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с румынского на английский


  • 1 start

    I 1. verb
    1) (to leave or begin a journey: We shall have to start at 5.30 a.m. in order to get to the boat in time.) a pleca
    2) (to begin: He starts working at six o'clock every morning; She started to cry; She starts her new job next week; Haven't you started (on) your meal yet?; What time does the play start?) a în­cepe
    3) (to (cause an engine etc to) begin to work: I can't start the car; The car won't start; The clock stopped but I started it again.) a dema­ra, a face să pornească
    4) (to cause something to begin or begin happening etc: One of the students decided to start a college magazine.) a lansa
    2. noun
    1) (the beginning of an activity, journey, race etc: I told him at the start that his idea would not succeed; The runners lined up at the start; He stayed in the lead after a good start; I shall have to make a start on that work.) debut; start
    2) (in a race etc, the advantage of beginning before or further forward than others, or the amount of time, distance etc gained through this: The youngest child in the race got a start of five metres; The driver of the stolen car already had twenty minutes' start before the police began the pursuit.) avans
    - starting-point
    - for a start
    - get off to a good
    - bad start
    - start off
    - start out
    - start up
    - to start with
    II 1. verb
    (to jump or jerk suddenly because of fright, surprise etc: The sudden noise made me start.) a tresări
    2. noun
    1) (a sudden movement of the body: He gave a start of surprise.) tresărire
    2) (a shock: What a start the news gave me!) şoc

    English-Romanian dictionary > start

  • 2 yacht

    (a boat or small ship, usually with sails, often with an engine, built and used for racing or cruising: We spent our holidays on a friend's yacht; ( also adjective) a yacht race.) yacht
    - yachtsman
    - yacht club

    English-Romanian dictionary > yacht

См. также в других словарях:

  • Boat — (b[=o]t), n. [OE. boot, bat, AS. b[=a]t; akin to Icel. b[=a]tr, Sw. b[*a]t, Dan. baad, D. & G. boot. Cf. {Bateau}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or paddles, but often by a sail. [1913 Webster] Note …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Boat hook — Boat Boat (b[=o]t), n. [OE. boot, bat, AS. b[=a]t; akin to Icel. b[=a]tr, Sw. b[*a]t, Dan. baad, D. & G. boot. Cf. {Bateau}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or paddles, but often by a sail. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Boat rope — Boat Boat (b[=o]t), n. [OE. boot, bat, AS. b[=a]t; akin to Icel. b[=a]tr, Sw. b[*a]t, Dan. baad, D. & G. boot. Cf. {Bateau}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or paddles, but often by a sail. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • boat race — noun a race between people rowing or driving boats • Hypernyms: ↑race • Hyponyms: ↑sailing race, ↑yacht race * * * boat race noun 1. A race between rowing boats 2. (with the and caps) the …   Useful english dictionary

  • race — Synonyms and related words: Le Mans, accelerate, adolescent stream, affiliation, affluence, afflux, affluxion, air race, animal kingdom, apparentation, aqueduct, arroyo, automobile race, beck, bed, bicycle race, birth, blood, bloodline, boat race …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Boat racing — is the racing of boats on water.Types* Drag boat racing * Dragon boat racing * Snake Boat Race * Hydroplane racing * Jet sprint boat racing * Offshore powerboat racing * Outrigger canoe racing * Sport rowing * Yacht racing * Match race * Team… …   Wikipedia

  • Boat Race — Boat Race, the a rowing race on the River Thames in Britain, held every year between teams from Oxford University and Cambridge University …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Boat race (game) — A boat race is a drinking game between (usually) two teams of equal numbers. Common with regional differences in most universities, all boat racing stems from the same very simple premise.RulesThe specific details regarding the rules of boat… …   Wikipedia

  • Race Committee — A Race Committee is responsible for organizing and running a sailboat regatta. The responsibilities of this committee include informing participants, ensuring the venue is set up and ready, holding a Skippers Meeting (usually on the morning of… …   Wikipedia

  • Boat Race — Das Boat Race auf der Themse ist eine berühmte Ruderregatta zwischen den beiden renommiertesten englischen Universitäten Oxford und Cambridge. Sie wird jährlich im März oder April von den beiden Achtern der Universitäten ausgetragen. Im Ziel nach …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • boat — n. & v. n. 1 a small vessel propelled on water by an engine, oars, or sails. 2 (in general use) a ship of any size. 3 an elongated boat shaped jug used for holding sauce etc. v.intr. travel or go in a boat, esp. for pleasure. Phrases and idioms:… …   Useful english dictionary

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