1 radio communication station
1) Авиация: связная радиостанция2) Картография: радиостанцияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > radio communication station
2 radio communication station
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > radio communication station
3 radio communication station
Англо-русский словарь по авиации > radio communication station
4 radio communication station
English-Russian cartography dictionary > radio communication station
5 station radio communication system
система станционной радиосвязи
система СРС
Система железнодорожной радиосвязи для оперативного управления технологическими процессами работы железнодорожной станции, обеспечивающая обмен информацией между диспетчерским оперативным персоналом станции, машинистами подвижного состава и другими работниками, участвующими в обработке составов.
Система станционной радиосвязи может включать сети маневровой и горочной радиосвязи, а также радиосети работников, обеспечивающих технологические процессы работы железнодорожной станции, но не участвующих непосредственно в маневровой и горочной работе.
[ ГОСТ Р 53953-2010]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > station radio communication system
6 station-radio communication
Телекоммуникации: станционная радиосвязьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > station-radio communication
7 station-radio communication
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > station-radio communication
8 portable radio station (of railway radio communication)
носимая радиостанция (железнодорожной радиосвязи)
Радиостанция, имеющая автономный источник питания и предназначенная для работы в сети или системе железнодорожной радиосвязи во время переноски или во время остановки.
[ ГОСТ Р 53953-2010]Тематики
- РН
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > portable radio station (of railway radio communication)
9 data radio station (of railway radio communication)
радиостанция (железнодорожной радиосвязи) для передачи данных
Радиостанция, предназначенная для передачи и приема данных, используемых для управления технологическими процессами и работы устройств безопасности железнодорожного транспорта
[ ГОСТ Р 53953-2010]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > data radio station (of railway radio communication)
10 base station (of railway radio communication network [system])
- базовая станция (сети [системы] железнодорожной радиосвязи)
базовая станция (сети [системы] железнодорожной радиосвязи)
Техническое средство радиосвязи стационарного применения, включающее приемопередающее, управляющее, коммуникационное и электропитающее оборудование, обеспечивающее распределение вызовов и аутентификацию пользователей в сотовых и транкинговых сетях железнодорожной радиосвязи.
[ ГОСТ Р 53953-2010]Тематики
- БС
- base station (of railway radio communication network [system])
- BS
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > base station (of railway radio communication network [system])
11 control (dispatcher) station (of railway radio communication system)
распорядительная станция (системы железнодорожной радиосвязи)
Аппаратура, устанавливаемая в центре размещения оперативного диспетчерского персонала, подключаемая к проводному каналу поездной или ремонтно-оперативной радиосвязи и предназначенная для ведения переговоров диспетчеров с машинистами локомотивов, дежурными по станциям, руководителями ремонтных подразделений.
[ ГОСТ Р 53953-2010]Тематики
- СР
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > control (dispatcher) station (of railway radio communication system)
12 radio
radio nрадиосвязьaerodrome control radioаэродромная радиостанция командной связиaeronautical radio bandдиапазон авиационных радиочастотairborne radioбортовая радиостанцияairborne radio installationбортовая радиоустановкаbasic radio facilitiesосновные радиосредстваbeam radio stationрадиостанция направленного действияbroadcasting radio stationшироковещательная радиостанцияcontrol radio stationрадиостанция диспетчерской связиdirectional radioрадиопеленгаторdirectional radio beaconнаправленный радиомаякdownlink satellite radio channelканал спутниковой радиосвязи воздух - земляemergency radioаварийное радиооборудованиеemergency radio channelзапасной канал радиосвязиen-route radio fixрадиопеленг на маршрутеgrid radio bearingусловный пеленг радиостанцииincorporated aeronautical radioсеть совместного авиационного радиообслуживанияlow-range radio altimeterрадиовысотомер малых высотmagnetic radio bearingмагнитный пеленг радиостанцииnondirectional radio beaconненаправленный радиомаякomnidirectional radio rangeвсенаправленныйprimary radio facilitiesпервичные радиосредстваpulse radio communicationимпульсная связьradio aidsрадиосредстваradio alertрадиосигнал готовностиradio altimeterрадиолокационный высотомерradio approach aidsрадиосредства захода на посадкуradio bandдиапазон радиочастотradio beaconрадиомаякradio beamрадиолучradio bearingпеленг радиостанцииradio call signпозывной радиосвязиradio channelканал радио связиradio checkпроверка радиосвязиradio communicationрадиосвязьradio communication equipmentрадиотехнические средства связиradio communication stationсвязная радиостанцияradio compassрадиокомпасradio compass stationрадиопеленгаторная станцияradio contactрадиоконтактradio control boardпульт управления по радиоradio detectorрадиолокаторradio deviationрадиодевиацияradio directional bearingкурс на радиостанциюradio direction finderрадиопеленгаторradio direction findingрадиопеленгацияradio direction finding apparatusрадиопеленгаторradio direction-finding stationрадиопеленгаторная станцияradio engineerинженер по радиоэлектронному оборудованиюradio equipmentрадиооборудованиеradio facilitiesрадиосредстваradio facility chartсхема размещения радиосредствradio failureнарушение радиосвязиradio failure procedureпорядок действий при отказе радиосвязиradio fixingопределение местоположения с помощью радиосредстваradio flyвыполнение полетов с помощью радиосредствradio frequency channelрадиочастотный каналradio guidanceрадионаведениеradio heightвысота по радиовысотомеруradio homingрадиопеленгацияradio homing beaconприводной радиомаякradio horizonрадиогоризонтradio identificationрадиоопознаваниеradio interferenceрадиопомехиradio interference suppressionподавление радиопомехradio linkлиния радиосвязиradio link circuitцепь радиосвязиradio listening watchпрослушивание радиосвязиradio magnetic indicatorрадиомагнитный указательradio markerмаркерный радиомаякradio mastрадиомачтаradio navigationрадионавигацияradio navigation chartрадионавигационная картаradio navigation facilitiesрадионавигационные средстваradio navigation flightполет с помощью радионавигационных средствradio navigation serviceслужба авиационной радионавигацииradio navigation systemрадионавигационная системаradio noiseрадиопомехиradio rackэтажерка радиооборудованияradio rangeрадиус действия радиомаякаradio range beaconнаправленный радиомаякradio range legравносигнальная зона радиомаякаradio receiverрадиоприемникradio receptionрадиоприемradio remote controlрадиодистанционное управлениеradio setрадиоустановкаradio shieldingрадиоэкранированиеradio stationрадиостанцияradio station codeкод радиостанцииradio systemрадиосистемаradio tickрадиосигнал точного времениradio time signalрадиосигнал точного времениradio trackingрадиосопровождениеradio trafficрадиообменradio transmissionрадиопередачаradio transmitterрадиопередатчикradio waveрадиоволнаreflected radio waveотраженная волнаsecondary radio facilitiesвторичные радиосредстваsend out radio waveпосылать радиосигналsent-out radio waveизлучаемый радиосигналshort range radio navigation systemрадиосистема ближней навигацииtrack from secondary radio facilityмаршрут полета в направлении от вторичных радиосредствtrue radio bearingистинный пеленг радиостанцииtwo-way radio failure procedureпорядок действия при отказе двусторонней радиосвязиVHF omnidirectional radio rangeвсенаправленный ОВЧ-РАДИОМАЯКvisual-aural radio rangeвизуально-звуковой радиомаяк -
13 communication
communication nсвязьaerodrome control communicationаэродромная командная связьair communicationвоздушное сообщениеair communication centerцентр обеспечения воздушной связиaircraft communication equipmentбортовое связное оборудованиеair distress communicationаварийная связь с воздушным судномair-ground communicationсвязь воздух - земляair-ground communication channelканал связи воздух - земляair-initiated communicationсвязь по запросу с бортаairline operational communicationоперативная связь авиакомпанийairport communication systemсистема связи аэропортаair-to-ground communicationсвязь воздух - земляairways and air communications serviceслужба воздушных сообщенийalternative means of communicationрезервные средства связиcarry out communicationподдерживать связьcommunication antennaсвязная антеннаcommunication check pointконтрольный пункт связиcommunication facilitiesсредства связиcommunication failure procedureпорядок действий при отказе средств связиcommunication satelliteспутник связиCommunication SectionСекция связи(ИКАО) communication serviceслужба связиcommunications operationведение связиcontrol communicationсвязь для управления полетамиdata communication systemсистема передачи данныхdigital communicationцифровая связьdiscrete communication systemдискретная система связиdistress communicationаварийная связьen-route communicationсвязь на маршрутеestablish communicationустанавливать связьflight regularity communicationсвязь по обеспечению регулярности полетовinterarea communicationмежзональная связьmaintain communicationподдерживать связьmeans of communicationсредства связиone-way communicationсимплексная связьpulse radio communicationимпульсная связьradio communicationрадиосвязьradio communication equipmentрадиотехнические средства связиradio communication stationсвязная радиостанцияradiotelephony communicationрадиотелефонная связьrequest communicationсвязь типа запрос - ответsimplex communicationсимплексная связьsingle channel communicationодноканальная связьtwo-way communicationдуплексная связьvoice communication systemсистема речевой связиwire communicationпроводная связьwireless communicationбеспроводная связь -
14 station
to identify the station — опознавать (радио)станцию;
15 station
acoustic measurement stationпункт проведения акустических замеровaerodynamic broadcast stationшироковещательная радиостанция службы обеспечения полетовaeronautical advisory stationстанция аэронавигационной информацииaeronautical fixed stationавиационная фиксированная станция, авиационная фиксированная радиостанцияaeronautical meteorological stationавиационная метеостанцияaircraft test stationиспытательная станция воздушных судовall stations callвызов всех станцийautomatic weather stationавтоматическая метеостанцияbeam radio stationрадиостанция направленного действияbroadcasting radio stationшироковещательная радиостанцияcaptain's stationрабочее место командира(воздушного судна) coast guard stationпост береговой охраныcollision warning stationстанция предупреждения столкновенийcommercial broadcast stationкоммерческая радиовещательная станцияcontrol radio stationрадиостанция диспетчерской связиdirecting stationпеленгаторная станцияduty stationрабочее место(экипажа) early warning stationстанция дальнего обнаруженияearth stationназемная станция(обеспечения полетов) fire stationпожарная станцияflight engineer stationрабочее место бортинженераflight inbound the stationполет в направлении на станциюflight outbound the stationполет в направлении от станцииflight service stationстанция службы обеспечения полетовground stationназемная станция(обеспечения полетов) helicopter stationвертолетная станцияhomer stationприводная радиостанцияjamming stationстанция глушения радиосвязиlanding direction-finding stationпосадочная радиопеленгаторная станцияland stationназемная станция(обеспечения полетов) master radar stationглавная радиолокационная станцияmaster stationведущая станцияmeteorological radar stationметеорологическая радиолокационная станцияmeteorological stationметеорологическая станцияmobile ship stationпередвижная станция технического обслуживанияnondirectional stationрадиостанция ненаправленного действияobservation stationпункт наблюденияocean station vesselокеанский корабль - станцияonboard stationбортовая радиостанцияpilot's stationрабочее место пилотаposition-fixing stationрадиолокационная станцияposition-radar stationрадиолокационная станцияradar-tracking stationрадиолокационная станция сопровожденияradio communication stationсвязная радиостанцияradio compass stationрадиопеленгаторная станцияradio direction-finding stationрадиопеленгаторная станцияradio stationрадиостанцияradio station codeкод радиостанцииrelay stationретрансляционная станцияrepeater stationретрансляционная станцияsecondary stationвспомогательная радиостанцияsending stationпередающая станцияshore stationбереговая станцияstation bearingпеленг станцииstation designatorиндекс станцииtrack stationстанция сопровожденияtransmitting stationпередающая станцияwarning stationстанция оповещения -
16 station
1) станция; пункт; пост2) терминал; абонентский пульт3) устройство; блок•- accepting station
- access station
- aerodynamic broadcast station
- affiliated station
- airborne decameter radio station
- Alcatel station
- all-mine telephone station
- amplifying station
- analog switching station
- analog-digital station
- analytical photogrammetric station
- automatic trunk station
- background station
- backhaul station
- backlogged station
- balanced station
- base station
- base-airborne station
- base-radio station
- BB-switching back-to-back station
- BB-switching end terminal station
- BB-switching n-way branching station
- beacon station
- boat-radio station
- booster station
- broadcasting node station
- broadcasting station
- broadcasting-satellite space station
- buffer station
- callers-telephone station
- car-subscriber station
- CB station
- central fire-alarm station
- central station
- central-searching station
- channel station
- channel-attached station
- civil band station
- class-A station
- class-B station
- class-C station
- class-D station
- coastal Earth station
- coastal station
- coastal terrestrial radio station
- commercial radio station
- communication relay station
- compact hand station
- computerized data exchange station
- container terrestrial station
- control station
- control-measuring station
- converted-base station
- crossing station
- data station
- data-transmission station
- destination station
- digital communication station
- digital photogrammetic station
- digital switching station
- digital terminal station
- display station
- diving telephone station
- drift station
- Earth station
- electronic mobile station
- emergency frequency station
- emergency-position indicating radiobeacon station
- emergency-radio station
- exchange-service station
- feeder-amplifier station
- fifth generation radio station
- fifth-class mobile station
- first-class mobile station
- fixed control station
- fixed station
- fixed-frequency station
- fixed-microwave auxiliary station
- FM-broadcasting station
- forwarding station
- four-course radio-range station
- fourth class mobile station
- fourth-generation radio station
- gate station
- graphic station
- ground station
- ground wireless station
- head wagon radio station
- head-end station
- heavy mobile station
- helicopter radio station
- hydroacoustic station
- IF drop insertion station
- IF repeating branching station
- IF repeating through station
- IF repeating TV drop insertion station
- image station
- industrial-communication station
- inquiry station
- integrated station
- intercom station
- interfered radio station
- interferencing radio station
- intermediate station
- intradepartment-communication center station
- land mobile station
- land station
- life-raft radio station
- light-weight mobile station
- line station
- line waterside USB-station
- line-network station
- locomotive radio station
- loudspeaking-communication station
- low-power television frequency station
- magnetic-tape station
- main station
- major relay station
- managing-radio station
- manual-trunk station
- master station
- media command station
- media control station
- meter-band station
- microwave repeating station
- microwave station
- minor-relay station
- mobile-Earth station
- mobile-radio station
- mobile-television station
- mobile-tropospheric station
- movable radio station
- multiband station
- municipal radio station
- network station
- newsroom station
- nodal coastal radio station
- nodal-communication station
- nonmagnetic diving station
- nonserviced repeater station
- on-board station
- operative-communication station
- passive station
- physical station
- piezoelectric batteryless station
- pipeline control USB-station
- play station
- pole-mounted station
- portable radio station
- portable relay station
- primary station
- priority mobile station
- rack-mounted station
- radio station
- radio-beacon monitor station
- radio-beacon station
- radiodirection-finder station
- radio-positioning land station
- radio-positioning mobile station
- radio-range station
- radiosonde station
- radiotelegraph station
- radiotelephone station
- railway radio station
- reading station
- readout station
- receiving-earth station
- regenerating station
- relay station
- remote feeding station
- remote forwarding station
- remote monitoring station
- repeater station
- reserve terrestrial radio station
- retransmitting station
- road station
- rural-subscriber station
- satellite station
- second class mobile station
- secondary station
- sectional communication center station
- semistationary terrestrial station
- sensing station
- serviced station
- serviced-repeater station
- ship-Earth station
- ship-radio station
- six-channel relay transmission station
- slave station
- solar radio station
- source station
- spark-safe radio station
- standard frequency-and-time signal station
- state radio station
- state relay station
- stationary relay station
- stationary station
- stationary terrestrial station
- subcontrol station
- subscriber station
- subscription station
- supervised station
- switching station
- tail wagon radio station
- telecode communication station
- telegraph station
- telemetering station
- telephone-and-telegraph station
- television pickup station
- temporary fire communiation station
- terminal communication station
- terminal exchange station
- terminal network station
- terminal telegraph station
- terrestrial ship radio station
- terrestrial station
- terrestrial terminal station
- terrestrial-coastal station
- third class mobile station
- three-wire diving station
- toll station
- train communication station
- transfer station
- transmitting Earth station
- transport station
- transportable earth station
- tributary station
- tropospheric communication station
- trunk telephone station
- TV-transmitting station
- ultra-short-band station
- underground terminal station
- unified diving station
- unmanned station
- USB-station
- user station
- videotex station
- wall-mounted station
- working stationEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > station
17 communication
1) связь, система связи; средства связи2) передача•- administrative-economic communication
- advanced shipboard communication
- aerial communication
- aeronautical communications
- air steward-to-air steward telephone communication
- airborne SHF-communication
- airborne-to-Earth communication
- aircraft communication
- air-to-air communication
- air-to-air voice communication
- air-to-ground electric communication
- Airways and Air communications
- all-mine telephone communication
- analog tropospheric communication
- analog-to-digital communication
- annunciating communication
- antenna communication
- asynchronous communication
- audio-conference communication
- audio-visual communication
- auroral long-distance communication
- automatic trunk communication
- auxiliary communication
- babyphone communication
- basic communication
- bathysphere-to-carrier-ship communication
- bidirectional communication
- binary-synchronous communication
- boat emergency communications
- both-way simultaneous communication
- branch telephone communication
- broadcast communication
- carrier-current communication
- car-to-car communication
- coastal center-to-coastal center communication
- code-independent data communication
- coherent-light communication
- combine wall communication
- command-telephone communication
- common-service communication
- common-using telegraph communication
- common-using telephone communication
- component triaxial communication
- computerized communication
- computer-to-computer communication
- conductor-to-departure responsible communication
- conference communication
- confidential special radio communication
- contact network communication
- contactless HF-communication
- contingency communication
- continuous communication
- control communication
- data communication
- data-transmission communication
- departmental engineering communication
- departmental telegraph communication
- digital communication
- digital-speech communication
- direct communication
- direct-pair communication
- direct-telephone communication
- disaster communication
- dispatch communication
- display communication
- distress communication
- district-by-district communication
- diversity communication
- diver-to-diver communication
- diving-service communication
- document electric communication
- documental conference communication
- duplex communication
- duplex radiotelephone communication
- Earth-to-airborne communication
- Earth-to-satellite communication
- Earth-to-space-to-Earth communication
- either-way communication
- electrical communication
- electromagnetic communication
- electronic communication
- emergency communication
- emergency ship radio communication
- enciphered-facsimile communication
- engineering station communication
- engineering-telephone communication
- everyone-to-everyone communication
- face communication
- fast-acting telephone communication
- fire-place communication
- fixed aeronautical communication
- fixed-electric communication
- fleet communication
- frequency-hop communication
- gateway-to-gateway communication
- ground-line communication
- group engineering communication
- half-duplex communication
- harmonic communication
- H-carrier communication
- HF-communication
- high-speed mobile communication
- house-car communication
- hydroacoustic communication
- incoming communication
- inductive mines communication
- industrial communication
- industrial-automatic communication
- industrial-engineering communication
- in-plant communication
- interaction communication
- interpaging communication
- interstation communication
- interstellar communication
- intersystem communication
- intraairplane telephone communication
- intrabasin selector communication
- intrabasin telegraph communication
- intrabasin telephone communication
- intrairport communication
- intraship communication
- intratrain telephone communication
- irregular communication
- isochronous communication
- land mobile communication
- land-to-space communication
- letter-printing communication
- lighting wire communication
- line communication
- line-path communication
- line-track telephone communication
- littoral radiotelephone communication
- local common service communication
- local engineering communication
- local telephone communication
- long-haul communication
- long-haul fiber-optical communication
- long-haul telephone communication
- loud-speaking communication
- main conference communication
- main engineering communication
- main radio communication
- manoeuvre radio communication
- man-to-machine communication
- marine communication
- marine facsimile communication
- meteor-burst communication
- meteoric-ionospheric communication
- microwave communication
- militarized guard communication
- mobile aeronautical communication
- mobile communication
- moon-bounce communication
- moorage-by-moorage communication
- movable communication
- MT administration-to-road communication
- multicast communication
- multichannel communication
- multimedia communication
- multiple channel class A communication
- multiple channel class B communication
- multiple channel class C communication
- multiple channel system radio communication
- multipoint communication
- navigating-service communication
- n-way communication
- office communication
- operative communication
- operative-dispatch communication
- operative-managing communication
- operative-repairing communication
- operator-to-train mobile communication
- oral communication
- outgoing communication
- packet communication
- passband data communication
- passenger-to-locomotive driver communication
- passenger-to-policemen communication
- phase-locked communication
- phototelegraph communication
- pilot-to-steward telephone communication
- plane-to-plane communication
- platform announcing communication
- platform radio communication
- platform-to-train mobile communication
- point-to-point communication
- power dispatch communication
- power line communication
- private bypass communication
- private-branch communication
- private-branch industrial communication
- pulse communication
- radial communication
- radial-aerial USB-communication
- radio link communication
- radio relay communication
- radio searching communication
- radiotelephone communication
- railway telephone communication
- real-time communication
- recording communication
- regional communication
- regular communication
- remote reference communication
- road communication
- road engineering communication
- road managing communication
- road power dispatch communication
- road service dispatch communication
- road servicing communication
- road telegraph communication
- rural communication
- safety communication
- satellite marine communication
- satellite-to-Earth communication
- satellite-to-satellite communication
- SB communication
- secure communication
- selector communication
- service communication
- service dispatch communication
- service section communication
- SHF-wave communication
- ship coastal facsimile communication
- ship-driver-to-ship-driver communication
- ship-radio communication
- ship-telephone communication
- ship-to-ship communication
- ship-to-spacecraft communication
- ship-to-submarine communication
- shore-to-ship communication
- short-band communication
- simplex communication
- simplex single-frequency communication
- simplex stripping communication
- simplex two-frequency communication
- single-channel communication
- single-frequency radio communication
- single-hop communication
- single-side loudspeaking communication
- sky-wave communication
- slope telephone communication
- sonic communication
- space communication
- space laser communication
- spacecraft-to-subscriber communication
- space-to-space communication
- special communication
- speech communication
- static-wire communication
- station communication
- station inductive communication
- station mobile communication
- station-by-station telephone communication
- station-radio communication
- steering cab-to-captain's cab communication
- steering cab-to-power dispatchboard communication
- steering cab-to-tiller compartment communication
- submarine laser communication
- submarine sound communication
- submarine TV-communication
- submarine-to-satellite communication
- submarine-to-submarine communication
- subscriber-to-workgroup communication
- switch point communication
- synchronous communication
- telegraphic communication
- telegraphic-telephone radio communication
- telephonist-to-diver communication
- telex communication
- ticket-dispatch communication
- time-bill communication
- train dispatch communication
- train inductive communication
- train radio communication
- train radiotelephone communication
- train radiowire telephone communication
- train-interstation communication
- train-master-to-station-master assistant communication
- train-master-to-train team communication
- train-to-movable object communication
- train-to-train radio communication
- transport police communication
- tropospheric communication
- tropospheric-scutter communication
- trunk communication
- tunnel train radio communication
- twilight scutter communication
- two-frequency radio communication
- two-side loudspeaking communication
- two-way alternative communication
- two-way simultaneous communication
- ultrasonic communication
- ultraviolet communication
- underground communication
- undersea optical communication
- underwater communication
- unwired earth current communication
- USB-communication
- variable frequency sync communication
- vehicle-to-vehicle communication
- videoconference communication
- videotelephone communication
- voice communication
- wagon-to-wagon mobile communication
- wall communication
- waterside communications
- waterside USB-communication
- wave conducting communication
- wire port communication
- wire radio communication
- wire telephone communication
- workgroup-to-workgroup communication
- world-wide telephone communicationEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > communication
18 radio
1) радио
2) радиоприемник
3) передавать по радио
4) радиоприемный
– A-N radio range
– battery-operated radio
– by radio
– car radio
– console radio
– contact by radio
– get on for radio contact
– jam radio station
– mains-operated radio
– radio altimeter
– radio astronomy
– radio beacon
– radio bearing
– radio broadcasting
– radio channel
– radio transmitter
– radio universe
– radio waves
– transistor radio
– transmit by radio
– tube radio
– use radio contact
amateur radio operator — < radio> коротковолновик, радиолюбитель
high-altitude radio altimeter — радиовысотомер больших высот
interferometer radio telescope — интерференционный радиотелескоп
multichannel radio communication — многоканальная радиосвязь
nondirectional radio beacon — <aeron.> радиостанция приводная
point-to-point radio transmission — радиопередача направленная
radio direction finding — <naut.> радиопеленгация
radio direction-finding station — радиопеленгаторная станция
radio relay link — < radio> линия релейная
ship-to-ship radio communication — радиосвязь между кораблями
stereophonic radio receiver — стереофонический радиоприемник
survival-craft radio station — радиостанция средств спасения
19 station
1) станция3) вчт рабочая станцияб) автоматизированное рабочее место, АРМ4) устройство; блок5) место; позиция, положение || помещать; устанавливать в определённую позицию; располагать6) пост; наблюдательный пункт7) полоса частот, отведенная станции•- advertiser-supported radio station
- aeronautical station
- aeronautical fixed station
- aeronautical marker-beacon station
- aeronautical utility land station
- aeronautical utility mobile station
- air station
- aircraft station
- air-defense early warning station
- airdrome control station
- airport control station
- Alpha station
- altimeter station
- amateur station
- attended station
- B-station
- base station
- base transceiver station
- beacon station
- booster station
- British Forces broadcasting station
- broadcast station
- broadcasting station
- brush station
- cable television relay station
- called station
- caller's telephone station
- central reference station
- central wireless station
- class-A station
- class-B station
- class-C station
- class-D station
- coast station
- coastal station
- coast-earth station
- coastal-earth station
- coast telegraph station
- coastal telegraph station
- commercial station
- communications station
- communications relay station
- control station
- crossing station
- data station
- direction-finding station
- display station
- docking station
- dual attachment station
- duplication station
- duty station
- early warning station
- earth station
- end station
- exchange service station
- facsimile broadcast station
- fixed station
- fixed ground station
- fixed wireless station
- gateway station
- glide-path station
- ground station
- guidance station
- high-frequency broadcast station
- homing station
- hydrological and meteorological fixed station
- IC station
- inquiry station
- intercept station
- international air traffic communication station
- ionospheric station
- jamming station
- junction station
- key station
- land station
- listening station
- local station
- localizer station
- long-distance station
- loran station
- magnetotelluric station
- marine broadcast station
- marine radio-beacon station
- master station
- meteorological station
- microwave relay station
- mobile station
- mobile broadcast station
- mobile earth station
- multiple-access station
- national radio station
- naval air station
- naval communications station
- naval radio station
- network management station
- node station
- omnidirectional radio-range station
- pay station
- personal earth station
- power station
- private-aircraft station
- punching station
- radar station
- radio station
- radio-beacon station
- radio-direction-finding station
- radiolocation station
- radionavigation station
- radio-positioning station
- radio-range station
- radio reading station
- radio-relay station
- radiosonde station
- radio-tracking station
- reading station
- receiving station
- relay station
- remote station
- remote-control station
- repeater station
- reservation station
- satellite-communications earth station
- satellite solar power station
- satellite-tracking station
- service station
- ship station
- shore radio station
- single attachment station
- slave station
- slope station
- space station
- standard-frequency station
- subscriber station
- surveillance radar station
- switching station
- tape-relay station
- telemetering station
- telemetering land station
- telemetry station
- telephony station
- telephony earth station
- television station
- television broadcast station
- television pickup station
- terminal station
- terrestrial station
- toll station
- tracker station
- tracking station
- transmitting station
- transport station
- transportable station
- tropo relay station
- unattended station
- unattended repeater station
- upload station
- user station
- way station
- wireless station
- wireless telegraphy station
- work station -
20 station
1) станция3) вчт. рабочая станцияб) автоматизированное рабочее место, АРМ4) устройство; блок5) место; позиция, положение || помещать; устанавливать в определённую позицию; располагать6) пост; наблюдательный пункт7) полоса частот, отведенная станции•- advertiser-supported radio station
- aeronautical fixed station
- aeronautical marker-beacon station
- aeronautical station
- aeronautical utility land station
- aeronautical utility mobile station
- air station
- aircraft station
- air-defense early warning station
- airdrome control station
- airport control station
- Alpha station
- altimeter station
- amateur station
- attended station
- B station
- base station
- base transceiver station
- beacon station
- booster station
- British Forces broadcasting station
- broadcast station
- broadcasting station
- brush station
- cable television relay station
- called station
- caller's telephone station
- central reference station
- central wireless station
- class-A station
- class-B station
- class-C station
- class-D station
- coast station
- coastal station
- coastal telegraph station
- coastalal telegraph station
- coastal-earth station
- coast-earth station
- commercial station
- communications relay station
- communications station
- control station
- crossing station
- data station
- direction-finding station
- display station
- docking station
- dual attachment station
- duplication station
- duty station
- early warning station
- earth station
- end station
- exchange service station
- facsimile broadcast station
- fixed ground station
- fixed station
- fixed wireless station
- gateway station
- glide-path station
- ground station
- guidance station
- high-frequency broadcast station
- homing station
- hydrological and meteorological fixed station
- IC station
- inquiry station
- intercept station
- international air traffic communication station
- ionospheric station
- jamming station
- junction station
- key station
- land station
- listening station
- local station
- localizer station
- long-distance station
- loran station
- magnetotelluric station
- marine broadcast station
- marine radio-beacon station
- master station
- meteorological station
- microwave relay station
- mobile broadcast station
- mobile earth station
- mobile station
- multiple-access station
- national radio station
- naval air station
- naval communications station
- naval radio station
- network management station
- node station
- omnidirectional radio-range station
- pay station
- personal earth station
- power station
- private-aircraft station
- punching station
- radar station
- radio reading station
- radio station
- radio-beacon station
- radio-direction-finding station
- radiolocation station
- radionavigation station
- radio-positioning station
- radio-range station
- radio-relay station
- radiosonde station
- radio-tracking station
- reading station
- receiving station
- relay station
- remote station
- remote-control station
- repeater station
- reservation station
- satellite solar power station
- satellite-communications earth station
- satellite-tracking station
- service station
- ship station
- shore radio station
- single attachment station
- slave station
- slope station
- space station
- standard-frequency station
- subscriber station
- surveillance radar station
- switching station
- tape-relay station
- telemetering land station
- telemetering station
- telemetry station
- telephony earth station
- telephony station
- television broadcast station
- television pickup station
- television station
- terminal station
- terrestrial station
- toll station
- tracker station
- tracking station
- transmitting station
- transport station
- transportable station
- tropo relay station
- unattended repeater station
- unattended station
- upload station
- user station
- way station
- wireless station
- wireless telegraphy station
- work stationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > station
См. также в других словарях:
Radio Base Station — (RBS) is the commercial name given to the family of Base Stations developed by Ericsson.Over the years every Mobile Telephony Base Station developed by the multinational (supported technologies range from IS136 TDMA to UMTS) has been sold with… … Wikipedia
Radio communication system — A radio communication system send signals by radio. [cite book | title = Wireless Network Performance Handbook | author = Clint Smith, Curt Gervelis | year = 2003 | publisher = McGraw Hill Professional | isbn = 0071406557 | url =… … Wikipedia
Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt — is located on the northwest coast of Australia, 6 kilometres (4 mi) north of the town of Exmouth, Western Australia. The town of Exmouth was built at the same time as the communications station to provide support to the base and to house… … Wikipedia
Radio — is the transmission of signals, by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of visible light.Electromagnetic radiation travels by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of… … Wikipedia
Radio receiver design — is a complex topic which can be broken down into a series of smaller topics. A radio communication system requires two tuned circuits each at the transmitter and receiver, all four tuned to the same frequency. [Cheney, M., Uth, R., Glenn, J.… … Wikipedia
Radio-amateur — Radioamateur Pour les articles homonymes, voir Radio. Le shack ou station d un opérateur radioamateur … Wikipédia en Français
Radio-amateurisme — Radioamateur Pour les articles homonymes, voir Radio. Le shack ou station d un opérateur radioamateur … Wikipédia en Français
Radio amateur — Radioamateur Pour les articles homonymes, voir Radio. Le shack ou station d un opérateur radioamateur … Wikipédia en Français
radio — 1. radio [ radjo ] n. m. • 1907; abrév. de radiogramme, radiotélégraphiste 1 ♦ Vx Radiogramme. 2 ♦ (1917) Radiotélégraphiste. ⇒ sans filiste. Le radio de bord d un avion. ⇒ radionavigant. « Le radio, de ses doigts, lâchait les derniers… … Encyclopédie Universelle
radio — /ray dee oh /, n., pl. radios, adj., v., radioed, radioing. n. 1. wireless telegraphy or telephony: speeches broadcast by radio. 2. an apparatus for receiving or transmitting radio broadcasts. 3. a message transmitted by radio. adj. 4. pertaining … Universalium
Radio communications during the September 11 attacks — This article reviews some of the details of radio communications at the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attacks. [The purpose of revealing the operational details in this article is to allow operators of other communications networks and… … Wikipedia