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  • 1 channel

    [' ænl] 1. noun
    1) (the bed of a stream or other way through which liquid can flow: a sewage channel.) αγωγός
    2) (a passage of deeper water in a river, through which ships can sail.) δίαυλος
    3) (a narrow stretch of water joining two seas: the English Channel.) πορθμός
    4) (a means of sending or receiving information etc: We got the information through the usual channels.) κανάλι
    5) ((in television, radio etc) a band of frequencies for sending or receiving signals: BBC Television now has two channels.) δίαυλος, (τηλεοπτικό) κανάλι
    2. verb
    1) (to make a channel in.) ανοίγω πέρασμα
    2) (to direct into a particular course: He channelled all his energies into the project.) διοχετεύω

    English-Greek dictionary > channel

  • 2 Channel

    Narrow strip of sea: P. and V. πόρος, ὁ, στενόν, τό, or pl., πορθμός, ὁ, V. γνθος, ἡ, αὐλών, ὁ, δίαυλος, ὁ, στενωπός, ἡ.
    Canal: P. διῶρυξ, ὁ, διόρυγμα, τό, P. and V. ὀχετός, ὁ; see also Trench.
    Bed ( of a river): see Bed.
    Conduit: P. ὀχετός, ὁ, αὐλών, ὁ (Plat.).
    Stream: P. and V. ῥοῦς (V. ῥόος), ὁ, ῥεῦμα, τό; see Stream.
    met., of thought: P. and V. ὁδός, ἡ.
    Turn into a different channel, v. trans.: met., P. and V. παροχετεύειν.
    He severs with his sword the channel of breath: V. τέμνει σιδήρῳ πνεύματος διαρροάς (Eur., Hec. 567).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Channel

  • 3 channel

    1) διοχετεύω
    2) κανάλι
    3) ρείθρο

    English-Greek new dictionary > channel

  • 4 sluice

    1) ((often sluice-gate) a sliding gate for controlling a flow of water in an artificial channel: We shall have to open the sluice.) θυρίδα εκροής
    2) (the channel or the water which flows through it.) υδατοφράκτης

    English-Greek dictionary > sluice

  • 5 Passage

    Journey: P. and V. ὁδός, ἡ, πορεία, ἡ, V. πόρος, ὁ (rare P.); see Journey.
    Way: P. and V. ὁδός, ἡ, Ar. and V. κέλευθος, ἡ; see Way.
    Crossing: P. διάβασις, ἡ. Ar. and P. δίοδος, ἡ; by sea: P. διάπλους, ὁ, V. πορθμός, ὁ.
    If anyone should dispute their passage: P. εἴ τις... κωλυτὴς γίγνοιτο τῆς διαβάσεως (Thuc. 3, 23).
    So that there was no passage by the side of the tower: P. ὥστε πάροδον μὴ εἶναι παρὰ πύργον.
    Wherever there is a passage: P, ἧ ἂν εὐοδῇ (Dem. 1274).
    Channel: P. and V. ὀχετός, ὁ; see Channel.
    Strait: P. and V. πορθμός, ὁ; see Strait.
    Underground passage: see Underground.
    Defile: see pass.
    Way out: P. and V. ἔξοδος, ἡ.
    Way through: Ar. and P. δίοδος, ἡ, P. and V. διέξοδος, ἡ;
    by sea: P. διάπλους, ὁ.
    Permission to pass: Ar. and P. δίοδος, ἡ.
    Grant a passage, v.: P. and V. διιέναι (διίημι) (acc. or absol.).
    The people of Agrigentum allowed no passage through their territory: P. Ἀκραγαντῖνοι οὐκ ἐδίδοσαν διὰ τῆς ἑαυτῶν ὁδόν (Thuc.).
    Passage in a book: use P. λόγος, ὁ.
    Passage in a play: Ar. and P. ῥῆσις, ἡ.
    In many passages: P. πολλαχοῦ.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Passage

  • 6 bed

    1) (a piece of furniture, or a place, to sleep on: The child sleeps in a small bed; a bed of straw.) κρεβάτι
    2) (the channel (of a river) or floor (of a sea) etc.) κοίτη
    3) (a plot in a garden: a bed of flowers.) παρτέρι
    4) (layer: a bed of chalk below the surface.) κοίτασμα
    - - bedded
    - bedding
    - bedbug
    - bedclothes
    - bedcover
    - bedridden
    - bedroom
    - bedside
    - bedspread
    - bedtime
    - bed and breakfast
    - bed of roses
    - go to bed

    English-Greek dictionary > bed

  • 7 chute

    1) (a sloping channel for sending down water, rubbish etc.) κεκλιμένος αγωγός
    2) (a similar structure in a playground, for children to slide down.) τσουλήθρα
    3) (a parachute.) αλεξίπτωτο

    English-Greek dictionary > chute

  • 8 ferry

    ['feri] 1. verb
    (to carry (people, cars etc) from one place to another by boat (or plane): She ferried us across the river in a small boat.) διαπεραιώνω,περνώ
    2. noun
    (a boat which ferries people, cars etc from one place to another: We took the cross-channel ferry.) πορθμείο,φεριμπότ

    English-Greek dictionary > ferry

  • 9 gully

    plural - gullies; noun
    (a channel worn by running water eg on a mountain side.) ρεματιά

    English-Greek dictionary > gully

  • 10 gutter

    (a channel for carrying away water, especially at the edge of a road or roof: The gutters are flooded with water.) ρείθρο, λούκι

    English-Greek dictionary > gutter

  • 11 information superhighway

    noun (a fast computer channel through which information, pictures etc are sent from one computer to another.) σύνδεση υπολογιστών για ταχεία μεταφορά δεδομένων

    English-Greek dictionary > information superhighway

  • 12 intake

    1) (the thing or quantity taken in: This year's intake of students is smaller than last year's.) εισαγωγή
    2) (a place at which eg water is taken into a channel etc: The ventilation system broke down when something blocked the main air intake.) είσοδος
    3) (the act of taking in: an intake of breath.) εισπνοή

    English-Greek dictionary > intake

  • 13 mono

    ((of records, record-playing equipment etc) using one channel only; not stereo.) απλής εγγραφής, μονοφωνικό

    English-Greek dictionary > mono

  • 14 narrows

    noun plural (a narrow sea-passage; a channel or strait.) στενά

    English-Greek dictionary > narrows

  • 15 waterway

    noun (a channel, eg a canal or river, along which ships can sail.) υδάτινη οδός

    English-Greek dictionary > waterway

  • 16 Course

    Running: P. and V. δρόμος, ὁ, V. δρμημα, τό, τρόχος, ὁ.
    Heat, lap: Ar. and V. δρόμος, ὁ, Ar. and P. στδιον, τό.
    Race-course: Ar. and P. στδιον, τό, Ar. and V. δίαυλος, ὁ.
    For chariots, etc.: P. ἱππόδρομος, ὁ.
    Movement: P. φορά, ἡ.
    Orbit: P. and V. δρόμος, ὁ, ὁδός, ἡ, V. διέξοδος, ἡ, στροφή, ἡ (Soph., frag.), περιστροφή, ἡ (Soph., frag.), Ar. and P. περιφορά, ἡ.
    Path, way: P. and V. ὁδός, ἡ, πορεία, ἡ, Ar. and V. κέλευθος, ἡ.
    Flight ( of a weapon): P. πορεία, ἡ.
    Channel: P. and V. ὀχετός, ὁ.
    Change from its course, v.: met., P. and V. παροχετεύειν (acc.) (Plat.).
    Course of life, subs.: P. and V. βίος, ὁ.
    Method: P. μέθοδος, ἡ; see Method.
    Layer ( of bricks): P. ἐπιβολή, ἡ.
    Course of action: P. προαίρεσις, ἡ.
    Dinner course: P. περίοδος, ἡ (Xen.).
    We have come to your land, being driven out of our course: V. σὴν γαῖαν ἐξωσθέντες ἥκομεν (Eur., Cycl. 279).
    In course of time: P. προελθόντος τοῦ χρόνου.
    Follow the course of events: P. παρακολουθεῖν τοῖς πράγμασι (Dem. 285).
    Of course. adv.: P. and V. δήπου, Ar. and P. δήπουθεν.
    Ironically: P. and V. δῆθεν.
    In answer to a question, assuredly: P. and V. πῶς γρ οὔ, μλιστά γε, Ar. and P. κομιδῇ γε, μέλει, V. καὶ κάρτα, καὶ κάρτα γε.
    In the course of, prep.: P. and V. δι (gen.).
    Let these things take their course: P. ἐᾶν ταῦτα φέρεσθαι (Dem. 106).
    v. trans.
    See Chase.
    V. intrans. Run: P. and V. τρέχειν, θεῖν (Eur., Ion, 1217), εσθαι.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Course

  • 17 Receive

    v. trans.
    Take: P. and V. δέχεσθαι, λαμβνειν.
    Receive from another: P. and V. πολαμβνειν, ἐκλαμβνειν, παραλαμβνειν, ἐκδέχεσθαι, ποδέχεσθαι, Ar. and P. παραδέχεσθαι, V. ναδέχεσθαι.
    If there were another channel to receive ( the water) again: P. εἰ ἦν χαράδρα πάλιν ὑποδεχομένη (Dem. 1277).
    Accept: P. and V. δέχεσθαι, ποδέχεσθαι, ἐκδέχεσθαι, ἐνδέχεσθαι, Ar. and P. ποδέχεσθαι.
    Win for oneself: P. and V. φέρεσθαι κομίζεσθαι; see Win.
    Welcome: P. and V. δέχεσθαι, προσδέχεσθαι, Ar. and P. ποδέχεσθαι.
    Receive with hospitality: P. and V. ξενίζειν, ξενοδοκεῖν (absol.), V. ξενοῦσθαι (mid.).
    Admit: P. and V. εἰσδέχεσθαι, V. παρεισδέχεσθαι:see Admit.
    Receive ( a wound): P. and V. λαμβνειν, V. τυγχνειν (gen.).
    Receive ( a suggestion) entertain: P. and V. δέχεσθαι, προσδέχεσθαι, P. ὑποδέχεσθαι.
    Receive beforehand: P. προλαμβνειν.
    Receive in addition: P. and V. προσλαμβνειν.
    Receive in return: P. and V. ἀντιλαμβνειν, P. ἀνταπολαμβνειν, V. ἀντιδέχεσθαι.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Receive

  • 18 Sluice

    Channel: P. and V. ὀχετός, ὁ, P. αὐλών, ὁ (Plat.), Ar. ὑδρορρόα, ἡ.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Sluice

  • 19 Water-course

    Ar. ὑδρορρόα, ἡ; see Channel.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Water-course

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