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См. также в других словарях:

  • Racing — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Racing puede hacer referencia a varios clubes de fútbol: Club Atlético Racing, club de fútbol de Córdoba, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina; Koninklijke Racing Club Genk, institución deportiva de Genk,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Racing CM — Racing Club de Montevideo Racing CM Généralités Date de fondation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Racing — Ra cing (r[=a] s[i^]ng), a. & n. from {Race}, v. t. & i. [1913 Webster] {Racing crab} (Zo[ o]l.), an ocypodian. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • racing — ► NOUN ▪ a sport involving races. ► ADJECTIVE 1) moving swiftly. 2) (of a person) following horse racing …   English terms dictionary

  • racing — [ʀɛsiŋ, ʀasiŋ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1851, Revue des Deux Mondes; mot angl., p. prés. de to race « courir ». ❖ ♦ Vx. Course à pied …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • racing — / rɛisiŋ/, it. / rɛsing/ s. ingl. [der. del v. (to ) race correre ], usato in ital. al masch. ■ s.m.(sport.) [gara di corsa fra veicoli a motore o imbarcazioni] ▶◀ ⇑ competizione, gara. ⇓ regata. ■ agg. (sport.) [di auto o motoveicolo, che… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • racing — s. m. O esporte de corridas, em geral, e especialmente as corridas pedestres.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Racing — A race is a competition of speed, against an objective criterion, usually a clock. The competitors in a race try to complete a given task in the shortest amount of time. Typically this involves traversing some distance, but it can be any other… …   Wikipedia

  • Racing UK — Infobox TV channel name= Racing UK logosize=200px logofile=Racinguk.png logoalt=Racing UK logo launch=01 September 2004 closed date= share= no data available share as of= share source= owner= Racing Post/ 31 UK racecourses former names=| The… …   Wikipedia

  • racing — Horse racing has been popular as a spectator sport throughout the British Isles for hundreds of years. It was also the first sport organized in the American colonies. This was in 1664 on Long Island, New York. Four years later the first American… …   Universalium

  • racing — noun 1 sport of racing horses ADJECTIVE ▪ horse, thoroughbred ▪ flat, jump RACING + NOUN ▪ results ▪ tip …   Collocations dictionary

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