1 rate of angular motion
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > rate of angular motion
2 rate of angular motion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > rate of angular motion
3 rate of angular motion
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > rate of angular motion
4 rate of angular motion
Техника: угловая скоростьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > rate of angular motion
5 rate of angular motion
Англо русский политехнический словарь > rate of angular motion
6 rate of angular motion
• ъглова скоростEnglish-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > rate of angular motion
7 rate of angular motion
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > rate of angular motion
8 rate of angular motion
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > rate of angular motion
9 rate
3) частота4) расход5) норма || нормировать6) тариф || тарифицировать7) степень8) отношение; коэффициент10) оценка || оценивать11) определять; устанавливать; подсчитывать; рассчитывать (напр. мощность, несущую способность)•rates to consumers — тарифы на отпуск (напр. электроэнергии) потребителям-
absolute disintegrate rate
absorbed dose rate
acceptance rate
accident rate
adiabatic lapse rate
advance rate
aging rate
allowable leak rate
angular rate
annual depletion rate
application rate
area rate
arrival rate
ascensional rate
assessed failure rate
attenuation rate
autoconvective lapse rate
base wage rate
baud rate
bearer rate
beating rate
bit rate
bit-error rate
bit-transfer rate
block meter rate
block-error rate
boiling rate
boil-up rate
bonus rate
break flow rate
breeding rate
burning rate
calling rate
capture rate
carbonization rate
cargo rate
carrier-ionization rate
casting rate
catalyst circulation rate
charging rate
chipping rate
chip rate
chopping rate
circulation rate
class rate
climb rate
clock rate
closed rate
closure rate
coke rate
cold storage rates
collision rate
combustion rate
completion rate
concentration rate
containment leak rate
continuous rate
controlled rate
convective expansion rate
conversion rate
conveyance rate
cooling rate
core heat generation rate
corrosion rate
counting rate
crack growth rate
creep rate
crosshead rate
cure rate
cutter wear rate
daily consumptive use rate
data-transfer rate
data rate
decay rate
decompression rate
deflection rate
deionization rate
delivery rate
demand cost rate
demand rate
deposition rate
descent rate
development rate
deviation rate
differential rate
differentiated electricity rates
diffusion rate
directional rate
discharge rate
disposal rate
distance rate
dither rate
dosage rate
downtime rate
drainage rate
drawing rate
drift rate
drilling rate
droop rate
dry adiabatic lapse rate
electricity rate
electric rate
energy fluence rate
energy release rate
entropy production rate
entropy rate
erasing rate
erosion rate
error rate
etching rate
etch rate
evacuation rate
evaporating rate
excitation rate
exposure rate
failure rate
failure-per-mile rate
false alarm rate
fatal accident frequency rate
fatality rate
fault rate
feed rate
field germination rate
field-repetition rate
fieldwide rate of recovery
film rate
filtering rate
finishing rate
fire-propagation rate
firing rate
fission rate
flat rate
flexible rates
flicker rate
flooding rate
flotation rate
flour extraction rate
flow rate
flush production rate
flutter rate
forced outgage rate
frame rate
frame-repetition rate
freezing rate
freight rate
freight-all-kinds rates
frequency-sweep rate
frequency-tuning rate
fuel rate
functional throughput rate
gas leak rate
gathering rate
generation rate
grinding rate
growth rate
gyro drift rate
half-clock rate
hardening rate
heat absorption rate
heat dissipation rate
heat generation rate
heat rate
heat-flow rate
heating rate
heat-transfer rate
hit rate
image refresh rate
impact wear rate
in-commission rate
infiltration rate
information rate
injection rate
instantaneous failure rate
intermittent rate
ionization rate
irrigation rate
iso-wear rates
job rates
kerma rate
keying rate
lapse rate
leakage rate
linear wear rate
line-of-sight rate
line-repetition rate
liquid efflux rate
lubrication rate
maintenance rate
mass flow rate
mass wear rate
maximum efficiency rate
maximum permissible rate
maximum stepping rate
medium rate
melting rate
melt-off rate
metal-removal rate
modulation rate
moist-adiabatic lapse rate
NC programmed feed rate
negative flow rate
nucleation rate
Nyquist rate
obturation rate
off-peak power rate
operating rate
optimal feed rate
outgassing rate
output rate
overall drilling rate
oxidation rate
paging rate
peak power rate
penetration rate
percolation rate
phase generation rate
phase rate
picture-taking rate
pitch rate
plastic strain rate
positive flow rate
potential rate of evaporation
pouring rate
power rate
precipitation rate
predetermined rate
predicted failure rate
priming rate
printout rate
print rate
production decline rate
production rate
projection rate
proper feed rate
protection rate
pull rate
pulldown rate
pulse-recurrence rate
pulse rate
radiation rate
radioactive decay rate
range rate
rapid air cut feed rate
rapid return rate
rate of acceleration
rate of angular motion
rate of attack
rate of blowing
rate of braking
rate of carbon drop
rate of convergence
rate of crack propagation
rate of deformation
rate of dilution
rate of discharge
rate of dive
rate of energy input
rate of exchange
rate of exposure
rate of fall
rate of film movement
rate of gain
rate of hole deviation change
rate of lancing
rate of linkage
rate of loading
rate of opening
rate of plant depreciation
rate of pulse rise
rate of rainfall
rate of rise
rate of roll
rate of sedimentation
rate of shear
rate of slope
rate of stirring
rate of surface runoff
rate or carbon oxidation
reactivity insertion rate
reading rate
read rate
recovery rate
recycle rate
reflood rate
refresh rate
refrigeration rate
repetition rate
reset rate
residential rate
respiration rate
retail charter rate
retail rate
retention rate
rigidity rate
rolling rate
runout rate
sample rate
saturated-adiabatic lapse rate
saturation rate
scrap generation rate
scrap rate
secondary creep rate
sectorial rate
self-discharge rate
setting rate
settled production rate
settling rate
signaling rate
silicon pulling rate
slew rate
snowmelt inflow rate
solidification rate
sparking rate
specific commodity rate
specific heat flow rate
specific rate of flow
specific rate of sediment transport
specific wear rate
spreading rate of jet
spring rate
squeeze rate
standard rate
starting rate
steam rate
stepping rate
stock removal rate
strain rate
stress rate
sub-Nyquist rate
success rate
superadiabatic lapse rate
supply rate
survival rate
sweep rate
taking rate
tariff rate
temperature lapse rate
testing rate
thermal transfer rate
through rate
throughput rate
time rate of change
time rate
time-of-day electricity rate
time-of-day rate
tool-wear rate
total mass rate
tracking rate
traffic flow rate
transfer rate
transmission rate
transport rate
turn rate
turnover rate
twenty-five ampere rate
undetected error rate
uniform quench rate
unit rate
unloading rate
update rate
vaporizing rate
vitrification rate
voidage rate
voltage recovery rate
volume erosion rate
volume wear rate
volumetric flow rate
volumetric rate
vulcanization rate
water application rate
water consumption rate
water use rate
wear rate
weft insertion rate
weight rate
wheel removal rate
wholesale charter rate
wholesale rate
withdrawal rate
write writing rate
write rate
yawing rate
yaw rate
zero-crossing rate -
10 rate
величина; расход (напр. жидкости); темп; скорость; отношение; коэффициент жёсткости (рессоры); пропорция; степень; разряд, сорт; класс; оценка; норма; тариф; ставка; расценка; цена; стоимость; II определять; измерять; устанавливать (напр. нормы); подсчитывать (мощность, скорость); фиксировать (напр. показания прибора); оценивать, исчислять; классифицировать; составлять смету- rate at full bump - rate at static load - rate of acceleration - rate of angular motion - rate of braking - rate of burning - rate of camber change - rate of caster change - rate of change - rate of chronometer - rate of combustion - rate of cooling - rate of corrosion - rate of curve - rate of cutting - rate of deposition - rate of discharge - rate of evaporation - rate of feed - rate of flow - rate of freight - rate of grade - rate of heat exchange - rate of heat production - rate of heating - rate of load application - rate of loading - rate of outflow - rate of pressure rise - rate of production - rate of revolution - rate of rise - rate of roll - rate of speed - rate of strain - rate of suspension in rolling - rate of tension - rate of traffic flow - rate of tread change - rate of turn - rate of wear - rate of wheel - rate scale - charging rate - collision rate - corrosion rate - feed rate - interest rate - loading rate - production rate - reaction rate - recovery rate - reduction rate - spring rate - steady rate - voltage-recovery rate -
11 rate
1. норма2. ставка; тариф; расценка3. разряд; сорт4. скорость5. расход6. производительность7. отношение; пропорцияrate of elevation — шаг подачи, скорость подъёма
absorption rate — скорость поглощения, скорость впитывания
advertizing rates — расходы на рекламу, включаемые в стоимость книги; расходы на рекламу издания
8. скорость сдвига; градиент скорости сдвига9. скорость разбиванияsubscription rate — подписная цена, цена подписки
12 rate
1. n1) норма2) швидкість, швидкість зміни; інтенсивність, частота3) рівень4) тариф2. v1) оцінювати2) тарифікувати•- acceptance rate - accident rate - adiabatic lapse rate - aging rate - all-commodity rate - cargo rate - casualty rate - climb rate - closed rate - constructed rate - cost/performance rate - data signalling rate - descent rate - deviation rate - differential rate - directional rate - failure rate - false alarm rate - fatal accident frequency rate - fatality rate - flat rate - flexible rates - freight rate - freight-all-kinds rate - freight class rate - fuel rate - general cargo rate - keying rate - lapse rate - low modulation rates - medium modulation rates - modulation rate - normal rate - pitch rate - predicted failure rate - published rate - rate of acceleration - rate of angular motion - rate of braking - rate of climb - rate of closure - rate of crack propagation - rate of descent - rate of deviation - rate of fire - rate of roll - rate of turn - range rate - removal rate - scanning rate - specific commodity rate - tariff rate - temperature lapse rate - transmission rate - wholesale charter rate -
13 rate
rate nтарифная ставкаacceptance rateпропускная способностьaccident rateуровень аварийностиadopted rateпринятый тарифaerodrome utilization rateстепень использования аэродромаagreed rateсогласованный тарифaircraft ventilation rateстепень вентиляции кабины воздушного суднаaircraft wearout rateстепень износа воздушного суднаair flow rateстепень расхода воздухаaltitude rateскорость изменения высотыangular rateугловая скоростьapproach rate of descentскорость снижения при заходе на посадкуapproved rateутвержденный тарифascensional rateскорость набора высотыatmospheric absorption rateкоэффициент атмосферного поглощенияattenuation rateкоэффициент затуханияaverage revenue rateсредняя доходная ставкаbaggage rateбагажный тарифbarometric rateстепень изменения барометрического давленияbest rate of climbнаибольшая скороподъемностьbulk unitization rateтариф для навалочных грузовcargo rateгрузовой тарифcharter rateчартерный тарифclimb-and-descent rate indicatorвариометрclosed rateзакрытый тарифcommodity rateтариф на перевозку товаровcontract rateтариф по контрактуconveyance rateтариф за перевозкуcrosstrack distance change rateскорость изменения бокового отклоненияdeviation rateвеличина отклоненияdifferential rateдифференцированный тарифdirectional rateтариф в одном направленииdiscount rateльготный тарифdrift rateскорость сносаexcess baggage rateтариф за багаж сверх нормыfailure rateстепень надежностиfares and rates agreementсоглашение по пассажирским и грузовым тарифамfares and rates enforcementвведение в действие пассажирских и грузовых тарифовfatality rateуровень аварийностиflat rateединый тарифfollow-up rateскорость отработкиfreight-all-kinds rateобщий тариф на перевозку разносортных грузовfreight rateгрузовой тарифfuel consumption rateуровень расхода топливаfuel dumping rateскорость аварийного слива топливаfuel off-load rateскорость слива топливаfuel tank filling rateскорость заправки топливных баковgeneral cargo rateосновной грузовой тарифgyro drift rateскорость ухода гироскопаheat flow rateвеличина теплового потокаicing rate indicatorуказатель интенсивности обледененияinitial rate of climbначальная скороподъемностьinnovative rateвновь введенный тарифJoint service Commodity Rates BoardСовместный комитет по специальным грузовым тарифамmail rateтариф на перевозку почтыmass flow rateкоэффициент расходаone-way rateодносторонний тарифopen rateоткрытый тарифpitch-change rateскорость изменения шага винтаprecession rateскорость прецессииquantity rateколичественный тарифrainfall rateинтенсивность дождевых осадковrate construction unitединица при построении грузовых тарифовrate flowmeterуказатель мгновенного расходаrate gyroscopeпрецессионный гироскопrate gyro unitблок датчиков угловых скоростей гироскопаrate informationинформация о скоростиrate of climbскороподъемностьrate of closureскорость сближенияrate of descentскорость сниженияrate of disagreementскорость рассогласованияrate of dutyскорость таможенной пошлиныrate of exchangeкурс обмена валютыrate of flaps motionскорость отклонения закрылковrate of growthтемп ростаrate of pitchскорость по тангажуrate of rollскорость кренаrate of sideslipскорость бокового скольженияrate of trimскорость балансировкиrate of turnскорость разворотаrate of yawскорость рысканияreaction rateскорость реакцииreduced rateсниженный тарифregularity rateуровень регулярностиrevenue rateдоходная ставкаroll rate sensorдатчик угловой скорости кренаrunway acceptance rateпропускная способность ВППsafety rateуровень безопасностиsampling rateчастота регистрацииsectorial rateтариф на отдельном участке полетаsink rateскорость снижения перед касаниемslaving rateскорость согласованияspecific commodity rateспециальный грузовой тарифSpecific Commodity Rates BoardКомитет по специальным грузовым тарифамstandard rate turnразворот по стандартной схемеsteady rate of climbустановившаяся скорость набора высотыsustained turn rateскорость установившегося разворотаtariff rateтарифная ставкаtemperature lapse rateинтенсивность падения температурыthrough rateсквозной тарифtraffic flow rateинтенсивность воздушного движенияunaccompanied baggage rateтариф за перевозку несопровождаемого багажаunit load device rateтариф за перевозку грузов в специальном приспособлении для комплектованияwholesale charter rateтариф на оптовую чартерную перевозку -
14 angular
угловой; угловатый; коленчатый- angular addendum - angular asymmetry - angular attitude - angular backlash - angular ball bearing - angular bellows seal - angular belt - angular belt drive - angular belting - angular buttressing - angular cam spacing - angular change - angular clearance - angular coefficient - angular configuration - angular-contact ball bearing - angular contact bearing - angular-contact thrust bearing - angular correlation - angular cut - angular cutter - angular defect - angular deflection - angular deformation - angular density - angular dependence - angular dependent mode - angular deviation - angular diameter - angular difference - angular dimension - angular discrepancy - angular discrimination - angular dislocation - angular disparity - angular displacement - angular displacement resolution - angular distance - angular distribution - angular distribution analyzer - angular disturbance - angular divergence - angular domain - angular drift - angular drilling - angular drive - angular-drive subhead - angular energy characteristic - angular extend - angular error - angular facing - angular feed - angular file - angular fishplate - angular fixturing - angular flute - angular fold - angular gage - angular gage setting - angular gashing - angular gear - angular head - angular height of thread - angular hole - angular ignition spacing - angular impulse - angular incidence - angular inclination - angular increment - angular instrument - angular joint - angular kinetic energy - angular lag - angular length - angular limit - angular localization - angular location - angular locator - angular machining - angular measure - angular measurements - angular milling - angular misalignment - angular misalignment loss - angular modulation - angular modulation method - angular momentum - angular momentum barrier - angular momentum eigenfunction - angular momentum equation - angular momentum of particle about point - angular momentum operator - angular momentum quantization - angular momentum transfer - angular motion - angular movement - angular-movement pickup - angular movement sensor - angular movement transducer - angular nonlinearity - angular observation - angular opening of cone - angular offset - angular oscillations - angular perspective - angular pitch - angular plate - angular play - angular point - angular position - angular-position pickup - angular position sensor - angular position transducer - angular positioning - angular-positioning head - angular power transmission - angular range - angular rate - angular readings - angular region - angular repeatability - angular resolution - angular resolution limit - angular resolution photoemission - angular resolution spectroscopy - angular resolving power - angular rigidity - angular rod - angular rotation - angular scale - angular sensor - angular separation - angular setting - angular-shaped groove - angular sine vise - angular size - angular slide - angular slip - angular spacing - angular spectrum - angular speed ratio - angular spread - angular steel - angular stone - angular strain - angular subtense - angular synchro comparator - angular table - angular test - angular thread - angular tooth - angular tooth thickness - angular transmission - angular travel - angular twist - angular unit - angular value - angular valve - angular variations - angular velocity - angular velocity ratio - angular velocity vector - angular vertex - angular vibration - angular vise - angular wheel - angular width - angular wire gage - angular work -
15 rate
16 heat rate
1. скорость нагрева2. тепловая мощностьThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > heat rate
17 data processing rate
18 information rate
19 message transmission rate
20 per-digit information rate
English-Russian base dictionary > per-digit information rate
См. также в других словарях:
Angular acceleration — is the rate of change of angular velocity over time. In SI units, it is measured in radians per second squared (rad/s2), and is usually denoted by the Greek letter alpha ({alpha},). Mathematical definition The angular acceleration can be defined… … Wikipedia
Motion (physics) — Motion involves change in position, such as in this perspective of rapidly leaving Yongsan Station In physics, motion is a change in position of an object with respect to time. Change in action is the result of an unbalanced force. Motion is… … Wikipedia
Motion capture — Motion capture, motion tracking, or mocap are terms used to describe the process of recording movement and translating that movement on to a digital model. It is used in military, entertainment, sports, and medical applications, and for… … Wikipedia
Angular momentum — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to angular momentum. Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law … Wikipedia
Angular frequency — Not to be confused with angular velocity. Angular frequency ω (in radians per second), is larger than frequency ν (in cycles per second, also called Hz), by a factor of 2π … Wikipedia
angular momentum — Physics. the product of the moment of inertia of a body about an axis and its angular velocity with respect to the same axis. Also called moment of momentum. [1865 70] * * * Property that describes the rotary inertia of a system in motion about… … Universalium
Motion simulator — Simulator seating St. Louis Zoo A motion simulator or motion platform is a mechanism that encapsulates occupants and creates the effect/feelings of being in a moving vehicle. Motion simulators fall into two categories (described below) based on… … Wikipedia
motion-picture technology — Introduction the means for the production and showing of motion pictures. It includes not only the motion picture camera and projector but also such technologies as those involved in recording sound, in editing both picture and sound, in… … Universalium
Angular velocity — Do not confuse with angular frequency The unit for angular velocity is rad/s.In physics, the angular velocity is a vector quantity (more precisely, a pseudovector) which specifies the angular speed, and axis about which an object is rotating. The … Wikipedia
Angular velocity — Velocity Ve*loc i*ty, n.; pl. {Velocities}. [L. velocitas, from velox, ocis, swift, quick; perhaps akin to v?lare to fly (see {Volatile}): cf. F. v[ e]locit[ e].] [1913 Webster] 1. Quickness of motion; swiftness; speed; celerity; rapidity; as,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Motion picture terminology — The film industry is built upon a large number of technologies and techniques, drawing upon photography, stagecraft, music, and many other disciplines. Following is an index of specific terminology applicable thereto.#*180 degree rule *30 degree… … Wikipedia