривая [график] изменения деформации от давления, график давление-деформация
shearing force curve — эпюра срезающих [перерезающих, поперечных] сил
solidus curve — кривая солидуса, солидус
stress-distribution curve — кривая распределения напряжений
temperature distribution curve — кривая распределения температур
temperature-time curve — кривая термического цикла
time-temperature-transformation curve — 1) S-образные кривые зависимости между временем, температурой и превращениями ( в сталях) 2) кривые изотермического распада аустенита
true-stress-true-strain curve — кривая зависимости между истинным напряжением и истинной деформацией
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > curve
14 rate
1) разряд; сорт; класс2) степень; коэффициент (напр. жёсткости пружины)3) величина; скорость; темп; ход; интенсивность4) расход; производительность5) норма; тариф; расценка; цена6) местный налог, коммунальный налог7) определять (коэффициент, степень)8) оценивать; расценивать; составлять смету•- rate of air circulation - rate of application - rate of change - rate of combustion - rate of concrete placement - rate of concrete strain - rate of construction - rate of constructional production line - rate of cooling - rate of corrosion - rate of crack propagation - rate of creep - rate of curve - rate of customs duty - rate of cutting - rate of decay - rate of deposition - rate of discharge - rate of dosing - rate of evaporation - rate of exchange - rate of fall - rate of feed - rate of filter clogging - rate of floculation - rate of floor space - rate of foundation settlement - rate of freight - rate of grade - rate of hardening - rate of heating - rate of infiltration - rate of insertion - rate of insurance fees - rate of ionization - rate of load application - rate of loading - rate of national taxes - rate of outflow - rate of port dues - rate of pressure drop - rate of pressure rise - rate of progress of the construction work - rate of sedimentation - rate of sediment delivery - rate of setting - rate of slope - rate of spread - rate of static - rate of strain - rate of strength gain - rate of tension - rate of transportation charges - rate of turnover - rate of wages and salaries and charge on payroll - rate of water demand - rate of water loss - rate of wear - rate of work - acceptance rate - accident rate - ageing rate - backwash rate - coverage rate - damage rate - decay rate - discharge rate - dosing rate - erosion rate - failure rate - feed rate - filtering rate - flashing rate - flow rate - grinding rate - injection rate - load rate - manufacturer's rates - oxydation rate - power rates - precipitation rate - production rate - pulse rate - pulse repetition rate - rejection rate - rental rate - retail rate - room-occupancy rate - setting rate - settling rate - shear rate - stroking rate - uptake rate - wage rate - washout rate - wash-water rate - water rate - water contamination rate - water filtration rate - water supply rate - water use rate - wear rate* * *1. скорость; степень; темп; режим; интенсивность2. тариф3. производительность; норма4. класс; сорт5. показатель; параметр; коэффициент- rate of air circulation
- rate of application
- rate of change of stresses
- rate of combustion
- rate of concrete placement
- rate of consolidation
- rate of construction
- rate of damping
- rate of decomposition
- rate of development
- rate of dilution
- rate of elastic recovery
- rate of feed
- rate of filter clogging
- rate of foundation settlement
- rate of growth
- rate of hardening
- rate of heat liberation
- rate of heat transfer
- rate of hydration
- rate of infiltration
- rate of load application
- rate of loading
- rate of motion
- rate of pour
- rate of response
- rate of rise and fall
- rate of runoff
- rate of sediment delivery
- rate of setting
- rate of set
- rate of spread
- rate of strain
- rate of strength development
- rate of swelling
- rate of temperature rise
- rate of travel
- rate of water loss
- rate of water supply
- rate of wear
- rate of work
- rate of work done by one man
- accident rate
- accident death rate
- accident frequency rate
- air change rate
- air flow rate
- air leakage rate
- annual depletion rate
- burning rate
- contract rate
- coverage rate
- creep rate
- daily production rate
- discharge rate
- drift rate
- emission rate
- energy efficiency rate
- energy flow rate
- erection rate
- filtering rate
- flow rate
- free area rate
- heat flow rate
- high rates
- hour rate
- initial rate of absorption
- insurance premium rate
- labor rates
- leak rate
- loading rate
- low rate
- mass flow rate
- metabolic rate
- night rate
- occupancy rate
- occupation rate
- oxidation rate
- penetration rate
- piece rate
- placing rate
- premium rate
- production rate
- safe rate of lift
- settling rate
- sewage flow rate
- shear rate
- spraying rate
- spreading rate
- spring rate
- standard busy rate
- strain rate
- supply rate
- tap discharge rate
- time rate of consolidation
- ventilation rate
- water consumption rate
- water demand rate
- water filtration rate
- water use rate
- worker's hourly wage rate -
15 rate
величина; расход (напр. жидкости); темп; скорость; отношение; коэффициент жёсткости (рессоры); пропорция; степень; разряд, сорт; класс; оценка; норма; тариф; ставка; расценка; цена; стоимость; II определять; измерять; устанавливать (напр. нормы); подсчитывать (мощность, скорость); фиксировать (напр. показания прибора); оценивать, исчислять; классифицировать; составлять смету- rate at full bump - rate at static load - rate of acceleration - rate of angular motion - rate of braking - rate of burning - rate of camber change - rate of caster change - rate of change - rate of chronometer - rate of combustion - rate of cooling - rate of corrosion - rate of curve - rate of cutting - rate of deposition - rate of discharge - rate of evaporation - rate of feed - rate of flow - rate of freight - rate of grade - rate of heat exchange - rate of heat production - rate of heating - rate of load application - rate of loading - rate of outflow - rate of pressure rise - rate of production - rate of revolution - rate of rise - rate of roll - rate of speed - rate of strain - rate of suspension in rolling - rate of tension - rate of traffic flow - rate of tread change - rate of turn - rate of wear - rate of wheel - rate scale - charging rate - collision rate - corrosion rate - feed rate - interest rate - loading rate - production rate - reaction rate - recovery rate - reduction rate - spring rate - steady rate - voltage-recovery rate -
16 curve
1. кривая2. эпюра, характеристика, график3. дугаair-brine capillary pressure curve — кривая соотношения солёного раствора и воздуха в пористой среде в зависимости от капиллярного давления
drainage relative permeability curve — кривая относительной проницаемости в зависимости от изменения насыщенности в результате дренирования
imbibition relative permeability curve — кривая относительной проницаемости, характеризующая изменение насыщенности в результате вытеснения; кривая относительной проницаемости при всасывании
— SP curve
* * *
1. кривая || строить кривую2. характеристическая кривая, характеристика3. график
* * *
* * *
* * *
1) кривая || строить кривую2) характеристическая кривая, характеристика3) график•- curve of borehole
- curve of fold
- curve of maximum convexity
- acoustic curve
- actual time-distance curve
- air-brine capillary pressure curve
- aplanatic curve
- appraisal curve
- array response curve
- arrival-time curve
- availability curve
- averaged T-X curve
- bathtub curve
- borderline knock curve
- borehole correction curve
- brine-into-oil curve
- calibrated gamma-ray curve
- caliper curve
- caliper log curve
- catching-up time-distance curve
- cement-bond-log curve
- common-midpoint time-distance curve
- common-receiver time-distance curve
- common-shot time-distance curve
- composite decline curve
- composite time-distance curve
- continuous T-X curve
- cost-reliability curve
- cumulative production curve
- cumulative property curves
- damage curve
- decline curve
- deep laterolog curve
- departure curve
- depression curve
- diffraction travel time curve
- displaced-depth curve
- distillate yield curve
- drainage relative permeability curve
- drawdown curve
- drawdown bottom pressure curve
- drill time curve
- end-point yield curve
- failure curve
- failure rate curve
- family curve
- first-arrival curve
- flash point yield curve
- flowmeter curve
- fluid composition history curve
- formation resistivity factor curve
- gamma-ray curve
- gas curve
- gradual curve
- gravity drainage curve
- head-capacity curve
- head-flow curve
- head-wave arrival-time curve
- high-resolution microresistivity curve
- hodograph curve
- hyperbolic time-distance curve
- induction curve
- induction conductivity curve
- induction-derived resistivity curve
- infiltration curve
- inhibition relative permeability curve
- interval transit-time curve
- interval velocity curve
- isotime curve
- lateral curve
- lateral logging departure curve
- laterolog curve
- layer velocity curve
- life curve
- load curve
- log curve
- longitudinal travel time curve
- long-spaced curve
- magnetotelluric curve
- maximum departure curve
- microinverse curve
- microlog curve
- micronormal resistivity curve
- microresistivity curve
- mortality curve
- neutron curve
- neutron porosity curve
- normal curve
- normal device curve
- normal moveout curve
- normal time-distance curve
- normal travel time curve
- observed time-distance curve
- percentage decline curve
- percentage production decline curve
- performance curve
- permeability of gas curve
- permeability-ratio curve
- permeability-saturation curve
- phase permeability curve
- phase-velocity curve
- placed depth curve
- porosity curve
- potential decline curve
- pressure curve
- pressure-build-up curve
- production curve
- production-decline curve
- radioactivity curve
- reciprocated induction curve
- redox potential curve
- reduced time-distance curve
- reduced travel-time curve
- reflection time-distance curve
- refraction time-distance curve
- refraction travel time curve
- relative permeability curve
- reliability curve
- reliability-cost curve
- reliability-growth curve
- residual time curve
- reversed time-distance curves
- saturation curve
- seismic detector response curve
- shallow laterolog curve
- short normal curve
- single-receiver travel-time curve
- sonic curve
- sonic amplitude curve
- sonic interval transit-time curve
- standardized reliability curve
- stress-failure-rate curve
- stress-strain curve
- surface-wave dispersion curve
- survival curve
- temperature-pressure curve
- test curve
- theoretical travel-time curve
- three-arm caliper curve
- three-dimensional curve
- time curve
- time-anomaly curve
- time-depth curve
- time-distance curve
- transverse travel-time curve
- travel-time curve
- travel-time-distance curve
- true exponential decay curve
- vertical travel-time curve
- water-into-oil curve
- wavefront curve
- yield curve* * * -
17 curve
1) кривая, кривая линия; характеристика; график3) изгиб; кривизна; закругление4) лекало•- 2D curve- 3D curve
- abrupt curve
- action limit curve
- adjustment curve
- arbitrary definite space curve
- bearing stress curve
- bell-shaped curve
- boundary curve
- calibration curve
- characteristic curve
- characteristic time curve
- clearance curve
- closed curve
- complex curve
- continuous curve
- coupler curve
- curve of the profile bearing length ratio
- curve of the profile bearing length
- damping curve
- definable curve
- deflection curve
- elastic curve
- epitrochoidal curve
- exponential curve
- fillet curve
- final curve
- fitted curves
- flow characteristic curve
- flow rate curve
- force-displacement curve
- French curve
- frequency-response curve
- growth curve
- horizontal curve
- horsepower curve
- ideal curve
- instantaneous torque-vs-stepping-rate curve
- involute curve
- irregular curve
- isocost curve
- isomanpower curve
- learning curve
- life curve
- limit normal point curve
- load curve
- load duration curve
- magnetization curve
- moment curve
- mutually tangent curves
- normal force curve
- normal law curve
- nugget-development curve
- performance curve
- phase curve
- pitch curve
- plane curve
- pocket curve
- polynominal curve
- potential curve
- pressure curve
- pressure-flow curve
- pulse curve
- pulse response curve
- relaxation curve
- resonance curve
- response curve
- resultant curve
- rolling curve
- short learning curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- S-N curve
- static torque-vs-angular-displacement curve
- tangent curves
- theoretical curve
- three-dimensional space curve
- tooth lengthwise curve
- torque curve
- torque-rotation curve
- torque-time curve
- torque-vs-displacement curve
- transfer curve
- transient curve
- trimmimg curve
- trochoidal curve
- tuning curve
- vertical curve
- Wöhler curve
- working curveEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > curve
18 curve
1) кривая2) изгиб; закругление; кривизна || изгибать(ся); закруглять(ся)4) лекало (чертёжное, швейное)5) ж.-д. кривая (пути)6) дорож. разбивать кривую•to negotiate a curve — вписываться в кривую (пути);to round curves — проходить кривые участки пути;to run through a curve — проходить кривую (пути);curve of (centers of) flotation — катящаяся кривая, кривая центров тяжести площади ватерлинии ( при наклонениях судна)curve of constant slope — линия откосаcurves of form (of hydrostatic properties) — мор. кривые элементов теоретического чертежаcurve of metacenters — мор. кривая метацентров, метацентрическая обёрткаcurve of Persei — кривая Персея, спирическая кривая-
A curve
Abbot's curve
aberration curve
adiabatic curve
altitude curve
amplitude-response curve
analytic curve
angle-time curve
anharmonic curve
anhysteretic magnetization curve
annealing curve
antidromic curve
antipedal curve
aperture response curve
apolar curve
backwater surface curve
backwater curve
ballistic curve
bath-tub curve
bearing area curve
bearing stress curve
bell-shaped curve
B-H curve
binaural curve
biquartic curve
bitangential curve
bitangent curve
boiling curve
boiling-point curve
borderline knock curve
bound curves
brake performance curve
broken-back curve
buoyancy curve
burning curve
calibration curve
caliper curve
capacity curve
catenary curve
characteristic current curve
characteristic curve
characteristic time curve
charging curve
circular curve
climb curve
closed curve
color response curve
commutation curve
compound curve
compression curve
condensation curve
confocal curves
continuous curve
contour curve
contrast response curve
conveyor curve
coordinate curve
correction curve
cosecant curve
cosine curve
cotangent curve
cross curves of stability
cubic curve
cumulative property curves
current-time curve
current-voltage curve
damper curve
decay curve
decline curve
decrement curve
de-emphasis curve
deflection curve
deformation curve
demagnetization curve
depletion curve
derating curve
dew-point curve
dextrorse curve
directing curve
discharge curve
discharge frequency curve
discharge voltage-time curve
discharging curve
displacement curve
distillate yield curve
distribution curve
D-log E curve
dose-survival curve
drawdown curve
drooping volt-ampere curve
dry-bulb temperature curve
duration curve
dynamic stability curve
easement curve
efficiency curve
elastic curve
elevation-area curve
elution curve
empirical curve
end point yield curve
enthalpy curve
entropy curve
envelope curve
epitrochoidal curve
equalization curve
equiprobability curve
error curve
exponential curve
faired curve
family curve
fatigue curve
firing curve
first-arrival curve
fitted curve
flash point yield curve
flash yield curve
flat curve
floodable length curve
flow curve
flow-through curve
frequency curve
frequency-response curve
full-load curve
full-load performance curve
full-load saturation curve
funicular curve
gain curve
Gaussian curve
generating curve
generation curve
grading curve
granulometric curve
gravity mid per cent curve
growth curve
guide curve
H and D curve
hardening curve
harmonic curve
head-flow curve
heating load curve
helical curve
horizontal curve
Hurter and Driffield curve
hydrostatic curves
hysteresis curve
incremental fuel consumption curve
induction-permeability curve
infiltration curve
integral curve
interpolation curve
ionization curve
irregular curve
isentropic curve
isobaric curve
isobatic curve
isochronous curve
isoclinic curve
isothermal curve
isotime curve
isotropic curve
lag curve
launching curves
lead curve
learning curve
level curve
limit curve
load curve
load-deflection curve
load-duration curve
load-extension curve
load-opening displacement curve
load-strain curve
load-time curve
logarithmic curve
luminosity curve
magnetization curve
Mayor curve
mean temperature-time curve
no-load curve
normal curve
normal traveltime curve
normalized magnetization curve
overload curve
parameter curve
particle-size distribution curve
part-load curve
pay load-range curve
pedal curve
performance curve
permeability curve
plane curve
polar curve
potential curve
power-angle curve
preemphasis curve
pressure curve
pressure drawdown curve
probability curve
propeller performance curves
quadric curve
quartic curve
quintic curve
railroad curve
railway curve
rate-of-failure curve
rating curve
recession curve
reciprocity curve
recovery curve
rectifiable curve
refrigerant flow curve
regression curve
regulation curve
remanence curve
remarkable curve
resistance curve
resistance variation curve
resonance curve
response curve
reverse curve
righting arms curve
righting arm curve
righting moment curve
rising-stage curve
room temperature curve
runoff curve
sag vertical curve
saturation curve
secant curve
self-polar curve
sensitivity curve
sensitometric curve
sextic curve
sharp curve
sheer curve
short radius curve
short-circuit curve
simple curve
sine curve
sinistrorse curve
sizing curve
sliding curve
slip-current curve
smooth curve
space curve
spectral-distribution curve
spectral-response curve
speed performance curve
speed-load curve
spiral curve
spur conveyor curve
stability curve
standardization curve
statical stability curve
stationary curve
steam-pressure curve
steep curve
step curve
stratification curve
stress-strain curve
stripping curve
subsequent fracture curve
superheat curve
swing curve
tangent curve
tangential curve
temperature curve
temperature-depth curve
temperature-viscosity curve
test curve
thrust curve
tide curve
time-gamma curve
time-light curve
time-temperature-transformation curve
tons per inch curve
torque curve
torque-angle curve
torque-speed curve
torque-vs-displacement curve
total heat curve
track curve
transfer curve
transient curve
transition boiling curve
transition curve
translation curve
transversal curve
trochoidal curve
TTT curve
turnout curve
universal curve
vapor-pressure curve
vapor curve
vertical curve
vertical travel-time curve
viscosity mid per cent curve
volumetric efficiency curve
washability curve
wear-time curve
wet-bulb temperature curve
Wohler's curve
work-hardening curve
yield curve -
19 curve
1) кривая•- aging curve
- anhysteretic curve
- anhysteretic magnetization curve
- anode characteristic curve
- antiferromagnetic resonance curve
- arrival curve
- bathtub curve
- bell curve curve
- bell-shaped curve curve
- Bezier curve
- B-H curve
- blackbody curve
- Bloch curve
- Bragg curve
- calibration curve
- capacitance-voltage curve
- characteristic curve
- characteristic time curve
- coexistence curve
- collector characteristic curve
- commutation curve
- confidence curve
- counter tube characteristic curve
- counting-rate curve
- current-voltage curve
- C-V curve
- decay curve
- demagnetization curve
- density curve
- discriminator curve
- dispersion curve
- distribution curve
- D-log E-curve
- dynamic transfer-characteristic curve
- electro-capillary curve
- energy product curve
- equalization curve
- experience curve
- exponential curve
- ferromagnetic resonance curve
- fitness curve
- Fletcher-Munson curves
- fractal curve
- French curve
- frequency-response curve
- gauge curve
- Gaussian curve
- growth curve
- H and D-curve
- heteroclinic curve
- homoclinic curve
- Hurter and Driffield curve
- hysteresis curve
- initial magnetization curve
- isobathic curve
- isocandela curve
- isocost curve
- isoluminance curve
- isolux curve
- isopreference curve
- i-v curve
- Kingsbury curves
- learning curve
- liquidus curve
- Lissajous curves
- load curve
- logarithmic curve
- log-log curve
- logistic curve
- Lorentzian curve
- luminosity curve
- luminous intensity distribution curve
- magnetic induction demagnetization curve
- magnetic induction magnetization curve
- magnetic induction thermal-sensitivity curve
- magnetic moment demagnetization curve
- magnetic moment magnetization curve
- magnetic-product curve
- magnetization curve
- manufacturing learning curve
- Meissner curve
- memory operating characteristic curve
- NC curves
- noise criterion curves
- normal distribution curve
- normal induction curve
- normal magnetization curve
- operating curve
- phase equilibrium curve
- phase transition curve
- photon emission curve
- plateau characteristic curve
- point set curve
- polar response curve
- potential curve
- price-learning curve
- pulse response curve
- receiver operating characteristic curve
- recoil curve
- recording curve
- regression curve
- resistor derating curve
- resonance curve
- resonant curve
- response curve
- RIAA curve
- Robinson-Dadson curves
- saturation curve
- sensitivity curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- solidus curve
- spectral response curve
- static magnetization curve
- transmission curve -
20 curve
1) кривая•- aging curve
- anhysteretic curve
- anhysteretic magnetization curve
- anode characteristic curve
- antiferromagnetic resonance curve
- arrival curve
- bathtub curve
- bell curve curve
- bell-shaped curve curve
- Bezier curve
- B-H curve
- blackbody curve
- Bloch curve
- Bragg curve
- calibration curve
- capacitance-voltage curve
- characteristic curve
- characteristic time curve
- coexistence curve
- collector characteristic curve
- commutation curve
- confidence curve
- counter tube characteristic curve
- counting-rate curve
- current-voltage curve
- C-V curve
- decay curve
- demagnetization curve
- density curve
- discriminator curve
- dispersion curve
- distribution curve
- D-log E curve
- dynamic transfer-characteristic curve
- electro-capillary curve
- energy product curve
- equalization curve
- experience curve
- exponential curve
- ferromagnetic resonance curve
- fitness curve
- Fletcher-Munson curves
- fractal curve
- French curve
- frequency-response curve
- gauge curve
- Gaussian curve
- growth curve
- H and D curve
- heteroclinic curve
- homoclinic curve
- Hurter and Driffield curve
- hysteresis curve
- initial magnetization curve
- isobathic curve
- isocandela curve
- isocost curve
- isoluminance curve
- isolux curve
- isopreference curve
- i-v curve
- Kingsbury curves
- learning curve
- liquidus curve
- Lissajous curves
- load curve
- logarithmic curve
- logistic curve
- log-log curve
- Lorentzian curve
- luminosity curve
- luminous intensity distribution curve
- magnetic induction demagnetization curve
- magnetic induction magnetization curve
- magnetic induction thermal-sensitivity curve
- magnetic moment demagnetization curve
- magnetic moment magnetization curve
- magnetic-product curve
- magnetization curve
- manufacturing learning curve
- Meissner curve
- memory operating characteristic curve
- NC curves
- noise criterion curves
- normal distribution curve
- normal induction curve
- normal magnetization curve
- operating curve
- phase equilibrium curve
- phase transition curve
- photon emission curve
- plateau characteristic curve
- point set curve
- polar response curve
- potential curve
- price-learning curve
- pulse response curve
- receiver operating characteristic curve
- recoil curve
- recording curve
- regression curve
- resistor derating curve
- resonance curve
- resonant curve
- response curve
- RIAA curve
- Robinson-Dadson curves
- saturation curve
- sensitivity curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- solidus curve
- spectral response curve
- static magnetization curve
- transmission curveThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > curve
См. также в других словарях:
Spot Rate Treasury Curve — A yield curve constructed using Treasury spot rates rather than yields. The spot rate Treasury curve can be used as a benchmark for pricing bonds. This type of rate curve can be built from on the run treasuries, off the run treasuries or a… … Investment dictionary
Curve fitting — best fit redirects here. For placing ( fitting ) variable sized objects in storage, see fragmentation (computer). Curve fitting is the process of constructing a curve, or mathematical function, that has the best fit to a series of data points,… … Wikipedia
curve — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 line or surface that bends ADJECTIVE ▪ gentle, graceful, slight, smooth, soft ▪ sharp, tight ▪ sweepi … Collocations dictionary
curve — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin curvus; akin to Greek kyrtos convex, Middle Irish cruinn round Date: 15th century archaic bent or formed into a curve II. verb (curved; curving) Etymology: Latin curvare, from curvus … New Collegiate Dictionary
Rate of climb — An F 15 Eagle climbing and releasing flares. In aeronautics, the rate of climb (RoC) is an aircraft s vertical speed the rate of change in altitude. In most ICAO member countries (even in otherwise metric countries), this is usually expressed in… … Wikipedia
Curve Steepener Trade — A strategy that uses derivatives to benefit from escalating yield differences that occur as a result of increases in the yield curve between two Treasury bonds of different maturities. This strategy can be effective in certain macroeconomic… … Investment dictionary
rate of growth — growth rate (1) the increase in weight of a fish per year (or season), divided by the initial weight; often measured in terms of K in the von Bertalanffy curve for the mean weight as a function of age (W Wmax (1 exp ( K age)). Fish grow… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Par Yield Curve — A graph of the yields on hypothetical Treasury securities with prices at par. On the par yield curve, the coupon rate will equal the yield to maturity of the security, which is why the Treasury bond will trade at par. Deriving a par yield curve… … Investment dictionary
Phillips curve — The Phillips curve is a historical inverse relation between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation in an economy. Stated simply, the lower the unemployment in an economy, the higher the rate of increase in wages paid to labor in that… … Wikipedia
Yield curve — This article is about yield curves as used in finance. For the term s use in physics, see Yield curve (physics). Not to be confused with Yield curve spread – see Z spread. The US dollar yield curve as of February 9, 2005. The curve has a typical… … Wikipedia
Laffer curve — In economics, the Laffer curve is used to illustrate the idea that increases in the rate of taxation may sometimes decrease tax revenue. Since a 100 percent income tax will generate no revenue (as citizens will have no incentive to work), the… … Wikipedia