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  • 1 order

    ['o:də] 1. noun
    1) (a statement (by a person in authority) of what someone must do; a command: He gave me my orders.) rozkaz; nariadenie
    2) (an instruction to supply something: orders from Germany for special gates.) objednávka
    3) (something supplied: Your order is nearly ready.) zákazka
    4) (a tidy state: The house is in (good) order.) stav
    5) (a system or method: I must have order in my life.) poriadok
    6) (an arrangement (of people, things etc) in space, time etc: in alphabetical order; in order of importance.) poradie
    7) (a peaceful condition: law and order.) poriadok
    8) (a written instruction to pay money: a banker's order.) platobný príkaz
    9) (a group, class, rank or position: This is a list of the various orders of plants; the social order.) druh; poriadok
    10) (a religious society, especially of monks: the Benedictine order.) rád
    2. verb
    1) (to tell (someone) to do something (from a position of authority): He ordered me to stand up.) nariadiť
    2) (to give an instruction to supply: I have ordered some new furniture from the shop; He ordered a steak.) objednať
    3) (to put in order: Should we order these alphabetically?) usporiadať
    3. noun
    1) (a hospital attendant who does routine jobs.) zdravotník, -čka
    2) (a soldier who carries an officer's orders and messages.) ordonanc, vojenský posol
    - order-form
    - in order
    - in order that
    - in order
    - in order to
    - made to order
    - on order
    - order about
    - out of order
    - a tall order
    * * *
    • uznesenie
    • ustanovit
    • usporiadanie
    • velit
    • usporiadat si
    • vypísat
    • zlacnená vstupenka
    • zariadit
    • zákazka
    • zorganizovat si
    • zoradenie
    • slovosled
    • smernica
    • spolocenská vrstva
    • urcit
    • prikázat
    • príkaz
    • druh
    • formácia
    • knazský stav
    • inštrukcia
    • charakter
    • rozkazovat
    • rozkladat
    • rozhodnutie
    • rozkaz
    • riadit
    • rozkázat
    • poradie
    • povolenie
    • poslat
    • pokoj
    • poukážka
    • povaha
    • postupnost
    • poriadok
    • miesto
    • nariadovat
    • nariadenie
    • nariadit
    • nakázat
    • opatrenie
    • objednat
    • objednat si
    • objednávat
    • objednávka

    English-Slovak dictionary > order

  • 2 hierarchy

    ((an) arrangement (of usually people in a group, also things etc) in order of rank, importance etc.) hierarchia
    * * *
    • hierarchia

    English-Slovak dictionary > hierarchy

См. также в других словарях:

  • Rank (linear algebra) — The column rank of a matrix A is the maximum number of linearly independent column vectors of A. The row rank of a matrix A is the maximum number of linearly independent row vectors of A. Equivalently, the column rank of A is the dimension of the …   Wikipedia

  • rank — /ræŋk/ noun a position in a company or an organisation, especially one which shows how important someone is relative to others ● All managers are of equal rank. ● Promotion means moving up from a lower rank. ♦ in rank order in order according to… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • order — I. verb (ordered; ordering) Etymology: Middle English, from ordre, noun Date: 13th century transitive verb 1. to put in order ; arrange 2. a. to give an order to ; command …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Order of Preachers —     Order of Preachers     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Order of Preachers     As the Order of the Friars Preachers is the principal part of the entire Order of St. Dominic, we shall include under this title the two other parts of the order: the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Order of Friars Minor —     Order of Friars Minor     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Order of Friars Minor     (Also known as FRANCISCANS.) This subject may be conveniently considered under the following heads:     I. General History of the Order;     A. First Period (1209… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Order of Merit of Duarte, Sanchez and Mella — Ribbon bar of the order Awarded by Head of State of the Dominican Republic …   Wikipedia

  • Order of Christopher Columbus — Orden Heráldica de Cristóbal Colón Awarded by  Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Type Order Eligibility …   Wikipedia

  • Order of the Star of South Africa — Awarded by …   Wikipedia

  • Order of Trujillo — (Orden de Trujillo) Ribbon bar of the order Awarded by President of the Dominican Republic Country Dominican Re …   Wikipedia

  • Order and Abbey of Fontevrault —     Order and Abbey of Fontevrault     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Order and Abbey of Fontevrault     I. CHARACTER OF THE ORDER     The monastery of Fontevrault was founded by Blessed Robert d Arbrissel about the end of 1100 and is situated in a… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • rank structure — order of military importance arranged by rank …   English contemporary dictionary

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