1 radial network
радиальная (вычислительная) сетьБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > radial network
2 radial network
3 radial network
1) Техника: радиальная сеть (вычислительная)2) Кабельные производство: радиальная электросеть -
4 radial network
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > radial network
5 radial network
6 radial network
English-Russian dictionary of relay protection > radial network
7 ring-radial network
Телекоммуникации: радиально-кольцевая сеть (связи) -
8 ring-radial network
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > ring-radial network
9 network
1) сеть2) схема•- active network
- adjustment network
- all-pass network
- analog cellular network
- asynchronous network
- automatic secure voice communication network
- automatic voice network
- average-capacity radio-relay network
- backbone network
- banyan network
- baseband network
- baseband-switched network
- baseline network
- branched network
- bridged-T network
- broadband integrated-service digital network
- building-out network
- bus network
- butterfly network
- cable telephone network
- cable-news network
- cable-television network
- carrier recovery network
- CATV network
- cellular paging network
- cellular radio network
- circuit-switched network
- circuit-switching network
- circular radiocommunication network
- closed cellular network
- combined distribution network
- commercial communication network
- common-telegraph network
- common-telephone network
- common-user network
- communication network
- compromise network
- computer network
- computerized transport communication network
- conferencing network
- coordinate network
- copy network
- core network
- corporate network
- corporative network
- corrective network
- coupling network
- cross-connect network
- customer network
- damaged network
- data-communication network
- data-computing network
- data-transmission network
- decoding network
- decoupling network
- deemphasis network
- Deep-Space network
- degraded network
- delay-line network
- democratic network
- democratically-synchronized network
- departmental communication network
- departmental data-transmission network
- departmental engineering communication network
- departmental facsimile network
- departmental radio network
- departmental telegraph network
- departmental telephone network
- derived-services network
- despotic network
- despotically-synchronized network
- dial network
- dial-up network
- differentiating network
- digital cellular network
- discrete communication network
- dispersed network
- district center telephone network
- district telephone network
- dual network
- electric communication networks
- electric switched network
- electrically switched network
- engineering subscribers network
- enhanced other networks
- equivalent network
- expansion network
- facsimile-communication network
- federal paging network
- fiber-hubbed network
- fiber-optical network
- flip network
- four-pole network
- four-wire distribution network
- full-service network
- gas-pipeline servicing relay network
- go-around radio network
- group channels network
- group network
- half-open cellular network
- hierarchic computer network
- hierarchical computer network
- hierarchically-synchronized network
- high-capacity radio relay network
- highly hierarchical network
- highly pipelined network
- H-network
- homogeneous network
- hybrid communication network
- hybrid fiber-and-coaxial network
- inductance network
- inductance-capacitance network
- inductance-resisitance network
- inductive cable network
- information network
- in-house network
- integrated digital communication network
- integrated digital network
- integrated transport network
- integrated-services backbone network
- integrated-services digital network
- intelligent network
- interactive network
- interbuilding network
- intercity network
- intercom network
- international communication network
- interoffice transit network
- interorganization network
- intraairport communication network
- intraareal network
- intrabuilding communication network
- intraindustrial communication network
- intraindustrial telephone network
- intraobject communication network
- intraoffice network
- joint-academic network
- landing radio network
- lead network
- leased-line network
- line communication network
- line radio communication network
- linear network
- line-building-out network
- local communication network
- local paging network
- local telephone network
- local transport network
- long distance communication network
- loop network
- loudspeaker dividing network
- main network
- managed-data network
- mesh network
- message switching network
- meteorological radio network
- metropolitan-area network
- microwave network
- mid-split network
- mine telephone network
- Ministry of Communication network
- mixed network
- modem-based network
- monochannel network
- multiaccess network
- multifrequency network
- multilayer network
- multipath network
- multiple-domain network
- multiple-switching network
- multiring network
- multistation network
- multisystem network
- mutually-synchronized network
- narrowband digital integrated-service network
- nation-wide network
- n-layer network
- NMT network
- nodeless network
- nonhomogeneous network
- nonintegrated network
- nonswitched network
- nonsynchronous network
- oil-pipeline servicing relay network
- oligarchically-synchronized network
- open cellular network
- optoelectronic network
- originating-switching network
- packet wireless communication network
- packet-radio network
- packet-switching network
- parallel-T network
- passenger train-chief radio network
- passenger train-master radio network
- passive network
- personal radio network
- phase-correcting network
- planetext network
- polled network
- port-annunciation network
- preemphasis network
- press-teletype network
- primary-trunk communication network
- private intercompany network
- private voice-band network
- private-business network
- proliferated network
- protected network
- provincial center telephone network
- public-data network
- public-switched telephone network
- public-telegraph network
- public-transport network
- pulse-delay network
- pulse-forming network
- queueing network
- radial paging network
- radio network
- radiotransmitters network
- railway center radio network
- railway communication network
- railway telephone network
- random-access network
- Raynet network
- RC network
- reconfigured network
- regional communication network
- regional paging network
- reserved radio network
- resistance-capacitance network
- ring network
- ring-radial network
- ring-star network
- road communication network
- routing network
- rural telephone network
- salvation radio network
- satellite network
- secondary computerized communication network
- selective network
- separate crossover network
- shaping network
- ship telephone network
- short-haul network
- shuffle-exchange network
- silent network
- simplex zonal radio network
- simulcast network
- single-frequency network
- slotted-envelope network
- slotted-ring network
- small-capacity radio relay network
- software-defined network
- space network
- space-time-space network
- special communication network
- spread of work radio communication network
- stage-controlled network
- star network
- star-shape network
- station communication network
- submarine cable network
- subscriber's telegraph network
- switched-message network
- switching network
- synchronous-data network
- take-off radio network
- talk-TV network
- taxi radio network
- telecode communication network
- telecommunication network
- telecommunication-management network
- telegraph communication network
- telephone network
- teleprocessing network
- teletex network
- teletype network
- teletypewriter network
- television network
- telex-communication network
- temporary line dispatch radio network
- terminating switching network
- token passing network
- token-bus network
- token-ring network
- token-sharing network
- toll-telephone network
- transit network
- transmission network
- trunk telephone network
- trunking channels network
- underground antenna network
- united automatized state communication network
- urban telephone network
- video area network
- virtual network
- voice network
- water-communication network
- waterside communication network
- wire-hanger network
- wireless network
- word processor networkEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > network
10 network
1) сеть (железных дорог, каналов, трубопроводов и т. п.)5) схема; цепь; контур6) эл. многополюсник; четырехполюсник8) вычислительная сеть; сеть ЭВМ9) геофиз. сеть наблюдений; сеть опорных пунктов•-
π network
active electrical network
active network
adding network
adjustment network
air route network
all-pass network
anti-induction network
aperiodic network
artificial mains network
asymmetrical network
attenuation network
augmented transition network
automatic voice network
backbone network
backup radio network
balanced network
balancing network
baseband network
baseline network
basic network
BGS network
binary-weighted network
bridge network
bridged-T network
broadcast network
buoy data acquisition network
bus network
cable network
capacitive network
capacitor network
cellular radio network
centralized computer network
channel network
charge-summing network
circuit-switching network
climatological station network
closed private network
communications network
community antenna distribution network
computer network
conferencing network
connected network
contact network
coupling network
crack network
crossover network
customer access network
data communications network
data network
data transmission network
decoupling network
dedicated network
deemphasis network
delay-line network
delta network
demand-assigned network
dial-up network
differentiating network
digital network
diode network
direct distance dialing network
dislocation network
distributed interactive data network
distributed network
distributed-constant network
distributed-processing network
distribution network
DNC network
double-loop network
drainage network
dual network
earthing network
effectively earthed network
electrical network
electronically-switched network
electronic-switched network
elemental network
end-linked network
equivalent network
Eurovision network
extensive network
facsimile network
fault-signaling network
feed network
feedback network
flow network
four-pole network
four-terminal network
fully connected network
functional logic network
gage network
gas distribution network
gas network
geodetic network
glass network
global network
gravity network
ground network
ground-station network
heat network
heavy network
heterogeneous computer network
hierarchical network
high-bandwidth network
high-capacity network
high-voltage power network
highway network
homogeneous computer network
hybrid network
hydrologic network
inductance network
inductance-capacitance network
inductance-resistance network
industrial network
infinite network
information network
integrated digital network
integrated intracell network
integrated network
integrated-services digital network
integrating network
interactive network
intercity network
intercom network
interlaced network
interpenetrating polymer networks
interstage network
Intervision network
inverse networks
island network
isolation network
Kelvin network
L network
ladder network
lamellar network
lattice network
leased-line network
leveling network
lighting network
light-rail network
linear network
local data-processing network
local-area network
logic network
long-distance network
long-haul network
loop network
lossless network
low-voltage network
lumped-constant network
lumped network
main waterway network
manual routing network
Markovian network
matching network
meshed network
mesoscale observational network
message-switched network
meteorological network
metropolitan-area network
mixed network
mobile network
monitoring network
monopulse network
multiaccess network
multibranch network
multidimensional network
multidrop network
multinode network
multiple feed network
multipoint network
multiport network
multiservice network
multistation network
multiterminal network
near-shore buoy network
negative sequence network
network of base gravity stations
nodal network
nonlinear network
nonplanar network
nonreciprocal network
notch network
n-pole network
n-port network
n-terminal network
observation network
one-hop network
one-port network
ozone network
packet radio network
packet switching network
parallel-T network
passive network
personal computer network
phase-advance network
phase-inverting network
phase-shift network
phase-splitting network
phasing network
Pi network
planar network
PLC network
point-to-point network
polled network
polymer network
positive sequence network
power distribution network
power network
preassigned network
precipitation network
preemphasis network
primary distribution network
private-line network
public data network
pull-down network
pull-up network
pulse-forming network
quadripole network
queueing network
radial network
radio intercom network
radio sounding network
radio-relay network
railway network
rain-gage network
reciprocal network
recursive transition network
relay-contact network
resistance-capacitance network
resistive ladder network
resistive network
resistor network
ring network
river network
road network
rocket sounding network
rubber network
satellite network
semantic network
semiconductor network
short-haul network
simulcast network
single-tuned network
six-phase network
space network
standard gage trunk network
star network
stream-gaging network
stretched network
subtransmission network
survey network
switched network
switched-message network
switching network
T network
telecommunication network
telemetered air monitoring network
telephone network
teleprocessing network
teletype network
terminating network
terminating switching network
Thomson network
three-phase network
token-bus network
token-ring network
total ozone sampling network
traffic network
transit network
transition network
transmission network
transportation network
transport network
tree network
triangulation network
trilateration network
tsunami network
twin-T network
two-pole network
two-port network
two-terminal network
ultra-high voltage power network
unbalanced network
upper-air network
value-added network
variable topology network
ventilation network
virtual call network
voice network
vulcanization network
water quality monitoring network
water-supply network
weather radar network
weighting network
wide-area network
wideband network
worldwide communication network
Y network
zero sequence network -
11 radial electric network
Техника: радиальная электросетьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > radial electric network
12 radial paging network
Телекоммуникации: радиальная пейджинговая связь -
13 radial triangulation network
Техника: сеть радиал-триангуляцииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > radial triangulation network
14 radial paging network
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > radial paging network
15 радиальная сеть
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > радиальная сеть
16 радиальная сеть
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > радиальная сеть
17 point
1) точкаг) место; позиция; положение; пункте) десятичная запятая, десятичная точка2) указание местоположения или координат-|| указывать местоположение или координаты; показывать4) элемент (напр. перечня)5) вчт клиент сети FidoNet6) вершина (напр. графа)9) вчт пункт, кегль (типографская единица длины, равная 1/72 дюйма)10) деление (круговой) шкалы ( в навигационных приборах); румб11) очко ( в компьютерных играх)12) момент времени13) резец14) остриё; игла; наконечник; конец ( болта или винта) || заострять; придавать конусообразную форму•- point of information - point of sale/point of information
- point of tree - accumulation point
- achromatic point
- active singing point
- actual point
- addressable point
- anchor point
- antiferromagnetic Néel point
- antinodal point
- aplanatic points
- assumed point
- asymptotic Curie point
- base point
- beam entry point
- bicritical point
- binary point
- Bloch point
- boundary point
- branch point
- break point
- breaking point
- cardinal points
- cleavage point
- collocation points
- compensation point
- control point
- corner point
- corresponding points
- critical point
- crossover point
- cue point
- Curie point
- current point
- cusp point
- cutoff point
- data point
- decalescent point
- decimal point
- dew point
- direction point
- domain point
- driving point
- early-warning point
- edit point
- editing point
- end point
- equilibrium point
- equinoctial points
- escape point
- eutectic point
- exclamation point
- far-field point
- feed point
- feeding point
- firing point
- fixed point
- flash point
- flexion point
- floating point
- focal point
- freezing point
- full point
- glass point
- half-power point
- helical neutral point
- helical null point
- heteroclinic point
- hexadecimal point
- homoclinic point
- hyperfocal point
- ice point
- image point
- inflection point
- insert point
- interrogation point
- isotropic transition point
- junction point
- lambda point
- lattice point
- leverage point
- limit point
- linear neutral point
- linear null point
- load point
- magnetic-ordering point
- magnetic transition point
- measuring point
- meltback point
- melting freezing point
- mixing point
- Morin point
- multicritical point
- multiplication point
- near-field point
- Néel point
- negative neutral point
- negative null point
- network access point
- network entry point - nodal point
- nucleation point
- null point
- object point
- onset point
- operating point
- peak point
- percentage point
- peritectic point
- phase-transition point
- physical point of presence
- pi-point
- pinch-off point
- plug point
- positive neutral point
- positive null point
- power point
- presentation services access point
- projected peak point
- Q-point
- quiescent point
- quiescent operating point
- radial neutral point
- radix point
- reflection point
- reorder point
- representation point
- rupture point
- saturation point
- selected anchor point
- service access point
- service control point
- service switching point
- set point
- signal transfer point
- silver point
- singing point
- smooth point
- source point
- stable point
- starting point
- stationary-phase point
- steam point
- stoichiometric point
- subsatellite point
- summing point
- superconductor critical point
- suspension points
- switching point
- terminal access point
- test point
- tetracritical point
- three-dimensional neutral point
- three-dimensional null point
- threshold point
- toll point
- transformation point
- tricritical point
- triple point
- turning point
- two-dimensional neutral point
- two-dimensional null point
- valley point
- virtual point of presence
- vowel point
- white point
- working point
- working point beyond cutoff
- X-type point
- yield point
- Y-type point
- π-point -
18 point
1) точкаг) место; позиция; положение; пункте) десятичная запятая, десятичная точка2) указание местоположения или координат || указывать местоположение или координаты; показывать4) элемент (напр. перечня)5) вчт. клиент сети FidoNet6) вершина (напр. графа)9) вчт. пункт, кегль (типографская единица длины, равная 1/72 дюйма)10) деление (круговой) шкалы ( в навигационных приборах); румб11) очко ( в компьютерных играх)12) момент времени13) резец14) остриё; игла; наконечник; конец ( болта или винта) || заострять; придавать конусообразную форму•- π point- access point
- accumulation point
- achromatic point
- active singing point
- actual point
- addressable point - antinodal point
- aplanatic points
- assumed point
- asymptotic Curie point
- base point
- beam entry point
- bicritical point
- binary point
- Bloch point
- boundary point
- branch point
- break point
- breaking point
- cardinal points
- cleavage point
- collocation points
- compensation point
- control point
- corner point
- corresponding points
- critical point
- crossover point
- cue point
- Curie point
- current point
- cusp point
- cutoff point
- data point
- decalescent point
- decimal point
- dew point
- direction point
- domain point
- driving point
- early-warning point
- edit point
- editing point
- end point
- equilibrium point
- equinoctial points
- escape point
- eutectic point
- exclamation point
- far-field point
- feed point
- feeding point
- firing point
- fixed point
- flash point
- flexion point
- floating point
- focal point
- freezing point
- full point
- glass point
- half-power point
- helical neutral point
- helical null point
- heteroclinic point
- hexadecimal point
- homoclinic point
- hyperfocal point
- ice point
- image point
- inflection point
- insert point
- interrogation point
- isotropic transition point
- junction point
- lambda point
- lattice point
- leverage point
- limit point
- linear neutral point
- linear null point
- load point
- magnetic transition point
- magnetic-ordering point
- measuring point
- meltback point
- melting freezing point
- mixing point
- Morin point
- multicritical point
- multiplication point
- near-field point
- Neél point
- negative neutral point
- negative null point
- network access point
- network entry point
- network node control point
- network service access point
- neutral point
- nodal point
- nucleation point
- null point
- object point
- onset point
- operating point
- peak point
- percentage point
- peritectic point
- phase-transition point
- physical point of presence
- pinch-off point
- pi-point
- plug point
- point of digraph
- point of entry
- point of graph
- point of information
- point of presence
- point of sale
- point of sale/point of information
- point of tree
- point of view
- positive neutral point - power point
- presentation services access point
- projected peak point
- Q-point
- quiescent operating point
- quiescent point
- radial neutral point
- radix point
- reflection point
- reorder point
- representation point
- rupture point
- saturation point - service control point
- service switching point
- set point
- signal transfer point
- silver point
- singing point
- smooth point
- source point
- stable point
- starting point
- stationary-phase point
- steam point
- stoichiometric point
- subsatellite point
- summing point
- superconductor critical point
- suspension points
- switching point
- terminal access point
- test point
- tetracritical point
- three-dimensional neutral point
- three-dimensional null point
- threshold point
- toll point
- transformation point
- tricritical point
- triple point
- turning point
- two-dimensional neutral point
- two-dimensional null point
- valley point
- virtual point of presence
- vowel point
- white point
- working point beyond cutoff
- working point
- X-type point
- yield point
- Y-type pointThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > point
19 interface
1) интерфейс, устройство сопряжения, стык2) сопряжение•- access interface
- adjacent channel interface
- A-interface
- analog interface
- answering machine interface
- application program interface
- asynchronous signal interface
- attachment unit interface
- basic rate interface
- bidirectional interface
- B-interface
- bit-parallel interface
- bit-serial interface
- card interface
- channel interface
- C-interface
- command interface
- common interface
- common network interface
- compressed serial data interface
- computer graphic interface
- computer-video interface
- control network interface
- data-system interface
- digital audio interface
- D-interface
- E-interface
- external interface
- fiber-optical data distribution interface
- framed interface
- front-end interface
- general data-communication interface
- general purpose interface
- graphical user interface
- HDSL-interface
- high-level interface
- high-performance interface
- interlayer interface
- intraoffice interface
- line interface
- logical interface
- low-noise interface
- man-machine interface
- net-radio interface
- network interface
- N-interface
- O-interface
- open messaging interface
- optic interface
- optical interface
- outer line interface
- output interface
- parallel interface
- personality-user interface
- primary-rate interface
- printer interface
- programmic interface
- Q3.-interface
- radial interface
- radio interface
- R-interface
- secured radio interface
- serial digital transfer interface
- S-interface
- software interface
- standard host interface
- studio interface
- subscriber loop interface
- system interface
- telegraph interface
- teleprinter interface
- terminal interface
- T-interface
- transmitter-receiver interface
- transparent interface
- trunk interface
- two-wire inductive interface
- U-interface
- Um-interface
- user-friendly interface
- user-network interfaceEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > interface
20 structure
1) структура2) конструкция; устройство3) система•- circular-type structure
- combined network structure
- controlled light-pipe structure
- daisy chain structure
- data structure
- frame structure
- fully-connected structure
- grid-type structure
- hybrid-interface structure
- labeled-interface structure
- line communication structures
- linear structure
- microcell network structure
- mode structure
- modular structure
- multifeed structure
- multimode structure
- network structure
- nodal structure
- open structure
- picture structure
- planar structure
- radial structure
- serial structure
- signal structure
- star structure
- star-type structure
- static sampling structure
- station communication structures
- three-level multiplexing structure
- user-server structure
- variable structure
- web structureEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > structure
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
radial network — spindulinis tinklas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. radial network vok. strahlungsförmiges Netzwerk, n rus. радиальная сеть, f pranc. réseau radial, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Radial basis function network — A radial basis function network is an artificial neural network that uses radial basis functions as activation functions. They are used in function approximation, time series prediction, and control.Network architectureRadial basis function (RBF) … Wikipedia
Radial basis function — A radial basis function (RBF) is a real valued function whose value depends only on the distance from the origin, so that phi(mathbf{x}) = phi(||mathbf{x}||); or alternatively on the distance from some other point c , called a center , so that… … Wikipedia
Network Arch Bridge — A Network Arch Bridge is a tied arch bridge with inclined hangers that cross each other at least twice. Contents 1 Example 2 Structure 3 History 4 Advantages … Wikipedia
Radial tire — A cross section of a tire. Number 12 indicates the radial ply. Numbers 14 and 16 are bias plies. A radial tire (more properly, a radial ply tire) is a particular design of automotive tire (in British English, tyre). In this design, the cord plies … Wikipedia
Spot network substation — In electricity distribution networks, spot network substations are used in interconnected distribution networks. They have the secondary network (also called a grid network) with all supply transformers bussed together on the secondary side at… … Wikipedia
réseau radial — spindulinis tinklas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. radial network vok. strahlungsförmiges Netzwerk, n rus. радиальная сеть, f pranc. réseau radial, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Neural network — For other uses, see Neural network (disambiguation). Simplified view of a feedforward artificial neural network The term neural network was traditionally used to refer to a network or circuit of biological neurons.[1] The modern usage of the term … Wikipedia
Artificial neural network — An artificial neural network (ANN), usually called neural network (NN), is a mathematical model or computational model that is inspired by the structure and/or functional aspects of biological neural networks. A neural network consists of an… … Wikipedia
Organización Radial Olímpica — (ORO) is a Colombian group of radio stations, which belongs to the wealthy and influential Char Abdalá family from Barranquilla.[1] It started in 1969 with the purchase of Radio Regalo AM of Barranquilla, which would be renamed Radio Olímpica AM … Wikipedia
High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher — Спектрограф HARPS и 3.6m телескоп в La Silla. Слева вверху башня телескопа, справа сверху сам телескоп … Википедия