1 ratchet brace
2 ratchet brace
коловорот с трещоткойБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ratchet brace
3 ratchet brace
4 ratchet brace
Техника: коловорот, коловорот с трещоткой -
5 ratchet brace
6 ratchet brace
7 ratchet brace
8 ratchet brace
9 ratchet brace with set of drills
Англо-русский строительный словарь > ratchet brace with set of drills
10 brace
1) подкос; распорная балка; растяжка; диагональная схватка; связь жёсткости; расчалка2) скоба; перекладина; стойка; подставка3) грудной коловорот; дрель4) скреплять; связывать; придавать жёсткость (при помощи рёбер, поперечин)5) притягивать•- back brace - bit brace - boiler brace - boom brace - breast brace - buckling brace - corner brace - counter brace - crank brace - cross brace - cross-arm brace - diagonal brace - diagonal cross brace - frame brace - ground brace - hand brace - hanging brace - knee brace - lower angle brace - nut brace - portal brace - push brace - ratchet brace - ratchet bit brace - ratchet brace with set of drills - sash brace - tension brace - wind bracebrace for drills — коловорот, дрель, щемло сверла
* * *1. связь ёсткости); подкос; раскос2. ручная дрель; коловорот- angle brace
- arch brace
- crank brace
- cross brace
- diagonal brace
- erection brace
- flange brace
- hand brace
- horizontal braces
- knee brace
- let-in brace
- nut brace
- sway braces
- trench braces
- wind brace
- X braces -
11 ratchet
храповой механизм; трещотка; защёлка; собачка; храповик; рачка; ряд храповых зубьев (на колесе или рейке); II нарезать храповые зубья; снабжать храповым механизмом; оснащать храповым механизмом; приводить в движение при помощи храпового механизма; останавливать при помощи храпового механизма- ratchet box - ratchet brace - ratchet closing device - ratchet cylinder - ratchet die stock - ratchet handle - ratchet hoist - ratchet latch - ratchet pattern - ratchet relay - ratchet reversible handle - ratchet screwing stock - ratchet spanner - ratchet wheel - ratchet winch - ratchet wrench - air ratchet - angle air ratchet - friction ratchet - hinged reversible ratchet - reversible ratchet for 1/2″ with oriented air exhaust - roller-type ratchet - simple ratchet with female square drive - simple ratchet with sliding square drive - step ratchet - ultra-compact reversible ratchet with rear air exhaust -
12 brace
1) коловорот; дрель;2) обвязка; скрепление; скоба || связывать; скреплять5) стойка; подпорка6) мор. брас•-
adjustable blade brace
batter brace
breast brace
bulldozer brace
compression brace
crank brace
cross brace
derrick angle brace
derrick brace
diagonal brace
door brace
drawbar brace
frame brace
hand brace
horizontal reinforcing brace
internal brace
knee brace
lateral brace
leg brace
longitudinal brace
portal brace
radiator brace
rail brace
ratchet brace
side-to-side pinning drawbar brace
sway brace
tensile brace
tension brace
tilt brace
wheel brace
wind brace
X-brace -
13 ratchet
1. n тех. храповик, трещотка2. n тех. собачкаСинонимический ряд:toothed wheel (noun) catch; cog; cogwheel; free wheel; notched wheel; pawl; sprocket wheel; sprocket wrench; toothed wheel -
14 brace
1. n связь; подкос; скоба; скрепа2. n подтяжка, скреп3. n пара4. n подтяжки5. n свора6. n l7. n фигурные скобки8. n муз. акколада9. n коловорот10. n мор. брас11. n горн. выход из шахты12. n ортодонтические скобы, пластинки13. v связывать, привязывать; скреплять; прикреплять14. v подпирать; обхватывать15. v натягивать16. v напрячьto brace up — напрячь все силы; собраться с силами
17. v поддерживать брюки помочами18. v мор. брасопить19. v заключать в фигурные скобкиСинонимический ряд:1. clamp (noun) clamp; clasp; grip; vice; vise2. couple (noun) couple; doublet; duo; dyad; pair; span; twosome3. couples (noun) couples; doublets; duos; dyads; pairs; twosomes4. support (noun) beam; buttress; column; crutch; prop; shore; stay; strength; strut; support; underpinner; underpinning; underpropping5. balance (verb) balance; stabilize; steady6. beg (verb) appeal; beg; beseech; conjure; crave; entreat; implore; importune; invoke; plead; pray; supplicate7. fortify (verb) encourage; fortify; harden; hearten; nerve; stimulate8. ready (verb) forearm; gird; prepare; ready; steel; strengthen9. support (verb) back up; bear up; bolster; buttress; carry; consolidate; prop; reinforce; shore up; stiffen; support; sustain; upbear; uphold10. tighten (verb) clamp; fasten firmly; make tense; tightenАнтонимический ряд:upset; weaken -
15 brace
16 ratchet bit brace
17 bit brace
18 crank brace
19 hand brace
20 bone-drilling brace
English-Russian big medical dictionary > bone-drilling brace
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Ratchet brace — Ratchet Ratch et ( [e^]t), n. [Properly a diminutive from the same word as rack: cf. F. rochet. See 2d {Ratch}, {Rack} the instrument.] 1. A pawl, click, or detent, for holding or propelling a ratchet wheel, or ratch, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ratchet brace — noun 1. : a carpenter s bitbrace that has a ratchet driven chuck and is used in close quarters where complete revolutions of the handle are impossible 2. : a lever that has a ratchet driven chuck at one end and is used for drilling holes in metal … Useful english dictionary
Ratchet — Ratch et ( [e^]t), n. [Properly a diminutive from the same word as rack: cf. F. rochet. See 2d {Ratch}, {Rack} the instrument.] 1. A pawl, click, or detent, for holding or propelling a ratchet wheel, or ratch, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. A mechanism… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ratchet drill — Ratchet Ratch et ( [e^]t), n. [Properly a diminutive from the same word as rack: cf. F. rochet. See 2d {Ratch}, {Rack} the instrument.] 1. A pawl, click, or detent, for holding or propelling a ratchet wheel, or ratch, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ratchet wheel — Ratchet Ratch et ( [e^]t), n. [Properly a diminutive from the same word as rack: cf. F. rochet. See 2d {Ratch}, {Rack} the instrument.] 1. A pawl, click, or detent, for holding or propelling a ratchet wheel, or ratch, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brace and bit — n. a tool for boring, consisting of a removable drill (bit) in a rotating handle ( brace): see DRILL1 * * * ▪ hand tool hand operated tool for boring holes in wood, consisting of a crank shaped turning device, the brace, that grips and rotates… … Universalium
Brace (tool) — A brace or brace and bit is a hand tool used to drill holes, usually in wood. Pressure is applied to the top and the tool is rotated with a U shaped grip.The U shaped part is a kind of crankshaft. It gives the brace much greater torque than other … Wikipedia
Wrench — For other uses, see Wrench (disambiguation). A set of chrome vanadium metric wrenches, open at one end, box/ring at the other. This type is commonly known as a combination wrench. A wrench or spanner is a tool used to provide grip and mechanical… … Wikipedia
Drill bit shank — The shank is the part of a drill bit grasped by the chuck of a drill. The cutting edges of the drill bit are at one end, and the shank is at the other. Different styles of shank/chuck combination deliver different performance, such as allowing… … Wikipedia
Scoliosis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 M41 … Wikipedia
Drill — For other uses, see Drill (disambiguation). Drill scheme A drill or drill motor is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool attachment, usually a drill bit or driver bit, used for drilling holes in various materials or… … Wikipedia