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  • 41 impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI)

    (n.) = local rates, council tax, local tax rates, tax rates, local taxes, property tax, real estate tax, real estate property tax
    Ex. This act allowed for the establishment of town libraries, which were free and open to all ratepayers and provided by funds from local rates.
    Ex. Perhaps if the council used less money on laying the many many sleeping policeman on our roads, then there would be no need to increase our council and road tax each year.
    Ex. The decision in Sweden not to raise local tax rates during the economic recession has hit all public services hard, including public libraries.
    Ex. The decision in Sweden not to raise local tax rates during the economic recession has hit all public services hard, including public libraries.
    Ex. Local taxes have been raised 10 percent, but library funding has not changed.
    Ex. Not unlike many municipalities in these inflationary times, Earnscliffe is feeling the pinch of a severely high general property tax -- i.e., the tax on real estate and personal property, both tangible and intangible.
    Ex. In some states, it is permissible to separate the real estate tax into two separate taxes -- one the land value and one on the building value.
    Ex. Real estate property taxes are generally due in January and July of each calendar year.

    Spanish-English dictionary > impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI)

  • 42 IBI

    * * *
    SM ABR Esp
    = Impuesto de {o}2} sobre Bienes Inmuebles rates, real estate tax (EEUU)
    * * *
    IBI (impuesto de bienes inmuebles)
    = local rates, council tax, local tax rates, tax rates, local taxes, property tax, rates, real estate tax, real estate property tax.

    Ex: This act allowed for the establishment of town libraries, which were free and open to all ratepayers and provided by funds from local rates.

    Ex: Perhaps if the council used less money on laying the many many sleeping policeman on our roads, then there would be no need to increase our council and road tax each year.
    Ex: The decision in Sweden not to raise local tax rates during the economic recession has hit all public services hard, including public libraries.
    Ex: The decision in Sweden not to raise local tax rates during the economic recession has hit all public services hard, including public libraries.
    Ex: Local taxes have been raised 10 percent, but library funding has not changed.
    Ex: Not unlike many municipalities in these inflationary times, Earnscliffe is feeling the pinch of a severely high general property tax -- i.e., the tax on real estate and personal property, both tangible and intangible.
    Ex: From the beginning it has been a local service, originally funded from the rates, but it needed Carnegie grants to really get off the ground.
    Ex: In some states, it is permissible to separate the real estate tax into two separate taxes -- one the land value and one on the building value.
    Ex: Real estate property taxes are generally due in January and July of each calendar year.

    * * *
    = impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles
    * * *
    m abr (= impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles) property tax, Br
    rates pl

    Spanish-English dictionary > IBI

  • 43 impuesto de bienes inmuebles

    impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI)
    (n.) = local rates, council tax, local tax rates, tax rates, local taxes, property tax, real estate tax, real estate property tax

    Ex: This act allowed for the establishment of town libraries, which were free and open to all ratepayers and provided by funds from local rates.

    Ex: Perhaps if the council used less money on laying the many many sleeping policeman on our roads, then there would be no need to increase our council and road tax each year.
    Ex: The decision in Sweden not to raise local tax rates during the economic recession has hit all public services hard, including public libraries.
    Ex: The decision in Sweden not to raise local tax rates during the economic recession has hit all public services hard, including public libraries.
    Ex: Local taxes have been raised 10 percent, but library funding has not changed.
    Ex: Not unlike many municipalities in these inflationary times, Earnscliffe is feeling the pinch of a severely high general property tax -- i.e., the tax on real estate and personal property, both tangible and intangible.
    Ex: In some states, it is permissible to separate the real estate tax into two separate taxes -- one the land value and one on the building value.
    Ex: Real estate property taxes are generally due in January and July of each calendar year.

    Spanish-English dictionary > impuesto de bienes inmuebles

  • 44 recaudar capital

    to raise capital, to procure funds, to procure capital.

    Spanish-English dictionary > recaudar capital

См. также в других словарях:

  • raise\ funds — • raise funds • raise money v. phr. To solicit donations for a charity or a specific project. Our church is trying to raise the funds for a new organ …   Словарь американских идиом

  • raise funds — index collect (recover money) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • raise funds — or[money] {v. phr.} To solicit donations for a charity or a specific project. * /Our church is trying to raise the funds for a new organ./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • raise funds — or[money] {v. phr.} To solicit donations for a charity or a specific project. * /Our church is trying to raise the funds for a new organ./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • funds — [plural] ► the financial resources that a business, organization, or project has available: raise/provide/generate funds »A new shares issue was launched to raise funds for the acquisition. sufficient/insufficient funds »Experts have criticized… …   Financial and business terms

  • raise\ money — • raise funds • raise money v. phr. To solicit donations for a charity or a specific project. Our church is trying to raise the funds for a new organ …   Словарь американских идиом

  • raise — ▪ I. raise raise 1 [reɪz] verb [transitive] 1. to increase an amount, number, or level: • We can cut the state budget or raise taxes. • The bank raised interest rates to 15%. 2. raise a question/​objection/​point etc to make people consider a… …   Financial and business terms

  • funds — n. 1) to raise funds 2) to disburse, pay out funds 3) matching; private; public funds 4) (stamped on a check) insufficient funds (AE; BE has refer to drawer) 5) funds dry up, run out 6) the funds to + inf. (we have enough funds to complete the… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • raise — I. verb (raised; raising) Etymology: Middle English reisen, raisen, from Old Norse reisa more at rear Date: 13th century transitive verb 1. to cause or help to rise to a standing position 2. a. awaken, arouse …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • raise — /reɪz / (say rayz) verb (t) (raised, raising) 1. to move to a higher position; lift up; elevate: to raise one s hand. 2. to set upright; lift up. 3. to cause to rise or stand up. 4. Obsolete to rouse. 5. to build; erect: to raise a monument. 6.… …  

  • raise the wind — (slang) To get together the necessary money by any means • • • Main Entry: ↑raise raise the wind (informal) To raise the funds one needs • • • Main Entry: ↑wind …   Useful english dictionary

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