1 radiant cooling system
radiant cooling system (panel air system)система радиационного охлаждения- система, использующая охлаждающие панели для поглощения лучистой теплоты.
- система, использующая панельные охладители для поглощения радиационной теплоты.
Англо-русский словарь по кондиционированию и вентиляции > radiant cooling system
2 radiant cooling system
radiant cooling system (panel air system)система радиационного охлаждения- система, использующая охлаждающие панели для поглощения лучистой теплоты.
- система, использующая панельные охладители для поглощения радиационной теплоты.
English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air > radiant cooling system
3 cooling system
система охлаждения- аппарат для снижения температуры объема или изделий (продуктов) до определенного уровня.
Англо-русский словарь по кондиционированию и вентиляции > cooling system
4 cooling system
система охлаждения- аппарат для снижения температуры объема или изделий (продуктов) до определенного уровня.
English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air > cooling system
5 cooling
охлаждение- процесс снижения температуры в пространстве или системе ниже определенного уровня.
- см. chilling.
Англо-русский словарь по кондиционированию и вентиляции > cooling
6 cooling
охлаждение- процесс снижения температуры в пространстве или системе ниже определенного уровня.
- см. chilling.
English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air > cooling
7 panel air system
панельная система охлаждения- см. cooling system (radiant cooling system).
система радиационного охлаждения- система, использующая охлаждающие панели для поглощения лучистой теплоты.
- система, использующая панельные охладители для поглощения радиационной теплоты.
Англо-русский словарь по кондиционированию и вентиляции > panel air system
8 panel air system
панельная система охлаждения- см. cooling system (radiant cooling system).
система радиационного охлаждения- система, использующая охлаждающие панели для поглощения лучистой теплоты.
- система, использующая панельные охладители для поглощения радиационной теплоты.
English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air > panel air system
9 efficiency
1) эффективность; продуктивность; производительность; отдача; степень использования2) коэффициент полезного действия, кпд3) выход (реакции, процесса)4) рентабельность, экономичность•-
adiabatic efficiency
aerodynamic efficiency
alloy-transfer efficiency
ampere-hour efficiency
anode efficiency
antenna aperture efficiency
antenna efficiency
area efficiency
bandwidth efficiency
beam power efficiency
bifacial efficiency
blade efficiency
blasting efficiency
blockage efficiency
brake horsepower efficiency
brake rigging efficiency
braking efficiency
breakthrough sweep efficiency
calorific efficiency
Carnot efficiency
cathode efficiency
cell efficiency
channel efficiency
chemical efficiency
circuit efficiency
collection efficiency
collector efficiency
column efficiency
combustion efficiency
composite efficiency
compression efficiency
conversion efficiency
cooling efficiency
counting efficiency
cracking cycle efficiency
cracking efficiency
crest efficiency
current efficiency
cutting efficiency
cycle efficiency
deadweight efficiency
deposition efficiency
deposit efficiency
detection efficiency
diffraction efficiency
digging efficiency
dressing efficiency
drilling bit cleaning efficiency
drill bit cleaning efficiency
dyeing efficiency
ecological efficiency
effective efficiency
effective quantum efficiency
electrical efficiency
electrochemical efficiency
electrothermal efficiency
emission efficiency
energy efficiency
energy-conversion efficiency
evaporation efficiency
external differential quantum efficiency
filter efficiency
fin efficiency
firing efficiency
fractionation efficiency
freezing efficiency
fuel efficiency
furnace efficiency
head efficiency
heat efficiency
heating efficiency
heat-transfer efficiency
high-cycle efficiency
horizontal sweep efficiency
hull efficiency
hydraulic efficiency
indicated efficiency
information efficiency
irrigation efficiency
joint efficiency
kiln efficiency
laser efficiency
light efficiency
lubricating efficiency
luminescence efficiency
luminous efficiency
mechanical efficiency
mechanical pump efficiency
melting efficiency
moderating efficiency
Murphree liquid efficiency
Murphree point efficiency
Murphree vapor efficiency
net efficiency
operating efficiency
operational efficiency
optical efficiency
overall efficiency
photographic efficiency
plate efficiency
polarization efficiency
power added efficiency
project water-use efficiency
propeller efficiency behind hull
propeller efficiency in open water
propeller efficiency
propulsive efficiency
pulsed efficiency
pumping speed efficiency
purification efficiency
quantum efficiency
quasi-propulsive efficiency
radiant efficiency
radiation efficiency
Rankin efficiency
recovery efficiency
refrigeration efficiency
regenerator efficiency
relative rotative efficiency
reservoir storage efficiency
robot efficiency
screen efficiency
seasonal efficiency
spectrum efficiency
surface efficiency
sweep efficiency
system efficiency
tank efficiency
thermal efficiency
thermodynamic efficiency
throughput efficiency
total collection efficiency
tractile efficiency
transfer efficiency
transmission efficiency
unit irrigation efficiency
vaporization efficiency
vertical sweep efficiency
volt efficiency
voltage efficiency
volumetric efficiency
volume efficiency
volumetric sweep efficiency
water conveyance and delivery efficiency
water conveyance efficiency
water flood displacement efficiency
watt-hour efficiency
См. также в других словарях:
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ASHRAE Handbook — The ASHRAE Handbook is the four volume flagship publication of the nonprofit technical organization American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE). This Handbook is considered the practical repository of… … Wikipedia
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Cross-linked polyethylene — PEX redirects here. For other uses, see Pex (disambiguation). Cross linked polyethylene, commonly abbreviated PEX or XLPE, is a form of polyethylene with cross links. It is formed into tubing, and is used predominantly in hydronic radiant heating … Wikipedia